Apprentices Of Meiman: Venom Draws Twelve Spells At The Beginning

112 The Pirates Show Their Power! Shock The Audience! (Please Subscribe!)

[Lanjiao: The super-fast and powerful kick rolls up the vacuum to generate a slash to attack the opponent, which can easily split the target in half. 】

Seeing this skill, Catwoman's eyes lit up.

This is a long-range skill, capable of kicking out a vacuum slash, extremely sharp.

Used well, it can cause a lot of damage to the enemy.

[Finger gun: A technique that claims to have the power of a gun firing bullets. Gather all the strength of the whole body on the index finger, and release a blow with the hardened finger.

The fingertips have the attack power of bullets, which can easily penetrate the human body. 】

The finger gun belongs to the burst damage of a concentrated point, and has a very strong ability to break the defense.

For people with rough skin and thick flesh, this trick is not bad.

The information of Navy Six is ​​flowing quickly in Catwoman's eyes.

A gleam of joy flashed in her eyes.

The six styles really have their own advantages, which can greatly enhance a person's all-round Ability and make up for their shortcomings.

Increase speed, temporarily vacate Ability, avoid danger Ability, long-range, break defense, and defense cover almost all aspects.

It can be said that the Six Forms greatly enriched her means.

Browsing through this information is just a blink of an eye.

After reading it, her attention was on the abomination.

The move of Catwoman just now made everyone dumbfounded.

Looking at the scene in front of her, Gwen felt very unreal.

With one slap, the hatred was sent flying.

This strength is really too strong.

Gwen already felt that she was quite strong, but after seeing Catwoman, she realized that her strength was nothing at all.

When the rest of the people saw it, they all took a deep breath.

After all, for them, this is really too powerful.

With a single slap, this huge monster of hatred was blown away, its strength is too astonishing.

After all, everyone knows how to hate, and it is an absolute monster.

"I feel... Sister Cat has become stronger again..."

"I'm going, is our leader in Dongcheng District so powerful?"

"Sister Cat is too amazing, one slap will blow away the hatred, my God!"

"That's disgusting, Sister Cat is too tough to come here."

The hatred in the ravine was directly slapped by this slap.

The huge amounts of impact directly shut down its brain for several seconds.

After regaining consciousness, its brain was still buzzing, and its tinnitus hurt it.

It climbed up from the ravine and looked at Catwoman, a trace of fear flashed in its eyes.

The strength of this woman is really amazing.

Even be able to suppress it.

With strong resilience, the abnormality of the body will soon disappear.

He looked at Catwoman viciously: "I didn't expect that you would be able to erupt such a deceitful tomb.

However, strength is not everything, and skill can often make up for the lack of strength.

I will teach you to be a man. "

With a roar of hatred, he swooped out.

Abomination was a seasoned fighter before, proficient in all kinds of fighting, and his fighting level is amazing.

He used to rely on his proficient fighting skills to defeat those who were stronger than him.

So, the Abomination is confident of defeating Catwoman.

The hatred rushed out and rushed to Catwoman.

It began to perform melee combat, and its posture was flexible, which formed a sharp contrast with its huge body.

It's a bit jaw-dropping.

Facing the attack of hatred, the corners of Catwoman's mouth curled up slightly: "Teach me to be a man? Do you deserve it.

Beast perception and paper drawing are launched.

The muscles of Catwoman's whole body are completely relaxed, perceiving the flow of gas, perceiving the coming danger.

Catwoman is like a floating white paper.

No matter how the abomination attacks, it cannot hit.

Although she is close at hand, Catwoman can always control her body and dodge attacks to the limit.

The fists and feet of the hatred erupted like a rainstorm of attacks.

But Catwoman was able to escape one by one.

This battle was fought so much that I hated the whole person and somewhat doubted life.

He seemed to be punching the air all the time, and there was a feeling that he couldn't use his strength, which made him a little crazy.

Gwen squatted on the wall, watching this scene with a dull expression.

Catwoman gives people the feeling of a piece of paper, floating in place, properly dodging all the attacks of the abomination.

This is the first time she has seen such a leisurely dodge.

Hate and furious: "Damn guy! Don't hide if you have the ability!"

The corners of Catwoman's mouth were slightly raised, and she continued to avoid the attack of hatred.

Firstly, she wanted to experiment with the power of paper painting, and she simply wanted to see how the other party was in a state of dismay and unable to hit her.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The abomination slammed into the air, and couldn't even touch the hem of Catwoman's clothes.

He was completely mad and roared angrily: "Damn it! If you have the ability to fight me openly!"

Catwoman giggled: "Are you sure?"

Shave, useless.

Catwoman retreated a hundred meters in an instant, and then sprinted in an instant.

Carries huge amounts of inertia.

At the same time, she directly raised her leg.

Massive armed domineering gathered on the feet.

Her feet were instantly black, glowing with a cold metal light, as hard as iron.


Kick out.

A large amount of armed domineering entangled countless times on it, and every time it intertwined, it was an improvement in strength and defense.

After interweaving countless times, Catwoman's long and slender legs had gathered terrifying strength.




The air was torn apart, and several wisps of flames appeared on the legs even under high friction.

Looking at this leg that was as black as iron and carrying terrifying power, he hated that his scalp would explode on the spot.

It felt a more terrifying force than the previous attack.

It wanted to dodge, but the opponent's speed was really astonishing.

There is no way to avoid it.

This is estimated to be a hammer.

"Shet!" Abomination looked at the long legs, his eyes tearing apart.


Hit the hateful body with one foot.

Terrible force acts on the abomination.

A large amount of domineering galloped out along the feet, rushed into the body of the loathing, and turned into thousands of branches.

The hatred shot towards the sky, like a rocket taking off.

At the same time, the domineering spirit took root in the hateful body, and it exploded every now and then.

Ribs were broken on the spot, and internal organs were also hit hard.

Domineering high level skills.

Internal destruction!

Severe pain instantly filled the whole body of hatred.

"Ah!" It let out a scream that pierced the sky in mid-air.

Blood gurgled from its mouth.

When everyone below saw this scene, a gust of cold air rushed straight from the tailbone to Tianling Gai.

A group of people simply burst their scalps.

This kick is too terrifying.

Looking at this scene, Gwen froze again.

Is this kick a kick that a human being can kick?

This kick simply exceeded Gwen's cognition.

She looked at Catwoman, this beautiful and sexy woman is too scary.

0. Ask for flowers-

next moment.

Gwen was even more dumbfounded.

The rest of the people also gasped.

call out!

I saw Catwoman galloping out at an astonishing speed.

The most astonishing thing is that Catwoman walked in the air and rushed to the sky.

She galloped in the air without any support point, as if walking on the ground, everyone's scalps exploded.

Does this Nima conform to science?

Navy Six!

moon step!

Stepping on the air with a strong foot force produces a strong aerodynamic force, which can sprint in the air like stepping on a staircase.

Gwen's eyes twitched: "Is this... is this... scientific?"

She can understand other people's flight, after all, she has Flight Ability.

But Catwoman was sprinting in the air like walking on the ground, and Gwen really didn't understand.

The rest of the citizens watched and exclaimed.

"Oh my God! Miss Cat is running in the air! Shet! Miss Cat is trying to force the laws of physics!

"Seeing this scene, Newton couldn't help crawling out from the ground."

"It's not scientific at all!"

call out!

Catwoman shot rapidly in the air and rushed to the side of Abomination in an instant.

It flew away again.


The hatred was kicked away.

The abomination was hit hard again and let out a howl of pain.

Before the abomination flew too far, Catwoman caught up again and came to the side of the abomination.

See that face of Catwoman.

Hate the whole person's liver and gallbladder, and the soul of the dead will explode!


Not long ago, it clamored for Catwoman to confront it.

At this moment, hatred completely lost the courage.

Because this woman's feet are so weird.

Every time it is kicked, it will cause huge amounts of damage in its body, bringing it unimaginable pain.

Hate hadn't had time to react.

It got kicked again.


With a howl, the hatred was kicked away again.

Catwoman is turning into a dozen afterimages, her hatred is like a football being kicked continuously.

Flying in the air, screaming constantly.

Listening to the horrible screams, a group of people felt their scalps go numb.

What a pain!

Sister Cat's legs are too terrible!


Catwoman's last kick fell from the sky.

The hatred was blasted directly into the earth.

The whole body was lying in the big pit, with a feeling of dying, and looked a little pitiful.

Catwoman fell to the ground from the sky, she looked down at the abomination in the big pit, and grinned: "This is what you want to face Boom head-on?

Do you want to come again?"

As she spoke, she lifted her slender thigh slightly.

Hearing Catwoman's words, it hated the whole person's scalp bursting, and it immediately made an extremely weak voice: "It's over..."

buzz buzz!

A military helicopter At the moment also arrived.

On the ground, there are military trucks and armored vehicles.

General Si got out of the car.

Looking at the abhorrence that had been crushed on the ground, the whole person froze for a moment.

"This this..."

(Lantern Festival tonight, my friend invited me to have a meal. When I came back, I was too tired and couldn’t lift my spirits at all. I fell asleep on the table. I just woke up and wrote a chapter. Sorry, I may move in the next few days I'm so tired, I'll try to update tomorrow, woo woo. Finally, I wish you all a happy Lantern Festival! 1).

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