Arafoo Otoko no Isekai Tsuuhan Seikatsu
Episode 75 Beyond the Hill
The car with us leaves the city of Astrantia for Akimenez.
On the left hand side is the big cliff we climbed, and on the right hand is the waterway we dug with construction.
Looks like there's water running through the channel already.
Under the blue sky, cars run along unpaved dirt roads. There is no gravel, so it will be hard if it rains.
He's a four-wheel drive, he's got deflocks, and he's got some bad roads.
"Let's go beyond the hills, whistling."
Shut up about the song - by the way, it seems that the copyright of this song has expired.
"But if I wanted to go to King's Landing, I wanted to wear a new anemone robe and a primra jacket."
"If you are spinning from worm thread, there is no way. You can't even wear such a luxury."
"Kenichi knows a lot of songs!
In my former world, I lived surrounded by music. You may know quite a few children's songs, not fashion songs.
I've never counted it specifically.
"Gaga" "Mei!
In the car, everyone sings a big chorus. It is probably a lyrics that is easy to understand in this world.
They don't have ducks, but they do have goats. Just turn the duck lyrics into chicken and make them cocktails.
In the car, everyone was laughing and making noise, but suddenly Nyamena said something strange.
"Husband! I don't like it! I can't believe my husband's gonna be an official."
"What a sudden. Are you still dragging me back?"
That's what I was talking about in the city of Astrantia.
"Lord Tiger doesn't know anything about Kenchi. Kenchi is not the kind of person who does that kind of work."
"Yes, I'm sorry for such a troublesome job. Life is bright and fun! Nantoka Team, Life Enjoy & Excitement!
"In what language? - Come on?
After a short drive, I saw a large lake on my right.
It is a fairly large lake, named Lake Kazura. It seems that the waterway I dug in Ko ○ tsu draws water from here.
But the lake in front of our house is bigger. In the former world, is Lake Biwa about the size of a round lake?
And about an hour and 45 minutes from there, I saw the city of Akimenez.
There are walls in every city, and stone walls can be seen in this city. The size of the city is slightly larger than Astrantia's.
A city of wooden and stone buildings. Like Astrantia, tall buildings are at most three stories high.
There are no tall buildings, so the sky is the same everywhere.
Drive straight into town. Like Astrantia, residents' curiosity gathers in vehicles they've never seen before.
"Haha, that's very popular."
"Well, there's no such thing as a car running without a horse, not even King's Landing."
"I've never heard of it either. And this speed! Aren't we supposed to get to King's Landing by today?
"Maybe I'll get there if it goes well, but it's not a rush. The King didn't expect to arrive today."
In Primura's case, letters arrive as soon as possible - two days a night.
This is due to the use of beast legs, which is the shortest time for mail delivery.
Perhaps the letter I received from His Majesty the King was an express flight by this flying leg.
However, because the price is high and the quantity cannot be carried, it seems that the usual letters are transported with luggage by carriage and take about a week.
"Primura, don't you have a pigeon?
"Pigeon? What?
Oh, there are no pigeons in this world.
"--use the bird's homecoming instincts to get them to carry letters."
"Well, tell me more."
I'll teach her how pigeons work.
"Is it possible for any bird?
"I think there are a limited number of types of animals that have a strong homecoming instinct, are easy to get used to, are easy to rear, and have the ability to fly fast and long distances."
"But if you use it to speed up the exchange of letters....."
"Well, that's right. If we find the right bird species, we should be able to get Astrantia to King's Landing in a day."
"Not so much!"
In the former world, the pigeon would have an average speed of over 70 km/h and a maximum speed of over 100 km/h.
The beasts can leave at 60 km/h - almost 80 km/h in an instant, but the cruise speed is only about 30 km/h in a short time.
According to her story, there are no airlines in the world that fly on Wyburn or dragons.
"It can be used not only for ordinary letters, but also to inform your country of the state of war in times of war."
"You can't use the magic equipment that Kenichi lent me to talk to distant places when you were in Shaga?
That's a few leagues you can use.
Searching Shangri-La sells 20W class amateur radio equipment, but I can't sell it.
And in order to use this, we need a big antenna.
People gather from the rarity of things in our car that slowly runs through the city of Akimenez, but the beasts rush to meet the black forest cat that looks out of the car.
"Looks like there's a lot of dogs in this city."
"Sometimes I come, but it's a bad city."
"I don't come to this city much either."
It's not a rush journey, so get out of the car and put it in the item BOX to see the Akimenez market.
The trouble with cars is the parking space, but don't worry if you have the item BOX.
There are several dry gines running around the city, but only Dalia is produced so far, so the price gradually increases when you leave Dalia, and fewer people buy it.
Soon, some manufacturers may come to imitate and produce copies, but the Mallow Chamber of Commerce is also developing the next new model.
There is no patented system in this world, so we have to go one step further to make money.
There are plans to enter into a contract with a merchant in King's Landing to set up a workshop to produce new models.
That's right, Mr. Mallow. Keep going.
"The assortment is not that different from Astrantia."
Well, yes.
I was hungry, so I bought the skewer that I sold at the stall. I just baked it and shaken the salt.
Remove the pepper from the item BOX and sprinkle.
"Here, I'll call you guys."
"It's delicious!
Everyone is wearing a skewer, but it is unknown what kind of meat it is. It's more like a bird's sardine than vegetarian meat.
The beasts are talking like lizards.
"Just sprinkling the pepper with parallax makes skewering a treat, so I can't stop it."
That's right.
"In Astrantia, the spice union (syndicate) is gone, so this kind of food could be sold in the market."
That's right.
Remove the pepperless meat from the skewer and let the bell eat it, and it is a whole swallow.
When I was with the forest cat, the merchants came together and asked me to sell it - of course, I refused.
Well, forest cats that are used to humans are as rare as that.
Looking around the stall, one of the houses - the owner is calculating with something familiar - is there.
There are lots of diamond-shaped beads lined up in trees - a little bit big, but their shape is definitely soba.
Give the owner a little money and listen. In this world, no information can be obtained without consideration.
Money doesn't bother me.
"Owner, where did you get that calculator?
"Ah, this is from the Empire. It flows from the city of Sovana, close to the border with the Empire."
Primura says the two cities are bordered by each other.
It seems that the Empire side is Donkless West End Stadt, and the Kingdom side is Sovana.
"When I tried it, it was very convenient and I couldn't let go."
Me too. When I told my father, he was very interested. "
"Well, the Mallow Chamber of Commerce can make the same thing."
If you can make it for Daria's artisans, you don't have to spend a lot of money to import it from the Empire.
However, the sorbon used in this empire was devised by the transferees of the example.
Since there are no patents in this world, it is not profitable to make inventions like this.
However, if, like the Mallow Chamber of Commerce, it is recognized that it has made a significant contribution to society with inventions, it will be foiled under the name of the family.
It is also true that it will improve the circulation of money.
And then I want to ask you a few questions about the location of this city's tool shop.
I went around a few houses, but they all came off. I visited the last house.
Speaking of tool shops in the world, there is a messy image, like that of Grandpa Daria and Grandma Astrantia.
The shop I visited was, on the contrary, a pretty little shop. It is a two-storey stone structure with glass windows on the first floor.
Enter the store. The inside is also bright and stylish, in contrast to Grandpa's dark shop, but I also feel a little disappointed that the tool shop has no excitement.
Hello ~
The shopkeeper is wearing a chestnut wavy hair, a dark purple tight dress with open chest, and a decorative wrap around her waist.
Is she a wizard too? I think it's the wizard who is dressed a little flashy.
Everyone who came with me looked around the shop, and Belle sat near the entrance and waited.
"Can I help you?
I'm looking for magic tools and magic books.
"Unfortunately, there's nothing out there. The Magic Book has explosive magic (exploration)...."
"I have explosion magic."
The female shopkeeper, who seemed indifferent, reacted with tingling. If I only thought it was cold, I'd feel the smell of gold.
"Have you changed your name?
"Oh, I got it done in Astrantia."
"Is she still alive?
"He's alive. Do you know her?"
"Well, I know the wizard, mostly."
Now, let's ask him...
"Do you know a wizard named Platinum Armenia?
"Hmm? He disappeared about 10 years ago, and it's a rumor. Are you involved?
"Well, that's it."
I also give her a little money to talk to the public.
"I heard there was a great slaughter here, but what was the prey?
"Ah, the Lesser Dragon. These people are out of control, the Great Devil has arrived from King's Landing."
"Hey, Nyamena. Are Lesser Dragons different from regular Dragons?
"The size and firepower are totally different. Some people say dragon modoki, but even Lesser Dragons can be tough to crush."
"So the man who defeated the dragon in the Empire was a great feat."
"That's the first time you've slaughtered a real dragon?
And yet he's miserable because he took all his money. I still have to be very careful with the royal nobles.
"Does that forest cat train?
Yeah, he's a good kid.
It's hard to do.
Actually, I don't know why the forest cat misses me so much.
I bought a set of insect repellent magic stones from the store because there was a directional detector for my parents and children. Because it's convenient.
For example, if I had two sub machines and had Anemone and the house have a parent machine, I would be able to understand the positional relationship between them.
If Anemone doesn't come back from the hunt or goes missing, we can deal with it.
Well, if you have a Beast, you can chase him with a smell, so you don't need it if you don't need it, but if you're prepared, you don't have to be sad.
I finished my tummy and finished shopping, so I decided to leave Akimenez.
Everyone rides in La Kurup and dives through the castle walls, then runs down the street again.
"What's the next town?
"It's Iberis. It's only next to King's Landing, and it's quite a big city."
Beyond Akimenez, there are no big deep forests like near Dalia or Astrantia, but only small forests dot the barn.
The Duke of Echinaceabea, with its city of Iberis, seems to be a rich land.
It seems that Iberis is a large city with about 300,000 people, after the population of the King's City of 1 million.
I think it's hard to develop infrastructure in such a big city, but I wonder if the city can be maintained by magic or something.
Sewage purification also seems to be managed by stones. Magic is hard to despise.
On the way - I overtook a carriage like Sogaram, who was an evil Astrantian merchant.
They have passed through Akimenez. Are they going to Iberis next, or to King's Landing?
But it's over with them.
The city of Iberis approached in about two hours as it ran straight through the barn.
On the car clock, it's after 3 pm - but time is free. In a world like this, if only we could solve the time of abandonment.
I think we'll make it to King's Landing in time to close the gates, but we don't have to do anything about it.
Outside the high castle walls, houses are lined up without entry, but there are many poor houses.
I wonder if it's a slum town, as the saying goes. The fact that there are many people means that there are many of them.
"Outside the walls, it seems that there are many unemployed day labourers and farmers."
Primura will tell you about the city. I think I've been to this city and the King's City ahead of me. That's right, miss.
"Daria and Astrantia had ghettos in their walls."
"There are a lot of people out there, so it's overflowing."
"Is this how King's Landing looks?
"I haven't visited King's Landing in a while, but when I went there before, it seemed worse than here."
"I wonder if you think you can handle it if you go to King's Landing. I wish I had gone to a place like Baron Northpaul's in Daria...."
"The journey to Dalia is difficult. Traveling costs money."
Hmm, I'll think about it with the feeling of the former world.
It's about 100 kilometers away by car - there's only horses, carriages, and walking around. It takes a fairly high fare to get on a carriage.
If you travel on foot, it'll take more than a month... there's a messenger on the way, and if you don't get to the city, it's dangerous for monsters and bandits, but you'll have to stay in the wilderness.
For example, it is also about 100 km away between Dalia and Astrantia. Two days by highway carriage running between cities - one night on the way.
If you don't get on the carriage, you'll have to spend many nights in a dangerous forest.
It would be nice if you were accompanied by a highly fightable beast, but if you don't have someone who can fight, you'll need to hire an escort.
It costs money. In this world, it is literally decisive for the poor to go to other lands.
As a result, many residents end their lives without stepping out of their homes.
Dive through the gates of the castle walls and you'll find stunning cobbled roads. There are stone buildings lined up. You can see the four-storey building just by looking at it.
It feels quite modern compared to Dalia and Astrantia.
When I put the car in the sidewalk, I dropped them off and put them in the item BOX.
Be careful as everyone says that entering the extra sidewalk increases the danger. That seems to be common sense in this world.
"Now, let's find an inn...."
"Hey, Kurosuke, let's find out.
That's right.
The beasts began to figure out how to find separate lodgings.
"Wait, you're not staying with me?
"Husband, there's no place to stay with a beast."
"But there's an inn where beasts can stay, right?
"Of course, but it's not a very fine lodging, it's a wooden lodging.
"Well, if you don't have a good place to stay, let's get out of town and stay in the wilderness."
"Hah... Milord really likes it."
"What are you talking about, not your family?
"That's right!
When I heard Anemone's words, Nyamena looked like she was about to cry. Well, beasts don't have lacrimal glands, so they don't cry.
"For now, let's go to the Adventurer Alliance here. It's faster to ask."
That's right.
Give the bronze to the old lady who runs the stall on the road and tell her where the Adventurer Guild is.
There appear to be two Adventurer Guilds in this city. That's a big city.
One, head to the South Town Adventurers Guild.
"Does that mean that King's City has more Adventurer Guilds?
"No, there is only one Adventurer Guild in King's Landing."
Primura says something strange. There's only one Adventurer Alliance in a big city of a million people...?
"Huh? What do you mean?
"Adventurers don't have jobs."
"Ah, that's what I mean...."
In other words, there are no forests and all the fields around - there are no monsters and no medicinal herbs. I have nothing to do.
Speaking of certain jobs, they only have the task of cleaning up sewage rats and controlling pests.
You don't have to be in the guild for a job like that.
"Here, Iberis should have fewer adventurers than the population."
"I see, adventurers are a local business. But what if dragons and big monsters come out?
"In that case, my husband. The army has arrived."
There are fine knights and infantry and other armies in the Duke's Land and King's Landing.
"Well, I'm sure the adventurers aren't coming. But in the region, even children can pick medicinal herbs and make pocket money, but that's impossible around here...."
"The result is the slum."
It's good or bad that the city is big.
I came to the City Adventurers Guild with that story. A four-storey stone building with glass fitted windows and a splendid entrance.
The inside is also bright and spacious, and the floor is planked. The pillars are stone, but the walls appear to have wooden planks.
In the meantime, I decided to take everyone to the front desk. A female employee in a red vest is sitting.
All guilds must be wearing this uniform. But I noticed the forest cat, and the beasts stopped by.
"Why is this bid... because my husband is the owner of this forest cat?
Sabatra's man, the Beast, talked to him and noticed a silver plaque on Bell's neck.
Well, you can worship the forest cat.
That's what I said - the tough guys started praying in front of Rin's bell.
"Is it difficult to meet a forest cat in the forest?
"Well, I rarely see you even if you go deep into the woods. That's why I'm offering you a sacrifice on top of the tree and letting you come out."
Yeah, and all that comes out is black wolves, so cats can cut themselves.
However, since there are no more large forests around here, the probability of meeting a forest cat is zero.
That might make you want to see it. The beasts whose prayers have ended seem very happy.
As soon as the beasts' prayers were finished, I decided to go to the reception and listen to them.
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