Apprentices Of Meiman: Venom Draws Twelve Spells At The Beginning

114 Crit Sublimation! Top Three-Color Domineering! A Full Set Of Navy Vis! (Kneeling To Subscribe!)

Gwen is a very independent girl, she doesn't like to trouble others, and she doesn't like to owe favors to others.

Catwoman listened and nodded slightly.

I was a little disappointed.

Immediately, she smiled like a flower: "If life is really difficult, you can come to me and live with us.

Girls help girls. "

After hearing this, Gwen smiled and said, "Thank you.

Gwen's expression was slightly serious, and he bowed slightly: "Thank you just now.

If it weren't for yours, I'm afraid I'd be hit by the abomination, and I might be seriously injured. "

Catwoman giggled: "It's okay, seeing this situation, I naturally can't ignore it.

After all, this is my territory, and I don't allow others to behave wildly here. "

Catwoman then said a bunch of addresses, which was exactly the address of Jixiu Apartment.

She said: "If you have anything, you can come here to find me.

As she spoke, her eyes glanced at Gwen's figure indiscriminately.

Convex and convex, fat and thin are just right, especially when put on the Spider battlesuit, it is very attractive.

Gwen watched the sunset, not noticing Catwoman's gaze.

She said: "Thank you, then I will go first, and I have to go back to finish today's homework.

As she spoke, she exhaled helplessly, and put on a hood and hood.

Catwoman replied: "Okay."


Gwen shot the cobweb, swinging out.

Under the setting sun, a beautiful silhouette is formed.

Catwoman sniffed the lingering aroma in the air.

It was a girl's unique fragrance, with a hint of milky smell.

Milky smell, 01 is milky smell.

It smells very comfortable.

Catwoman murmured contentedly: "It smells so good."

Suddenly she patted her head: "I have to go back to accompany my family Wanda."

call out!

Catwoman burst out and rushed towards the apartment.

When Catwoman gets the Pirate Gift Pack.

The voice of the system also sounded from Li Xiu's side.

"Ding! Catwoman has drawn a pirate gift bag! Open it to get armed color domineering! Navy Six Styles!"

Hearing this, Li Xiu's eyes lit up.

Good guy.

Catwoman actually won the big gift package, which also gave out two good things, the armed domineering color and the navy six style!

Catwoman's luck this time is really not covered.

Hearing Catwoman's reward, Li Xiu's heart was churning with joy.

After all, the better Catwoman draws, the better he will be rewarded.

"Ding! Crit sublimation!"

"Ding! The host has obtained armed domineering!"

"Ding! The host has obtained knowledge and arrogance!"

"Ding! The host has obtained the domineering aura!"

"Ding! The host has acquired the Sixth Form of the Navy and its related derivative skills!"


for a moment.

Three kinds of massive arrogance poured into his body.

His steel body is actually a bit stronger.

You know, after devouring the super, his body functions have been strengthened to a terrifying level.

It can be said that on earth, basically no one's physical strength can surpass him.

Even Superman, Zod and others were crushed.

Such a body can still continue to strengthen, so it can be imagined that the amount of the three kinds of domineering is really too huge.

Forcibly strengthened his already powerful body.

Even more terrifying power gushes out from each of his cells, continuously, seemingly endlessly.

Li Xiu felt these three completely different and powerful forces, and his heart was filled with joy.


A picture flashed through his mind.

He saw that in the game he and Wanda were playing, an enemy was going to shoot from a hidden corner, knocking out his character in one shot.

Seeing this scene, his hands moved quickly, and he quickly turned the gun head, aiming at that hidden corner.

Wanda, who is next to me, just died, and the screen is gray.

So she turned her attention to Li Xiu.

As a result, she saw Li Xiu inexplicably turned the gun head and pointed it at an empty corner.

Wanda was stunned by Li Xiu's inexplicable operation.

She widened her amber-like eyes and said, "Brother...what are you doing?"

next moment.

An enemy with a gun came out from the corner, and the muzzle was ready for the break.

It's a pity that Li Xiu's gun was aimed at him long ago.


Killed the opponent directly.


Possess the ability to predict future fragments!

Wanda next to her watched this scene, she was stunned on the spot, her big round eyes were full of sluggishness.

After a while, she finally opened her mouth and said, "You...are you hanging up?"

Li Xiu on the side smiled: "No."

Wanda looked at Li Xiu with wide eyes: "Then why did you know that there would be someone out there? It's such a tricky angle, and the timing is just right.

As soon as you turn around, you will come across the enemy and come out.

Are you simply lucky?"

Relevant images flashed in Li Xiu's mind again.

An enemy ran out from behind him.

Li moved like a rabbit, and immediately turned his field of vision, aiming his gun at the place where the enemy ran out in his memory.

next moment.

The enemy really ran out.


Li Xiu pressed the button.

One shot directly killed the opponent.

When Wanda saw this, her eyes almost popped out: " said you didn't open...

Li Xiu smiled and patted Wanda on the head: "You are stupid, if I turn on the hang, will the screen be so clean?

I just have the ability to predict, similar to prophecy. "

As he spoke, a smile formed at the corner of Li Xiu's mouth.

Hearing this, Wanda was stunned on the spot: "Predict...predict the future..."

She swallowed a mouthful of saliva: " are even more perverted than cheating...Isn't it true that I can almost win a game with you?"

Thinking of this, Wanda's eyes lit up with joy.

At this moment, there was a burst of incomparable Rage voice from the other end of the voice.

the other side.

Inside a residence.

Thor is playing a game with his friends.

He just got out from a relatively remote location and was about to sneak attack the enemy.

As a result, as soon as he raised his head, he found an enemy who suddenly turned his head.

A black muzzle was pointed at him.

"???" Thor saw this scene, and countless question marks popped up in his head.

Do you have eyes on your fucking back?

Just when Thor was about to aim at the opponent, the opponent shot him directly.

The screen turns gray.

"Shet!" Thor threw the controller to the ground angrily.

The perspective of his teammates appeared on his screen.

Just came out of a corner.

As a result, I saw a figure turn around directly from the back, and fired a shot steadily.


head shot.


The teammate next to him also yelled angrily: "Fake! This guy is absolutely screwed!"

Thor directly turned on the voice, Rage couldn't stop, drooling: "Damn Falk! How dare you bastard!

Do you know who is fighting with you?!

It's Thor, it's the glory of the gods of the north! Shet! Are you looking for death, you bastard?

You can't afford to lose! Where do you live?!

I'm going to fly over and put your head in your ass!

You bloody bastard!"

No matter in the future or now, when Thor plays games, he doesn't talk about martial arts.

If you lose, you have to break your head realistically.

Just when Thor is angry.

There was a playful voice from the other end of the voice: "Really? Thor Thor, do you want to come over?

I'm at 13 Phoenix Street, Gotham, 39th floor. "

Thor laughed angrily: "Okay! 39th Floor, 13 Phoenix Street, Gotham!

You wait for me, I will come over to 220 immediately!

Gotham Phoenix Street 13..."

Thinking of this address, Thor suddenly felt a little familiar.

Gotham, 13 Phoenix Street, isn't that the apartment where Li Xiu lives?

39 floors...

Recalling that voice just now, Thor also felt very familiar.

Suddenly, Thor's face changed drastically, and a trace of fear appeared in his eyes.

Damn it! Isn't that where that pervert Li Xiu lives?

Wasn't that voice just now the voice of Li Xiu?

In an instant, Thor's spine rushed up to the Tianling Cap, and his scalp exploded on the spot.


It's that monster Li Xiu!

After Thor's complexion changed drastically, his voice immediately became extremely gentle, and he squeezed out a smile: "Hugh... Lord, I just woke up, I'm a little confused, and I'm talking nonsense.

I'm sorry, I'm really sorry for dirtying your ears, hehehe. "

Thor laughed dryly a few times, with a tearless expression on his face.

It never occurred to him that he would run into Li Xiu every time he played a game.

This ape dung is wonderful.

A joking voice came from the other end of the voice: "What's the matter, why don't you come? Aren't you the glory of the God of the North?

Don't you want to shake your head realistically?"

Thor almost cried when he heard this.

He recalled that Li Xiu suppressed the Superman clan, and later even suppressed the desperately evil Superman. It can be said that his strength has reached an appalling level.

He even suspects that Li Xiu is the monster of Level God Father, the one who can break his head with his father Odin.

Most importantly, this monster has a weird temper.

It can be said that Li Xiu's previous display of terrifying strength left a deep shadow on him.

He really can't afford to mess with this monster.

Thor laughed dryly: "How come. I regard Hugh as an idol in my heart, how could I want to break up with you.

(There are pictures in the last chapter! Gwen’s pictures! All the Wanda pictures uploaded before were deleted by me and sold.).

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