Apprentices Of Meiman: Venom Draws Twelve Spells At The Beginning

159 Infinite Evolution! Breathing Has Evolved! The Conditions To Unlock The Celestial Master Degree!

Just the next moment.

The source flow of the vital body swallowed up the internal force in an instant.


It also circulates the majestic and majestic Qi body source flow in the meridians, which is dozens of times stronger than before.

Under this source of energy, Li Xiu's originally incomparably strong body was strengthened again.

Although the increase is not very abnormal, there is still a considerable increase.

You know, now Li Xiu's body is in a very abnormal state.

It is more difficult to go further.

In the end, he didn't expect that this source of energy could actually increase his physical strength, which is really amazing.

Li Xiu didn't know about the origin of the body before, so he didn't expect this thing to be so amazing.

The last thing Li Xiu expected was that this thing could devour internal energy.

That is to say, does the origin of the vital body and internal force actually belong to the same source and flow?

Moreover, the source of energy is more high level, so it can swallow up internal energy?

Li Xiu hadn't reacted yet.

The majestic and majestic source of energy circulated in his body, and then rushed straight into Li Xiu's dantian.


In an instant, the dantian opened instantly.

It's like opening up the world.

next moment.

The source and flow of Qi body 01 gathers in the center of the pubic region, condensing into a baby-like shape.

Seeing this, Ji Xiu was shocked.

Is the origin and flow of the Qi body the cultivation of immortals?

Have you still condensed the Nascent Soul?

There was a powerful and dangerous aura emanating from the baby.

Moreover, there seems to be a trace of Taoist rhyme circulating on it.

When the Yuanying from the source of the body appeared.

His power of Taoism and ninjutsu instantly went up to a new level.

He raised his hand.

There is no seal.

He simply raised his hand.


Under the earth, countless silt gushes out.

It rushed out towards a place.

With a terrifying bang, a super-large silt pyramid was tightly condensed.

Great Burial in the Desert!

Li Xiu didn't perform complicated knot seals at all, and just released this powerful large-scale ninjutsu the moment he raised his hand.

He didn't even have to clap his hands.

Before releasing ninjutsu, he still needed complicated seals. With his powerful speed, he could basically release ninjutsu in the blink of an eye, but after all, he still experienced complicated seals.

For the strong, a blink of an eye can also be an extremely long time.

Being able to omit the seal, instant ninjutsu and Taoism is undoubtedly very powerful.

At that time, he was still a little envious of Uchiha Madara's clapping hands.

Now, he doesn't even need to clap his hands, he just lets go when he thinks.

It can be said to be very powerful.

For any ninjutsu or Taoism, he can release it directly without the need to form seals.

The reason for this is because the powerful baby of the origin of the body appeared in his body, which greatly improved his understanding of ninjutsu and Taoism.

There is no need for media such as seals at all, and the calendar area of ​​​​the military university can be released directly.

The source of energy is much stronger than he imagined.

at the same time.

In Li Xiu's mind, relevant information about the origin of Jieti also emerged.

[The source of the Qi body: the end of the technique, the source of the Qi body.

It can condense a life baby, and the baby is the body of the primordial spirit condensed by the soul of the host and the source of the body.

Jieying belongs to the innate body of Taoism, and his understanding of Taoism is even more extraordinary.

The stronger the qi baby, the more abnormal the ability to comprehend.

Jieying is the host body, so the host's understanding of Tao is also more capable.

The source of energy can dissolve all spells, the stronger the source of energy, the more powerful the spell can be dissolved. Super Ability, ninjutsu, Taoism, etc. all belong to the category of surgery.

The source of energy can enhance the strength of the body and allow the body to evolve.

The stronger the origin of the body, the stronger the power of evolution.

The source of the body can strengthen the strength of the soul.

The stronger the source of energy, the stronger the soul. 】

Look at the information on the source of the body.

Li Xiu felt a slight shock in his heart.

Good guy.

The power of the origin of the body is indeed beyond his imagination.

Not only can evolve physical strength and soul strength, but also a natural Taoist body, which sounds very powerful.

Most importantly, this thing does not say that there is an upper limit for evolution, that is to say, it can evolve infinitely, which is the most powerful.

In other words, as long as he continues to cultivate the origin of the body, he can constantly evolve and become stronger.

next moment.

Some words appeared in front of his eyes.

[Ding! Breathing method matches perfectly with the source flow of the body! Breathing method can speed up the cultivation speed of the source flow of the body!

[Ding! Infant’s innate Dao body effect activates! Breathing method evolves! Evolves into source breathing method!】

[Ding! The original breathing method can greatly increase the cultivation speed of the original source of the garden! Greatly accelerate the speed of body evolution! 】

In my mind, there was a bang.

His comprehension of breathing method went up to a new level in an instant.

With every breath he takes.

The origin and flow of the body will grow stronger.

His physical strength increased by one point at the same time.

With every breath, he is becoming stronger, which is completely different from the previous strength.

It wasn't very obvious before, but now he can feel that it has become stronger.

Feeling the continuous strengthening of body and soul, Li Xiu had a look of surprise in his heart.

The source of energy is too strong, far beyond Li Xiu's imagination.

At the same time, he found that his comprehension of the third form of Tathagata God's Palm was more thorough.

If he tries his best to conquer the third form of Tathagata God's Palm, then he should be able to fully comprehend it within a few months, definitely not more than six months, let alone a year.

Not enough, it is impossible for Li Xiu to concentrate on conquering Tathagata God's Palm now. In addition to Tathagata God's Palm, he also needs to practice the two abilities of energy source and Fenghou Qimen.

Among them, the source and flow of the body is even more fundamental.

The harvest this time far exceeded Li Xiu's imagination.

Totally huge amounts of surprise.

Li Xiu's surprises are not over yet.

A system sound rang in my ears.

"Ding! Collect all the Eight Wonders, you will get an extra degree of celestial master, and unlock the hidden ability of the Eight Wonders at the same time!"

A hint of surprise flooded Li Xiu's heart again.

Gathering all eight miraculous skills can actually give you an extra degree of celestial master.

Li Xiu didn't really understand the meaning of Tianshidu.

He probably knows a little bit.

That is, the celestial master's degree is the accumulation of the inheritance of the celestial masters from generation to generation, and represents the accumulation of the power of the celestial masters from generation to generation.

If he can obtain the Celestial Master Degree, he will obtain a large amount of majestic Qi, and if these Qi are swallowed by the source of Qi, then his strength will achieve a qualitative leap.

His physical body and soul will evolve to an astonishing level.

(Ask for flowers and tickets!).

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