Apprentices Of Meiman: Venom Draws Twelve Spells At The Beginning

123 The Horror Ability Hidden By White Eyes! The Second Ring Mission Is On! (Please Subscribe!)

Seeing the golden Spider-man like this, a group of prisoners suddenly broke out in cold sweat. did he change his appearance...

And... looks a little strong...

Damn, what the hell happened while they were in jail.

Someone is clever.

He quickly said: "Well, Spider-man, I think it's better to go back by myself, so I won't bother you.

"I also think that for such a trivial matter, we should leave by ourselves!"

Several people also echoed again and again.

In addition, there are also some people who are more stubborn, shameless, and have illusions, thinking that the golden Spider-man is also a Spider-man.

Everyone is Spider-man, who is afraid of whom?

A bald prisoner grinned, with a row of white teeth: "Think you'll be invincible if you change your skin? Don't laugh my teeth off...

The thin man next to him: "Think it's great to be dyed with golden hair? They are all Spider-man, what are you pretending..."

The words are not finished yet.

Can't wait little Spider-Man to move.


The whole person tore through the air and burst out.

A punch hit the bald prisoner in the face.

Blood froth mixed with teeth flew out.

I really laughed until I lost my teeth.

The conversation was interrupted, and hey "eight two three" screamed and flew out.


little Spider-Man popped out of the cobweb, grabbed the opponent, and hung on the top of the tower.

little Spider-Man continued to move, everything was in a flash.

A punch in the belly of the skinny prisoner next to him.

"Aww." Under the powerful force, the opponent's eyes turned white, his face flushed, and his whole body turned into a boiled red shrimp.


The opponent flew out, and if there were no accidents, it would fall to the ground and be smashed into pieces.


little Spider-Man shoots cobweb.

Instantly entangled each other.


He fell on the wall, and stared at him.

little Spider-Man is extremely fast.

In just a split second, they were dealt with.

When the other prisoners saw this, their faces turned slightly green.

This Spider-man is really too strong.

They couldn't even see each other's speed clearly.

They finally got Spider-strength, and they were going to teach the neighbor boy a lesson.

Unexpectedly, Spider-man was even scarier.

They belong to the rat rushing cat, looking for death.

Those few who were more clever quickly opened their mouths.

"We... we will go back to the prison and stay here obediently!" A prisoner squeezed out a smile, nodded and bowed.

"We'll go back right away with these murder-seekers on our backs. We'll stay here and never come out to cause you any trouble!" A prisoner smiled obsequiously.

In an instant, everyone changed their attitudes.

The arrogance and domineering look just now completely dissipated, and everyone was completely changed, with a huge gap between before and after.

With the task in hand, little Spider-Man naturally couldn't just let these guys go.

And, these guys will go back obediently?

That must be the right opportunity to slip away.

little Spider-Man chuckled: "That's not okay, since you want me by name, I will naturally serve you attentively.

Hearing this, a group of people's faces almost fell off in fright.

This is the performance of being beaten again.

"No need!"

"No need no need!"

"We're cheap, we're wrong! We're leaving now!"

A group of people begged for mercy.


little Spider-Man burst out again.

See here.

A group of people were scared out of their wits, and quickly shot out the cobweb, trying to escape from here.

little Spider-Man smiled: "I haven't started the service yet, how can I let you run away."

chi chi chi chi!

Strong cobweb shots.

Strands of nine-tailed chakra gushed out, enveloping the cobweb.

The golden cobweb appears.

With the blessing of Nine-Tails Chakra, cobweb is stronger and more resilient.


Sticking to a group of escaped prisoners.

Under the strong viscosity, the prisoner couldn't run away at all, and was firmly trapped in place just as he was about to take off.

"Damn it!"



Each prisoner's liver and gallbladder were splitting, and his face was completely green.

Peng! Peng! Peng!

little Spider-Man gallops out.

Golden fists and legs shot out one after another.

There was a scream.

A few breaths.

Rows of prisoners groaning in pain were hung on the entire roof in an instant.

Everyone has bruises and swollen faces, ouch.

The people below saw this scene.

They all shook their heads helplessly.

"These idiots finally escaped from the prison. They don't enjoy life well. If they can't figure it out, they will seek revenge from Spider-man. Hey.

"This group of idiots, I am very happy. Send them to the door to be beaten, haha."

"Head iron, head iron, with the spider ability, I can't live a good life, now I'm fine, I'm going in again."

"Laughing Deadman, but if these guys do a little bit of background, they won't be reduced to this point.

above the top of the tower.

little Spider-Man looked at a group of people lying down, and chuckled lightly.

Just at this time.

The lines in front of his eyes also changed.

[Ding! Complete the mission of the first ring! Defeat the provocateurs around you! Get the gift of fate for the mission of the first ring!】

【Ding! Congratulations on getting the gift of fate: white eyes!】

next moment.

A warmth welled up in his eyes.

His eyes were undergoing drastic changes.


His eyes turned gray and white.

At the same time, a burst of enlightenment came to my mind.

[White eyes: The white eyes that can see everything have been passed down from generation to generation in the Hyuga family! When using white eyes, the caster can see everything in front of him and the future, and everything cannot be hidden. 】

【Ability: telescopic eye, clairvoyant eye, insight eye, enhance self Ability】

[Telescope: Use Chakra to multiply the Ability of the eyes, and the eyes can see things within a radius of one kilometer. (The telephoto distance can be improved by developing the white eye ability through hard work)]

【Perspective Eye: One of the basic abilities of Baiyan is to see through objects. You can use Baiyan to see the target's meridians, acupoints, bones and the flow of chakra. 】

[Insight Eyes: One of the basic abilities of White Eyes has a 360-degree viewing angle, which can thoroughly observe changes in the surrounding environment. 】

[Enhance your own Ability: Ordinary ninjas only use their hands, feet, and mouth to release chakra.

But with white eyes, you can see through your own chakra acupuncture points, you can release chakra from all the acupuncture points in your body, you can maximize the use of chakra, and perfectly explode the complete power of chakra. 】

【Note: By continuously practicing Baiyan, you can also obtain deeper and powerful Baiyan abilities, such as Baiyan·Coercion, seeing through the fate of others, seeing through the thoughts of others, etc. AbilityJ

The rolling eyes of the Hinata family is not the end of the rolling eyes.

The white eyes given to little Spider-Man by the system are based on the white eyes of the Hinata family, and the end of the cultivation is the white eyes of the Otsutsuki family.

Have stronger strength.

Really supercilious, the power is absolutely extraordinary.

Most of the cognitions about Baiyan belong to the Hinata family. Perspective, look far.

But in fact, Baiyan has a stronger power, and that belongs to Otsutsuki's family.

The information corresponding to Baiyan flashed across his mind.

Little Spider-Man suddenly felt a hint of surprise in his heart.

As far as the abilities of perspective, telephoto, 360-degree field of vision, and strength enhancement are, to him, they are already very abnormal.

Perspective, telescopic vision, and 360-degree vision without blind spots can make him fight more calmly, and also allow him to see through the enemy's ambush and the like.

It can be said that it can greatly improve his combat efficiency and improve his experience.

Chakra flooded into the eyes.



A vein popped above little Spider-Man's eyes.

The wonderful field of vision quickly expanded.

Everything around him is under his eyes.

Everyone in the tall building below him has entered his field of vision, and he can even see the tiny hairs of others.

He could clearly see the puddle of urine falling from the bird in the sky behind him.

And, the view is very wide.

He could clearly see his part-time girlfriend MJ in restaurants a few streets away.

The powerful vision effect of the white eyes makes little Spider-Man very happy.

This time, he will be able to see all the enemies and all the attacks of the enemies.

As for strengthening the strength.

He can see all the meridians and acupoints of the body, and all the meridians and acupoints that could not be used have been poured into the Nine Tails Chakra.


little Spider-Man felt stronger power surged to his whole body, and every part of his body got the best strengthening.

His chakra utilization efficiency jumped from 30% to 100% in an instant!

little Spider-Man almost burst out laughing.

This is Baiyan's current ability.

As long as he works hard to develop it, this white eye will give birth to even stronger power. 2.5 See the future, see other people's ideas and so on.

Simply not too strong.

This is the first ring task reward!

There are mission rewards at the back.

little Spider-Man felt like he was going to make a fortune this time.

At this moment, the idea that little Spider-Man feels that he is the protagonist is more determined.

If there is a protagonist in this world, it must be me, Peter Parker!

Just at this time.

The shouts below sounded.

Instantly pulled little Spider-Man out of joy.

little Spider-Man's face paled: "Damn it, I got a little carried away because of the reward, and forgot about the status quo."

He was being swept down to see what happened.

Just at this time.

The group of people around him also let out inexplicable screams.

next moment.

little Spider-Man's pupils shrank suddenly.

I saw a person suddenly changed his appearance.

The human form completely faded away.

One by one, they turned into ferocious big spiders.

at the same time.

The words in front of little Spider-Man's eyes also changed.

[Ding! The mission of the second ring is open! Find the truth about the mutation of everyone! Gift of fate: a chance to draw a lottery!]

(Yesterday's fifth update! Within today, there will be five more chapters! Ask for flowers and votes!).

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