Apprentices Of Meiman: Venom Draws Twelve Spells At The Beginning

142 Ding! Ding! Ding... A Series Of Rewards! (Please Subscribe!)

A green Dragon crossed the vast sea and came to the coast of the United States.

This green Dragon is very huge, with the shape of a building.

This is the Extraterrestrial Dragon, an alien creature that came to Earth to conquer this planet.

However, it has been sleeping for a long time, and it was revived recently because someone stole its things.

It's ready to find the thief, then cramp it, and get its stuff back.

Across the sea, it saw a city with a cool style.

Seeing the human city, Fei Feilong could no longer suppress the anger in his heart.

It wants to vent its anger on these bugs.

Let the bug know the consequences of angering it~.

An earth-shattering roar!

The calm sea suddenly set off huge amounts of waves.

Fei Feilong galloped towards the cold city.

It is going to add fire to this city!

"Ding! Disciple Wolverine has won the gossip seal!"

"Ding! Crit sublimation!"

"Ding! The host has obtained the gossip seal!"

"Ding! The host got the ghoul seal!"

"Ding! The host has obtained the Nine Seals of the Phantom Dragon!"

"Ding! The host has been blocked by King Kong!"

"Ding! The host has obtained the seal of the great burial in the desert layer!"

"Ding! The host has obtained the Six Scarlet Sun Formation!"

"Ding! The host has obtained the Immortal Law, Mingshen Gate!"

"Ding! The host got the Susanoo Ten Fist Sword!"

A series of system sounds rang in his ears.

A large number of rewards were obtained by Li Xiu.

Hearing this series of constantly system sounds, Li Xiu was stunned.

He also didn't expect that Brother Golden Wolf would bring him such a long list of rewards for winning a gossip seal.

Looking at those familiar and powerful names, Li Xiu felt joy in his heart.

Because of the gossip seal, he obtained Yi Lei's powerful sealing technique.

And it is a variety of sealing techniques.

There are those who seal the power, those who seal the soul, and those who seal the body.

They are all powerful sealing techniques that can be named.

Some skills are sealing techniques, which are also powerful control skills.

perfectly worked.

There is even a spiritual weapon inside, the Ten Fist Sword.

The Ten Fist Sword has no entity, it is a special secret skill, and it is a special weapon worn by Susano.

It can seal the body and soul of the enemy in the illusion world of drunken dreams.

Very tough.

Information about these powerful sealing techniques emerged in his mind.

[Bagua seal: It is composed of two double seals of four-image seals, which are used to block powerful enemies or monsters. It is a sealing technique that uses the cycle of four images to block evil. 】

This seal is the technique used by Minato to seal Kyuubi in Naruto.

Sealing the terrifying power of Nine Tails, it can be said to be an extremely powerful sealing technique.

It is a technique created on the basis of two four-image seals, and the power of a single two four-image seals is many times stronger.

Wolverine used this technique to seal a small part of the Phoenix force, and she could see the power of this sealing technique.

After all, Phoenix force is an extremely powerful force.

Even just a part of it is amazing.

[Ghoul Seal: At the cost of your own soul, summon Death God to devour the target's soul. It is a super powerful sealing technique of the Uzumaki family. 】

To Li Xiu, this was really shocking.

It is the most famous sealing technique in the original book, and its effect is also top-notch. It is basically the most powerful sealing technique in Hokage.

But for Li Ti, although this sealing technique is powerful, it has little effect.

After all, it is impossible for him to put himself in for the purpose of sealing others.

His eyes fell on the magic dragon nine seals.

[Phantom Dragon Nine Seals: Strip the powerful power of the target from the body, the stripped power will imitate the nine-headed dragon, obediently enter the sealing container, and finally completely seal the power. 】

In the original book, the Akatsuki organization used this sealing technique to strip off a large amount of Tailed Beast power and seal it into the giant statue.

Sealing the incomparably powerful tail beast power one by one, we can see how powerful this power is.

This is a sealing technique specially produced for powerful forces.

Because the sealing technique is too powerful, it needs a group of shadow-level ninjas to drive it.

But Li Xiu's power is even stronger, he can use this powerful sealing technique clearly by himself without the help of others.

[King Kong Blockade: King Kong Blockade is a unique ability of the Uzumaki family. When in use, multiple powerful chakra chains protrude from the back.

Not only can it be used as a powerful attack weapon, but it can also be used to create enchantments and seal tailed beasts. 】

As a technique that can easily restrain Nine Tails, this skill is naturally extraordinary.

In addition, the stronger the strength, the stronger the sealing technique.

If it is used by Li Xiu, he can even easily restrain the most powerful tailed beast, Ten Tails.

Moreover, this skill can attack others.

The powerful chain is indestructible, and can be transformed into a sharp spear, easily piercing through a powerful body.

It is also a rare means of attack.

Li Xiu is quite satisfied with this sealing technique.

After watching King Kong's blockade, he turned to the next one.

[Desert Layer Great Burial Seal: The sealing technique used by Gaara in the strongest state and Shuzuru working together. This technique is made of the sand body of Shouhe and the pattern of mantras.

A large amount of sand will mercilessly entangle others, and the sand body and curse seal of Shouhe can make the seal stronger. Not even air can get in.

In this way, the ultra-high-density sand tombstone is completed. 】

The seal of the Great Burial in the Desert is a derivative of the powerful attack skill of the Great Burial in the Desert.

A layer of curse seal on Yiwei's body is reinforced on the outside, and the seal ability is very powerful.

The powerful sand body is used as the foundation to strengthen Yiwei's ability spell, forming an ultra-high-density sand tombstone, a large pyramid that is stronger than super alloys.

Li Xiu can completely use this skill as an attack skill.

The Great Burial in the Desert Layer is completely a very powerful attack skill, which can turn other people's bodies into dust in an instant.

0. Ask for flowers...

Yes, it can be sealed or attacked.

Li Xiu looked at the next one.

[Immortal Method Myoshin Gate: A certain number of red torii gates descend from the sky through the psychic, pressing on the enemy's body, which can seal its power in a short time. 】

This Ability is more like a control skill that restricts other people's actions.

Seal the power and imprison the body so that the opponent cannot move.

It is an extremely powerful control skill.

The stronger the user, the stronger the summoned red torii.

For Li Xiu, this is an extremely good control skill.

[Six Scarlet Yang Formation: The top-level enchantment ninjutsu, summons six high walls of red flames from all sides of the enemy, and firmly seals the target in the enchantment.

Outsiders entering the inside of the barrier cannot let the enemies inside escape the barrier. Once they touch the walls of the barrier, they will be burned by flames. 】

Below the formation of six red yangs, there is another formation of four red yangs.

The Four Scarlet Sun Formation requires four super shadow-level existences to be able to display it.

Even the ten-tailed beast jade could not break through the enchantment wall cast, the strength can be imagined.


The Six Scarlet Sun Formation is even more powerful, and its strength is even more astonishing.

It is the top existence of enchantment ninjutsu.

If Li Xiu uses this ninjutsu, he can easily trap the enemy, block the enemy's fleeing behavior, and can also set the range so that the opponent's attack cannot radiate outside the barrier

Because he has mastered the formation of six red yangs and the formation of four red yangs with the same principle, Li Xiu has also mastered it naturally.

As the top sealing technique, Li Xiu was naturally very satisfied.

The last one is Ten Fist Sword.

A special saber belonging to Susanoo, which can bring out the illusion of kaleidoscope to the extreme.

It is extremely amazing to drag the enemy's body and soul into the illusion world.

[Ten Fist Sword: The spiritual weapon worn by Uchiha Itachi Susano, the top secret skill of the Uchiha family.

Transformed by Chakra, the intangible spiritual weapon is a kind of Kusanagi sword.

Those who are stabbed will be permanently sealed in the illusion world of drunken dreams. 】

This sword can bring Li Xiu's illusion to the extreme.

Sealing matter into the illusion world is already a group of powerful actors.

Li Xiu originally limited himself to having the ultimate pair of pupils, and his illusion ability has reached an astonishing level.

With this sword, his illusion will be raised to another level.

He can seal extremely powerful beings.

Most importantly, the stronger his illusion, the stronger the power of this sword.

Basically, it can be used as one of his trump cards, comparable to Jinlun Reincarnation Explosion.

Look at this award.

Li Xiu is in a good mood.

Although King Kong only touched one King Kong seal, he brought a lot of good things to his teacher.


Just after Li Xiu finished checking things.

An earth-shattering roar sounded from a distance.

A huge amounts of green dragon galloped from a distance.

With a strong body and strong speed, it set off huge amounts of waves, and the momentum is amazing!

(Third update! Ask for flowers and tickets! Continue to bury your head in typing! Next).

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