-Remnant Prime-

Three days later. Ozpin's Office.

Inside the room were four people. Ozpin was staring at Tai, Glynda and Qrow. He called them since it was a matter regarding the safety of the people. Three days ago, Ozpin received a message from an anonymous person that told Ozpin to call Tai and Qrow to Beacon and also bring Glynda, at first Ozpin was just going to disregard the message, but the more he read the more nervous he became since it talked about some of his secrets that not even his inner circle knew, this made it very serious. Therefore, Ozpin called for Qrow, his most trusted agent, Tai, his most trusted agent's most trusted person, and Glynda, his ȧssistant that does just about every work on Beacon.

"So, Oz? Why did you call us here, didn't you tell me to look for information regarding the queen?" Qrow asked, he was confused since Ozpin told him to do everything that he could to find any information regarding the person that attacked the Fall Maiden.

"Three days ago, I received a message on my scroll that did not have any sender, it talked about secrets that should not be made public…everyone in this room knows what that secret is," Ozpin said, he then took a sip of his coffee.

"Okay? If that's the case, then why am I here?" Tai asked, he was confused, from the conversation that he heard, he wasn't needed since he left that life the moment Summer died.

"That's the thing, it told me to bring you here at Beacon, and I thought that you being at Beacon would also be the best choice since I don't know if this person is hostile or not," Ozpin said, he once again took a sip of his coffee.

"What the hell does this person want?!" Qrow asked, he was frustrated enough with what happened to Amber, now he has another thing to worry about.

"Whoever it is, it gave me coordinates, it said that it wanted to meet and had important information that may be beneficial to us," Ozpin said, this time he was far more serious.

"Are you sure it isn't a trap?" Glynda asked, from what she heard, it sounded like they were being brought to a trap.

"I don't think so, since the coordinates lead to the Emerald Forest, we have kept that place monitored every day and no activities have been reported in that place," Ozpin said.

"What about Jimmy? Should we bring him in on this?" Qrow asked since if there is anything that Ironwood was useful for, this was it.

"I can't, since the message specify that Ironwood is not to be brought in on this meeting. The message said that Ironwood is too easily paranoid and would lose all rationality when he sees the information that we are going to be shown," Ozpin replied.

"When do we go?" Tai said.

"It told us to head to the coordinates after classes on Friday, the last day of class before the two weeks semester break," Ozpin said.

"That would be in three hours, plenty of time for us to come up with a plan if things were to go to shit," Qrow said, he then proceeded to take a sip from his flask.

Three hours later. Ozpin, Qrow, Tai and Glynda arrived at the coordinates that Jaune gave them, but all they saw was a small shack, but while they were thinking of what to do, Prime JNPR and RWBY arrived, when Ruby and Yang saw Tai, they got excited to meet them. Ruby run and tackled her dad to the ground.

"Dad! What are you doing here? And why didn't you tell us?" Ruby asked.

"Ruby! What are you doing here?" Tai asked.

"Hmm? We go here every day to train…What are you and Uncle Qrow doing here?" Ruby asked, she didn't know how Headmaster Ozpin, Professor Goodwitch, Qrow and Tai found this place since it was supposed to be hidden.

"Ozpin received a message from an unknown individual to meet here, so we came to investigate… and what do you mean that you come here to train every day? Why would you train here rather than at Beacon?" Tai said.

"I think it's best if we enter. I think we know who sent you that message, and dad, brace yourself for a heart-warming reunion," Yang said.

"That's right! If you guys were brought here, that means that they are ready to reveal themselves," Ruby said.

The moment Ruby finished speaking, the door to the shack opened, and on the other side of the door was Summer Rose. When Tai saw her, he was confused at first, he didn't know if he was dreaming or not, but he came closer to Summer and touched her, it was then that he knows that this was all real. When Qrow saw Summer, he became emotional, just like Tai, he was not sure if she was real or if he was too drunk and was starting to hallucinate.

"Summer! Is it really you? Are you really here with us?" Tai said.

"I'm really here Tai, and it's all thanks to the person that brought you here, if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be here today," Summer said.

"Who is this person? And what does he want?" Qrow asked.

"I think it's best if we go inside, don't let the outside appearance fool you, because I promise, you'll be shocked once we go inside," Summer said with a giggle.

And shocked they were, Ozpin Glynda, Tai and Qrow were staring at the place with wide eyes, the inside of the shack was massive, Summer toured them of the place and they could not believe it, the inside was just as big as Beacon Academy, but it looked to be more luxurious.

"What the hell is with this place?!" Qrow shouted in astonishment.

"I've never seen technology this advanced, something like increasing the space inside of a small object is unheard of," Glynda stated.

"Hmm?" Ozpin hummed, he didn't know what kind of person was capable of creating such advanced technology, not even Atlas was a match.

After Summer gave them a tour, she brought them to the dining room to have dinner since they haven't eaten anything and Jaune has finished cooking dinner for everyone. After eating, Summer brought Tai somewhere to talk, to have the reunion that they both deserve after such a long time of separation. Everyone gave the couple some space and headed to the lounge, meanwhile, Ozpin, Qrow and Glynda were waiting for this mysterious person to show himself, not knowing that the person that he was waiting for was sitting close to him. Prime JNPR headed to the training room hence the Jaune that was with Ozpin and the rest was Jaune and not Jaune (P).

"Say…Professor Ozpin.. What's your favourite fairy tale? Mine is the Story of the season," Jaune said.

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