I would like to just say that this chapter will be mostly info dumb about the happenings inside the Hyperbolic Time Chamber and the two days that Rias and her Peerage disappeared.


-Draconic Deus-

Two days. That's how long it has been since Jaune, Rias and her Peerage entered the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. Inside the Chamber, it has been a year, Jaune trained them well, every one of Rias' Peerage has achieved the level of a Super Devil. While everything inside the Hyperbolic Time Chamber was all good and dandy, outside was another thing.

When Jaune released his magic energy, it wasn't only Rias and her Peerage that felt the power. Sona and her Peerage felt the magic as well, some of them even passed out from the pressure, Saji was one of the devils that passed out from the pressure.

Sona and her Peerage felt that the surge of magic occurred in the ORC, so they hurried to check what happened, but when they arrived, they couldn't find Rias and the others anywhere.

Sona and her Peerage scoured the entire school, they even checked Issei's house to see if they were there, except that even Issei wasn't home. Sona didn't have any other choice but to inform Sirzechs of the matter.

While that was going on, on the Devil side. Heaven's side was also in turmoil. When Jaune took the Boosted Gear from Issei, he didn't just separate it from Issei, he also removed it from God's System, hence why the Angels were in turmoil, they didn't know how a Sacred Gear such as a Longinus would just disappear.

Michael, the leader of the heaven faction was in a meeting with the other Seraphs, they were looking for clues as to the disappearance of the Sacred Gear, but to no avail.

Meanwhile, Inside the Hyperbolic Chamber, those inside are preparing to leave. At the moment they wanted one last spar against Jaune.

Over a year, they could not beat Jaune at all, whether single sparring or six-on-one, they couldn't even make him use Phoebus Catastrophe or Excalibur.

Over the year, Jaune became friends with Rias and the others, but during training, Jaune asked them to address him as a teacher.

Over the year, Jaune helped them not just in training, but also to overcome their fear and hatred. Kiba finally let go of his anger and vengeance against the church and the holy sword and achieved a balance breaker after Jaune invoke the soul fragments of his friends within him, Jaune even showed Kiba his Excalibur but he didn't act irrationally, indicating just how far he's come.

It was the same for Akeno. Jaune helped her overcome her hatred of her fallen angel blood and her father, through this, she was able to have full control of her lightning attribute, but that's not all, Jaune was able to help her use her fallen angel's ability to control Holy Power and the five elements, Fire, Water, Earth, Ice and Wind.

For Issei, Jaune helped him train in different Martial Arts such as Judo, Aikido, Wing Chun, Taiji Fist, and Bajiquan. Jaune made sure to teach him how to execute this technique with the X-Glove making it more powerful.

Jaune also taught Issei how to utilise the power of the X-Glove such as flight and the Zero Point Breakthrough. And lastly, Jaune helped Issei get over his fear of people telling him their feelings, which is why Issei is now officially dating Rias and Asia.

For Rias, Jaune helped her utilised her Power of Destruction, more than just flinging it towards the enemy, no, Jaune helped her to make new abilities derived from her Power of Destruction, one such ability is the ability to solidify it and turn it into a sword, spear or Shield. Jaune also trained her to push her body to the limit, she is capable of taking on Akeno and Kiba with no problem at all on her own.

For Asia, Jaune explained to her that God was already dead, but unlike the series, she didn't break down, she still followed his teaching and made prayers to him, so, Jaune used his Arc of Embodiment to help her no longer feel pain when she prayed to God.

Jaune didn't just tell her about God, he also trained her like the others, pushing her body to the limit and helping her with Twilight healing. She is capable of fighting against Kiba on her own, albeit she isn't capable of beating him, but if you think about it, she is amazing since Kiba and the others including her are at the level of a Super Devil.

And lastly, Koneko. She was the hardest since she truly refuses to accept her lineage, it took Jaune two months before he even got her to finally accept her blood as a Nekoshou. Then it took another month of Jaune trying to persuade her to use Senjutsu since she was afraid that she would go insane and harm everyone, Jaune told her that even if she was to go berserk, he would easily stop her, but she wouldn't budge on her decision.

This gave Jaune a headache until he activated the new ability of Avalon after its resonance with Saber's Avalon. Avalon would normally transport the wielder of Avalon into the world of faeries, but Jaune's was different, his allowed him to embody the world of faeries. The strong nature energy emitted by Jaune's body when this power was activated attracted Koneko, and she would not hesitate to use Senjutsu due to her Nekoshou instinct, this made her very comfortable and helped her get over her fear of using Senjutsu.

That in and of itself was a problem for Jaune, from then on, Koneko became clingy towards him and sat on his ŀȧp whenever he was on the couch or whenever he was seated. Jaune didn't mind that at all, he found it rather cute, and Jaune even gave Koneko the three pills that he gave to RWBY, NPR and CFVY, but rather than Aura, the red pill would strengthen magic instead.

This shows just how close the two became over the year since Jaune didn't give the pills to anyone else. Koneko no longer looked like a child, but rather, she looked like a beautiful young woman, her bust got bigger, she got taller and she even grew her hair.

Currently, Jaune was having the last sparring session with Rias and her Peerage, just like the other times, Jaune wasn't even serious about their fight, this just shows how strong Jaune truly is, since Rias and the others already achieved the power of a Super Devil. With one last explosion, Rias and the others were defeated.

"Damn it! I thought I had you this time!" Issei shouted. He's been trying to beat Jaune since the start of the training, he even set Jaune as his goal, but yet, even after a year, he was still nowhere near beating Jaune.

"Ise, you did everything you can. Jaune is just…I don't know what he is, sometimes I don't even believe he's Human, sometimes I suspect that he is a god, but then again, I don't know any god that is as strong as him," Rias said. Over the years, she's been trying to discern Jaune's true identity to no avail, so she gave up, he was good company anyway, besides, she believes that if Jaune wanted to harm them, they could do nothing to retaliate.

"Alright! I believe it is time we leave this place. I am getting sick and tired of looking at the same scenery over and over again for the past year. I wanted to get out and have some fresh air," Jaune said. Everyone just nodded at him since it was the same for them.

"Oh, right. When we leave this place, you will have five more days to relax before your rating game against Riser…Rias is it okay if I attend the Rating game?" Jaune informed and asked.

"Hmm? That's no problem at all. I'll just talk to my brother and Grayfia to allow you entry, it's the least I could do to thank you for everything you've done for us, that deal was just to train us, instead, you also helped my family get over their issues," Rias said.

After an hour of rest, they finally decided to leave the Hyperbolic time chamber. Sirzechs, who was in the ORC looked dejected, he has searched high and low for his sister. There wasn't even a single trace, but then suddenly a door appeared on the ORC room, it just suddenly materialised, this was the reason why they couldn't find a single trace, the door of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber disappears once everyone who is set to enter is inside.

"Onii-sama! What are you doing here?" Rias asked.

"Rias-tan! I've been looking everywhere for you! Sona informed us about an immense magic spike, she told us that she tried looking for you but you weren't here, she searched everywhere but you were nowhere to be found. I got here as soon as I can and have been searching for an entire day for you, but you suddenly just appeared to come out of a door that just suddenly materialised," Sirzechs explained. He was really worried about Rias and became very relieved when she suddenly showed up with no harm done to her.

Rias then started informing Sirzechs about what happened, at first, Sirzechs glared at Jaune, but further listening to Rias, he was shocked, but unconvinced about the information that Rias told him, so, Rias showed him what she was now capable of.. This made Sirzechs beam with happiness, he even hugged Jaune for helping Rias with training even though it was a deal in the first place.

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