Apprentices Of Meiman: Venom Draws Twelve Spells At The Beginning

084 Shock Superman's Life! Sorry, I Will Too (4K Third Update Please Subscribe!)

The people below had fallen to the bottom of their hearts.

As a result, Li Xiu appeared one after another in an instant.

In an instant, hundreds of Li Xius filled the sky.

Compared with the Kryptonians who had fewer than ten people, it was in stark contrast.

The original disadvantage in numbers suddenly turned into a crushing situation.

Everyone had pleasant smiles on their faces, and their mood suddenly improved.

"Hahaha! Don't be fooled! I'm going to have thousands of thousands! Crowd tactics, come on!"

"Hugh is the real god! All kinds of amazing abilities!"

"Is he really a human? I doubt he is a real god!"

"Eight or nine people beat one Hugh? That's wrong, a hundred or so!"

"Li Xiu cheated!"

Zod and the others looked at hundreds of Li Xiu, and their expressions changed.

The whole situation was reversed in an instant.

They, who were originally superior in numbers, instantly became disadvantaged.

Zod's face was ugly: "It's just a cover-up, but they are actually some embroidered pillows with no combat effectiveness."

Zod didn't believe that these guys had real fighting power.

He didn't believe these guys could hold them down.

Fiora looked at the Li Xiu duplications coldly, and said to Zod:

"General, there is nothing to worry about, just fight directly.

Just try to find out what these things are. "

When Li Xiu heard Zod's words, the corner of his mouth smiled even wider.

He said, "Then let's see if this is an embroidered pillow."

Li Xiu waved his hand.

Hundreds of Li Xiu rushed out.

Running towards each other overwhelmingly.

Zod and the others also galloped over immediately.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

All the people fought together.

A dozen Li Xiu duplications beat a Kryptonian!

Originally shadow duplication was only a little weaker than Zod, a dozen or so would have completely abused Zod!

Everyone else is inferior to Zod.

Fiora is slightly inferior to Zod, and the other Kryptonians are weaker.

Therefore, facing Li Xiu duplication, they simply can't watch enough.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

A group of Kryptonians were beaten back and forth by a group of Li Xiu like tennis balls.

Bureau 01 is completely crushing.

Fist in Zod's stomach!

Zod flew out.

The whip leg hit Zod in the back, and Zod bounced back.

The whole scene is basically in this state!

Faced with Li Xiu's attack, a group of actors and actresses felt hopeless for the first time.

They never expected that these Li Xius would be so powerful.

They wanted to use crowd tactics to deal with each other, but unexpectedly, they were dealt with by crowd tactics.

At this moment.

The Superman in the distance also flew over and stopped in the mid-air not far away.

Look at the scene in front of you.

Superman was stunned.

On the way here, he expected a lot of results.

But he really did not expect such a result.

Zod and others were beaten back and forth like a football by hundreds of Li Xiu.

You know, who are those people?

The Kryptonians are even stronger than him.

Obviously, every one of them is in an invincible state.

The result was unexpected.

I didn't expect to be beaten like this, like a toy.

This scene is enough to shock Superman for a lifetime.

The scene was so heroic that it made Superman freeze.

So much so that he couldn't help but wonder, are the Kryptonians really strong?

Then why does this scene make him feel that Kryptonians are weak?

Obviously he was abused by Fiora just now, but this kind of thought came to him at this moment.

It wasn't just Superman who was shocked, dazed, and skeptical.

And everyone in the world who saw it.

"This... is Superman's compatriot... why is Li Xiu beating someone, giving me the illusion that I can do it myself..."

"Master Hugh is too strong, he completely abused Zod and the others. They have no power to fight back, let us have this illusion..."

"Li Xiu is too perverted...I thought Zod was the end of the world, but Li Xiu appeared and slapped the end of the world to death..."

"Who still feels that the end of the world just now... This scene makes me feel that the despair just now is an illusion

"The wife is perverted, Hugh, give the race of Superman a face..."

The people of S.H.I.E.L.D originally had extremely solemn expressions.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were dull.

Thor, who returned to the Helicarrier, was also completely dumbfounded when he saw this scene.

Black widow was a little confused: "Is Li Xiu really human? I think he is more Superman than Superman."

Hawkeye licked his dry lips: "This is too amazing, Li Xiu. I really doubt his identity as a human, and I feel that he is also an alien..."

Thor was confused: "This... Li Xiu is definitely not a human being, how could a human being be so strong? With such a powerful existence, it is impossible for him to be an unknown person.

He must have been an old monster who lived a long time. "

Immediately Thor's lips were a bit bitter: "It's just that I didn't expect that Kryptonians would be so powerful."

Fury looked at Thor suddenly: "You know Kryptonians? Where did Kryptonians come from?"

Zod told Li Xiu before that they came from the Kryptonian civilization.

But Fury doesn't know about the Kryptonian civilization. After all, the earth civilization has not yet become an interstellar civilization, and he knows very little about the outside world.

Thor nodded slightly: "I heard a little bit before that Krypton is also a civilization in the Milky Way.

This civilization is very technologically advanced, but later the upper layer was too corrupt, which eventually led to the destruction of Krypton.

But I have never heard of Kryptonians being so powerful. In my impression, Krypton is a technological civilization.

Fury nodded slightly after hearing this, and immediately looked at the virtual projection, on which were videos and pictures of Li Xiu and others brutalizing Zod and others.

Fury murmured: "Li Xiu, who the hell are you?"

Fury wanted to win over Li Xiu before, but now Li Xiu's extraordinary strength has made him no longer want to win over.

Such an existence is already too detached.

He even wanted to know what kind of existence Ji Xiu was.

In his opinion, Li Xiu is absolutely impossible to be an ordinary person.

Either it came from a powerful alien race, or it was a god or something.

Anyway, there is absolutely no way that Li Xiu is an ordinary person.

How can ordinary people have such amazing power and easily overwhelm a group of Superman.

Inside a mansion.

Iron Man Tony lay on the bed with Pepper, drinking champagne.

Tony watched the picture on TV, the corners of his mouth twitching.

Little Pepper breathed a sigh of relief: "There is no need to die now.

Tony looked at Li Xiu's figure: "What is the identity of such a stinky person?

With so many powerful skills, is he an odd son of God?"

Having said that, Tony showed envious eyes.

He really wants to have so many abilities and show them to the world.

It's a pity that he doesn't have such a powerful force.

Tony pouted, and said sourly: "After a while, I will definitely be able to research a more powerful battle suit.

Given time, I will definitely defeat Ji Xiu. "

The little pepper next to him laughed out loud when he heard Tony's sour words.

A group of people from HYDRA saw this scene.

Everyone was silent on the spot.

There is no point in talking about Li Xiu already.


Win Li Xiu who is equal to hundreds of Superman?

Are they compatible now?


Punish a god-like existence?

So the people of HYDRA directly chose silence.

Autism is always the easiest path to a solution.

Inside an apartment in Gotham.

Catwoman looked at Li Xiu who was like a god descending, her small face wrinkled into a ball.

At this moment, Catwoman completely lost the cold and proud feeling outside.

Rather like a real cat.

Catwoman sighed: "It feels like he is no longer his opponent, why is this guy so strong.

Can I just be bullied in the future..."


Zod, who had been beaten all the time, was completely angry.

With a growl, he closed his helmet on the spot, and he wanted to turn on his thermal vision to solve these season breaks.

But the helmet is turned off.

Endless sounds rushed into the ears.

Everything around becomes translucent, and all kinds of lights flicker in front of your eyes.

Intense pain instantly occupied his brain.

He let out a terrible scream.

The pain of being beaten by Fatty seemed much lighter under this pain.

Tortured by this severe pain, Zod quickly adapted to the environment.

It has to be said that Zod's will is really very strong, and he is very adaptable.

Soon, he was able to control himself to focus on what he wanted to hear and what he wanted to see.

The pain subsided quickly.

Zod metamorphosis quickly.


Zod's strength also increased a little.

Most importantly, he can take off his helmet and adjust to this new world for a while.

At the same time, he looked at the surrounding Li Xiu duplication.

With so many enemies, as long as he uses heat vision, he will definitely attack them.

Facing this hot gaze, he didn't believe that these guys could block it!

The fact is also the same, if Zod hits the shadow duplication with his heat vision, the shadow duplication will be overwhelmed for an instant, and then disappear.

Zod shouted angrily: "Death!"

The rays of light in both eyes converged, and then two extremely hot rays flew out.

The ray quickly flew towards a shadow duplication in the crowd.

Facing the light beam, it was impossible for the shadow duplication to dodge.

Zod and the others finally had a hint of joy in their hearts.

Immediately, Zod saw a smile on the shadow duplication.

Seeing this smile, Zod felt a little uneasy in his heart.

next moment.

I saw that shadow's eyes were condensed with fiery light.

Will you be hot-sighted?

Sorry, I will too.


Two beams of fiery rays shot out.


Rays from both sides collide together.

Sputter out invisible blazing light spots.

See this scene.

The joy that Zod and the others had just emerged suddenly disappeared.

Just shock and disbelief.

Why does the opponent also have Heat ray?!

next moment.

The eyes of Li Xiu around Zod burst out with blazing heat rays.

More than twenty rays shot at Zod from all directions.

Zod has a body of steel, but in the face of such an intense heat ray, he will still have a severe burning sensation.

Severe 057 pain erupted from different parts of the body.

"Ah!!!" Zod let out a deafening scream.

The screams were deafening.

See this scene.

Everyone felt creepy and felt a chill down their spines.

Everyone looked at Li Xiu again.

This guy is really good at making people fearful.

Everyone swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

When the other Kryptonians saw this, their eyes were tearing apart.

They want to explode, but with absolute strength, they can only be manipulated by others.

Get hit by Li Xiu's duplication.

The Superman next to him looked at those figures horribly, those Li Xiu who were shooting hot gazes one by one.

I also feel creepy.

If he faced dozens, or even hundreds of people with thermal vision, he would feel uncomfortable just thinking about it.

At the same time, Superman was also very frightened by Li Xiu's hot gaze.

Why does this guy have heat vision too?

How many abilities does this guy have mastered?

In fact, Li Xiu's is not thermal vision.

Superman's thermal vision is released after absorbing solar energy and radiation.

Li Xiu's Ability comes from the divine power of the pig rune, which is the laser beam provided by the divine power.

The source of Li Xiu's divine power still comes from his own body, the stronger the body, the stronger the divine power it nourishes.

One comes from the outside world and the other comes from the inside, the difference between the two is quite large.

The outside world looked at the fiery rays of light.

My heart was also full of shock.

The blazing Heat ray shot out from the eyes of more than a dozen people, because it was astonishing!

"Oh my god, Hugh is so fierce! It's so strong that it's suffocating!"

"You want to attack me with heat vision? Sorry, I will too! My more than a hundred brothers will too! Just ask if you are afraid!"

"Hahaha, I feel that Zod was stunned when he saw the rays from Hugh's eyes!"

"I think he is the most desperate when he sees rays erupting from the eyes of a dozen people!"

"It's amazing, Hugh, defeating you in your own way! Makes you feel truly hopeless!"

The outside world is also talking about it.

Soon, Li Xiu himself, standing on the outermost edge, waved his hand.

Immediately one by one withdrew the rays.

But at the moment Zod was burned badly and was covered with scars.

The whole person also completely lost his fighting power.

When duplications retract the rays.

Zod fell towards the sea.

call out!

A duplication flew away and brought up Zod.

(Fourth update, when I finish coding, I will set a schedule at nine o'clock tomorrow morning, don't wait.).

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