Arc Of Embodiment

Chapter 102 - 8 (v2)

Hey guys,

I would just like to say that in a few days, I'll be moving the remake to a new book. I hope that you all continue to support it when I transfer it. And I will have a little surprise as well.


When Ilia came back from her mission, she confirmed to Sienna that the picture was accurate. To prove this, she took a picture of the desert. Sienna couldn't believe it. One of the reasons that her people couldn't strive in Menagerie was the harsh desert, but now, it was gone...well, it was disappearing. Then she thought about the plans that she had read. One of the plan's steps was completed. Does that mean the others can be too? She stared at Jaune, and she felt that the future of the Faunus was bright, something that she hadn't felt in a long time.

"Why?" Sienna asked. "Why are you helping us? As far as I know, your people could care less about what happens to us. So, why are you going this far?".

"Because I can, and I'm willing to," Jaune said. "But most of all, because it is the right thing to do. I can make tech that no one in Remnant has. You can bet that I'll use my gift to help those that need it and deserve it.

"Deserve?" Sienna said. "Even after all the White Fang has done. Do you think we are the people that deserve your help? We have done many horrible things for a long time.

"I know what you've done," Jaune said. "But I also know that you did what you did because you were dealt a bad hand in life. But the question is if you were given a chance to have a better life, are you going to continue the path that you've chosen, or are you willing to change?".

"If it means helping my people have a better life?" Sienna said. "I'm willing. Even if I must bottle up my hatred for humans".

"That's good and all," Jaune said. "But I suggest you find a way to deal with your hatred, rather than bottling it up, that could cause more issues than you think".


"Anyway, I came here to ask for Ghira's help," Jaune added. "I'm designing buildings for the new city that I plan to build. I need Ghira's opinion or anyone that lives here".

For the next few hours, Ghira, Kali and Sienna gave their opinion on the design of the buildings. But Jaune didn't stop there. He also asked their opinion on the parks, playgrounds and other places. He wanted the area to feel like home for the people of Menagerie.

A few months back. Amber finally arrived in Vale. She didn't go straight to Beacon. Instead, she looked around the city. She's never been to a city such as Vale before. She would typically be in the outskirts of the Kingdom helping people in need with her abilities. But now, she knew that there were people after her. The only way for her to survive is to ask for the help of the people that contacted her years prior, Ozpin and Qrow Branwen.

Looking around in Vale, Amber can see many people living an everyday life without worrying much about Grimm attacks. However, she can see that there is still tension. After looking around for an hour or so, Amber decided to finally head to Beacon. While heading to Beacon, Amber saw a crow pass by, the same crow that she had seen since the village she separated from Jaune. The crow was none other than Qrow Branwen. Amber just ignored the crow since if it was going to attack her, it would have done it while she was asleep in the woods.

Not long later, Amber arrived at Beacon Academy. She didn't know where she was going, so Amber asked the first person she saw. The person appears to be a woman with very light blonde hair tied back in a bun with a curl hanging down the right side of her face. Her eyes are bright green, and she wears thin ovular glasses. This was none other than Glynda Goodwitch herself.

"Excuse me," Amber said. "Do you know how to get to Headmaster Ozpin's office?"

"I do," Glynda said. "May I ask who you are and what you require of him?".

"I'm here to speak with him about his offer a while back," Amber said. "He told me to come to Beacon and meet with him when I've made my decision".

"I see," Glynda said. "Please follow me".

Amber followed Glynda into Beacon Academy and then through an elevator that brought them to the top of the school. Once they arrived, the door of the Elevator opened, and she saw a big room with gears overhead. Looking in front of her, she saw one of the men that spoke to her a while back. It was Ozpin, Headmaster of Beacon Academy.

"Ah. Miss Amber," Ozpin said. "I believe you're here to accept my offer?".

"I am," Amber said. "But I need to know what accepting the offer entails".

"Well, for starters. You will be staying here at Beacon as one of our professors," Ozpin said. "Second, I will be personally training you how to wield the power of the Maiden. I understand you are a trained Huntress, but to use the power of the Maiden is different from using one's semblance, hence the training".

The talk between Ozpin and Amber continued for the next hour or so. Glynda was listening in on their conversation. Ozpin and Amber forgot that she was in the room. That's why when they finished their discussion, they had to explain to Glynda the truth about the world. And the power of the Maiden. At first, Glynda thought that the two was insane, but after Amber showed her the power of the Maiden, she believed them.

Back in the current time, in the Arc manor, Terra and Saphron were thinking about a blonde boy that left a few months ago. They realised that rather than getting over Jaune, they missed him more and more. They missed the way he would greet them in the morning, the way he made them breakfast, the way he would compliment them on days when they weren't their best. Oum! They missed Jaune. It just wasn't the same without him.

"From the look on your face," Saphron said. "You miss him, don't you?".

"You're one to talk," Terra rebutted. "I can see that you miss him just as much. It's just not the same without him. I missed all the time he would be there when we needed him even when we didn't know we needed him".

"I know what you mean," Saphron said with a sombre look. "Do you remember when we first started dating? I remember as clear as day. Did you know that it was Jaune that helped me through the times that I didn't feel comfortable with myself?".

"I remember you telling me that story," Terra said, reminiscing. "It was the time that you first found out that you weren't just interested in men, but women as well. I remember you told me that your parents weren't supportive of it and that it was Jaune that convinced them to think differently".

"I can't even believe Jaune was able to convince them," Saphron said with a chuckle at the memory. "I still don't get how he was able to do that, but he couldn't convince dad to train him to be a Huntsman. Maybe, if Jaune tried harder to convince dad, he would still be here, and he wouldn't have left".

"I don't believe that to be true, Saph," Terra said. "Jaune is a dreamer. He dreamed of being a hero, helping the people, and of uniting Faunus and Humankind. I believe that even if your dad trained him, eventually, he would have left either way to fulfil his dream just like he did now".

"You're right," Saphron said. "I miss him so much. I just hoped he would call".

It was then that Saphron's scroll rung. Looking at it, they saw that it was Jaune. Saphron didn't even hesitate to answer the call. And when Jaune said hello, she was in tears.

"Hey, Saph," Jaune greeted. "How are you and the others? I hope you're all doing well. I've arrived in Menagerie. The place is beautiful, but if you look closer, you'd see that they are struggling".

"Oh, Jaune! I missed you so much!" Saphron said with tears of happiness. "I know that you wanted to do this one year away thing to help me and Terra get over our feelings for you, but instead, it's just making us realise how much we love you".

"Oum! Terra was even making a fuss the other day," Saphron added. "She got sick and was throwing a tantrum and was asking for you to take care of her. It took me an hour before I was able to calm her down".

"Saph! Don't tell him that!" Terra shouted with embarrassment. "He doesn't need to know that. And it's embarrassing".

"I… I-I'm sorry," Jaune apologised sincerely. "I didn't think that me spending time away from you girls would make you feel this way. I thought that maybe, just maybe, this would have been a good thing, but now I know that it wasn't the case. Look, I am ahead of schedule. However, it would still take around a month or two before I can complete what I came to Menagerie for. I'll do what I can to return early. And I'll stay in contact".

"Thank you, Jaune," Terra said. "You don't know how much that means to us".

With that, Jaune ended the call. He was determined to try and complete the city as soon as possible. Then he needed to plan with Ghira on opening the Arc Industries. He has a lot to do with very little time, but nothing will stop him from completing it…except maybe Saphron and Terra.

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