Arafoo Otoko no Isekai Tsuuhan Seikatsu
Chapter 84 Sweet Poison
We came to the castle of King's Landing. It takes time to see His Majesty the King. But I have nothing to do and I'm free.
At the request of the princess, we decided to exterminate the rats breeding in the basement of the royal palace.
Rats in this world are of ordinary size. It's probably a rat in Japan.
On top of that, there is a type of large rat, but it is about the size of a cat and is eaten.
It's on the market in the city, and I ate it. There are habits in the taste, but you won't understand unless you say it's a mouse.
Everyone wears white protective clothing and LED headlights on their heads. And as I went down the stairs to the basement, I saw an iron lattice along the way.
The key the princess gave me seems to be used here. The door of the rusted iron lattice was raised and opened.
Go down the long stairs. The smell is coming in through the gas mask that is worn on the protective clothing. I knew it smelled raw.
I still smell, but the beasts with sensitive noses must smell even worse... so far, nothing seems to be going on.
There is a stone in this world that purifies water called water stone, but it doesn't seem to be used here.
There seems to be a septic tank where sewage flows out of this castle.
However, it is likely that it will be difficult to remodel the basement of this building and install a septic tank in the castle after many years of construction.
"Anemone, are you okay?
"Yeah, it stinks, but it's okay."
"You don't have to follow me here...."
"It's okay! I told you I was going on an adventure with Kenchi!
I think I got down there while we were talking about it. As far as the lights are concerned, the basement seems to be made of stone.
There is a dent in the middle of the underground passage that drains water. It certainly smells, but it doesn't feel like it is being painted with a thick smell.
The aisle is full of spider webs, but is there a spider in this darkness? But I can see things like flickers and moving insects.
Probably a creature close to the Gs and the camellias in the old world - probably feeding this bug.
Hmm, this sight looks like an underground dungeon anyway. However, it's not the castle of the animeka ostro, but the white bone corpse is probably not worn out...
Proceed for about 20-30 meters and have the anemones turn on.
The magical light has no heat, so the gas will be fine.
"Anemone, magically light it up."
"Yeah, it's light! (light)"
Blue and white light forms a round sphere that illuminates underground passages.
In the meantime, check the gas. When it comes to how to do that - it's Shangri-La.
If you search the site, the methane gas checker is sold for about 16,000 yen, so you buy it.
I tried using it quickly, but there was no reaction from the gas.
Magic light fills the stone corridor.
But I feel like something is stupid being illuminated by the light. A tiny spot that shines countless times when the headlights shine.
"Hmm! Maybe all the hallway floors are rats?
"Gyah! Oh, my God!
I found out why the aisle was beautiful. They must have eaten it all.
Looking back, the passage was covered by stupid black rats.
"Husband! I can't count it, but it's not 100, is it?
Oh, that's a thousand units.
"Anemone, don't use the magic of fire!
The woman who replied is clinging to me.
"Wow! I'm getting close! - Jaro! Go away!"
The beasts are desperately trying to trample and kick rats away, but there are so many of them.
I'm glad I wore protective clothing. Otherwise, the rats would have gotten all over us.
"Damn, I can't help it! I'll wipe you out with my magic!
For now, there is no methane gas reaction.
Remove the firecrackers and turbo lighter from the item BOX and set them on fire.
And the noise of a rough explosion in the underground corridor.
"Gyah!" "Uuuuuuuu!
Unexpectedly, the beasts shut their ears.
But if the firecrackers worked, the mice no longer looked like the tide was pulling.
"Whoa! Looks like it worked."
"What do you want, husband? There's nothing you can do with a sword or a bow like this."
"Use poison."
Search Shangri-La for Rodenticides. I don't know what works for mice from other worlds, so let's put in a lot of stuff.
In the meantime, buy coumarin, bromadiolone, warfarin, and 30 bottles of liquid-ethylene glycol.
All but ethylene glycol are solid and contained in metal cans.
And I buy a disposable plastic dish to put liquid in - 3,000 yen for 100 sheets.
It seems that some mice were resistant to the Rodenticide in the former world, but not in other worlds.
"All right, you guys, take the lid of the metal cylinder and spread the poison around. Don't take off your gloves."
"Got it." "Ooh!
Also, the rats are starting to gather, but I'll see about it and hit the grub killer.
Ask Annemone to put ethylene glycol in a plastic dish in the aisle.
"Kenichi! It smells sweet! It smells good." "It's true."
What they noticed was the smell of ethylene glycol.
"It smells sweet and it's actually sweet to lick, but it's poisonous. Never lick it! You're going to die!"
"Nyah!" "It's poisonous and sweet! Heeeeee!"
Ethylene glycol and diethylene glycol are also toxic to the human body. It has been used as an illegal sweetener and has caused numerous fatalities.
In a world like this, if they find out it's poisonous, they'll use it for assassinations.
"Don't tell anyone about the sweet poison. It will definitely be used for assassinations."
"Oh, sword swallowing..." "It's horrible!
In the meantime, it's over in the vicinity, so I'm moving the location.
Remove the garbage bag from the item BOX and distribute the grub killing agent while carrying it around.
This tunnel is quite wide and intricate.
If you get lost, it's hard, so I bought a light stick that glows when folded from Shangri-La. Leave it on the trail.
It seems to be glowing overnight, so it will be glowing enough for about the time you spend spraying the grub killer.
"After all, you were right to wear these clothes. No big deal of dirt, but I was surrounded by a swarm of rats."
"But it's hot and it's hard to breathe." "That's right."
"Sure... Anemone, can you use the magic of cooling?
"I'll try. - Everybody, line up."
Line up next to each other.
"Mu cooling (frigidation)"
Apparently, the magic of cooling is harder than the magic of warming.
"Oh! It's getting cooler, awesome!" "Cool."
After that, Anemone used the magic of cooling on herself.
After a rest, when it was cool, the rats approached.
"Husband, have you gathered again?
"All right, let's have another shot."
Throwing firecrackers into the swarm of mice again, the mice enter all the gaps and holes and escape with great momentum.
"It's probably going to rain here, so it's gonna rain like a bridge on the street."
"But, sir, it rarely rains like that." "That's right."
We'll split up and put the grub killer and ethylene glycol on the floor. It's missing 30, so don't worry.
I'm going to throw the basement full of grub killers - everyone was doing well and poisoning it...
The Beasts are turning their ears in response to something.
"Kenichi! Something's coming!" Kurosuke is right, sir. "
When the LED lights illuminate the back of the aisle, something like a big red jewel can be seen. But there can't be any jewels here.
It was lit by a huge black rat that blocked the aisle.
"It's a big rat!" "Hey, I've never seen anything like this!
When I put my tail in, my body length is more than 2 meters. Throwing a garbage bag containing a grubbing agent, he removes the weapon and arrow from the item BOX and throws it at the beasts.
Polycarbonate tower shields were also removed and thrown.
"Anemone, the magic of light is behind us!"
"Yes! Light! (Light)"
I took out the loaded crossbow with the magical light that Anemone gave me back.
And fire it right at the rat's head.
A giant rat is rushed with a polycarbonate shield. I was flushed by a violent shock, but I managed to make it work.
In the gap, Murray and Nyamena threw arrows from the side toward the torso of the mice.
"Nyah! - Oh, my God!
The giant rat was scared. I immediately removed the cutlass knife from the item BOX and shook the sharp blade down towards the mouse's skull.
As the sword swallowed into the mouse's head, the flipped black fur swayed its tail, causing its legs to snap and quickly stopped moving.
"Kenichi, are you okay?
With Anemone's worried voice beside me, I crouched on the spot and took off my protective clothing hood.
Then he sighed as if he were breathing deeply. It's hard to breathe when you exercise while wearing a gas mask.
It was the same with the Beasts, and they took off their hood. But when I took off the mask, it still smelled. My nose is about to bend.
If we could get out of here, there wouldn't be anything wrong with enemies like this, but we can't do it in this narrow passage.
"Damn, I never heard of anyone like this."
"Um, the princess ate me."
"This may be why the Alliance didn't take it, but I can't help it."
I put a giant mouse carcass in the item BOX. I don't want to put this in, but I can't help it.
"Maybe he's still here." "That's right."
"That's highly likely. Let's scatter the poison before the others gather."
Give the beasts a clear buckler and sword. After all, it's fully equipped.
There's poison for big rats, too. Buy a large plastic sink at Shangri-La and fill it with ethylene glycol.
Now that we know we have a big enemy, we all stick together and act.
And the main corridor was poisoned. Leave the side roads alone, but if there is food, it will come out.
The question is whether you will eat the poison feed.
Collect the stick lights on the trail and aim for the exit.
A large number of mice gathered again, kicking them out with firecrackers and climbing the stairs.
Then climb the stairs and lock the lattice door again.
That big mouse won't make it through the bars - but if it's a small mouse, it can climb this staircase.
"Ahhhhh!" "Hot jah!"
Hot ~ ~ ~
I'll help Anemone take off his protective clothing. Everyone takes off their gear and takes off their protective clothing, and they sweat.
The protective clothing is disposable, so go straight to the trash can on the status screen. I glanced at the watch that was in my pocket.
She spent about four hours in the end. I felt like it was about two hours...
"Anemone, have you been rodentized?
"It's okay."
"What about Murray and Nyamena?
"Hmm... it's okay. But my husband is right, and I'm glad you're wearing these clothes."
"If so many rats had eaten me, I'd be fucked."
"It suits me terribly, but if the poison works, I won't have to work and the money will go in."
"I'm already struggling hard enough..."
Nyamena is a fool - better than confronting more than a thousand rats and that big monster.
"Hopefully that big bug is poisonous."
"If you eat a lot, it'll work, right? - That's right.
"'Cause if you eat the carcass of a fellow who died of poison, even if you eat together, the poison works."
Hmm ~ I didn't even think about it.
"The rat that ate the corpse dies, too?
"Oh, I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die."
It is the same structure as Ko Bat and boric acid dumplings sold for a certain G.
But if you eat together and the number decreases, you don't get less money - well, it's better than crossing a dangerous bridge. If you get sick, it's hard.
I got sweaty so when I went back to the base, I drained water from the well and took a shower.
Naturally, we're all naked. It is a delicate place to dress like this in the backyard of the castle, so I bought a rush (fresh).
Four brown panels are connected to a zigzag shape, and if you put them in three pairs, you can completely blindfold them.
About 8,000 yen per pair.
"It's cold! It's too cold."
Yes, the water in the well is cold.
"Anemone, if you want to wear it, you should warm it up a little magically."
"It's okay."
"We're fine, too." "I don't know how this goes."
The beasts are strong and bathing in water. I removed the table and jet heater from the item BOX for them.
While Murray and Nyamena dry their fur - they'll be ready for dinner.
"Good work."
The door of the house opened and Primura and Bell came out.
"Oh, that was amazing. If Primura had been with you, she'd have collapsed."
"Yeah? That much? A rat?"
"There was a big one, too many."
I pulled a giant mouse out of item BOX.
I screamed and Primura hid behind me, so I immediately returned to Item BOX.
Bell seemed interested in the giant rat appearing in front of him, so he licked it.
"Whoa, Belle. It's not dinner."
"Is there a rat of this size? Even big rats are smaller."
"I've never seen Murray or Nhamena before, so is it a different type from the big rat, or has the garbage in the castle become too nutritious and huge..."
Nyamena, who was drying her fur with a jet heater, entered the conversation.
"That's the castle. We can't think of throwing away food in our city." "Yeah."
Do you have enough food to feed so many rats? There were a lot of insects. Does that feed you?
While we were talking about it, it was all evening. Now that the beasts have dried their fur, I'll prepare my meal.
It's always just curry, so I'm going to search for something else - a little Shangri-La. Then I found the beef stew.
Beef stew - I've never eaten much. It appears to be a chocolate mass similar to curry roots.
The point is, if we make soup and put some beef stew in it, we'll be able to do it. About 300 yen a box.
I want meat, so I buy beef. I don't need fat, so I'll buy thighs. It seems like 3,000 yen per kg, so I'll buy 2 kg.
Let the Beasts peel the potatoes with peelers - but wait. Is beef stew a potato?
Well, no, it's not like I can't eat without it.
"Annemone, bake me bread."
I'll chop the meat and fry it with the onions.
I have 2 kg, so I have to keep doing it. The finished product is placed in a pressure cooker with peeled potatoes.
Once it's cooked, I guess it's done with beef stew roots - maybe.
"Husband, is it different from the usual curry?
"Sometimes you want to eat something different."
We could use curry, but...
"Me too!
When I was told that, I kind of lost my confidence, but I was told that regular stew was delicious, so beef stew would be fine.
And Hayashi Rice. But since it's also a demi-glace sauce, I think it's similar to beef stew... but it's a bit rough.
The princess came when the dishes were ready and the dishes were being prepared. The guard is accompanied by a brown-haired knight in the morning.
"Kenichi, how's the neck and tail?
"Dear Lilith, I didn't know you were here."
I took the giant rat out of the item BOX.
"Oops! Again...."
"You knew how it was going."
"Well, I was listening."
"This isn't a free rat hunt. There won't be anyone in the guild."
Perhaps some of them undertook it, but if it didn't suit them, they threw it out on the way...
"Speaking of which, you can't take on that, right?
"Anyway, this big rat will be charged separately, one gold coin per mouse."
"If you don't let me out, I'll leave you like any other adventurer.
"All right, I guess I'll just have to pay."
He looks reluctant with his arms around him, but I don't suppose there's anyone else to rely on. I can't believe I'm putting in the Knights.
"Thank you."
"Well, isn't there any other rat?
"It will be after tomorrow. For the time being, over a thousand rats were stupid underground."
The lady knight of the guard raised her voice, but immediately apologized for the disrespect.
No heart, her face is a little blue - and maybe she doesn't like rats.
"No, I was told there were a lot of them, but they were over a thousand. So, can you get rid of it?
"Well, let's try to reduce the number as much as possible."
"I understand. I'll leave it to him."
"Thank you."
The conversation was over, but when the princess went to the table with the star, she sat in the chair.
Well, I made a lot of them for you to come today. Besides, this princess ate a lot.
"Your knight will join you."
"Eh? I...."
"I don't mind my concubine. Don't be shy."
"Well then...."
The Knight Woman also decided to have dinner with her about her seat.
The knight seems uncomfortable, but it's better to have lots of flowers - there's only one man left.
"I've known this Millet since I was a kid. Like a sister."
"Oh, I'm so scared."
"Since Lilith is a woman, it would be convenient for you to have a female escort."
"Exactly because I was appointed to escort them."
Place beef stew on a deep plate. And the bread that Anemone baked me.
The beasts are sitting on the ground again, clacking beef stew, because the princess is here.
"Whoa! This is awesome! - Yummy!
"Hmm-mmm! This is so rich and thick."
The princess and the knight seem to agree.
"I don't use a lot of spices in cooking today. How about this dish, Anemone?
"Delicious! - But I prefer curry."
I see ~
After all, children prefer curry.
But Bell, who was with the Beasts, was moving strangely. I'm looking at the same place as Kyrokyoro.
"What's wrong? Is there something going on?
"No, I don't understand, but there's something..." "Nyah"
I can't see anything in my eyes... and when I wondered, Primura called out.
Kenichi, please tell me how to make this soup.
"Yeah? It must have taken a while, so it's hard to build from scratch? I used soup ingredients to make this quick."
"What? What is a soup element?
Show the princess the solid roots of the soup from the item BOX.
"Whoa! Did you dry and harden the soup?"
"If you put flour or the like, it will stick, so if you dry it, it will become hard."
"Princess, with this, you can drink soup even if you go away. Could it be used to feed soldiers?
"I see, because it's dry, it won't rot. Hmm! Let me study this."
"Something like this has already been commercialized and sold in Daria."
"Yes, at my wife's parents' Mallow Chamber of Commerce."
Originally made by the toolman's granola modoki, sugar is expensive, so it is sold as a food that is salted and melted in hot water to make soup.
"Huh! Speaking of the Mallow Chamber of Commerce, I'm building a vehicle called DryGine."
The princess had heard that Primura was a merchant, but she had not heard that she was the daughter of the Mallow Chamber of Commerce.
"That's right."
Kenichi, isn't there any dry gine in that item BOX?
"It's in there... it matches my wife's height, so I can't reach my legs if it's Lilith..."
"It's up to the concubine!
"Do you like Primura?
"Of course. It's an honor."
I took Primla's Red Dry Gine from Item BOX.
"Whoa, this is it!
In the meantime, I'll ride and show you a sample. There are no pedals on, so kick your legs to the ground.
"Ooh! All right, when you're done eating, lend it to your concubine!
----The princess was satisfied with four beef stews instead.
And after the meal, the princess crossed the dry gine, but still couldn't reach her legs.
"Push it from behind!
"Your Highness, you are in danger!
You're worried about the knight, screaming with a harsh expression.
"It's okay! Kenichi, please."
"Just because you turned it upside down, don't start."
"I can't do that."
That's the only image I have of a royal nobleman.
The princess flipped over the dress and I pushed DryGine. I thought it would be quick, but the princess rode in one shot.
"Oops! This is fast!
When I came back to the original position around the flowerbed, I was thrilled - I gave it up.
"Hahaha - Knight, please change"
"Millet, push!
The Knight Woman had a feeling she had no choice but to go out with the princess every time, so she seemed to struggle.
But the princess, who liked dry gine, offered to buy it.
Primura also agreed, so the deal was settled - the price was five gold coins.
Anyway, it's all handmade. It seems cheaper if the type is not painted.
But can I sell what Mr. Mallow gave my daughter?
"If you have a buyer and you have something to sell, it's a merchant."
Primura doesn't seem to care much.
The princess has prototyped this dry gine to make a similar thing for the royal craftsman.
That's the royal family. We don't have enough money.
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