Arafoo Otoko no Isekai Tsuuhan Seikatsu
Episode 16 Picking her up in the woods
It has been about a month since I started living in the forest.
I'm used to the dark woods, so I'll start a little stroll. Of course (of course), we can't get lost, so we'll work out the measures.
I got lost in the woods because I couldn't figure out where I was because the same scenery persisted forever.
The countermeasure is simple. Mark the trunk of the tree with a pink paint spray.
This is the measure that even if you get lost, you can go back home looking for the pink mark.
Stroll through the dark woods, leaving a mark on the thick trunk of conifers. Wander around taking pictures of flowers and rare plants in the woods with digital camels bought at Shangri-La.
It makes no sense to say what it means to do something like this, it's just a hobby. I did the same thing in my former world, so it's just a habit.
It's a beautiful flower or plant I've never seen before, and it's fun to bury the album. It's very similar to gathering the characters of a game and trying to complete it.
Save it on the SD card and put it in the item box to save it.
But there's a lot of stuff in the item box, so what happens to the stuff inside when we get back to the original world?
Is it extinct after all? I don't feel like I can go home at all before that...
Well, in my former world, I did similar things in the countryside, so it's almost the same even if I live here in slow life...
"Oh, this is a beautiful flower."
The large petals are beautiful. Put the white flowers in the camera finder. This camera is also a used SLR camera purchased at Shangri-La.
The price was 30,000 yen and the mold fell off, but that was enough.
Because it cannot be used as it is in the dark forest, it is equipped with a diffuser for flushing.
Holding the camera, circle around a large tree. Then the black object at the root of the tree moved.
Suddenly, I jumped up and hit the buttocks, and the thrown camera rolled over the rotten soil.
At the root of the tree was a black beast. Four legs with short black bristles covering their entire body. If you look closely, it's a big cat.
A cat is not as cute as a house cat.
Beautiful, elongated legs with twisted tails and long, triangular ears above the head - leopards, no bobcats.
I thought it was completely black - if you look closely, you can see a thin tiger pattern even in black.
I'm still alive because I'm breathing and my stomach is moving... but I can't move at all. Looking around carefully, it looks like there is an injury at the base of the left rear leg and a broken arrow is stuck.
"That's pathetic... but I want to do something about it..."
But is it okay to touch such a big beast?
Even if they bite me. I'm out in one shot.
Still, when I tried to touch it a little, it seemed like I noticed it, and I was severely intimidated. The way to intimidate is with the cat.
But was it a threat to squeeze out your last energy - it seems that you have exhausted your strength, and there is no sign of a tight movement after that.
As a chewing measure - buy a cushion from Shangri-La and wrap it around your arm with a strap.
Then when it comes to beast attacks - they'll be targeting the neck. I tried various searches, but I bought a neckguard for my motorcycle and put it on my shoulder.
Now that you can guard your neck to shoulder, you won't be able to bite into the acute. I admire myself as a good idea.
But to be perfectly clear, I'm super scared.
I've been bitten by a dog - a beast bites me into a deep cut that looks like a blade was poked.
Fat arteries are more likely to cause fatal injuries.
Never pull out an arrow stuck in the back leg of a black beast.
You must have been surprised by the sudden and severe pain. I woke up and looked as if I was biting, but soon it got tight.
They don't even think I have the strength to wake you up anymore, and I'm still doing it.
In the wild world of weak predators, it would be a good target for other beasts to get hurt like this.
If you look at the face of the beast, it looks like you're feeling something like that or giving up.
Check around the fur with the arrows pulled out. The fingertips are short and smooth - a black velvety feel.
The hair around the wound is black and wet, and you can see that you have a lot of heat when you touch it.
"Oh, my God, you're pus."
You must have a lot of fever. It is probably because of that that that it is tight.
Now, what do we do?
For the time being, buy saline for cleaning from Shangri-La. The plastic bottle has an elongated mouth and is perfect for washing wounds.
Disinfect the area around the wound by pouring jabberfly and saline into the wound and then removing the disinfectant alcohol and tissue from the item box.
Because it is a black fur, it only looks like it is black and wet, but the tissue that wiped the wound is dyed red.
The rest is medicine...
You also sold medicine to Shangri-La. What I usually see is medicine for human use. Does the medicine work for humans on animals, but also on alien creatures?
I searched and found that they also sell medicine for animals - but there are a lot of skin diseases and gastrointestinal medicine, and they don't sell wound medicine.
I also found needleless syringes to give the animals medicine, so I put them in my cart.
I can't use the medicine for human use, but I have to try it...
If I can't use it, I can't do anything anymore.
Search for antibiotics in Shangri-La.
There were several hits, but only ointment.
"It has a wide antibacterial power against antisepsis, gram-positive bacteria, etc... is this it?
Originally it seems like a dermatitis medicine, but it is the only antibiotic I sell.
Purchase the ointment in the tube and apply it to the wound and black fur. The black cat stays tight while I apply the medicine.
I bought Loki ○ Nin as an anti-inflammatory medicine, crushed one tablet and dissolved in water, and poured it into the back of the beast's throat with a syringe like the one I just bought.
Is that good enough for you? Does it work? Not known at all.
In the first place, it seems like there was a talk that animals should take medicine for human use, but now there is only this one.
In the meantime, I treated it, but if I leave it here, it will be a good prey for other animals.
He must have come near the edge of the woods with few other beasts afraid of it.
Think of a way to carry it for a while - creatures can't get into item boxes. I don't know...
First, search your career at Shangri-La.
I had seen a Caterpillar career in my former world, so I looked for it, but it wasn't for sale.
However, a foldable four-wheel box-shaped carrier called Wild Carrier is sold for 9,000 yen.
They wear a wide range of low-pressure tires that correspond to the wasteland, so they won't sink into rotten soil.
I decided to buy this one.
When you lay down a brown blanket while you assemble your carrier, you hold a black body that is completely immobile.
"Oh, it's heavy!
Drop your hips and take care of it - it'll be more than 30 kg. Whether you hold it up or hold it gently in your career, it won't move until I do.
I wonder if I can't do it anymore...
Take it slowly home - if you can put it in the item box, you won't have to struggle.
As I slowly pulled the four-wheeled cart through the dark woods - I followed the pink mark I had just attached to the trunk of the tree - I set out for the house.
I've brought the beast home, but what do we do now?
I searched the dog cage, but it's pathetic to put it in such a small cage.
--That's the last time you're in the room with me and bitten while you're sleeping.
It bothers me a little, but I'll just put him in the house and I'll put up a tent outside to sleep.
That's it, so I'll get ready. Blue plastic sheet in the corner of the room. I decided to lay a blanket on it and let it sleep there.
I checked it when I held it, but because there was no Inari in my crotch, it seems that this black body is owned by him (...) woman.
And then... the bathroom. Searching Shangri-La for a cat toilet is just a small thing. I don't sell such a large cat.
After searching for this for a while - I decided to buy a blue plastic square tarai and replace it with a cat toilet. After purchasing, tap and put the cat sand bought together in the fallen tarai.
I don't know if you can use this as a toilet. She doesn't move tightly on the blanket.
And I opened a small plate of water and a can of cats. If this is a gourmet one, I will try to make it expensive, but how about it?
But he didn't react to the food in front of him and kept his eyes closed. At the very least, I think that if you can eat, your health will return...
I set up a tent in front of the house and got ready for camp. Even though I built a house, camping outside is a bit dumb, but it can't be helped.
Whether she will survive or not, the results will come in a few days. It's kind of pathetic, but I don't think there's a veterinarian in this world.
Maybe there's something like healing magic...
--The next morning.
Wake up in the tent outside and peek into the room - nothing has changed for her. There is no trace of any mouth on the water or the cat can. I tried replacing the water and cat can with a new one.
I can't help staring at it, so I decided to ask about the treatment of animals that are commercially available in the market.
It would be the toolman's grandfather who seems to know the information in his hand. I'm familiar with this city, and I think I have connections.
That's why I visited my grandfather's tool store.
Find your grandfather in the same dark shop.
"... Chiwa ~"
"What is it?
I was surprised by the grandfather in the robe, who suddenly came out of the darkness as if nothing had happened. It was like this before...
"Grandpa, is that magic?
"... I'll leave it to your imagination. So, what can I do for you? Do you bring in weird stuff again?
My grandfather is stroking his white beard.
"Are there any animal doctors in this city?
"... this is another strange thing to ask."
My grandfather's story was that even though there were few human doctors, there were no veterinarians.
"So, what about healing magic?
"You're not going to use healing magic on the bastards, are you?
"I'm not saying no... hmm"
Grandpa has a complicated look, but he doesn't have a magician to help him with such a drunken thing.
"But if the royal nobleman's famous horse gets hurt, won't he be treated?
"Still, I don't hear that kind of talk."
Even in such a case, there is no treatment that seems to be particularly therapeutic, and it seems to be left to nature.
Well, if a horse hurts his leg, he'll have to die because he can't support his body...
Well, this world looks like animals = prey or consumables.
Generally speaking, there are no surgical operations, etc., and medicines are only medicinal herbs.
If you eat herbs like a game, your wounds will heal and your health will heal! --That doesn't seem to be working. If you get hurt, that's it...
"What do you want to help me with?
It's a big cat I picked up in the woods.
"Isn't it black?
Grandpa immediately realized who the beast was, raised one of his gray-haired eyebrows and looked at me.
"Yes, it is."
"That's a forest cat. Forest cat fur sells at a high price. It's a super luxury product."
Sure, it feels like that Velveteen, but... that's why they're after you. It is usually a prey to be finished and peeled. My grandfather doesn't seem to understand what I'm doing to help him.
Even though the values and ethics were different, there was no point in talking about it - I decided to give up and left the tool shop.
I also washed the wound and applied anti-pus. That should be all right - I can tell myself sitting on a stool at a market stall.
Still, I searched every corner of Shangri-La to see if there was any medicine.
I was suddenly told that I was anxious about her with black fur as I looked at the screens lined up with products.
"Husband, what are you thinking?
It's Amana from the store next door.
No, just a little bit.
"Men think about money or women, don't they?
A woman may be a woman... but I'll tell Amana about the forest cat.
"Haha... this is so drunk again. I thought you were a strange person, but you're really a strange person."
"I'm sorry."
When I was talking to Amana with a completely stupid face, suddenly a different woman spoke to me.
"It smells like a forest cat!
Turning around, the Lord of Voices was Murray, a beast woman wrapped in fur similar to the forest cat.
Does it smell that bad? That way, even though I held the forest cat and my clothes were intact...
I can't take a bath or wash my clothes every day like in the old world.
Talking to Murray about saving the forest cat, she wants to see her. For their beast cats, the forest cat is the use of God - that is, angels.
When I fold the stall near the evening, I go to the woods where my house is with Murray.
She seems a little surprised to hear that I live in the woods. My behavior seems strange from the point of view of the Beast entering the woods by hunting.
"So the beasts take care of the forest cat?
"I'm doing it!
But for ordinary people, a forest cat is only made of luxury fur - except for a beast who shot an arrow and tried to kill a forest cat.
"But dogs are different." Maybe they were the ones who did the forest cat! "
Even the same beast, a wolf-like species called the Dog Man, worships the black wolf I was attacked by - the black wolf called the devil wolf - as God's use.
Due to this ideological and religious difference, cat and dog people like Murray have been bad friends for a long time.
"So cats hunt black wolves, right?
I can't say anything about this. He saved the forest cat by chance - and if only one black wolf was dying, he might have saved it.
But by saving the forest cat, I seem to recognize myself as a fellow cat in Murray.
But what should I do if I meet a dog? Although it was my carelessness, I was attacked in the woods, so my image of the black wolf is not good.
Hmm... well, let's think about it then.
Cross the bridge over the river, descend to the riverbank, and walk the road to my house. I can't use my bicycle because I have Murray.
Well, you can use it, but it's awkward to make weird rumors (first of all).
"You made your way to the woods? Amazing."
I used a lawn mower so it was easy, but I think it would be really hard if I did all this with a sickle.
I said I was slow, so I asked her to carry me and dash me home. I don't have the body of a man, but a beast woman has enough power.
You have enough power to throw a drunk man away.
When I carry a man, I walk, so I do my best, and I think my knees will probably get bumpy.
After grabbing her back and running through the woods, Murray was surprised to see my house again.
"You built a house in the woods?! Did Kenchi make it?
"Yeah, I had a hard time."
I didn't think it was an assembly kit. But on the contrary, it's like it was assembled because it's a kit.
If I design and build this from scratch, I can't do it any more. There are ingredients, tools, heavy machinery - I don't think there's anything I can do, but I think it will take a long time.
"What's that smell?
"What's that smell?
She is concerned about the smell of insect repellent marigold planted on the outer perimeter of the fence. You really have a good nose.
When I went up the small stairs and opened the door to the entrance leading from the small deck, I invited Murray into my house.
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