Arafoo Otoko no Isekai Tsuuhan Seikatsu
Episode 49 More Villagers
--The next day I dug up an orange stone from the cliff.
Apparently, there will be more residents today. She was drinking last night, too. I'll just ask if it's true.
"Nyamena, are you serious about yesterday? I was drunk, but I'm sure you'll remember.
"It was a strong drink, but it wasn't that drunk. You mean you live here? I mean it."
"This is the only house I have..."
I pulled out of Item BOX a cabin with a galbarium steel plate next to the house.
"Uh-huh! Is this a house made of iron?
"Oh, I made it so we could evacuate when the monsters attacked us."
Well, since it's a thin iron plate, you might be able to relax - but I think you can prevent black wolves.
I'll show you inside. It's 2.5 meters by two meters, five square meters -- about three tatami mats.
"Bed, I'll keep what you were sleeping on."
"Are you sure you can get this?
Lend it to me?
"Yes, I understand. It's expensive, isn't it?
"I don't need anything else. If you can help me with Primura's work."
But when I heard that, Nyamena's face was cloudy.
"Husband, what the hell are you letting me do? Well, I'll do a few things for my husband - ah! Maybe you turned me into a sex slave...."
"Don't make any weird mistakes. If you can catch your attention for free, just one four-legged Chemon prey a month."
"Hmm, I was expecting a little - is the rent real?
- What are you talking about?
"Ah - but are you sure you want to stay in this cramped place?
"It's a mansion compared to where I live."
"What kind of place do you live..."
She says she needs a guarantor to rent the property, so without it there's no place to be.
It seems that the attic is still better, and there are gaps in the walls and so on.
There aren't many people who would be the beast's guarantor, so I'm just lucky to have a place to sleep.
What happened to Murray was that he lived with his buddies and paid the rent in bulk. Well, then I don't need a guarantor.
It seems that the place where she lives now is like a gap in the back of the ceiling with about half a fold of space.
Compared to that, this hut is also good...
In the meantime, I've decided. It seems that there is one more villager than a cohabitant.
"Have you finished?
Oh, it's settled.
Murray is still against it.
"We're not sleeping together, okay? It's like one more villager."
"Haha, if you're my husband, you'll always be my partner."
When Nyamena hugs me like she's teasing Murray, she'll have a long tail.
"Hey, don't make fun of Murray too much. It's time to go to the city."
Yes ~
Today, I have to go to the city and find out what the stones are worth.
When Primura's luggage is stored in the item BOX, she takes an off-road bike and plays tandem with her in a helmet.
As soon as I walked alongside Nyamena through the leaky days, I saw the city.
Always breaking up here, Primura pulls the cart and carries the luggage to the market - today I have my item BOX.
I decided to take her to the market and spread her luggage there.
When I arrived at the market, people were already waiting for me where Primura was always doing business.
"Ah, here it comes. Sell it quickly."
Yes, I'm ready now
I went behind the commercial space, hid in the shadow of Nyamena, and took my luggage out of the item BOX.
"Customers, are you here to buy with such a pot?
"Oh, this is the soup for the evening and tomorrow morning. If it's just soup, it's five bronze coins for one person, right? There's plenty of meat and vegetables in it - and at this price, there's no other soup like this."
It looks like Primura's shop already has regular customers. If you say the price is delicious there, it is not impossible to make it popular.
Harassment may start when the store becomes popular, but it will also be okay because there is Nyamena.
"Primura, I'm going to the guild, okay?
"Yes, thank you for your luggage."
I left it to her, and I decided to go to the Adventurers Guild.
After leaving the noisy market, turn back to the boulevard and enter the Adventurers Guild along the boulevard.
There are as many people as ever. Ask your usual big tits sister at the counter.
"Are you buying minerals here?
"Yes, I would buy it if I had a request like that - usually, I would bring it to a tool shop, etc."
Well, thank you.
"You're welcome."
Go to the nearest buying counter. My usual brother will handle it.
"What did you bring today?
Seven birds, four horned rabbits, and a quadripod like a bear.
According to Murray, the nearby horned rabbits have been hunted down.
Unlike games, it doesn't automatically pop up over time.
Then I put in about 60 bottles of medicinal herbs for yesterday.
"Oops, there's a lot of herbs. Did you find them in a nice swarm?
He comes up to me and secretly talks to me. In these cases, a lot of people are listening to where the prey was taken.
If the Alliance leaks that kind of information, it's a liability issue.
The Commercial Alliance's compliance is monkey, but the Adventurer Alliance is a little better.
"Well, that's it."
"There's a lot of birds, but it's hardly money."
"Just meat."
"You look different."
If it wasn't for birds with beautiful wings or cocksucker birds that Murray missed, it wouldn't be worth the price.
"Will bird feathers be a material anyway...."
Ah, I wonder if it's about as good as an arrow feather or a pillow.
I heard it would be finished in the evening as usual and got a chip in exchange.
I greeted the receptionist's sister lightly, left the guild and went to the tool shop's grandmother.
Enter the dark tool store as usual.
Chiwoo, is Grandma there?
Oh, brother.
"It says here the name Snowflake. Is that your grandmother's name?
That's right.
I knew it, right? Snowflake...
"What's with that face? If you want to say something to my name, let's hear it."
"No, no, that's a good name."
"Hmm, so you came to buy something?
"How much is this stone going to cost?"
I took the rose stone from the cliff out of the item BOX and showed it to my grandmother.
"Hmm... 2 silver coins (100,000 yen)"
"I don't know...."
"That's because it's a rock. It's going to cost me money to process it from here."
Well, that's right. Well, don't sell it, I have it. "
"Wait a minute! Three silver coins!
My grandmother was in a hurry and raised the price.
"No, it's fine. I'll put the item in the BOX."
Well then 1 gold coin (200,000 yen)! I can't give you any more!
What? After all, it's the same price as buying Shangri-La.
But if I don't sell it to my grandmother, the service may get worse later.
Should I sell this to my grandmother...?
Okay, I'll sell it to my grandmother.
"You knew the value of this stone, didn't you? It's lewd."
"Well, you know, grandma was trying to beat each other up."
My grandmother complains of bumps, but I get a gold coin in exchange for an orange stone.
It looks like 5-50 gold coins (1,000,000 yen to 10,000,000 yen) would be priced if they were processed into jewellery. This place is with the old world.
"Niisan, did the magic book last time help?
"Oh, I couldn't, but the girl could use it."
"Hee, not that year... you're talented. Aren't you going to send me to school?
My grandmother was organizing the product while talking to me, but she stopped in surprise.
"I heard about the school in King's Landing, but I don't think I'm interested. She wants to live with me."
"I can't help it. If I went to King's Landing School, I might be like a big shop or a mistress of nobility."
"But I heard it's hard to get in from the general public because they're all like that."
Well, yeah.
"My grandmother seems to be able to use magic, but did you go to school like that?
Yeah, a long time ago.
"Really? So, you never mentioned anything to your grandmother?
"There it is... I was young too... I don't know what to say myself, but it was called the flower of the school"
"If you get up, you sit down, and the peony walks like a lily flower."
"I don't know what the poison or peony is, but the lily flower is a good analogy."
Like remembering the old days - the old lady is staring at the product.
She says she fell in love with a noble son and gave birth to a child. Was stopping in the nobles' eyes a pretty beauty after all?
So what happened to the kid?
"The nobles took it away, gave me the stamps, and it was clear."
This shop is said to have been built with the stamp.
"There are disturbances in your house when you're a nobleman. You took it to manage the blood-connected child."
Well, that's the place.
The blood of the royal aristocracy was interrupted, and when I searched, I found out that there was a drop child - I quickly made him search all over the country.
Such a story is a common pattern. Maybe I took it up in advance so it wouldn't happen.
"You have no idea what happened to the kid?
"No, the children also left King's Landing School to marry the aristocrats and grandchildren. My grandson seems to have left school."
"Why, you know a lot about it."
"Quite well, I'm a famous nobleman in King's Landing. That's how the rumors get here."
"Don't you want to see him?
"Well, I'd love to see you... but I promised I'd never see you again, so I got a stamp money..."
According to my grandmother, the opponent seems to be a nobleman named Marquis Nastatium.
"Anyway, I want to teach Anemone a little more magic. Grandma, if there is a magic book such as Blast Magic (Explosion), I'll buy it even if it's a little expensive."
I don't have a lot of stuff, but don't expect me to wait.
In the meantime, the stone was sold, so I returned to the open air of the market's primra.
But there's a new girl in the open air, about 17 years old.
is wearing a hemp blouse and a dark blue dress and lowering her long black hair.
"Where is she now?
She's an apprentice.
"Is this your daughter's father? Nice to meet you. My name is Iris."
"Puh! Hahaha!
Suddenly, Nyamena laughed. Well, it's not an exaggeration to say "father"...
He's not my father.
"Huh?! So, Milord? Excuse me!
"Yes, this is my husband Kenchi."
"Hey, Milord...."
"Anything? Is there a problem?"
I'm afraid of Primura smiling - it's undeniable.
"Apprenticeship, you want me to help you with the shop?
"That's not all, I'll remind you of cooking and business and get you to open a branch."
Well, it's a franchise. You're a businessman, and you're expanding.
"If you're in a hurry, you can disconnect the branch, so don't worry if Kenchi gets away again."
"I don't have to worry about that...."
After all, I'm afraid of Primura smiling nicely. You don't trust me at all.
Iris says she can read and write calculations. That's right, it's hard to hire a child who can't read and write.
-If it's naive, we have to provide a place to sleep. Even if you let me stay, commuting to the city is problematic.
If you cut through the woods, make a road, and drive in a 4WD car, you can handle it, but that would be too much.
Still, there are only about half of the cooking stew and linker compote. It's just before noon.
Kenichi, can you lend me another magic stone stove?
Oh, that's fine.
Lending a cassette stove makes extra dishes. When the meat and vegetables were poured out of the item BOX, Primura started cooking.
"Iris, I'll show you how."
Looks like a very motivated apprentice.
I left this to them, and I decided to go home once.
I came home to build a new cabin.
Turns out the stone is gold, so I'd like to dig up an extra one, but I rented the hut to Nyamena.
If anything happens, the priority is to build the hut first. I'll buy another cabin kit at Shangri-La - the same one I bought before.
While Murray was helping me assemble the skeleton, it was late in the evening.
But Murray is still blurry.
"Are you still blurry? Big families are normal if you're a beast, right? There's no other place to sleep."
"Ugh, thanks, I don't like him."
"It's not about me, and I care too much. Because Murray cares, he's funny and he's making fun of me."
Apparently, horses don't fit. But it's Primura you hire.
I can't tell you that.
Place three new linen sheets in Nyamena's hut.
And what else do we need? The shelves are equipped - oh, you need a lamp.
I bought a kerosene lamp called a 4,000 yen hurricane lantern at Shangri-La and put it there.
We're in the process of assembling the hut, but that's it for today. Store the parts in the item BOX and head to the city.
When I arrived at the Adventurer Guild, the meat I asked for was ready.
"Oh, I'm ready."
I'm always sorry.
I promise I won't tell you that.
Surprisingly, I didn't expect this story to work in other worlds.
Grab the meat and push into the item BOX to get to the market.
When she talks to Primura, who is preparing to evacuate, Iris says she's taking a girl named Iris to her house.
"Welcome party for rookies?
"That's right. And I'm not going to teach you how to make materials, how to do double bookkeeping."
Primura has raised her as a leader and seems to be tasked with educating other clerks when she opens a branch.
It's kind of a smooth and steady move. Eli is not like me.
"But how do you take him? I can only ride two of my drygines.
I'll carry it.
Oh, did you get that?
When I had a drinking party in Kawara the other day, the Beast carried me, but I was running around normally.
I wonder if it is okay to carry one girl.
Already in the evening - it is already dark among the trees in the forest. Iris screams at the back of Nyamena, who runs through the darkness.
It's going to be a lot faster.
Wesen will see even in the dark, but ordinary people will be terrible. It's like driving a car without a light on a road at night.
We passed through the woods and arrived at home, listening to Iris scream.
"Hah, I was scared...."
Yes, good day.
"Um... Milord, where's that dry gine?
Iris turns on the headlights, illuminates the front and stares at the off-road motorcycle while idling.
"This is my own dry gine that works magically. Don't tell anyone."
I see.
Iris bowed with his feet together.
"Nyah! Fugga? More?!
Murray, who came out of the house, looked at Iris and raised his tail.
"No, no, no, no. She's a clerk at the store Primura hired. There's a lot to teach."
"Gu... gummy ~"
Don't be alarmed.
We're all here. Do you want to cook? Make the usual soup, what's the main dish...
Sometimes something unusual - a classic okonomiyaki from other worlds. That would be easy.
In the meantime, you can chop meat and vegetables and bake them.
But when it comes to okonomiyaki, it's cabbage. Buy cabbage from Shangri-La - 10 kg for 4,000 yen.
Pork is better than bear meat.
I started cooking okonomiyaki.
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