Apprentices Of Meiman: Venom Draws Twelve Spells At The Beginning

171 Thanos Fleet Crushed! Desperate Loki, Shake The World! (Please Subscribe!)

Just when Loki felt aghast.

The terrifying black sphere in the fox's mouth also burst out.

Instantly hit a warship.

Boom! Boom!

The gigantic cosmic mothership exploded directly, turning into huge blossoming Fireworks in the air.

The incomparably blazing fireworks illuminated the world, higher than the sun.

When Loki saw this scene, a trace of fear appeared on his face.

"This... what kind of creature is this? How can it be used for such a strong destructive force?"

He was able to feel a very astonishing energy from that demon fox, and the majestic energy in his body seemed to be endless.

Loki never thought that on this mortal planet, there are actually two terrifying creatures, Tiga and Nine-Tailed Demon Fox.

Easily destroys Thanos' battleship.

You know, who is Thanos?

A resounding figure in the universe, his battleship is also a deafening thing in the universe.

As a result, when they came to this mortal planet, they were easily destroyed.

This is really beyond Loki's perception.

Afterwards, he saw the battleship firing countless shells and lasers attacking Tiga.

Dijia was surrounded by attacks from all directions, and there was no possibility of escape at all.

See here.

Loki suddenly raised a glimmer of 190 hope.

No matter how powerful your attack is, so what?

As long as it is smashed by his fleet, it will be gone.

next moment.

I saw the giant waved his hand, and a mask immediately enveloped him.

Cannonballs, lasers don't work at all.

The mask didn't budge.

It is as solid as gold, extremely hard.

Seeing this, Loki's breath became stagnant, and he felt a slight darkness in front of his eyes.

Both attack and defense are so terrifying?

Just at this time.


A sonic boom sounded, a black dot moved from far to near, and a man in full-body technological armor appeared on the battlefield.

However, the newly-appeared people are obviously much more normal in body shape.

The same File size as ordinary people.

It doesn't look that scary.

The opponent raised his hand.

A beam of fiery beams gushed out, smashing a small fighter plane.

The remaining beams of light hit the huge mothership without causing any waves.

After all, the mothership is still very powerful, and it is impossible for ordinary light beams to break through the shell.

Seeing this, Loki involuntarily breathed a sigh of relief.

At least not (abdi) is all so horrible.

Just then Loki breathed a sigh of relief.

The next scene almost made his eyes pop out.

I saw that Iron Man bursting out towards the mothership.

next moment.

A terrifying breath erupted from the other party's body.

A series of blue arcs appeared in the opponent's hand.

In the end, the fist turned into countless blue arcs and blasted out, forming a rainstorm-like fist.

Iron fists hit the huge amounts of battleships.

next moment.


Directly blast a big hole out of a corner of the huge amounts of battleship.

Seeing Loki's eyes twitch.

Before it was over, the figure rushed into the battleship.

The next moment, it rushed out from the other side.

Boom boom boom!

The battle mothership behind him suddenly exploded, and the huge amounts of explosions were deafening!

Countless water-like blue arcs burst out like a torrential rain!

The scene is magnificent!

See here.

Loki is completely out of control.

He held the psychic scepter's hand trembling uncontrollably: " is it possible?! Why did he do this?"

His mouth was also trembling: "This... is it really the earth?! Isn't this just a mortal planet?"

Thor sneered, "I'll come back to trouble you after I've dealt with these warships."

call out!

He galloped out with the Meow Hammer in his hand.

The result was a little bit of bad luck.

Nine Tails turned around, and the tail swept over. Nine Tails danced wildly, tearing up alien fighters and mechanical soldiers one by one.

Filled with yin and yang complete chakra, the huge tail with supercilious white eyes carries huge amounts of kinetic energy.

The air is torn apart, setting off terrifying air waves.

Just hit the flying Thor.


Thor was blown away on the spot.


Thor crashed through a building and fell to the ground, making a huge hole.

Thor: "??!"

Little Spider-Man didn't even know that he accidentally injured his opponent.

He is still destroying the enemy fleet.

Loki in the distance saw this scene, dumbfounded.

He clearly knows the strength of his brother.

Although not as good as his father Odin, he is also the current god of war in Asgard, and his strength is very powerful.


Swept away by someone's tail...


Loki's head was full of question marks, and his eyes were wide open.

Is this a mortal planet?

Is it an earth where low-level life lives?

A fox knocks Thor flying with its tail?

this moment.

Loki was completely numb.

Looking at the motherships, fighter planes, and mechanical warriors that are constantly being destroyed.

His face no longer had the previous high spirits, only a trace of despair

Loki's voice trembled: "Is this... Earth?"

Looking at the terrifying figures one by one, Loki directly doubted his life.

In his impression, the earth is a planet where mortals live, and it is the weakest place among the nine realms.

I thought it would be easy to take down here with the Thanos army in hand, but I didn't expect that terrifying existences popped up one by one.

He rubbed the thousands of troops and horses in his hand on the ground.

This scene, in addition to making Loki completely doubt life.

It also directly shocked countless people.

Many people saw what happened in Central New York City through the Internet and TV stations.

Watch the horrors of Iron Man and others.

Originally, countless people were still panicking and palpitations.

Thinking that New York City will fall, the whole world may fall into the reign of terror of aliens.

After all, according to the experience of the movie, humans need to pay a heavy price to stop the invasion of aliens.

After all, the story has always been suppressed first and then raised. First there are difficulties, and then through unremitting efforts to solve the difficulties and achieve a happy ending.

They didn't expect it.

It turned out to be like this.

One by one, the superheroes exploded with unimaginable power, easily smashing the huge battleship into pieces.

It seems that the battle mothership is a toy one by one!

The alien fleet seems to have little ability to resist in front of their superhero.

Countless people were stunned by it.

The plot is completely different from what they imagined.

"Is this... really an alien invasion? Why don't I feel the pressure...".

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