Arc Of Embodiment

Chapter 100 - 6 (v2)

One last chapter as a thank you for giving me some feedback.


When Jaune and Kali arrived in the Belladonna Household, Ghira was staring at Jaune. Ghira, seeing a man walking with his wife and having a pleasant conversation while being close with each other caused him to be jealous and wary of Jaune. But after having a closer look at Jaune, Ghira realised that Jaune was a young man that Kali could be considered his mother. This caused him to drop his guard. Ghira is a lucky man. Jaune wasn't a person to vie for a married woman. Otherwise, he would lose his wife.

"Who are you, young man?" Ghira said. "I don't believe I've seen you anywhere on this Island before".

"My name is Jaune," Jaune introduced himself. "I came to Menagerie to help your people".

"Oh? And how do you plan to do that?" Ghira asked with seriousness. Looking at Jaune, he didn't see a child that is naïve or lying nor with an ulterior motive. He saw a man willing to help.

"I would like you to take a look at this," Jaune said while handing over the plans that he made over the years. "This is a plan that I've been making since I was ten".

After hearing what Jaune said, Ghira had doubts, but his gut told him to entertain Jaune's plans. Hence, he looked at the plan. The more Ghira read the plans, the more he saw sceptical he became. The first point of the plan was to make the deserts of Menagerie habitable, the folder itself marked it as near impossible, but it also said that it was possible if it was Jaune. This confused Ghira.

The next point was to create a city. Again, the folder marked it as impossible but noted that Jaune was again can achieve it. Ghira was getting more and more annoyed at the plans. But he continued to read it.

The third point is to make a company in Menagerie. The plans dictate that for it to be helpful, it had to be big enough and successful enough to surpass the SDC. Ghira laughed internally when he read this point—surpassing the SDC? That is nearly impossible.

"This plan of yours is impossible," Ghira said. "You, yourself have and said so in the plans. How would this help the people in Menagerie?".

"I see that you read the plans," Jaune said. "Any other would just toss it aside when they hear that I made the plans when I was ten. But what I want you to do is think of the plan hypothetically. Do you think it would work?".

"Hypothetically, if we could achieve everything in the plan…Then, yes. It is possible to turn Menagerie into a Kingdom," Ghira said. "But just like I said, this is only hypothetical".

"Well, what if I told you that all the things in the plan are something that I can achieve," Jaune said. "I can even prove it to you by making the deserts of Menagerie into a habitable land".

"Oh, my," Kali said. Ghira and Jaune looked in the direction that the sound came from, and they saw Kali. They didn't even know she was there. "Do you believe that you can achieve such a feat?".

"Yes, I do," Jaune said while bringing something out. It was a small ball. "This is something I created. I call it the Source. It contains multiple different types of gases that can help terraform a land into an inhabitable one. If you allow me to use it in your desert, then it could be a source of proof, proof that I can achieve what is dictated in the plans".

"How do we know that the gas won't kill the people of Menagerie?" Ghira said. "For all we know, you could have taken an antidote or vaccine to the poison or disease that you would release while the people of Menagerie die".

"You don't have to worry about that," Jaune said. "Because an Arc never goes back on his words. And I promise you, I mean no harm to your people".

"You're an Arc?" Ghira said. "Is your father, Giallo Arc?".

"That's right," Jaune said. "I didn't think you would know my father".

"Boy. I've known your father for a long time," Ghira said. "He was one of the few Humans that supported the White-Fang back in the days when it was still a peaceful organisation. Alright! Since you're Giallo's son, I'll trust you".

"You're going to allow me to show my proof?" Jaune asked. "I thought you were afraid that it would harm your people?".

"Ha-ha-ha! You're right." Ghira laughed. "But I also know how much the Arc promise means to your family. I believe you won't break your words".

The following morning, Jaune set out to show his proof to Ghira. Jaune headed to the desert of Menagerie. In doing so, he attracted the attention of White Fang scouts. Jaune was no idiot, and he knew that he was being followed. He didn't care. If they attacked him, then he would defend himself, though, nothing lethal....unless necessary.

One of the White-Fang that followed Jaune returned to their base to report their findings to the High Leader, Sienna Khan, but two remained. They are Trifa and Yuma. The two Faunus tailed Jaune, but one of them wanted more than just tailing him.

As soon as Jaune arrived in the outskirts of the desert, he surveyed the area. What he saw was nothing but Grimm. He knew that he had to eliminate the Grimm before getting to work, so he caused an immense amount of negativity by thinking horrible thoughts. Immediately, Grimm started to head his way. Yuma and Trifa, the two Faunus that was tailing him, were scared for their lives. The amount of Grimm that they are seeing was not in the hundreds. They were in the thousands.

"Is this human crazy?!" Yuma shouted. "Why in the hell would he attract Grimm towards him?!".

"I don't know," Trifa replied. "But I think it best for us to leave".

The two Faunus were about to leave just as they said, but they looked in Jaune's direction one last time. And they saw something Glorious.

Jaune was decimating every Grimm that attacked him without a sweat. One swipe from his claws is all that they saw before a Grimm turned to dust. Again and again, that is they saw. Jaune would swipe his hand a bunch of Grimm would be dead before him.

Trifa took out her scroll and recorded what she was seeing, she wanted to tell this story back at base, but she knew they wouldn't believe her if she didn't have any proof.

Yuma, on the other hand, was terrified. He wanted to attack the human for setting foot in Menagerie, and now he was glad that he didn't make his move because he knew he wouldn't have known how he died.

Jaune was getting annoyed at the never-ending Grimm horde. So, he took out his bow, his Tauropolos. He then aimed at the sky. Yuma and Trifa were confused at what Jaune did, they had no idea why he would aim at the sky, but their question was answered a moment later. The sky was raining arrows. That's right, arrows, not water, arrows. And it decimated the Grimm. After thirty seconds, the rain of arrows stopped, and the Grimm horde was eliminated. And Yuma and Trifa's fear of Jaune intensified.. They now know not to piss him off.

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