Apprentices Of Meiman: Venom Draws Twelve Spells At The Beginning

088 Bullets Can Kill? With One Kick, The Car Is In Heaven! (4K Third Update Asks For Subscription!)

look at that face.

All three of Wolverine were taken aback.

They didn't expect that they and others were so lucky that they happened to see this famous and strongest person.

What made them feel incredible was that the other party just happened to look at them.

It was as if they had known their existence for a long time.

call out!

As the car passed by the street, Li Xiu's figure disappeared from their sight.

The person who was concentrating on driving was also a little puzzled when he heard the two talking halfway through.

He hurriedly said: "What's the matter with you? Why are the two of you suddenly talking halfway, and then stop talking?

Did you see a ghost?"

The Cyclops next to him froze for a moment, and said, "Ji Xiu...seems to be looking at us...just now"

The lean man smiled and said, "Who is looking at you?"

Suddenly the name came into his mind, and he exclaimed: "Who? Li Xiu? Are you sure?"

Storm stammered: "He...was he really looking at us just now?"

Wolverine nodded: "That's right, it's him. I feel a thrilling fear from him."

Wolverine has Beast instincts, and he has a keen sense of danger.

He smiled wryly, "I feel like I can't even catch his punch."

Storm exclaimed: "Is... so exaggerated? Wolverine, you are the number one Mutant now, and you can't even withstand Li Xiu's punch?

How can it be?"

Wolverine remembered the extremely dangerous feeling she had just seen Li Xiu, and nodded.

Wolverine frowned slightly: "Why is this person so scary? I have never met anyone who gives me this feeling." Eight Nine Zero"

Is this the strength of the strongest?"

Cyclops looked at it: "Normal, after all, he is the strongest. Superman comes to a group, and he can suppress them all.

It can be said that his strength is such that one person can suppress the world. "

The thin man in the driver's seat mourned: "As a local, I haven't even seen Hugh in real life.

The result was met by the three of you.

Damn it, it's my fault that I just focused on driving and missed it! Falk!"

The other three: "..."

Just at this time.

There were bursts of rapid sirens and bursts of gunfire in the distance.

Hear here.

The corner of Storm Girl's mouth twitched: "No way, I just encountered a bank robbery, and now there are other criminal activities?

I go, Gotham really lives up to its name. "

Just when the storm girl complained.

I saw a car in the distance coming out of sight.

The four people in the car were all shocked.

Because the car is going the wrong way.

the most important.

Two black-hooded heads protruded from the car window, and they charged behind with two guns.

Da da da!

The sound of gunfire was loud.

Moreover, these robbers were the same group they met in the bank before.

Good guy, this is a run away!

It's just that Wolverine and others didn't expect that they would only meet this group of people again.

Cyclops looked ugly: "It's really bad luck."

Wolverine looked at the car, her eyes narrowed, and a dangerous light flashed across her eyes.

Behind the robber's car, police cars were chasing after each other.

The red and blue lights flashed non-stop, and the alarm was very urgent, filling the air with a sense of tension.

The retrograde car, in the originally turbulent traffic flow, was hardly hindered.

Because the retrograde car was too crazy, the surrounding traffic gave way one after another, and they didn't dare to confront each other head-on.

Some cars even collided with curbs and other cars.

Boom boom boom!

There was a sound of crashing cars.

The car going the wrong way was heading straight for Wolverine and the others.

Wolverine's car didn't budge, though.

Because there is really no place around, unless they also pass through the isolation belt and rush into another road to go against the road.

Also, Wolverine et al. are in a hurry.

If it is retrograde, it may delay a lot of time.

Seeing that Wolverine's car refused to give way, the group of black hooded men with guns shouted angrily: "Get out of the way! Make way!"

As he spoke, he swept the demonstration around their car.

Da da da!

Bullets flew past Wolverine and others' car.

But the other party didn't rashly call the person in the taxi.

Afraid that after hitting Deadman, the car stopped on the road and got stuck in their way.

Passers-by on the surrounding streets saw this scene.

All were surprised.

"I'll go! They won't give way, for fear that they will be beaten to death by these criminals!"

"Get out of the way!"

"If they don't give way, they will definitely anger each other!"

"It's over, it's over, this car is going to be over!"

"These guys are impatient, and they will definitely attack the people in the car!"

Some people couldn't bear to see the more cruel picture, and covered their eyes one after another.

Afraid of seeing too much blood.

The lean man drove the car, gritted his teeth and said, "Damn Falk!

What to do, everyone?

If we rush into the reverse lane, we may be stuck in the middle of the road, and I am afraid that it will delay us a lot of time.

Wolverine looked at the car in front of her coldly: "Storm, set up an ice wall directly in front of them, half the height of the opponent's car."

Storm girl was startled: "In that case, it will also block our way.

Wolverine said, "You do it, I'll take care of it."

Just at this time.

The gangsters in front were also impatient.

One shouted angrily: "Looking for death!"

He shot directly at the co-pilot's Cyclops.

He wanted to kill to deter the driver next to him.

Da da da!

A shuttle of bullets rushed towards Cyclops.

Cyclops see each other's actions, and encounter bad.

He immediately took off the special frame, with a slightly ferocious expression: "You're looking for death.

The line of sight aimed at the opponent's muzzle.


The laser beam burst out from the eyes, pierced through the front window of the car, and flew away.

The bullet flew out of the gun.

An incomparably hot beam of light has flown over.

Instantly melted bullets!

The laser beam rushed into the barrel of the gun, instantly melting a hole in the gun, and then shot out from the tail of the gun.

Pierce the gangster's brain directly.

Cyclops puts on the glasses immediately.

for a moment.

The bandit died.

It's almost a surprise.

See this scene.

The people around were all shocked.

This scene was so powerful.

The gangster opened fire, and as a result, a person directly shot Cyclops in both eyes, killing the opponent instantly.

"Shet! It's too fraudulent!"

"Fack! There's a superhero on this car?!"

"Maybe...a super criminal?"

"It's too fierce, you can see through the gangsters with a single glance! Kill with a critical strike!"

When Storm saw that her teammate was almost shot, she felt a bit of anger in her heart: "Damn it!"

After finishing speaking, she raised her hand and pointed it forward.

Concentrate on.


A gust of snow-white cold air flew out of her body and rushed towards the robber's car.

The air-conditioning directly caused the temperature of one's own car to drop sharply.

Except for Wolverine, the other two had a cold war.

The snow-white air-conditioning rushed not far from the robber's car in an instant.

next moment.

A solid and deep wall of ice rose from the ground.


The robber's car crashed into the ice wall in an instant.

The front of the entire car is directly squeezed together.

On huge amounts of inertial force, the body flies straight up.

The robber's car flew towards Wolverine.

See this scene.

Passers-by covered their mouths.

After all, the car would either hit Wolverine's car, or the car behind it.

No matter what, someone will suffer.

Think of the people in the car being smashed into meatloaf.

Passers-by feel their scalps go numb.

"My God! It's all over!"

"I'm afraid the front car will suffer! It's completely smashed!"

"I'm going, I've already thought of the final picture, a ball of meat paste!"

"Why make a wall of ice?! Stupid decision!"

"That's right, no ice wall should be erected! You should flee to the opposite lane!"

"Damn it! It's over!"

When the storm girl casts the ice wall.

Wolverine jumped out of the car and opened the six doors.

The powerful reaction force accelerated, causing Wolverine to jump out of the car without falling or even affecting it.

He burst out.

Opened the eight doors directly!


Like a rocket jetting out!

Watching the cars in mid-air, watching the robbers who had just shot his opponent.

A trace of violence flashed across Wolverine's eyes.

What he hates the most is that someone starts to attack the people around him.

He jumped up, and his feet slammed away.


Like a cannonball rushing towards the robber's car.

The power of terror like the sea gathers on the feet.

There is no profound meaning, just an ordinary kick to open the eight gates.

But it carries the wrath of Wolverine and the power of a massive majesty.


A loud bombardment sounded.

The car was kicked into the air, like an arrow shooting straight into the distant sky.

This place was originally outside the city.

Don't think too much about it.

This kick is enough to kick the car out of the city.

Moreover, there is basically no possibility of survival.

But Wolverine doesn't care, for this kind of person, death is not a pity.

Wolverine is not a good stubble, and he will basically not give good fruit to the person who provokes him.

The blood in the hands can be regarded as filling a lake.

Definitely, Wolverine doesn't kill innocents, but the ones that piss him off, don't even think about it.

Looking at the car flying towards the distance, looking at this exaggerated scene that only appears in anime.

Almost everyone was dumbfounded.

Seeing this scene, the lean man's mouth twitched.

He knew that Wolverine was very strong, but he was still shocked to see the other party bursting out with such power with his own eyes.

When those passers-by saw this scene, many of them covered their mouths.

This scene is too exaggerated.

"My God! Is this still human? This kick is too scary.

"What's going on in Gotham? Why are there all perverts?"

"That's right, since the appearance of Lord Hugh, the number of perverts and strong people has been on the rise!"

"I'm afraid it kicked the car out of the city with one kick!"

"I thought that kicking a car into the sky was a scene from a cartoon, but I didn't think so... I still don't know enough."

Seeing this scene, the police cars chasing in the distance stopped immediately.

Didn't dare to go forward at all.

They stuck out their heads one by one, looking at the car that turned into black dots, they felt horrified.

It's too perverted!

Fark! Gotham is getting more and more dangerous!

These ordinary police officers have ten thousand words in their hearts.

After Wolverine kicked the car, he landed directly on the ice wall.

The blazing hot air bursting out of the whole body,

Instantly melt the surrounding ice instantly.

Wolverine moves with extreme speed.

All of a sudden, the ice wall disappeared completely.

Unlock the seventh door and the eighth door.

Keep the six doors open.

Immediately, there was a surge of intense pain.

But Wolverine only opened the eight doors briefly this time, and she didn't use any secrets, so the damage to her body was far less than once.

Although the body was in severe pain and was greatly devastated, under Wolverine's terrifying will, she quickly recovered.

This is the special thing about Wolverine, as long as the will to die is extremely strong, even if the physical life is gone, he can be resurrected.

Wolverine's setting is: as long as the spirit is not extinguished, he is very difficult to kill.

Therefore, the Eight Doors Dunjia is the perfect skill for Wolverine.

Relying on the will of terror, Wolverine did not fall and was able to continue moving.


The car directly crossed the original ice wall.

rushed forward.

Ahead, there were another police car stopped in fear.

Saw a car approaching.

The police officers were really desperate and frightened.

For fear of the ruthless people in the opponent's car, give them a shot too.

"Stop!! Stop!"

"Brother! Don't do it!"

"My own people! My own people!"

He ran and roared, "Build an ice bridge and drive across this crowded road!"

They didn't have much time to dawdle, after all, they didn't know what Quicksilver was doing.

Hear what Wolverine said.

Storm girl reacted immediately.

Immediately raise your hand.

She jumped up with blue veins and gave a shallow drink.

The terrifying snow-white air-conditioning rushed out.

It is indeed an existence that can grow up to be comparable to Thor in the future.

At this moment, she perfectly demonstrated her ability.

Boom boom boom!

An ice bridge rises from the ground and runs across it.


The car drove directly onto the ice bridge and sped past the police car.

(It came out at half past two, and it was time to ten o'clock.).

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