Arafoo Otoko no Isekai Tsuuhan Seikatsu
Episode 269 Discuss with Alstromeria
I arrived in King's Landing with the refugees.
We can arrive here to Sakura in a day.
No, two days because I'm putting people on the roof?
If you come this far, there is no danger in the street, so there is no need to panic.
Even though I came back after all this time, it would be difficult if I had an accident or an injury.
Hurry up and ruin things.
With a large number of refugees, movement is restricted.
It doesn't matter if you have a small number of people, but if you have more than 90 people, there are many things you can't do.
Even if we were to camp, we would need a lot of space.
It's impossible to stay in a hotel in the city.
Arriving at the castle of King's Landing, I visited the royal Alstromeria.
I am familiar with it and have given various gifts, so I expect that it may be convenient for me.
I'd like to report something.
We should also talk about picking up refugees from the Republic.
Relax at the table and chair on the stone bridge in front of the back gate.
We are relaxed, but the villagers on the bus will be a little bored.
We can't just go down in the woods and pick up firewood.
A woman voiced while everyone was drinking and waiting for the product bought at Shangri-La to be packed in a box.
Uncle Border!
Looking at the voice, there is a woman in a white dress with blonde hair knitted together.
I used to have regular web-haired hair, but now it seems to be up.
It is natural that it is similar because it is a relative, but it feels like a small and thin minimalist.
Amaranthus has a body like a samurai or an athlete, but she's a regular thin woman.
Behind him is a guard knight in a black uniform, and he can see the face he took care of before.
"This is for Alstromelia, please be happy..."
"Good, good, good, good, good, good."
"Let's start with this."
I gave you a box full of souvenirs.
I just mended it.
"Oops!? Is this chocolate?!"
"Where's this vial?"
"This is lotion, white powder (foundation), red (lip)"
I was surprised to jump, but the tingling and movement stopped.
"What is it?"
"It's quick to rejoice, what do you want?"
"I was wondering if you could lend me the backyard of the castle."
"Hahaha - you're telling me to camp in the garden with the people on that iron box?"
"As you can imagine."
Solve it! You did that before! "
I tried to approach her, but I was surrounded by the Knights.
The quick-responsive Amaranthus stood in front of me, and the Knights began to fall under pressure.
Because they know the horrors of Amaranthus.
All right, knights, back off.
Whispers whispered that the dissatisfied Knights were going down.
"There are important reports that are relevant to the country and the royal family."
"The Holy Knight is not lying."
"Hmm, I can't hear the words of a woman who abandoned her royal registry and fell into slavery... uhh"
Alstromelia's face gradually turned blue and began to tremble.
Because Amaranthus is intimidating.
"Yes, yes, Amaransus, it's going to be a bit confusing."
"With concubines and knights, you can crush the castle and make this our castle?"
"I'm not going to do that.Master Alstromeria, could you spare some time? "
"... I can't help it. Somebody's here!"
"Yes, Lord Alstromeria."
One of the maids came.
A maid I've never seen wearing chestnut wavy hair and glasses.
"Don't cancel all afternoon plans."
"Kenichi! Do you still have the chocolate?"
Yes, there is.
"Let the aristocrats who were scheduled to see you have souvenirs."
"Yes, sir."
The maid is staring at me.
Is it a protest that you want to do more work?
For other reasons, would it be a protest against the large number of maids in the castle headed by Myren?
I bought extra chocolate.
Premium chocolate in a fine box for the nobles.
Apart from that, I bought a pile of virtuous chocolate in a clear bag.
"The beautiful boxes are for the nobles, and this one is for the maids.I'm sorry I had to do more work. "
Is the poison good?
The maid silently received the chocolate and returned to the castle.
"I can't believe you would do that.In general, if you have the power to fight, you can control this castle without poisoning it. "
"Well, here's the thing."
Besides, I think you can reach the elves!
Alstromelia noticed the elves eating sweets at the table.
Can you tell at a glance?
"Yes, that's why I'm here."
"How dare you miss those biased people?"
"Thank you for your compliments."
"I don't mean to compliment you, but do you know what they say?"
I know you're listening to my wishes.
"Yes, I understand dragon killers and female elves can speak our common language."
"Um, there are a lot of beasts, but are you okay?"
"Never mind."
With royal permission, I put two microbuses through the back gate.
There's plenty of room in there, and over 90 people are fine.
When the bus stopped, Wye and the people began to get off.
Bells and lizards also jumped off and were snapping around the flowerbed in the backyard.
"Look, this is inside the castle.Don't move from here. "
Masaki is here.
"Ah, well! This is a castle with a king, right?"
That's right.
"Are you okay?"
"You don't have to move from here.They say you're a spy, so just eat and sleep here. "
I see.
"Oh, Mom, don't go anywhere either ~"
I'm sure you understand.
Aoi was walking around, looking around.
Can't you see?
There are no enemies here, neither his ears nor his nose.
The back entrance of the castle, the walls are crooked into a corridor and many pillars are lined up.
There are about ten Knights lined up to keep an eye on us.
When I went there, I gave one of the knights chocolate.
"Would you like some?"
"We're on a mission."
"Was it Millet before?I thought there was a knight. "
"She's been relocated."
There is a voice from Alstromeria.
"Kenichi! Let's get that report out of here!"
Ah ~ yes yes
When I went to her, I put out a white table and chair.
Shop the glass teacups and line them up.
The crystal is cut and sparkles depending on the direction.
Made of clear glass, these cups are unlikely to be found in this world.
My family is looking at the two people sitting at the table from a distance.
"Oh, what a splendid thing."
She held a glass cup and raised it on the day.
I thought about making tea for the cup, but it's troublesome, so I buy tea in a pet bottle.
"I usually drink it at room temperature and the taste may be bad."
"It would be fun to try something odd once in a while."
She drank tea poured into a crow cup.
"Hmm, it's not that bad. This may be good for dry throats."
I'll also buy a cake to cheer you up.
Search for Shangri-La.
I personally like tarts, so my eyes go to tarts.
I made strawberry tart because I wanted to eat it too.
The tart in the hall in the box falls.
A bright red strawberry sits on a brown fabric like a flower.
"Oh, this is beautiful!"
I'll cut it up.
Cut out the white plate and knife.
"Cut it bigger!"
She directed a quarter of the hall.
Seriously? I made it 1/8.
"Mmm! It's delicious! Sweet and sour in this mouth!"
"I feel relieved that it fits my mouth."
Alstromelia is staring at us.
"What is it?"
"Because you pulled Sambaku out, the court cuisine and tea treats have fallen considerably."
"I didn't pull it out.Sambak came to me. "
"The same thing!"
"I'm sorry."
I lowered my head.
"Well - so?! Where are they?!"
"Now, where do I start...?"
"Is it that complicated?"
"You can start anywhere, so talk to me."
I told Alstromeria that they were residents of the Republic.
The Knights who were escorting her reaction scrambled.
She stopped it with her hands.
I brought them from the Republic.
How the hell did you do that?
Suddenly he looks up and becomes a private conversation.
"Put me in that iron box...."
"That's not true!"
"Hmm - there's a vast earth in my territory, isn't there?"
"In the Agaratam Highlands."
I was surveying it, and I found the ruins.
It's a secret about the transfer gate to Odamaki.
"I went down to the bottom, defeating the monster in the ruins."
"Was it a dungeon?"
"Well, that's how it looks. And beneath it was Rich."
Alstromeria stood up and the Knights groaned again.
When she took control of the Knights, she sat slowly.
So what happened?
"I defeated Rich, but I got caught in a trap at the transfer gate....."
She opens her mouth.
It's so cute inside that it solidifies - no, it's not.
It's a transfer gate. A transfer gate.
Alstromeria stood up again.
Calm down, please.
"Fall, can this calm down?!"
"I flew to the Republic across the mountains at that transfer gate and came back for my life."
"This is a lost technology that comes out of mythology, such as the metastasis gate?"
She sat down with Stone.
If you think it's a lie, ask Amaranthus.
She looked at Amaranthus better.
"I don't need it, but I don't need it...."
"It's true. So I put the dying villagers in those iron boxes and reached King's Landing at the end of their ordeal."
She is leaning on a chair and looking at the sky.
"Couldn't you have gone home with that transfer gate?"
"No, the transfer gate was broken and it was a one-way street."
"The more ~ … I understand, but this could develop into a diplomatic problem…"
"That's okay."
What do you mean?
"There are no witnesses, so the villagers will be treated as if they were no longer on the run."
Explain the tragedy of the Republic to Alstromeria.
"Is the Republic in this state?"
"I'm sorry I did this on my own.But when I see their misery, I can't let them go..... "
She is frowning and has a sinister face.
If you take one step and mistake politics (for each festival), it will be the same as the kingdom, so naturally.
"Hunger continues in most villages and cities, even cannibalism."
It's information from them.
I pointed to the villagers.
I don't know what they're talking about, but they're looking at us worried.
"It's impossible to come here to protest because the passage has collapsed completely, even if they find out they brought the residents."
"You guys crossed the line?"
"Do you know I have a large item BOX?"
"Hmm, you can carry a lot of food and supplies..."
When Alstromelia throws the tart into her mouth, she thinks of something.
"Exactly - that's why they crossed the pass.In fact, I was caught in a landslide and sacrificed one of those iron beasts. "
"Didn't you die well?"
"Well, I thought he was dead, but..."
Even now, the running lights are just an event.
Even if I remember, my liver gets cold.
I live because I have a family and a companion with great abilities.
Get the sketchbook out of the item BOX and explain the route to date.
"I see. If you use that transfer gate, you'll fly to the Republic."
"It won't be easy because it takes a lot of magic to get the magic team up and running."
"Let's see...."
Looks like you rounded it up nicely.
"Besides, there's another big story....."
Still have it?
"Segina is the western city, right?"
"Count Syrah."
"You know there's remnants of the old fort."
"Oh, yes. The Count said it was shape-shaped, so it was no longer operational."
"Beyond that fortress, I found a vast hideaway."
Alstromeria stood up again.
"She said she didn't know Amaranthus either, so Alstromelia naturally...."
"I don't know. I haven't been notified that you've opened such a place."
Taxes are exempt for the first few years of operation, but after that they must be collected accordingly.
She invited Amaranthus.
What is it?
Amaranthus is a slave, so if she talks like this, it's handmade, but there's no one in this country who can do that to her.
"Is it true you found a vast hideaway in Count Syrah's territory?"
"Hmm, that shouldn't have been notified.When I visited my concubine, I was told there was nothing ahead of the fort, and I was driven back. "
"Since Count Syrah seems to be anti-royalist, is he a source of funding for his forces?"
I showed you the pictures and videos I took.
"This is a painting I saved using magic tools.This is the fort, and you can see the vast fields, right? "
Alstromeria is staring at the video.
Shit, that buffet.
Alstromelia bit her thumbnail.
"That's all."
"Alright! Thank you so much!"
Well, can I use the backyard?
"I don't mind."
"I'll be leaving tomorrow morning, so I'll borrow it until then."
When she went to the Knights, the black uniforms gathered.
Dear Alstromeria,
"Prepare all the Knights!Not even a part-time magician!Concubines gather grandpas from round tables. "
She raised her right hand.
Your Majesty has really become a decoration...
I wonder if that's okay.
I have the culprit, too.
"I'll tell you the plan after the meeting, so wait until then.Then we don't have to watch them. "
Alstromelia pointed to us.
"I understand."
Hurry up and prepare!
The pieces and the Knights scattered.
You might not have taken my word for it, but if there was a testimony from former royal Amaranthus, it would be different.
"Yeah? You're not going to have a fight?"
"It's an investigation involving force.The opponent may resist, so we will gather strength from the beginning to deal with it. "
"Does it take time to destroy the evidence, and is it possible that the opponent will get a lot of hands on it?"
"My concubines visited the Earl's Mansion, so I may already be fighting."
"Even if I were to hit you, I wouldn't have been able to do without that vast land."
"We may have already consolidated our defenses in preparation for a thorough resistance."
"The opponent may lose his or her will if he or she goes to war with great power from the beginning.As a result, there will be fewer victims..... "
"Before that, if the Count's men are after us, they might make contact on the way."
It's possible.
I only took the remaining tart and put the tea ware, table and chair in the item BOX.
My tart was suddenly taken away.
I thought it was Cétela.
She ran away with a tart in the hall.
Everyone is solidified with every effort.
An anemone blinking at whether he could eat a bright red tart was angry when his prey was caught in front of him.
"Yes, yes, I don't use words like that."
Buy extra tarts when you leave the Container House.
Let my family eat in it.
The food gap with the villagers is inevitable.
"Gotcha!" "Gotcha!"
The Beasts are looking forward to something sweet.
While the family is snacking, head to the villagers preparing the camp.
The preparations are the same as always, but there is nothing to worry about being attacked here by the outside world.
It is the safest place in this country.
Well, those people who don't feel comfortable with me may come to assassinate me, so I'm on alert.
With lots of beasts and forest cats, you'll soon find hostiles approaching.
It's a safe place, but on the contrary, you might be careful.
It's the toilet.
If it's in the woods or on the roadside, that's fine, but not here.
We'll leave Yubo a little farther away - it's been a long time.
When you dig a hole and put in a blue sheet, you put a plastic case there.
Hand over the board and put on the steel cabin.
Complete the litter room.
You can put all the items in the BOX before you leave.
The effluent is placed in the trash can on the item BOX.
My hands aren't dirty.
It looks like item BOX.
Because of the large number of people, I made two of the same ones.
We are relaxed, but the castle is noisy.
Butterflies, people and supplies are gathering.
My bus ran through in almost a day, but ordinary cavalry and carriages can travel dozens of kilometers in a day.
It will take 5-7 days to reach the Earl's Landing.
We must quickly prepare enough food and supplies.
"Probably the merchants will be up all night today."
"So will the Mallow Chamber of Commerce be driven out?"
I'm a little worried that we might get in the way because everyone in the castle seems busy.
I moved as far as I could to the corner of the wall, but it looks okay.
I was wondering what I would do if I were told to go out with Count Syrah like this, but that didn't happen.
He took care of me bringing a lot of refugees.
I know the royal care, but you don't want to owe me much.
It is not good that Hamada territory is too strong.
Even now, they still have the same combat power as the National Army.
The sky began to tilt a little.
Ask Amaranthus as he prepares his dinner.
"Amaranthus, what is the power of the Earl's Landing?"
"It's probably about 500 rides, even if you gather the nobles of your child's keepers.I don't think we have time to recruit the people. "
So the royal family has thousands of cavalry?
If it's a fixed stone, that's what happens.
That's gonna cost you a fortune.
"But we can't overlook it."
I don't know.
If you put one piece together, your personal belongings will be boosted in addition to the taxes you have not paid so far.
Is that enough to cover the war expenses?
Well, the Count couldn't have imagined someone coming through a collapsed and closed pass.
Bad luck.
Besides, it's dinner.
"What to eat"
"Curry!" "Curry!"
No, the Beasts will be fine with that...
The children who picked it up along the way also seem to like curry, so I make the curry in a pot.
"Yah." "Mia."
The forest cats came back, so I played cat cans early.
When everyone peels off the vegetables and potatoes, they are boiled in a pot.
The rest is done by adding curry ru, so it's easy.
"Now, what do we do?"
"Yes, request"
Akira raised her hand.
"Spaghetti, then you can eat the elves."
"Isn't it?"
Not pasta, but spaghetti.
"What spaghetti?"
Speaking of spaghetti, Naples.
I knew that would happen.
Speaking of spaghetti in Osan, it is a napolitan made with ketchup.
"I have an elf, so should I leave without meat?"
Help me understand the points!
It will appear in the era play, but I wonder what the source of the help is.
With that in mind, Akira boils the spaghetti she bought at Shangri-La.
Not raw pasta, but a pile of dried noodles.
I fry the garlic chopped in a big frying pan and pour in a lot of ketchup.
I'll slowly fry it so it doesn't burn.
This is how you fry the vinegar in the ketchup.
That way, you can have a sweet and delicious spaghetti.
"How red is it today?It's not built in blood, is it? "
Cétela is peeking into the ketchup sauce.
"No, it's crushed fruit."
Whether tomatoes are vegetables or fruits, they are supposed to be vegetables in Japan, but they look like fruits in color so I did so.
Hee ~
Wrap the last boiled noodles with ketchup sauce.
"Oh?! Sweet and delicious!"
Akira shouted.
"Fufufu, I'm a little confident with Naples."
"Amazing Gate Saemon!"
I only know Osan.
"You're not soaked in soup today, are you?"
"Husbands are eating bugs again." "Bugs!"
"It's not a bug."
Well, noodles are thicker than ramen, so they don't even look like tubeworms.
"Is it delicious?" "It's delicious."
Two elves raised their voices.
Anemone is eating bright red around her mouth.
"Well, this is simple but delicious...."
It's delicious enough to convince the former royal family.
Using ketchup for spaghetti will cut off the Italians, but this is the taste of Japan.
"Easy and delicious is the basics of men's cooking."
When the meal is finished, I leave the container house and sleep with Anemone.
The forest cats are with us.
Nh ~, finally, Kenichi and the two of us
Anemone is on the bed, sticking to me.
There comes the forest cats.
We leave tomorrow, and if we make it, we can get close to Sakura.
I'm sure Lilith and Primura are worried.
We need to show him a safe face as soon as possible.
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