Apprentices Of Meiman: Venom Draws Twelve Spells At The Beginning

118 The Giant Of Light Tiga Appears! Easily Crush The Battle Suit! (Please Subscribe!)

Just when Captain America was desperate.

Suddenly, he felt that the whole world froze instantly.

That fist must have been frozen in the air, unable to move forward even an inch.

The sound of the turbulent waves in my ears also stopped instantly.

There was silence.

It's like being in a vacuum universe.

Captain America is stunned by this scene.

Suddenly, he discovered a problem.

That is, he couldn't move either.

All the perceptions are there, but he just can't move.

Just at this time.

A sense of enlightenment welled up in his heart, and Captain America instantly understood what was going on.

"Teacher." Captain America said respectfully.

A mysterious and magnificent voice sounded in his ears: "Well, are you ready? Accept a new power.

Just now, the glimmer of enlightenment let Captain America know that the teacher will give him a chance to draw the heavens and worlds.

And this opportunity will greatly enhance his strength and cause him to undergo earth-shaking changes.

Captain America looked at the iron fist in front of him, and a flash of determination flashed in his eyes.

He must stop Iron Man's actions.

As long as he can obtain more powerful power from the teacher, then he can block Iron Man and prevent the tragedy from happening.

Bucky is just a mindless puppet, and he shouldn't have to pay for it.

Those who should really pay the bill are the "633" who manipulated Bucky.

These guys are the real damn people.

He said, "I'm ready, teacher."

"Okay." The teacher's words sounded in Captain America's ears.

The next moment, a screen appeared in front of his eyes.

Next to it is a start button.

Captain America looked at the screen, calmed down, and then said silently in his heart: "Activate.

Following the orders of Captain America.

The screen began to spin rapidly.

He even saw the Hulk in it, making his pupils shrink a little.

After all, he still understands how powerful the Hulk is.

If he could have the power of the Hulk, he could definitely hold off Iron Man.

Only, the screen didn't dwell on the Hulk.


The picture on the screen stops.

Immediately a strange handle appeared in front of his eyes.

Looking at this unfamiliar handle, Captain America was a little puzzled, but at the same time felt a little disappointed.

Can this thing really help him?

next moment.

A memory entered Captain America's mind.

In an instant he was shocked.

It was a very tall giant, as huge as a mansion.

Ordinary people are like ants in front of him.

Moreover, this giant also has terrifying speed, strength, defense, and powerful energy.

This is a special existence of light condensed, with very strong combat effectiveness.

His name is Dijia.

This ancient giant.

That handle is the transforming device that transforms into Di Jia, named Sparkling Mirror, also known as Shenguang Stick.

After reading the memory quickly with Captain America.

The divine light stick flew out from the screen and landed in Captain America's hand.

A text also appeared in front of his eyes.

【Bind Spark Mirror! You will be the only user of Spark Mirror. This item cannot be discarded or taken away!

After using the Transformer, you will become the Giant of Light, Tiga. Note that the transformation time can only last for three minutes, please try to grasp the time well. 】

Watching the three minutes, Captain America's eyes were determined.

Three minutes, with Dijia's powerful strength, is enough to do a lot of things.

Totally enough to stop Iron Man.

Captain America said: "Thank you teacher.

Captain America just finished speaking.

The whole world moved again.

The sound of raging waves sounded again.

Iron Man came galloping, and the fists carrying huge power exploded in the air, full of power.

Captain America looked here with very determined eyes.

He knew he had to defeat Iron Man.

Never let him get out of here.

He was in despair just now.

Now, he has new hope.

That was the light he held in his hand.

He looked at Iron Man calmly, and said calmly: "Tony, do you believe in light?"

He raised the divine light stick in his hand and stretched it towards the sky, as if he wanted to touch the light in the sky.

Captain America pressed it.

He saw something suddenly appearing in Captain America's hand.

Iron Man's pupils shrunk.

Jax automatically scanned the thing.

next moment.

An extremely strong and urgent voice sounded.

The entire display is blood red.

"Warning warning! The mysterious item contains unimaginable energy! Extremely dangerous! Extremely dangerous! Sir, please be extremely careful!"

"Warning warning! The mysterious item contains unimaginable energy! Extremely dangerous! Extremely dangerous! Sir, please be extremely careful!"

In Iron Man's sight, the energy index contained in that thing soared rapidly, finally breaking the record.

Only a string of question marks appears.

【Energy index:????】

Seeing this, Iron Man felt his scalp burst.

A sense of crisis rose from my heart.

Iron Man gritted his teeth and drank: "Damn it!"

He directly raised his hand and shot a beam of light at Captain America's divine light wand.

He wants to smash that thing.

But the next moment.

A bright light erupted from Captain America.

Under this strong light, the sun seemed to be dimmed.

The strong light runs through the heaven and the earth, magnificent and incomparable.


A huge figure flew out of the strong light and landed on the ground.

The ground is trembling.

Looking at the giant in front of him, Iron Man's heart trembled.

He had never seen such a huge giant, nor had he seen such a strange looking giant.

In front of this giant, he looked very special.

Is this what Captain America means?

Iron Man's beam hit the giant, but it didn't cause any waves.

The other party was as steady as a mountain, as motionless as a mountain, looking at him calmly.

Captain America felt this huge and incomparably powerful body, and he could clearly feel the majestic and boundless energy of light surging in his body.

He could feel waves of unprecedented stalwart power emerging from his body, and various powerful skills flashed in his mind.

He felt stronger than ever.

The originally mighty Iron Man has become extremely small in his eyes.

Even the opponent's attack couldn't break his skin, it just stings a little.

Captain America looked at Iron Man and said, "Tony, stop it. I'm not going to let you kill Bucky."

Although Iron Man guessed that the giant was related to Captain America, he didn't realize that the man was Captain America.

This astonishing scene stunned Iron Man for a moment.

It's unbelievable that Captain America turned into a giant.

But immediately, he recovered.

He shouted angrily: "Get out! I must kill Winter Soldier! If you dare to stop me again, I won't hold back."

Captain America said calmly: "You are just venting your anger. You are not taking revenge."

Iron Man stared at the huge giant: "I will personally kill the man behind the scenes, but I will not let Winter Soldier live."

After speaking, he burst out, wanting to find Winter Soldier.

Seeing this, his eyes froze.

call out!

Tiga's body stretched out its hand, and the movement was as fast as lightning.

Two fingers grabbed Iron Man's tiny leg in an instant.

Captain America was afraid of hurting Iron Man, so he threw it towards the ground gently.

Although he has already restrained his strength, his huge body is there after all.


Iron Man made a hole directly in the grass.

However, due to the abnormal shock absorption system of the steel battle suit, Iron Man himself did not suffer much damage.

Just a little chest tightness.

Iron Man climbed up from the pit, his voice was extremely cold, he looked up at the giant: "Steve, you really pissed me off."

He raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Frames of steel battle suits flew out of the villa.

In an instant, hundreds of Iron Man stood around Tiga.

This scene, like the arrival of all the Buddhas in the sky, is a bit grand and quite spectacular.

Because of the emergence of various crises, Iron Man was greatly stimulated, and Iron Man of At the moment has a technological power far beyond the original.

The Iron Man himself also flew up, suspended in midair.

He looked at Dijia: "I said, don't make me anxious."

Iron Man said to Jax: "Hit Captain America for me."

"Okay, sir."

Each steel battle suit is in the hands of the most powerful artificial intelligence, showing the most powerful strength.

Cannonballs flew out one after another, Zhong Baidijia.

Boom boom boom!

Countless shells instantly submerged Tiga.

The explosion enveloped Tiga's whole body.

Seeing this, the corners of Iron Man's mouth curled up slightly.

But the smile froze immediately.

In the sea of ​​dust, a huge figure stood tall and straight.

After the smoke.

Tiga stood there unharmed.

His eyes glowed with white light.

Iron Man murmured, "How is that possible?"

He glared: "Beam attack!"

One by one, the steel battle suits raised their hands.

Dijia moved.

The left hand reached out and grabbed a steel battle suit.


Knead on the spot.

Countless fireworks are flying.

Hundreds of millions of USD turned into a Firework show!

The invincible grip is on display.

Iron Man looked at it, his pupils shrank suddenly.

The strength of this giant is amazing.

Swinging the end of the right palm, a sharp white light suddenly appeared, turning into an extremely sharp energy knife. 2.1 Tiga Composite Hand Knife!

call out!

The palm quickly split out.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

In an instant, the surrounding two or three dozen steel battle suits were cut in half and exploded.

More than one billion USD turned into fireworks.

The rest of the battle suits send out beams to Tiga.

call out!

Di Jia's figure retreated violently.

The beam chased away.

Di Jia waved his hands.

A huge amounts of energy shield suddenly appeared.

Ultra Shield!

Although the light beam couldn't break through his defense, the pain was indeed real.

A large number of beams hit the shield, unable to penetrate.

Shields are impregnable.

Iron Man looked at Di Jia's various skills and was shocked.

But it also made him more angry.

He shouted at J.A.R.V.I.S: "Veronica!"


In space, an iron box burst out, approaching the earth at a terrifying speed!

Parts of huge steel battle suits flew out one by one.

After the first battle with the Hulk, Iron Man learned from the experience and optimized the anti-Hulk armor.

Got a more powerful improved version of the anti-Hulk armor.


A set of parts attached to Iron Man.

A steel giant of more than ten meters appeared impressively.

(3.5k, yesterday's sixth update! Today is still guaranteed 5 updates, more impact!).

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