Apprentices Of Meiman: Venom Draws Twelve Spells At The Beginning

173 The Terrifying Power Of The Ultra Bracelet! Loki Shut Himself Up! (Please Subscribe!)

Infuse the powerful power of light.

next moment.

A shield of light with no dead ends appeared in all directions.

Boom boom boom!

A large number of alien electromagnetic guns, laser beams, etc. hit the light shield.

The powerful Shockwave sweeps all directions.

All the surrounding buildings collapsed!

Boom boom boom!

kicked up a lot of dust.

The dust fell, revealing the unharmed shield inside.

Captain America looked at the incomparably solid shield, and felt a little joy in his heart.

This shield is stronger than his Ultra Barrier.

It is indeed Ultraman's special weapon, and it is indeed very powerful.

He looked at the battleships in the sky and murmured: "Since you are done attacking, it's my turn."


Follow his thoughts.

The bracelet turned into a spear and appeared in his hand. "Six Five Zero" injects the power of light.

The entire spear suddenly lit up, turning into a dazzling spear of light.

Wisps of astonishingly sharp aura overflowed from above.

It's like a magic gun that can penetrate everything.

See this long gun.

The other superheroes were slightly taken aback.

A trace of fear flashed across his eyes.

"Destroy!" Dijia shouted angrily, and the sound was like a bell, resounding through the world.

He directly threw the gun of light in his hand.

call out!

The gun of light shot out like a real light.

It easily pierced through huge battleships and various small alien fighters.

Confront this amazing gun of light.

The alien fleet is totally irresistible, like some paper toys!

Boom boom boom!

A series of explosions sounded.

Countless dazzling huge sparks bloomed in the air.

See this scene.

Countless people stared wide-eyed.

"Damn! Why is this giant's weapon so powerful? It's more terrifying than any missile!"

"Shet, what kind of weapon is this? It's so terrifying, the alien spaceship is like paper in its eyes!"

"Is this really an alien warship? If it wasn't bigger than a building, I doubt it's a toy made by a certain toy manufacturer!"

"It turns out...the alien civilization is nothing more than that..."

People in the military department saw this scene.

They all swallowed their saliva one by one.

This power is even stronger than their intercontinental missiles...

After completing the task, the Light Gun turned into a ray of light and returned to Di Jia's hand.

Feeling the power of the Ultra bracelet, Captain America was also a little amazed.

This power is really amazing.

Beyond his imagination.

At the same time, he was even more satisfied with this reward.

Whether it is the extension of the duration or the Ultra bracelet, it is an excellent reward for him.

This time, he was lucky.

Definitely, for this lottery draw, the most satisfying must be the season break.

After all, the better the disciple gets, the better he gets the reward.

at the same time.

Others are also constantly bombarding the alien warship.

The tailed beast jade bombarded the alien warship.

Under the terrifying force, the warships first broke inch by inch, emitting countless extinguishing lights.

The next moment, under the powerful power of the Tailed Beast Jade, it was directly annihilated into ashes.

The scene looked very spectacular.

That power is also frightening.

"Spider-man turned into a demon fox is too powerful! I think Spider-man should be renamed as Demon Fox Man! Or Nine-Tail Man!"

"Pfft! It's cheating! You really know how to choose a name, get it, don't take it next time.

"The power of this demon fox is too terrifying, and the power of that black ball is simply frightening!"

"This is the superhero of our planet, it's so perverted!"

On Iron Man's side, his combat power is also amazing. Relying on the template of an S-class hero and a more powerful steel battle suit, he is completely like a small steel cannon.

Running through each mothership, countless arcs of blue flowing water erupted, and the mothership exploded on the spot!

Huge and powerful motherships turned into fleeting fireworks in the air.

The boom was deafening.

Except Iron Man and a few people.

Hulk, Thor and others also joined the battle.

They also bombed out motherships and small alien fighters.

Under the strong attack of these non-human beings, Japanese motherships were turned into smoke one by one.

Constantly destroyed.

The originally astonishing number of alien fleets were quickly crushed by this group of inhuman beings.


Looking at this scene, Loki was stunned.

He looked at the large number of fleet wrecks stupidly, and his whole brain crashed.

He couldn't figure out why this mortal planet gave birth to such terrifying creatures.

He had never heard of these creatures before.

It's almost like a species that appeared out of thin air.

Even in the entire universe, he has never heard of such a powerful giant with such a strange alien.

He has never heard of such a powerful and huge fox, and it has nine tails.

And the power used by the opponent is also unheard of.

Not magic, nor ability Ability, but a power he had never seen before.

So strong that Loki wondered if he was delusional.

But immediately, he held the psychic scepter tightly, gritted his teeth and said, "I still have a psychic scepter that can control everyone.

As long as you can control these guys, what is the space fleet?"

Thinking of this, a hint of joy and excitement appeared in Loki's eyes.

He looked at those superheroes, his eyes were full of heat.

The center of the battlefield.

Everyone cleared almost all the warships.

Di Jia and Nine-Tailed Demon Fox stood on the ground, surrounded by the corpses of steel warships.

Pile up like a mountain.

Beside them, there is Flight's Iron Man.

And Thor's people standing on the pile of iron waste.

Iron Man looked at the huge amounts of space wormhole in the sky.

Inside the wormhole, the battleship is still losing 0.0.

It seems endless.

Seeing this, everyone's face is also dignified.

After all, they are not infinitely full, and they will also get tired.

If there is a war of attrition, they will not be able to stand it.

little Spider-Man looked at the wormhole, frowning.

His mission is to prevent the fleet from taking over Earth.

If the wormhole keeps transporting the fleet, he will not be able to complete the task at all.

As long as the wormhole is closed and the remaining small fleet is destroyed, he will complete the task.

Therefore, this wormhole must be closed.

While little Spider-Man was thinking.

Iron Man said: "We must completely close the hole in the space and completely block everything. Otherwise, it will be endless, and we will not be able to bear it."

(Ask for flowers and tickets.).

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