Arbor Siluo Depend on Each Other

Chapter 619: It's good to add more~

  Chapter 619 The agreed addition is coming~

   "The attitude is not sincere at all."

  Joy: "..."

  She really apologized very seriously, okay?

  Why do you say her attitude is not sincere?

   "Then tell me, what does it mean to be sincere?"

   "You have to be obedient in the future."

   "Okay, be obedient, do what you say."

  Joy nodded, is he sincere enough this time?

   "You can eat whatever you are asked to eat, and you are not allowed to stay up late. In the last three months, you are not allowed to go to anyone's room."

  Yue Xi continued.

  Having **** is the most waste of energy.

   During these three months, if the wife-owner holds back, her body will recover by 30%.

   "Okay... no, can we remove the last item? Aren't you trying to kill me?!"

  Joy protested, saying to a person who has eaten pork and loves pork so much, you can’t eat pork for three months. What kind of concept is this?

   This is simply killing people.

  Wenxiang nephrite is not allowed to be hugged, so what's the point of her?

  If you don’t have a husband and you don’t have to hug, then that’s fine. The key is that he has one, and several of them.

   And it was the kind that dangled in front of her eyes all day long.

"You're not old, okay? You're not as old as me. What's the old age? You should be more aware of your own health than I am. If you don't control yourself, you just wait for us to give you You stay on guard."

  Seeing that Yue Xi was a little angry, Qiao Yi immediately put on a smile.

   "Don't be angry, don't be angry. I'm just discussing with you. I promise to be obedient this time, but can you be more flexible? How about shortening the time?"

  Yue Xi also knew that it would be difficult not to eat meat for three months, so he let go.

   "Ten days."

   "Three days."

   "Fifteen days."

   "Five days."

   "One month..."

   "Don't, don't, ten days will be ten days, that's it. Don't worry, I will be obedient."

   Joey said confidently.

  I almost believed what the moon attack said.

   Don't look at the wife who promised so readily, who knows how long she can last.

  It seems that no matter how busy it is next, it has to stare at the wife-owner in earnest.

   After all, the body is important.

  He is powerful, and that requires the cooperation of the wife-lord, otherwise the wife-lord's health may not recover.

   Now it seems that there is nothing wrong, alive and kicking.

  The key is that the wife is young, but even so, you can see that the face of the wife is never rosy and shiny.

  The faces of the young people are all rosy.

  But what about his wife?

   You don’t need to put on powder when you go out at night and go out scary at night.

   "It's a deal. Let's eat first. You drank alcohol yesterday. You must be very uncomfortable in your stomach. I made you a medicinal porridge this morning."

   While talking, Yue Xi turned around to get the porridge bowl on the table.

   "When you say that, I'm really hungry."

   Saying that, Joey got up and got out of bed.

   After getting dressed, he took the porridge bowl from Yue Xi.

   "Well, the taste is not bad."

   This porridge is well made, it is quite thick and tastes good. It's just a little cold.

   Generally speaking, the problem is not big.

   "If there is not enough food, there is still room in the kitchen."

   Seeing that Qiao Yi likes to eat, Yue Xi's heart is relieved.

   To be honest, this is the first time he has made medicated porridge.

  He had eaten and heard from his wife before, but he had never tried it.

   I didn't expect it to be so successful today.

   Then he can safely make medicinal porridge for his wife.

   "Enough is enough, it's easy to go to the latrine if you eat too much of this stuff."

  Joy shook his head.

   Seriously, porridge is not enough to eat.

  I was full at the time, but when I went to the hut, there was nothing left in my stomach.

   "Master, the wontons are here."

  At this time, Su Zimo's voice sounded outside the door.

  They had already guessed that Qiao Yi would not eat much porridge, so Yue Xi first brought a small bowl of porridge for Qiao Yi to cushion his stomach.

   Then a bowl of pasta was served by the Su brothers.

  Qiaoyi ate all the wontons in one bite, then rubbed her swollen stomach and got up.

   She remembered that she didn't seem to wash her face.

  She didn't even wash her face, yet she even finished her breakfast.

   This is no one.

   Quickly washed his face, and Joey went out.

  Yue Xi followed closely behind without giving way.

   "Hey, why are you following me?"

  Seeing Yue Xi following him, Qiao Yi couldn't help but stop.

   "I want to see what you've been doing all day."

  Yue Xi said with a smile, and then wrapped his arms around Joey.

   "Oh, then go ahead, talk when you're tired, don't stand up."

  Joy nodded when she heard the words. They all knew about her secrets, so there was no need for her to hide them.

  Since Yue Xi wants to follow, then follow.

  As long as you don't feel tired.

   "Don't worry, I won't be brave."

   Although Joey's affairs are not much, ink is better than ink.

  After this day, I was so tired that I didn't want to move.

   This is still the result of what he didn't do.

   "I've told you all, I'm tired of talking, so I have to stand up. Today is fine, but tomorrow you will suffer."

  Qiaoyi sighed, then came to Yue Xi and squatted down.

   Now they are still in the mountains.

  It's almost dark today, if you don't go back soon, you won't be able to make time for dinner.

"I can do it."

  Yue Xi shook his head, the wife-master must be more tired than him, but he can still persevere, he can't cause trouble for the wife-leader.

   "Don't talk nonsense, hurry up."

  Moon Attack: "..."

   Woohoo, the wife is so fierce.

  But why did he like his wife more and more?

  Qiao Yi waited for Yue Xi to obediently lie on his back, and then stood up carefully.

  Joy put his hands back, held Yue Xi, and then walked outside quickly.

  Joy looks skinny, but she has great strength and internal strength, so she walks quite fast.

  The brothers of the Su family also know martial arts, so it's no problem keeping up with Qiao Yi.

  Yue Xie saw that the speed of the three of them was more than a little bit faster, and she immediately understood in her heart.

  Emotions They are all taking care of him.

  Today, I have traveled a lot. Looking at the current speed and thinking about their speed in the past, Yue Xi understood that she was causing trouble for the wife master.

   This discovery made Yue Xi blush.

  He really didn't mean it, he just wanted to know what the wife-lord was busy with this day, and see if he could have a good rest for a few days. By the way, eat on time.

  But never expected that the wife-owner would be so busy.

  Yue Xi decided to say nothing tomorrow and not go with his wife.

  He got up early and made more food for his wife to bring.

  He is not afraid of being tired, but he is afraid of dragging his wife's back.

  Just like today, the wife-lord is obviously very tired, but she still has to carry him on her back.

  Back home, Joey went to wash up.

  I drilled a mountain for a day today, and my body is covered with dirt. If I don’t wash it, I will have a very uncomfortable sleep at night.

   After dinner, Qiao Yi strolled around to digest food.

   After returning to the room, I will go to sleep. As soon as he lay down, Mo Ruyu hurried over.

   "Don't worry, don't worry, why run? What if you fall?"

  Qiao Yi saw Mo Ruyu rushing over, even if she didn't want to leave, she got up.

   Immediately, he supported Mo Ruyu who was about to trip over the threshold.

   To be honest, she is really tired today.

  The workload is a little bigger than every day, and when I come back, I will carry the moon attack on my back.

   This made her a bit overwhelmed.

   This helped Mo Ruyu, and she almost fell.

   "Wife... wife master... I... good..."

  Mo Ruyu took a breath after saying a word, which shows how anxious he was running.

grateful? ? Love? ? Baby's monthly ticket, I love you, I love you so much~



  (end of this chapter)

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