Apprentices Of Meiman: Venom Draws Twelve Spells At The Beginning

149 Loki Comes To Earth! Li Xiu's Comprehension Of The Third Form Of Tathagata's Divine Pa

However, the system did not give an explanation for the origin of the ten rings.

It seems that he still needs to find it by himself.

In addition, he feels that the effect of the ten rings has not been fully discovered.

The ten rings should have a stronger power.

He said silently in his heart: "Receive the ten rings."

next moment.

A string of steel rings appears.

flew onto his arm.

The ten rings glow red.

The power in Li Xiu's body suddenly soared.

More powerful power poured out from his body continuously.

Feeling the stronger power in his body, a smile appeared on Li Xiu's face.

With a thought, the light of the ten rings converged, and Li Xiu was immediately included in the first ball space.

Suspended above the sky in the first spherical space, it looks like ten small suns, connected in a circle.

In the initial ball space of At the moment, there are already four weapons.

Ten rings, sharp spear, sheath ambush, flame fan.

Each suspended above a piece of sky.

Li Xiu looked at the four weapons in the first ball space and felt quite a sense of accomplishment.

After all, these things are not simple.

However, there are only four treasures in the huge space, which is indeed a bit shabby.

He Li Xiu still needs to continue to work hard to sell more of his treasure house.

After receiving the reward.

Li Xiu stood up, no longer basking in the sun leisurely.

After all, now that he has the third form of Tathagata Divine Palm, he also needs to get busy.

Some time ago, he asked Shikamaru to buy a large piece of land in the suburbs for his own shadow duplication training, and at the same time to build his new manor.

After all, 01 normal people don't have a few suites.

A large flat in the city, a large manor in the suburbs, this is life.

Although the Daping floor is located in the city, the infrastructure is extremely complete and very convenient.

But after all, some things still have limitations.

For example, the field is too small. Although his large flat is about the file size of a football field, it is actually not too big.

There are no gardens, large swimming pools, large training grounds, etc.

He usually lives in the Daping floor, and the duplications are trained in the manor. Occasionally, he and his daughters can also go to the manor for vacation.

Now, although the manor has not been built, it can be used as a training ground for his duplication training.

After all, now that there is the third form of Tathagata God's Palm, this piece of land can just come in handy.

Li Xiu got up, which naturally attracted the attention of others.

Sode Baixue is next to Li Xiu, wearing a panda blindfold.

Hearing the sound of Li Xiu standing up, she took off the panda blindfold: "Master Xiu, where are you going?"

Wanda and Catwoman also tilted their heads to glance at Li Xiu.

Li Xiu took a sip of the iced drink: "I'm going to find Shikamaru and ask about the field in the suburbs."

All the girls knew about this, so they nodded and continued to enjoy the sunshine.

Li Xiu asked Catwoman: "Any news about that Mandarin?"

Catwoman now has a large intelligence network, so Li Xiu asked her to check it out for Fei Feilong.

After all, Fei Feilong is also helping him now.

Naturally, it still needs to be taken care of.

Catwoman shook her head helplessly: "There is no news yet, this guy is very cautious. Especially seeing that Fei Feilong was surrendered by you, he probably dare not show his face even more.

Li Xiu nodded slightly: "Then keep paying attention."

He called Shikamaru.

"Master Hugh." Shikamaru's respectful voice sounded from over there.

"How about that piece of land?" Li Xiu asked.

"I've bought it, Hugh. I'm on this land now, do you want to come and see?"

Li Xiu definitely wants to go over and have a look, release the shadow duplication by the way, let them learn to practice the third posture of Tathagata palm.

"I'll be right over." Li Xiu hung up the phone.

Then a whistle was blown.

The majestic sound of wings flapping sounded.

The extraordinary dragon landed in front of the rooftop.

Li Xiu lightly jumped onto Fan Long's body: "Beyond the eastern suburbs."

Fei Feilong is now not only Li Xiu's janitor dragon, but also occasionally functions as a mount.

After all, there is no car that is faster and more stylish than the Dragon.

"Okay, Hugh." Fei Feilong spoke in awe.

These days, information comes through exposure to the world.

Fan Feilong's understanding of Li Xiu has also deepened.

Looking at Li Xiu's past terrifying achievements, Fei Feilong's thoughts of being cautious were completely wiped out.

Even, even if it got back ten rings, it is very unlikely that it is not Li Xiu's opponent.

If it had collected information after it was born, it would never come to Gotham, let alone provoke this man.

It can only be said that the information is asymmetric, and there are two lines of tears in my heart.

With a flap of his wings, Fan Long flew eastward.


The green dragon tore through the sky and shot towards the eastern suburbs.

The speed of supersonic speed is much faster than that of a car.

People in the distance can clearly see the green dragon that is flying fast, and they can also see Li Xiu of the green dragon at the same time.

This scene will naturally attract the attention and discussion of many people.

"Damn it! Go out and take the Dragon! I'm the only one who will suspend you!"

"It's a real card, Hugh. I'm afraid this kind of attendance tool is the only one in the world!"

"I didn't expect that one day I would see this scene in reality."

I have to say that traveling on a Dragon in reality is really cool.

In the eyes of countless people, they are all envious.

It even caused quite a stir online.

But most people also understand that in this world, probably only Li Xiu can do it.


In the vast universe.

A dark place.

Loki, the god of trickery, meets Thanos.

Thanos asked his subordinates to hand over the psychic scepter to Loki, and gave the other party's thousands of troops under his command.

Let Loki go to Earth, occupy and dominate the region, and get back the Tesseract he needs.

Loki held the mind scepter, feeling the amazing power, with a smile on his face.

He bowed slightly: "Don't worry, I will definitely hand over the Tesseract to your hands.

Thanos smiled and nodded slightly.

Then Loki used a small teleportation device to leave here and go to the earth.

But no space fleet followed him.

Because of the small teleportation device, it is impossible to teleport the huge space fleet.

Loki needs to find the Tesseract on the earth, use its huge space power, and then open a huge channel to allow the huge mobile fleet to descend on the earth.

Loki had a scornful smile on his face as he left.

When he finds the Tesseract and takes over the earth, everything will be his.

As for Thanos, it's just a stepping stone for him.

After Loki left.

Thanos' strategist, Ebony Maw, looks in the direction in which Loki disappeared.

There was a hint of worry on his face: "My lord, this guy seems to be rebellious by nature, I'm afraid he won't keep his promise when the time comes.

Thanos smiled lightly, holding Zhizhu in his hands: "Let him go, everything will come back to me in the end."

Ebony Maw nodded slightly and stopped talking.

On a piece of land in the eastern suburbs.

The extraordinary dragon landed this time with Li Xiu.

Shikamaru has been waiting for a long time.

Seeing Li Xiu's arrival, Shikamaru bowed slightly: "Master Xiu."

Li Xiu asked some questions about Xinzhuang.

Then I started to summon the technique of shadow duplication to practice Tathagata palm.

Sealed with Li Xiu.

bang bang bang!

Puffs of smoke appeared, and Li Xiu appeared one by one.


Thousands of Li Xiu appeared on this land.

Looking at the densely packed Li Xiu530, the corners of Shikamaru's eyes twitched slightly.

Although he has seen Li Xiu cast the technique of multiple image duplication, but he has never seen Li Xiu summon with all his strength.

In the past, there were dozens at most, and there is still a huge amount of difference from thousands.

Subsequently, these shadow duplications scattered one after another.

Li Xiu's land is still very vast, nearly 5,000 mu.

Thousands of duplications are distributed, and basically everyone is separated by a long distance.

Then one after another began to practice the third form of Tathagata God's Palm.

Regarding the practice of the third form, Li Xiu responded with a very optimistic attitude.

After all, he now has two templates, a hungry wolf and a star, both of whom are martial arts prodigy.

Their martial arts ability was naturally inherited by Li Xiu.

So Li Xiu has an advantage in martial arts.

The combination of the abilities of two top talents can be said to be very amazing.

If it was an ordinary martial art, Li Xiu might have learned it in just a few glances.

However, the level of Tathagata God's Palm is too high, even if he has extraordinary abilities, it will take a while to comprehend.

However, with the blessing of multiple image duplication, this speed will be greatly reduced.

He believes that it won't be long before he can completely master this style, which will cause huge amounts of changes in his strength.

Watching each duplication practice hard, Li Xiu was quite satisfied.

time flies.

this period of time.

Li Xiu has been relying on shadow duplications to learn the third form of Tathagata God's Palm, under the study of thousands of shadow duplications.

The third form of Tathagata Palm is extremely difficult.

Otherwise, Ah Xing would have already mastered it.

After all, he has been practicing the three postures of Tathagata palm since he was a child, and he is basically familiar with them by heart.

But at the end, Ah Xing was thirty or forty years old, and with his talent, he hadn't comprehended the third form, which also explained the difficulty of the third form of Tathagata's palm.

(The fourth one is presented! Continue to ask for flowers and votes! Continue to bury your head in writing!).

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