Apprentices Of Meiman: Venom Draws Twelve Spells At The Beginning

110 Save Spider-Woman! Draw! One Piece Gift Pack! (Please Subscribe!)

Good guy.

It's true that blessings never come singly, double happiness.

This is where the real Man of Steel is obtained, and a new disciple task is refreshed here.

And this time, it's Catwoman's turn again.

"Ding! Rescue the female Spider-man Gwen two streets away! Mission reward: Draw a chance once!"

Hear here.

Li Xiu's expression became strange.

Female Spider-man Gwen?

Good guy.

There is actually a female Spider-man Gwen in this world.

But when I think about the fact that there are Superman and Iron Man in this world, and one more female Spider-man Gwen, it seems that there is nothing strange about it.

However, he was slightly puzzled.

Isn't the female Spider-man in New York City?

Why did you come to Gotham?

But immediately Li Xiu didn't care much about it.

What he cared more about was the reward for this mission, another drawing reward.

Not only can Catwoman's strength not be enhanced again, but also his strength can be further enhanced.

It's just that he doesn't know what Catwoman will draw out this time.

Last time Catwoman pulled out a green dragon fruit for him, I don't know what kind of surprise it will bring him this time.

Hope, Catwoman can continue to surprise him this time!

Thinking of this, Ji Xiu smiled.

at the same time.

He turned his attention to the sofa.

Two beauties with different temperaments are gritting their teeth and playing the game, the handles in their hands are crackling.

The situation is very tense because we are playing a shooting game.

Catwoman gritted her teeth and raised a willow eyebrow: "West!"

A black line appeared on Li Xiu's forehead.

Wanda likes to watch cold dramas recently, and Catwoman dotes on her, so she watches them with her.

I don't remember much about the plot, but it's a sentence of Xibaxue that is superb.

Wanda had just washed her hair, and she wore a dry pink bandanna to help dry it.

Wanda is more of a lady.

However, his eyes are wide open, his cheeks are slightly puffed up, and his expression is extremely serious and focused.

Just then.

Catwoman's body froze suddenly.


The character she controls is instantly killed.

Catwoman bared her teeth: "Ah! Xiba!"

But immediately, she threw away the handle and shouted: "Li Xiu! You fight for me! You help me! I have something to do, I have to go out!"

The cute Wanda next to her looks at the Catwoman.

She didn't speak, just looked at Catwoman with watery eyes.

The invisible blade is the sharpest.

Catwoman is usually not too idle, after all, she still has to manage Dongcheng District.

Today's Dongcheng District has completely changed under Catwoman's new order.

Crime rates have been significantly reduced.

Because of vigorously developing the entertainment economy, the economy of the entire Dongcheng District has made great progress, and the employment rate has risen steadily.

Most people have jobs, and the standard of living has improved, and the number of criminals has naturally decreased.

The number of homeless children in the entire Dongcheng District is also decreasing.

Because there are many things to do, Catwoman is not often able to accompany Wanda recently.

Playing games with Wanda today is what Catwoman has promised for a while.

As a result, before the fight, Catwoman was leaving, and Wanda was naturally a little sad.

Catwoman looked at the text that appeared in front of her eyes, and waved to the air a few times: "Hey! I'll accompany you next time! I'm really in a hurry! What's the matter~!"

After speaking, Catwoman quickly changed into a battle suit and left the apartment.

In Li Xiu's house, Wanda has never been angry or faced crisis again, coupled with Catwoman's extreme love, Wanda has become very carefree, and her personality is more lively and romantic.

Li Xiu walked up and patted Wanda on the head: "Let me play with you.

After all, Catwoman is in charge of the entire Dongcheng District, and her ideal is to make the entire Dongcheng District better, so it is inevitable to be busy.

And, you should be glad that Catwoman does these things. "

Wanda nodded, showing a sweet smile: "I'm very happy that Sister Cat found something she likes.

Let's play then.

But it just so happens that Sister Cat is too good to move me around.

We two chickens together, always lose. "

the other side.

Catwoman sprinted up the tall building.

She looked at the two lines of words that appeared in front of her eyes.

[Fate Mission: Save Spider-Woman Gwen two streets away. 】

[Gift of fate: a chance to draw. 】

Looking at the text, Catwoman was a little excited.

As long as she can complete this task, she will be able to get a chance to draw.

The last chance to draw made her very powerful.

I don't know what to get this time, but Catwoman is looking forward to it.

Because the teacher said before, drawing opportunities can make her stronger.

So no matter what it is, her strength will increase.

Thinking of this, Catwoman became even more excited.

This is just a fate mission. After that, if she gets more fate missions and more opportunities to draw, won't she become very powerful.

As long as enough opportunities are drawn, she can also become the strongest in the world.

One day, she will also be able to defeat Li Xiu!

After all, she is a cheating person, how can ordinary people be able to compare.

Thinking of this, Catwoman became even more excited.

Thinking of bullying Li Xiu and putting pressure on Li Xiu in the future, her mood instantly became happy.

After all, Li Xiu has been bullying her, and she also wants to become a landlord.


There was a rumbling sound in my ears.

Catwoman's eyes sharpened instantly, and she looked in the direction of Bang.

Just a few streets away, it appears to be where the mission took place.

In an instant, she entered half-beast mode.

Tiger ears protruded from the head, and the hands turned into furry palms with sharp claws hidden inside, and a tiger tail protruded from behind.

call out!

Catwoman's speed increased, and she burst out, and soon the place of loud noise appeared in her line of sight.

She finally saw what had happened.


Cars were blown up by a big green ugly guy.

Every time this guy took a step, he was trembling slightly.

The Hulk's nemesis, the Abomination.

In front of it, there was another agile figure floating among the houses.

Wearing a white and black close-fitting battle suit, highlighting the even undulating sexy figure, and wearing a hood.

Between drifting, full of free and easy.

It was Spider-Woman Gwen.

But in the face of the powerful hatred, Gwen didn't dare to bear it.

After all, this guy is someone who can wrestle with the Hulk. She is a little Spider-Man, how can she be this guy's opponent?

Therefore, she can only find a way to lead it out of the city and reduce the damage of the other party.

"Ah!" There were still people in a car who hadn't had time to escape, seeing the collision like a hated wild boar, they were frightened out of their wits.

It was about to be smashed to pieces by the rushing hatred.

Seeing this, Spiderwoman could only stop and landed on the wall.

Both hands shoot cobweb.

call out!

An extremely muscular cobweb directly grabbed the car door.

Gwen gritted her teeth slightly.

There was a bang.

He opened the door directly.

call out!

Another cobweb grabs the person inside directly.

Gwen directly pulled the opponent out, and then threw him on the road away from the battlefield.

Because of such a pause.

The opportunity was directly seized by the abomination.

"Little reptile! I finally caught you! Die!" The abomination shouted angrily, and the sound wave directly shattered the glass beside Gwen.

The shock made Gwen's head buzz.


Hatred burst out and punched Gwen.

This punch directly blasted the air, carrying terrifying power.

Seeing the punch of hatred, Gwen felt a strong sense of crisis in his heart.

However, because of the rescue just now, it was too late for Gwen to flash out of the attack range of the abomination.

There was a hint of horror in Gwen's bejeweled eyes: •Damn!"


Hate punched Gwen standing still.

Rocks flew and the walls collapsed.

There was no joy in the disgusted eyes, only anger: "Damn reptiles! You all have to die!"

It turned to look.

Not far from the car above.

Catwoman stood holding Gwen.

Catwoman held Gwen's slender waist, and said with a slightly raised mouth: "It's okay.

Gwen's voice was smoky and sexy: "Thank you.

Although Gwen is a high school student, her voice doesn't sound like a high school student at all, instead it has the smell of a mature woman.

She broke free from Catwoman's arms and fell to the ground.

She looked at the abomination and said calmly, "We have to lure this monster out of the city. It is too dangerous and will only cause more damage."

On Catwoman's side, after saving Gwen, the text in front of her changed.

[Ding! Complete the task! Get a chance to draw! It can be used at any time. 】

Seeing this, Catwoman was suddenly excited.

She immediately said silently: "Use!"

next moment.

The extraction interface appeared in front of her again.

At the same time, it has changed rapidly.

Screens appear one by one.

All kinds of things appeared before her eyes.

This time, though, the world didn't freeze.

business as usual.


I saw the abomination galloping towards the two of them.

"Get out of the way!" Gwen yelled.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The two of them (Zhao Hao) moved away from where they were.


Abomination punched the car into a pancake, and even cracked the road below.

This attack power is simply terrifying.

Hate put his eyes on Catwoman, his eyes were full of anger: "Little reptile, I will kill you first!"

With that said, it kept throwing cars at Catwoman.

Seeing the approaching car, Catwoman dodges constantly.

Boom boom boom!

Cars kept crashing into houses.

was directly smashed through.

Just when Catwoman was about to continue dodging the attack.

The Catwoman raffle is finally over.

A gift bag appeared in front of her eyes, with One Piece written on it.

[Ding! Get the One Piece gift bag! Open the gift bag!]

[Ding! Get the Navy Six Styles!]

[Ding! Get armed domineering!]


Massive armed domineering filled Catwoman's whole body.

Facing the cars coming like cannonballs.

Catwoman didn't dodge any more, and flew out with one kick.

one foot.



A large number of armed domineering swarmed.


The car with incredible power is kicked by Catwoman.

Hit the abomination.

Hate the whole person backed up a few meters.

The road beneath him was plowed into two deep furrows by his feet.


(Ask for flowers, tickets, and everything! Thank you [Youtu] brother for the 100-point reward!).

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