Apprentices Of Meiman: Venom Draws Twelve Spells At The Beginning

177 Resurrection! Draw! The Body Of A Fairy Among The Pillars Of Thousands Of Hands! (Please Subscri

Tiga stands in the sky.

this moment.

Tiga who closed the portal undoubtedly attracted the attention of the whole world.

A large number of human beings regard him as a hero and idol~.

"This giant is too powerful!"

"This giant is so powerful that he closed the portal! He ended this alien invasion!"

"This giant is so handsome, I decided that he will become-my new idol!"

Because of the worship of countless people.

Tiny lights of the soul flew from all directions and rushed into Di Jia's body.

strengthening Tiga's strength.

On Di Jia's body, there is a faint fluorescence flowing, which looks quite sacred.

Di Jia could deeply feel that his strength had increased again.

Definitely, these spiritual lights are far from enough to turn Tiga into Shining Tiga.

Because Tiga did not save the world at the most dangerous moment, Tiga did not get the most sincere prayers from all the people in the world.

Dijia looked at the ruins below, his eyes slightly condensed.

There was no doubt that many people died in this war.

After all, this is the heart of New York City.

Although many people hid in air-raid shelters or underground subway passages.

But there must be many people who were too late to escape and died in the battle.

Fortunately, Tiga originally has the ability to resurrect people, but this power cannot resurrect himself, only others.

Moreover, the energy needed to resurrect these dead mortals is far lower than the energy zone of resurrecting an Ultraman.

For Dijia, this is still bearable, especially after getting a strengthening.

Tiga opened his hands.

next moment.

A large amount of light was released from his body.

Dijia is like a sun, shining on the ruins below.


Strips of white light condensed on the ruins.

The white light passed, and vivid people reappeared one by one.

These people looked at their own bodies in amazement, at the body that was still warm.

Everyone was ecstatic, and some even shed tears of survival.

"My God! I'm still alive!"

"I didn't die! I thought I was completely crushed to death by the collapsed house, woo woo woo..."

A mother and daughter embrace each other.

"Wow, Mom, I thought I was dead!" The little girl's tears mixed with snot, her face was full of shock.

The mother hugged her daughter, kept touching her head, and burst into tears: "Wuuuu, Mom thought I would never see you again."

For the rest of their lives, the resurrected people shed tears.

At the same time, he looked at Di Jia who was like the sun in the sky, and looked at the people who were constantly being resurrected.

Everyone immediately understood what was going on.

They were also full of gratitude to Di Jia immediately.

See this scene at the scene.

Countless people also exclaimed.

They never thought that they would see such a miraculous scene.

"My God! This giant is a god! He can resurrect so many people!"

"I'm going, this power is too powerful, it can even bring people back to life!"

"This is God, I've decided, in the future when things happen, I won't pray to God, I will pray to giants.

on top of a building.

A pair of fiery eyes also became more fiery.

He squeezed the scepter in his hand.

"These will be mine, and I will be the new king of Asgard!"

Among the distant mountains.

A pair of eyes also saw the miraculous scene in New York City.

Immediately, his eyes became hot and excited.

on site.

The rest of the superhero's eyes were also shocked.

They didn't expect that this person actually possessed such miraculous power.

Can bring people back to life.

This is a power that only exists in legends.

But this resurrection is still a big resurrection.

Seeing this, Iron Man's eyes instantly became hot.


Tiga resurrected all those who had just died.

Finish these.

The light on Di Jia's body also faded away.

The timer crystal on the chest also started to flash.

Reviving so many people, even though they were only mortals, also consumed Di Daxing's energy.

Let him no longer maintain Tiga's body.

Tiga finally turned into a ray of light and fell to the ground.

Changed back to Captain America.

Iron Man hurriedly walked up to Captain America, with an excited expression on his face under the mask.

Kyuubi turned back into a human body and became a normal Spider-man.

0. Asking for flowers......

And At the moment's little Spider-Man is doing his own extraction.

On the translucent screen in front of his eyes.

One after another screens passed by.


The screen stopped.

A man in red armor appeared in front of little Spider-Man.

[Ding! Draw the body of the fairy between the thousand-handed pillars! 】

See here.

little Spider-Man was slightly taken aback.

He doesn't know what it is.

But soon, a hint of enlightenment rose in his mind.

In an instant, little Spider-Man understood what this was.

[The Immortal Body Between Thousand Hands Pillars: The Immortal Body inherited from the Immortals of the Six Paths has a strong potential for cultivation.

Possesses a huge chakra comparable to a tailed beast, powerful resilience, extraordinary physical strength, and the blood succession limit of Mu Dun. 】

Seeing this, little Spider-Man instantly understood.

This is a powerful physique.

Especially seeing the huge chakra comparable to a tailed beast, little Spider-Man's pupils trembled slightly.

Although it is only a hypothesis, one can see the strength of this physique.


The screen disappears.

A majestic force poured into little Spider-Man's body.

Every cell of him began to change and became stronger.

He felt a more powerful force gushing out of his body.

At the same time, the amazing chakra that belongs to him emerges from the body.

The incomparably huge human chakra circulates in the body, even if it can't compare with the terrifying number of Nine Tails, it will not be inferior too much.

Nine-Tails Chakra is dormant in his abdomen.

One's own chakra circulates in the meridians.

The two chakras are distinct, yet extremely harmonious.

Little Spider-Man had a thought, and his own chakra in his body was transformed into Nine-Tails Chakra.

The nine-tailed chakra that is more starfish circulates in his body, greatly enhancing his strength.

With a thought in his mind, that golden chakra turned back into a blue human chakra.

He can also clearly feel that his cells are more active, and his physical recovery ability has reached a new level.

Even if the nine-tails mode is not turned on, the recovery power has become extremely amazing. .

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