Apprentices Of Meiman: Venom Draws Twelve Spells At The Beginning

137 The Limit Of Human Martial Arts! Hungry Wolf! Ding! Unlock All Forms Of Hungry Wolf! (Please Sub

After dealing with Killian.

Tony let out a breath, and the awe-inspiring and cold aura disappeared, and he seemed to have returned to normal Tony.

However, the bloodstains all over his body, his strong and muscular body, and the headless corpse in front of him all indicated that something amazing just happened.

Tony turned around slowly, looked at the whip, and joked: "Don't move around, or my fist will run away, I can't stop it~"

Seeing Tony's appearance, Whiplash shivered all over his body.

Immediately he clenched his fist tightly.

He couldn't figure out why Tony had such terrifying power.

After Tony warned the whip, a Shunpo appeared next to Captain America and held him up.

He looked concerned and frowned slightly: "How are you?"

Captain America's healing power is also very powerful.

After a while, the pain on Captain America's body has been greatly reduced.

The wounds on his body are also beginning to heal and are scabbing over.

Captain America smiled and said: "It's okay... hiss"

As he spoke, the pain made Captain America gasp.

Tony smiled bitterly: "Are you all right? I'll send you to the nearest S.H.I.E.L.D branch. They have excellent medical equipment that can speed up your healing and reduce pain."

It doesn't really want to go to S.H.I.E.L.D if it can.

After all, he had guessed that the mysterious organization was inside S.H.I.E.L.D.

so he feels now

Captain America nodded.

With Captain America on his back, Tony came to the whip rope in a single step, picked up the whip rope and the damaged steel battle suit, and walked towards the nearest branch.

Finally Captain America began to receive treatment.

Tony recalls his new Ability.

[Banggu Template: You get all the power of Silver Fang Banggu. 】

【Ability: Heartbreaking Liberation Fist, Flowing Water and Rock Breaking Fist, Instant Body Skill, Teeth Inserting Fingers, Seeing Through, Breathing Technique, Raging Air Cracking Fist (unusable), Jiaoyalong Killing Fist (unusable)】

[Blasting Heart Liberation Fist: Banggu used a move when he was young. The style of boxing is very violent and free and easy, which confirms Banggu's rebellious character when he was young.

Afterwards, he was defeated in the battle with his elder brother Bump, and after waking up, he sealed the heart-pounding liberation fist. 】

This set of boxing is wide open and closed, violent and free and easy.

It's just Banggu's early boxing, and its maturity and destructive power are far inferior to Flowing Water and Rock Breaking.

After all, Flowing Water and Broken Rock Fist is the masterpiece of Banggu, and it is the quintessence of the school.

[Flowing Water and Rock Breaking Fist: With continuous power like flowing water, it uses the softness of flowing water to bounce off and weaken various attacks.

At the same time, it can also explode with powerful destructive power, which can be used for both defense and attack. 】

Banggu's stunt has amazing power.

And Banggu has already practiced this boxing technique to the peak.

Even if he eats udon noodles, his every move is filled with flowing fists, reaching a powerful state where the intention of fisting has been integrated into his bones.

Because Tony inherited Bangu's Ability, he also inherited such a realm of martial arts.

[Blinking body skill: use special steps, move smoothly and quickly like flowing water, and use the enemy's unpredictable body to accurately hit the vital point. 】

Tony used to move like flowing water, as fast as lightning, or walk in other places in a blink of an eye, which is the credit of using the instant body skill.

【Tooth-inserting finger: use the trained fingertips to hit extremely small vital organs with incomparable accuracy.

Its movement is as unstoppable as flowing water, and at the same time it has a huge destructive power that can smash rocks. 】

Concentrate on one point, break through weak points, and use the least amount of force to achieve the greatest effect.

It is the essence of tooth insertion.

Specifically for those with strong defenses.

Tony hadn't used this move before, instead killing Killian completely with brute force alone.

Because he was venting his anger.

He just wanted to beat it to death with his fist.

【See through: Exercise dynamic vision and predict the enemy's movements in advance, so that he can display amazing recognition skills, so he can accurately capture fast enemies. 】

Banggu constantly exercises dynamic vision, constantly calculates and predicts other people's attacks.

This allowed Banggu to obtain the terrifying recognition ability, able to capture the figure of others to the maximum extent.

[Breathing method: Using a special breathing method, you can constantly improve your physical fitness. The stronger your body, the slower your speed will become when you want to improve.

It can also maximize the potential of the body, burst out the strongest strength, and make up for the shortcomings of the body that cannot bear the full force. 】

Breathing method may be the most satisfying thing for Tony, because relying on this thing, he can constantly improve his physical fitness, although in the later stage, the improvement speed will be greatly slowed down

However, it is already very good to be able to continuously improve.

Moreover, it can maximize the potential of the body and explode stronger power.

Greatly improve combat effectiveness.

Tony couldn't use the latter two punches.

Because these two boxing techniques belong to combined combat techniques, and they are the boxing techniques used by Gu and his brother Bangpu in cooperation.

The blast of air cracked the fist, and the huge blow of water caused the atmosphere to also rupture.

The power is extremely strong, because it is a combination attack, the power is even higher than that of Flowing Water and Rock Breaking Fist.

Jiaoyalong Killing Fist, a joint attack technique released by Banggu and his brother Bangpu.

Banggu used his special skill Flowing Water Rock Breaking Fist, and Bang Pu used his special skill Whirlwind Iron Slashing Fist. Together they used powerful moves that erupted, and their power was even higher than that of Booming Air Cracking Fist.

Because the two combined attack skills require the cooperation of others, they seem to be tasteless.

But Tony squinted his eyes slightly, and an idea popped up in his mind, that is, he practiced two kinds of punches by himself.

Use different punching methods with both hands, and then use this powerful combined attack technique.

Use one person's strength to integrate them and gain the power to break through the limit.

In Tony's mind, there is an even more amazing memory of the lethality of Whirlwind Iron Fist.

As long as he is willing, he can practice this boxing technique.

The most important thing is that Tony believes that with his mind, he can definitely integrate the two boxing techniques, and finally perform this combination technique with both hands.

After Tony sorted out his thoughts.

He started asking Whistle about the organization behind him.

It's just that there aren't many clues here.

That organization only provides funds and resources, and has never been in contact with the whip rope in reality.

Tony also investigated these funds and resources. The other party's hands and feet were very clean. They were all anonymous funds and resources. He could not find any clues at all.

Just when Tony frowned.

Someone he didn't expect came to him.

Tony summons a steel battle suit to guard Captain America.

On the other hand, he was going to go home, put the damaged battle suit away, and at the same time go back to use the supercomputer at home to continue searching for clues.

0·Ask for flowers…………

As a result, he got in the car.

With his astonishingly keen five senses now, he discovered that there was someone in the darkness in the back seat.

It's just that the other party hides very well, and he can't even see the other party.

However, the other party did not give him a sense of danger.

The opponent is weak.

Tony quietly watched the figure hidden in the darkness.

A pair of eyes opened, a row of white teeth were exposed, and a finger was stretched out to the mouth.

means silence.

The other party leaned forward, and with a little light, he revealed his familiar face.

In fact, it's not that the other party hides too deeply.

But the other party is simply too dark.

The other party was Nick Fury.

He took out a mobile phone with some words written on it: "Be careful that the wall has ears, go back to your place first."

Tony didn't speak, but started the car directly.

Li Xiu's thoughts were infected by his disciples.

But soon, he recovered, and there was no heavy emotion in his eyes anymore.


Because he understands that the most important thing is to constantly become stronger.

He regained his thoughts in an instant.

Li Xiu's emotional changes were felt by the three surrounding women.

They don't understand why Li Xiu has these emotional changes when he is doing well?

Even sighed.

Obviously everyone eats hot pot, and they all eat very quickly.

Catwoman stretched out her hand and touched Li Xiu's forehead, her small face wrinkled slightly: "Are you okay? Are you sick?"

Li Xiu smiled: "It's nothing, I just suddenly thought of something heavy."

He shrugged: "But it's nothing serious."

Sode Baixue nodded slightly, with a gentle voice: "I can prove that Master Xio is fine, and his mood has returned to normal.

Sode Shirayuki is Li Xiu's Zanpakuto, so she can really feel Ji Xiu's emotions.

Li Xiu picked up the iced drink with countless bubbles: "Cheers!"

The three women also raised their glasses: "Cheers!"

There was a crisp impact sound.

Li Xiu smiled and said, "Keep eating."

The four of them continued to enjoy the hot hot pot in the cool sea breeze.

Li Xiu, on the other hand, focused on his newly acquired template.

"Receive the hungry wolf template."

Li Xiu said in his heart.

next moment.

A lot of martial arts experience and memories poured into his body.

At the same time, an extraordinarily powerful force poured into his body.

His strength and physical fitness have increased a lot again.

"Ding! The hungry wolf template has been successfully loaded!"

"Ding! Get all the power of the hungry wolf!"

"Ding! Unlock all forms of hungry wolf!"

"Ding! Unlock the ultimate human form!"

"Ding! Unlock the full form of weird martial arts!"

"Ding! Unlock the three forms of the devil!"

"Ding! Unlock the back-to-basics form!"

(The toilet is blocked, so I called someone to fix it, which delayed the time. The first update today. In these two days, I will make a good adjustment and update it. In addition, the plot of Avengers alliance is coming soon

As a preview, Loki arrived with countless alien spaceships, only to find that there were disciples of Li Xiu on the ground. work).

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