Hey guys. I just wanted to give a reminder to people that have been reading my story for a long time now. I've made a decision to remove the R-18 tag on all my stories except for God Tempest and Multiverse Travel of God Tempest.

I would like to apologise for those people who were hoping for a lemon but I didn't want to do that for this story and it took me a while to finally decide to remove the R-18 tag.

I hope that you guys continue to read my story regardless of this change.

Thank you.



-Remnant Prime-

Jaune was currently in the elevator heading to Ozpin's office, he wanted to ask permission to bring Prime JNPR and RWBY on a training trip. Jaune believes that it is time to see how well they will perform against hordes of Grimm since those are the type of scenarios they will have to go through a lot in the future. After a few minutes of standing in the elevator, Jaune finally arrived in Ozpin's Office.

"Mr Arc. Can I help you?" Ozpin asked.

"Right. I'm here to tell you that I plan to take JNPR and RWBY on a training trip," Jaune said.

"Oh? Where will you be heading?" Ozpin asked.

"Mt Glenn. There, I will teach them how to go against hordes of Grimm," Jaune said.

"That…Are you sure they are ready for something that big?" Ozpin asked. He was a bit taken back by what Jaune told, fighting hordes of Grimm isn't as simple as fighting a group of Grimm or a pack of Grimm.

"Yes, I believe they are ready, if not, I wouldn't even entertain the idea," Jaune said. He wanted to ȧssure Ozpin that nothing would go wrong.

"Alright, I'll allow this training trip, but I would like a favour from you," Ozpin said. He was afraid of the coming future but isn't as paranoid as Ironwood would have been. Ozpin was starting to plan a way to secure the future.

"Sure. I don't mind as long as it is something that I am capable of," Jaune said.

"You said that we will need a lot of manpower in the future to tackle the coming storm, therefore, I would like to ask you to train one more team," Ozpin said. He wanted to have another promising team to prosper, this way, he would have more people he knew would be able to help against Salem, but then he was also thinking what they might do when they find out that Salem is immortal.

"That's not a problem as long as it isn't CRDL," Jaune said.

"That's not a problem since the team I want you to train is team CFVY," Ozpin said.

"Oh…" Jaune said with surprise, he didn't think that Ozpin would recommend them for training.

"They are the best second year and they have great teamwork, I believe they will be of great help in the future along with RWBY and JNPR," Ozpin said.

"Sure, why not? Then I think you need to tell them to meet me at the bullhead port tomorrow at nine in the morning, that's the time I'll be leaving to Mt Glenn," Jaune said.

"Good. I'll call them in now to inform them," Ozpin said.

"Oh, and Ozpin. I think it is best that you tell the people that are working for you the truth about Salem, delaying the truth would only cause things to go horrible when the truth is finally revealed," Jaune said before exiting the office.

Hearing what Jaune just said, Ozpin was thinking about telling Qrow, Glynda, Summer and Tai the truth about Salem. Ozpin was not sure if he should tell Ironwood since he would take things too far and cause unrest with the common people.

Jaune was heading to the cafeteria of Beacon, for some reason, Prime JNPR and RWBY were eating lunch there rather than on the base. He wanted to tell them about their training trip so that they can prepare since they will be gone for a few days and Jaune won't be letting them stay in comfort when they are in Mt Glenn, they will be camping. They will need to learn how to survive in the wild with their team.

When Jaune arrived in the cafeteria, he quickly saw Prime RWBY and JNPR, for some reason, the people are just looked like shadows, but he just shrugged it off. He walked towards Prime JNPR and RWBY. When they saw him, they yelled to him to inform him of their location, but they made sure not to call him Jaune.

"I have good news and bad news for you guys," Jaune said.

"What is it?" Ruby (P) asked.

"The good news is that you will be coming with me on a training trip," Jaune said.

"That's awesome! Hell yeah! It would be like an early mission!" Yang shouted. She was excited to test out her new strength and teamwork with real Grimm. She believes that the simulator isn't enough.

"That's pretty cool," Weiss said.

"Pretty Cool?! It's awesome!" Nora said.

"So…What's the bad news?" Pyrrha asked Jaune.

"You'll be coming with me on a training trip," Jaune replied with a smile.

"Uhm…How's that bad news, exactly?" Yang asked, confused as to why that would be bad news.

"You'll see. Anyway, I want you guys to prepare what you think you'll need to bring for this training trip, I won't help you prepare since this is something that you should have been prepared for," Jaune said. He picked up a chicken nugget from Jaune (P)'s plate, then he regretted it since it was tasteless.

"When are we heading out?" Pyrrha asked.

"Tomorrow morning at nine. You'll meet me at the Bullhead port," Jaune informed them then left.

Back at the base in Emerald Forest. Jaune was inside his Gate of Babylon. For the past month that he's been on this Remnant, he was completing a project that he has been making for a long time. It wasn't an easy thing to make since he can only use so much magic at once.

For the past month, Jaune has been using his magical energy to make something akin to a Grimm, which is magic given form. Jaune has already made the solidified magic body, but it wasn't useful since it doesn't have anything to control it and he can only give it simple commands like fly into the sky, breathe fire and land, hence why Jaune was thinking of heading to DxD world, he wanted to take either the soul of Ddraig or Albion and shove it on the magic body to make it a real dragon.

'Hmm? Maybe if I get Ddraig or Albion, I can use them to train Prime JNPR, RWBY and CFVY, to test how well they'll work together to fight against an unexpected enemy,' Jaune thought.

"That's not a bad idea! I can do the same for my world, this way, when we travel to other worlds, they will be prepared for the unexpected," Jaune said to himself.

Thinking this, Jaune went to Ruby and Glynda. He told them that he was travel to another world and that he can't bring them with him since it's going to be a surprise. Ruby and Glynda were both hesitant to let Jaune go, but they can see that they wouldn't be able to persuade him from bringing them along, so, they just told him that if he is going, he should let them meet any new member of the harem that he might bring back.

Jaune's eye twitched at this, he wasn't planning to bring anyone back with him, at least that's what he thought, after all, plans don't always go your way and this was what Ruby and Glynda told Jaune.

After talking to Ruby and Glynda. Jaune went and prepared everything he may need, although he can just make anything he needs, it was better to already have it ready since it sometimes takes a few seconds to make what he needs.

After preparing, Jaune went to Ruby and Glynda to say his goodbye, he hugged and kissed both of them, then he proceeded to enter the portal to Draconic Deus. When he arrived.. He knew exactly where he was since he was standing at the front gate of Kuoh Academy.

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