Arafoo Otoko no Isekai Tsuuhan Seikatsu
Episode 41: Farewell to the Crotons
To rescue a man named Croton from Santa Claus.
We raided and destroyed the agonists nesting in the evil of the city of Astrantia.
After that, the crotons have to move out of the village.
Since the key members of the ungrateful have been destroyed, it seems that there will be no chase.
But the city gates won't open until morning, so I decided to evacuate to the abandoned house near the gates.
There are several carriages parked near the gate, and they camp there, but staying at the inn costs money, so they stay in the car to save money.
--We arrived at the abandoned house Croton was talking about.
When the horses were connected, the beasts began to wash their bodies to remove blood glue from the wells.
"Murray, soap."
I decided to give the horse well water. When we were in trouble, the horses seemed to be eating roadside grass, so we'll be fine... maybe.
There is no grass around here. Poor thing, you just have to put up with it till the gate opens.
Buy a blanket for four from Shangri-La. It's for Croton's parents and children and Nyanas.
My share and that of Anemone are in the item BOX, so I use it.
"Look, it gets cold at night. Use this blanket."
"Thank you, but is this for sale?
"Well, yes. Don't worry, I brought the money from the villain's nest. You can keep it."
"Thank you."
Croton's wife lowers her head.
"Instead, are you okay?
"Ah, somehow...."
"Tomorrow, shall we find someone who can use healing magic?
"No, I've taken care of you so much...."
"I saved your life, but your prognosis is not bad."
I think you can use magic, the toolman's grandmother. You must be the wizard to know Dalia's grandfather.
I knew a lot about magic.
"But I didn't know you had the item BOX. And it's amazing magic - that's why we're running away from the royal family."
"Do you understand?"
"Mother, I'm hungry....."
Marie complains of hunger. Maybe the hunger came because my father was saved and relieved.
Sure, I haven't eaten anything since around 3 o'clock.
"It's crazy when a kid gets hungry. So let's eat before we go to bed. - What do we eat?
"Curry!" "Yah!
Anemone and Murray shout.
Curry again. Well, if that's okay. There is no nutritional problem because you can get vegetables, meat and carbohydrates.
I don't think I can be instant with these men.
Remove two tools and a cassette stove from the item BOX and place a pressure cooker with water in one.
I have five adults and two children... should I have 4L? You can put the excess in the item BOX.
I started cooking, illuminated by the blue and white light of the LED lantern.
The ingredients of vegetables and meat are also abundant in the item BOX. I have Croton's wife, so I need her to help me peel the vegetables.
I bought all the vegetables at the Astrantia market. Because there are a lot of vegetables that are slightly stronger than acupuncture, remove the acupuncture.
Boil hot water in a cassette stove, add baking soda, and simmer vegetables, then expose for about 20 minutes while changing water.
It takes time, but decent cooking takes time.
Marie, who is hungry, is still waiting to cook - a good boy.
Stir-fry the meat, and when the hot water in the pressure cooker boils, put it in with the unactivated vegetables.
Finally, add the curry powder in the red can of S○ B and prepare the salted plum.
Well, rather than curry, it's regular curry soup.
Remove dishes, spoons, etc. from the item BOX. I bought a lot for the Adventurers during the Shaga Crusade.
I let the women who brought me from the Asiatique of Shaga have all kinds of things, but they still remain.
I always buy bread at Shangri-La and it is a set of bagged bread.
Marie sipped the curry and exclaimed.
"It's delicious. Kenchi's cuisine is delicious."
"Is this a spice soup? I can't eat like this very often."
Nyanas also eats curry and stands his tail.
Daria had a spice syndicate called Bakopa, but there was a similar organization in the city.
I suppose that's how much spices are profitable. Croton seems to have failed to tickle it.
"This bread is also soft, sweet and delicious!
"Um... my Marie hates vegetables and is in trouble, but how can they be so delicious?"
Croton's wife, who ate curry, noticed the taste of the vegetables.
"Ah, vegetables contain bitter ingredients and strange flavors. We have to pull it out."
"Is that the white powder you used to boil the vegetables?
Croton seemed to be watching.
"I use a special medicine, but I can do the same with the ashes of Kamado. All you have to do is boil it in ash and soak it in water overnight. Don't overcook it."
"Kamado's ashes?
Croton's wife looked incredible.
"Well, you can give it a try. It can also be used for wild vegetables."
"Husband, are you single?
Nyanas asks strange questions while eating curry.
"Oh, what's wrong with that?
"If a man cooks like this, my wife won't be in a position to do it. That's why women don't come near us. Hahaha"
"It's too much to take care of."
Don't let everyone tell you this story. Amana said the same thing.
I finish eating and clean up. I removed the wood ash contained in the item BOX and replaced it with detergent.
Ash is also fertilizer and has many uses, so we collect and store it as much as possible.
Croton's wife will help, but Marie and Anemone are already asleep.
Well, it's always time for me to go to bed.
Croton's parents and children put blankets on the wagon carrier and slept in the shape of a river.
I removed the cabin I built when I did the biodiesel fuel experiment from Item BOX.
"Let's get some sleep in here."
"Am I okay?
Nyanas tends to listen reluctantly.
"It's small, but I think I can manage to sleep....."
The vertical is about 2m 50cm, so even the big beast with the figure will be fine.
In the meantime, I went inside and put on a blanket, but I managed to lie down. Better than sleeping on the ground.
Near the gate, so the thugs won't attack you.
Croton came to me when I was taking a break from the item box. Hide Coke in a hurry.
"I really appreciate your help."
"Haha, leaving such a cute daughter and the beautiful woman behind and falling in love with her friend's wife is a good place to be."
He looked surprised for a moment, but immediately felt it.
"It's disgraceful...."
Ex-officer, after all. There must be a lot of science, so I don't think he's retarded. But some people are stupid enough to learn.
"As I said earlier, Anemone and Marie asked me to do it. For my part, I'd hate to say this more, but I already feel like a mess, and I'll forgive the good Marie and her wife."
"I'm sorry...."
In the meantime, I decided to go to bed until dawn.
--The next morning.
I woke up in the shed. This cabin has no windows, so I can't figure out the time.
When I opened the door, the area was white, but it was a little chilly.
Looking around the house, it seems that there are residents who are already awake because of the smoke rising in Kamado.
I burned firewood to get warm, and when I removed the cassette stove from the item BOX, I started pumping well water into the pot and boiling the water.
Morning meals are troublesome, so make instant soup. For the time being, if you boil hot water, you can eat rice.
Breakfast will be essential if you are to return to Santa Tanca's village and prepare for your move.
Everyone woke up stirring instant soup in the hot water.
"Good morning." "Good morning." "Nyah." "Whoa, whoa."
It was Nyasu who gave a big yawn.
Marie and Croton are still asleep.
Everyone who slept with me got up, so I put the cabin I was using for my stay in the item BOX.
This cabin is convenient inside. It can be used for small stays. Safer than a tent.
It seems interesting to put on a small window, put on a shelf where you can store your luggage, or modify it.
"I'm sorry for leaving you alone."
Croton's wife lowers her head to me cooking.
"That's fine. The shade of a tree and the flow of a river are the edge of other people."
She was concerned about her hair and appearance, so she took the comb out of the item BOX.
The hair is combed and the nose in between is strangely colorful. That's an adult woman.
After all, a woman has to be like this, but she's an adult - how about that?
"You can eat now. Wake Croton up."
"I understand."
After everyone had breakfast, the gate opened, so I visited the tool shop's grandmother before heading to the village of Santanka.
Sure enough, she said she could use healing magic, so she paid Croton one gold coin (200,000 yen) for treatment.
I don't want to be suddenly altered during my journey, even if I get my guts kicked.
In the meantime, let Murray pick up rumors all over the city.
Rumors circulate in the city that monsters have brought dogs to evil places.
It is said that a large number of deaths occurred due to the desperation of the building with huge arms.
This won't take much longer to chase.
"But I'm glad you blamed the dogs....."
It's decided to be good.
That's right.
"I don't know...."
The wagon departed for the village, but the children rocking on the wagon still seem to be asleep.
I decided to ask Croton about my plans for the future.
"Is there a way to get out of Santanka?
"That's... nothing. It was kind of sudden. However, if you prepare a wagon like this, it will cost us....."
The wagon was bought by your wife from the village chief.
"Now, my thanks to you...."
"Don't worry, I got it from the bad guys last night."
It's a croton full of words, but it's disgusting. Go to the unknown with your family, you'll be full of anxiety.
"If you don't have a place to go, you can go to Daria, and from there you can go to the Baron of North Paul. It's a new territory, but we're looking for a new one."
Thank you for that.
"The Baron is an acquaintance of mine, so I'll write you a letter of introduction. A nobleman, but a man who understands. I'm sure you'll do well."
There will be a shortage of manpower in the newly created Baron's Territory. This man is supposed to be useful to former officials.
"Thank you for everything."
Your wife is lowering her head.
"Say thank you to Marie. You made out with Anemone."
"Kenichi, make Marie a picture book...."
Anemone grabbed my arm.
"Oh, I see. You were in the process of making a picture book. All I have to do is print and spell it. Maybe I can do it right away, and I'll give it to you."
Anemone seems to miss you, too, because goodbye has been decided. I'm a friend of the same age.
We have arrived in the village of Santanka.
Some residents are happy to be back alive, but many are rebellious for causing trouble.
After all, it looks like we're going to have to move.
Croton and the others began preparing for the move by loading the household goods into the truck.
That said, it's a small wagon. You shouldn't take so much luggage with you.
A small tent, a desk, and a few wooden boxes with small items. I don't know if I'll have a bed - Marie's little bed, but I don't think I'll have a double bed for couples.
I have to leave a lot of things behind.
You shouldn't have any trouble working hard because you have Nyasu and Murray. Nyanas seems to be going on a journey together.
To make a book for Marie, I decided to remove the item from the BOX outside the village and put it inside.
When you put the table inside the hut, you'll find galileo tools and cutting machines. Then remove the binding machine and the mobile battery connected thereto from the storage.
It's easy because you only have to print one piece at a time in Galilee. I also know the procedure because I made it once.
Put the printed paper together and glue the back of the book, put the battery into the binding machine and switch it on!
Wait - the buzzer rings and you're done.
When I took a book cut in three directions and went to Croton, I roped the piled luggage onto the wagon.
Annemone was with Marie, so I'll give her the book that she made.
"Croton, I'm sorry I didn't help you. Anemone, give Marie the picture book from you."
Anemone took a picture book from me and handed it to Marie.
"Good luck!
As Marie began to pour out her big tears, Anemone hugged her silently.
"Nyanas, take this."
I took out the cutlass sword from item BOX and gave it to him.
"Do you want such a good sword? It wouldn't be a normal sword to break out like that and not chip."
"Protect Marie."
I gave Croton five gold coins.
"This is farewell. I don't know where to go without writing."
"But this is all I have to do...."
"Hey, don't worry, the money's coming from the nest of villains."
In the meantime, I'll let you know where the Mallow Chamber of Commerce and the tool shop's grandfather are. If you want to arrange things, you should go to your grandfather's place.
"Ah-ah, don't tell anyone where I am."
"Got it...."
"And this is my letter of introduction. He was a former official and recognized that he could do his job. I'm sure you'll do a good job."
"Thank you."
Croton's wife came to me and thanked me, but complained to her.
"Ma'am, if this guy sucks next time, you really should abandon him."
"No, it's okay! I work with a change of heart."
Croton and his wife nodded face to face and offered something - there were two gold rings on his palm.
"I'm sorry, but this is all we have left."
"Hey, isn't this a wedding ring?
"Ah, it's not like that. I used to buy it at an antique tool store. I don't think it's worth a single gold coin, but take it."
"No, but...."
"Got it. Then I'll take this as collateral. I owe you five gold coins. Someday when I get the money, I'll trade it for this ring."
Croton took the rope and the wagon set off.
Nyanas tells me he's going to run with me.
Well, it's like walking at about 10 kilometers an hour for a beast.
"Marie, good luck!
Anemone, too!
They wept and waved at each other, but soon the curved path made them invisible.
Anemone was watching where they disappeared for a while.
"Phew... I'm tired. Shall we go home?"
After all, I greeted the residents of Santanka, but they don't seem to be interested in us.
After all, I'm a stranger.
Maybe there was a feeling of alienation from the village when Nyanas and Croton's wife asked us for help.
There are many new residents in the Baron Northpole territory they are heading for. It will be suitable for immigrants.
Embrace the anemones and soak your thighs across the river. Where it flows into the lake, it doesn't flow fast.
After crossing the river, the off-road bike was removed from the item BOX and tandemized with anemones in an invisible location from the village.
After all, motorcycles are fast! I arrived at home in no time.
Belle greeted me with a black fur.
But those faces... where did you leave me? --I can't even see a face like that.
"Bad, bad."
As she stroked her chin, her throat burst with joy.
I did a lot of things, but I was relieved.
It's not like I'm supposed to help people at all...
I can't help asking cute girls.
Somehow, it's already noon.
"You're hungry because you're early in the morning. You want something to eat?
Fine - I still have what I made last night.
But while it's warming up, I'm going to put a lot of effort into it.
I made it yesterday like curry soup, but let's add a little flavor.
Serve the cassette stove and start cooking in front of the house.
Fill the frying pan with oil and stir-fry the flour until it turns fox. Putting him in the curry gives him just the right flavor and aroma.
There you go ~
"Something smells fragrant!
Murray's nose is pounding against the curry's plate.
Murray's got a good nose.
"Anemone, I've added a little flavor, so rice is better."
Murray puts curry on the bread, but it looks delicious.
"Nh, curry has all kinds of flavors!
"It suits all kinds of things."
"Curry is the strongest!
Anemone cheeks on curry as well, but I think it's best to eat delicious food when something sad happens.
Drinking alcohol doesn't solve the problem - I don't think I can swallow it.
Of course, I admit the objection.
"Murray, I'll do it a minute ago."
She stopped me when I tried to get the gold out of the item BOX.
"I don't need it. There's still plenty of money in the guild."
"Are you sure?
"Kenichi always cooks delicious food, so I don't need it."
If that's what you mean.
The Wesen can't account for the money, so there is an image that the money is rough.
"That's what men are like. Maybe in no time, you spend your money around the flower town, and it's all gone."
Pretty common.
"That way, I can see it coming to women."
Well, is that why Murray left all the men...?
When I counted the gold coins I took again after dinner, there were about 30.
Six million yen... that's a pretty good payout.
Pick up your sword and gear, and you'll get a little more money if you sell it. Your eyes are dazzled by the golden pile that piles up on the table.
I can't stop laughing.
"Hahaha! It's easy to make money. Isn't it faster to make this a full-time job?
"Hmm! So you're going to attack two or three more places with evil?
Murray is completely ridiculous.
"Hahahaha... hahaha... that?
"Kenichi, what's wrong?
My thoughts stopped and hardened.
Wait, wait, wait, wait. How did this happen? Whatever the bad guys, why does killing make it the default?
Try to repel the memory. I did, but now I'm backstabbing. No, I'm not talking about that.
As a result of reflection - I came to one conclusion. The leaves that I rode when I attacked Chaga.
I was relieved that there were no side effects or sequelae...
"There were rodent leaves when you went to Shaga, right? Are there any side effects that make you no longer resistant to killing or driven by the urge to kill?
"Hmm? I don't know what side effects are, but because they're leaves, it's only natural that killing is okay."
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
Shit... I have to weigh myself... When I reconsider what I did, I get a cold sweat on my back.
"Where are we gonna attack next? Another attack where the villains are drunk?
Calm down - don't listen to the devil whisper...
"No - this time, it just happened. There's Anemone, too - let's stop this dangerous stuff."
"Don't stop it? I see. We'll follow Kenichi."
"You don't have to follow me.
"It's only natural that the Beast should follow a strong man."
Hold on tight, you're self-weight anyway.
I had to get rid of the rudder, which was a big deviation from slow life.
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