Apprentices Of Meiman: Venom Draws Twelve Spells At The Beginning

091 Extracting The Demonic Qi Of The Moon! Control Gravity! (4K Third Update Asks For Subscription!)

call out!

Wolverine escaped from the lightning's range.

So the lightning attack hit the Cyclops around him.

Lightning rushed into Cyclops' body, and he let out a scream.

He passed out instantly, closed his eyes, and fell to the ground.

Wolverine is quite satisfied with Storm's behavior of knocking out Cyclops.

He flashed to Storm Girl's side in an instant.

Storm Girl felt the danger, and a strong electric current erupted from her body.

Quicksilver next to him also sensed the danger, so he hurried away to avoid being affected.

Seeing the leaking powerful electric current, Quicksilver wiped off his sweat.

Fortunately, he ran fast, otherwise he would have to kneel here.

Seeing the electric current rush towards Wolverine next to him, Quicksilver smiled.

Wolverine should be lying here now.


The huge electric current rushed in all directions.


One side of the corridor glass was instantly shattered.

The powerful electric current rushed to Wolverine who was on the side.

In an instant, a huge electric current ran through Wolverine's body.

Not far away, Quicksilver watched this scene expectantly.

But the expected scream did not happen.

I saw Wolverine standing there calmly, as if she hadn't been hurt at all.

Not even a frown.

Seeing this, Quicksilver's eyes widened.

I was horrified.

Such a huge electric current, after the human body bears it, how can nothing happen?

Even if you resist, you will at least feel a little pain.

He understands Wolverine, though the recovery ability is amazing.

But it's not that King Kong is not bad, why is there nothing wrong with the opponent of such a high-intensity electric current.

As a result, Wolverine didn't even bat an eyelid, and really stunned Quicksilver.

" could it be?"

The reason why Quicksilver stayed was not to complete the task with his sister.

In addition to his belief in his sister's ability, it was more because he wanted to clean up Wolverine.

Pack it up, the guy who put his father in jail.

Wolverine just swung a palm and knocked Storm out.

You can't hurt your partners, but also let them lose their combat effectiveness. This is the only choice.

After finishing 807, he looked at Quicksilver who ran to the other side.

He said: "Quicksilver, come back with me. Magneto shouldn't be released, he has endangered everyone's safety."

When Quicksilver heard this, a trace of anger flashed in his eyes.

Quicksilver said, "Don't think you're good just because you beat them.

You have to understand that although your speed is fast, it is still not enough compared to me.

As long as I am willing, you will not be able to catch me for the rest of your life.

As long as Wanda comes back after completing the task, no matter how powerful you are, she will control you.

When the time comes, it is time for you to accept punishment. "

After speaking, Quicksilver Rage trembled.

It turned into a flash of lightning.

Surround yourself with Wolverine.

As Quicksilver said, while Wolverine is fast, it's not as fast as the speed-focused Quicksilver.

He tried to catch Quicksilver, but was unable to do so.

Quicksilver's laughter rang in his ears.

Hearing Quicksilver's voice next to her ear, Wolverine frowned tightly.

True, Quicksilver couldn't hurt him.

But at the same time he couldn't catch each other.

Wanda is a psychic ability user. Although he has a strong physical attack, he has almost no attainments in terms of spirit.

If the opponent deals with him, he can only stare and watch himself being controlled.

Thinking of this, Wolverine's brows deepened.

He must grab Quicksilver first, and ask Wanda's destination from the opponent's mouth. He must act first, so that Wanda loses his fighting power first.

Otherwise, when Wanda returns, attack him.

Then he is finished.

At this time, Wolverine instantly thought of Professor X,

If Professor X was here, everything would not be so troublesome, after all, Professor X has the strongest mind ability.

It's a pity that Professor X went to deal with his own affairs, so he didn't have time to come out with them.

Think here.

Wolverine thought it was a pity.

With Quicksilver running in front of him.

Wolverine had nothing to do with the other party, Wolverine didn't wrinkle any deeper.

After all, he can't shoot too hard.

Otherwise, if you hit the day (abbe) tiger, everything in front of you will disappear.

Even if Quicksilver runs fast, he still has to kneel within the huge attack range.

After all, in Wolverine's mind, Quicksilver still belonged to her, but was used by villains.

Just sitting around like this, when he waits until Wanda comes back, he will lose completely.

Think here.

He was even more anxious.

Just at this time.

Suddenly a flash of inspiration came to Wolverine's mind.

He suddenly sounded that he still had a chance to draw a lottery that he hadn't used.

If you can get something, restrain the opponent.

Thinking of Wolverine, she quickly thought about the lottery draw.

He hoped that this lottery could draw something better.

next moment.

The familiar lottery screen appeared in front of his eyes.

But unlike before, this time the world was not frozen.

The virtual screen immediately changed.

Wolverine could only hope to draw something that was powerful to her this time.

Preferably something that is resistant to Psychic Abilities.

In that case, he just made up for the short board.

Just as Wolverine was thinking about it.

The lottery screen suddenly stopped.

A monster with several hands appeared before Wolverine's eyes.

【Ding! Congratulations on winning the modified version of "Moon's Demonic Qi"!】

[Corrected version of "Demon Qi of the Moon": After absorbing it, you will be able to control the gravitational force! Because it is a corrected version, there will not be any distortion on the body [the character will not suffer

Air erosion!]

[Ding! Rewards are being issued!]

for a moment.

A savage force rushed into Wolverine's body.

At the same time, a wave of enlightenment arises.

Allowing him to control gravity.

He can clearly feel the existence of gravity, and he can also manipulate them.

As long as he is willing, he can even completely move this horse farm, stand up from the ground, and lift it up in the sky.

Create the grandeur that Magneto lifted the stadium.

Similarly, if he wants, he can directly dismantle a wall around him completely, turn it into bricks, and shoot them out like bullets.

A powerful strange force filled Wolverine's body.

Let him feel a comfortable feeling.

Joy welled up in Wolverine's heart, controlling the gravitational force, this Ability is really too strong.

At the same time, he also instantly understood that he could use this skill to control Quicksilver.

Just grab Quicksilver with such a strong gravitational pull that he can no longer run at all.

This skill brings huge amounts of surprise to Wolverine.

Although it is not a spiritual ability, it is also an extremely powerful ability.

Moreover, this Ability, he can also continue to enhance it through exercise.

He can also become stronger, and even drag the entire earth out of orbit and out of the solar system when the time comes.

He felt the gravity around him.

With a thought.

The dust on the ground began to tremble and dance.

The next moment, he slowly floated up.

He was running beside him, joking that Wolverine saw this scene with Quicksilver that she couldn't do anything about, her eyeballs almost popped out.

He didn't expect that Wolverine suddenly flew up.

Wolverine has Flight's Ability?

Nope, Wolverine doesn't have Flight Ability!

Then why can the opponent fly?

This scene really shocked Quicksilver.

He stopped not far from Wolverine, staring blankly at Wolverine who was slowly floating.

Wolverine also looked at Quicksilver.

Quicksilver was a little shocked: "You...why did you take the flight... Could it be that you have been hiding the second Ability? Or have you Awakened the second Ability?

No, the third Ability"

He remembered Wolverine's state of opening eight doors.

Quicksilver gasped: "Why do you have these abilities? You didn't have them before.

And I have never heard of it, Mutant can also Awakening Ability for the second or third time.

Quicksilver frowned: "Are you really a Mutant?"

A smile hung on the corner of Wolverine's mouth: "Maybe I have always had it, but I didn't show it.

Immediately he frowned: "Quicksilver, today, you have to go back to X Academy with me.

I won't let you mess around like this. "

Hearing this, Quicksilver snorted coldly: "Don't you still want to stop me? Although you show my expectations.

But what can an ordinary Flight Ability do to me?"

Having said that, Quicksilver sneered sarcastically.

Seeing Quicksilver's sneer, Wolverine also had a smile on her face.

Seeing that Wolverine could laugh, Quicksilver sensed something was wrong.

He showed a trace of uneasiness.

"Why can you still laugh?" Quicksilver's face changed slightly.

Because of Wolverine's smile, he was uneasy, so Quicksilver was going to leave here first.

Thinking of this, Quicksilver squeezed out a smile: "I'm sorry, I won't accompany you for now! I'll meet you when I find Wanda!"

Let Quicksilver find Wanda, and Wolverine feels in danger.

Although his mental power has been greatly enhanced because of the new ability, he is not specialized in mental ability after all, and has no special mental resistance.

For skills such as mind control, he may not be able to resist.

Just like Magneto, if he doesn't wear a helmet, he can't stop Professor X's mental attack at all.

Therefore, Quicksilver is definitely not going away.

Seeing the grin that Quicksilver forced, Wolverine grinned: "You won't be able to leave today."

With that said, invisible's gravitational reins rushed towards Quicksilver from all directions.

Hearing Wolverine's words, Quicksilver was very disturbed.

He immediately activated his Ability and prepared to run.

It turned out that his body seemed to be grabbed by countless hands, and he was extremely heavy.

He couldn't move an inch at all.

With all his strength, the veins popped up on his forehead: "Ah!"

But he couldn't move at all, as if his whole body was stuck with glue repeatedly.

This scene horrified Quicksilver.

What's happening here?

Why is he completely immobile?

What kind of Ability is this Wolverine?

He looked at Wolverine with a hint of fear on his face: "What's the situation? What did you do to me?

Isn’t your Ability Flight? Isn’t it enhancing your physical strength? What is it?”

Wolverine grinned with white teeth and walked slowly towards Quicksilver.

If it was an enemy, Wolverine wouldn't be able to smile.

That is to say, Quicksilver is one of his own, so Wolverine will be like this.

He said, "I never said that my ability is Flight.

My true strength is controlling gravity.

You can't move now because I exerted a strong gravitational force on your body, making you unable to move.

Hearing Wolverine's words, Quicksilver's heart was agitated.

Controlling gravity?!

Wolverine's third ability is so terrifying!

After all, everything is contained by gravity.

Controlling the gravitational force is almost equivalent to controlling everything.

Quicksilver never imagined that Wolverine possessed such a terrifying ability.

Quicksilver was shocked: "How can you have such a terrifying ability?

In other words, in addition to your original terrifying healing power, you also have a terrifying combat power increase ability.

Now there is also the ability to control gravity!

You are a monster!"

Quicksilver had never heard of that Mutant possessing so many abilities.

And every kind of Ability is extremely perverted, integrating together makes people feel hopeless.

Wolverine had already walked over.

He punched Quicksilver directly in the stomach.

The heavy punch made Quicksilver's expression change, and he let out a cry of pain.

bang bang bang!

Wolverine punched again.

in great pain.

Quicksilver had turned into a scorched shrimp, with a lot of sweat dripping from his forehead, and he was moaning in pain.

Wolverine said, "This is your punishment for killing yourself.

He looked serious: "Tell me, what is your mission? What is Wanda going to do?"

To deal with Wanda who controls people's mind ability, he can only choose to attack.

Otherwise, if he is tough, he is afraid that he will overturn the car.

It's time to knock out Wanda and bring her and Quicksilver back to X Academy.

With a professor in charge, these two people can't afford to make waves.

(There are two more! I hope it will not be blocked and will be sent out tonight.).

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