-Remnant Prime-

It has now been three months since the arrival of Jaune and the others on Remnant Prime. After the Dragon stunt that Jaune pulled, Prime JNPR, RWBY and CFVY were taught a lesson to always expect the unexpected, which was a great lesson for them to learn.

Over the two months, Jaune increased their training by threefolds just like he said, this includes CFVY as well. Oh, the faces of CFVY when they realised that the training was a lot harder than they thought it would be, especially when they were wearing gravity suits.

After the return of Jaune and the Prime team back at Beacon, Jaune was called in by Ozpin. According to Ozpin, Qrow was able to apprehend Mercury and Emerald at Tukson's Book Trade. Qrow interrogated the two and found the location of Cinder who was being restrained in a cell.

According to Ozpin, they've tried transferring the Fall Maiden's power back to Amber, but the machine failed, they were hoping that Jaune will be able to help, and he did. They were surprised that a sword of all things was capable of returning the Power of the Fall Maiden.

Now, it was time for the Vytal Festival and the Departure of Jaune, Ruby, Glynda and Koneko. They were all in the base in the Emerald Forest. They were bidding farewell to the Prime teams.

"We'll miss you Jaune, Ruby, Glynda and Koneko. The time we've spent with you was the best time we had here at Beacon," Ruby (P) said.

"We had a great time as well. To be able to see a version of ourselves was an amazing experience, and to befriend our version is just astonishing," Ruby said.

"We had a wonderful time with all of you, but it is time we head back to our world. I hope that I was able to help you prepare enough for your upcoming future," Jaune said.

"You've prepared as well as you could, we just hope that we can overcome the storm that is our future," Jaune (P) said.

"Here take this…It should help you lessen the hatred between Human and Faunus kind if you put it to good use," Jaune said while handing a storage disk to Blake.

"What is it?" Blake asked curiously.

"Data to help you fight the SDC and their cruelty against Faunus kind, there are other things that will help you inside the storage disk, but that's for you to explore later on," Jaune said.

"Oh…And Jaune (P)…Are you sure you don't want to use the Dominator as your ranged weapon?" Jaune asked.

"HELL NO! I'm not going anywhere near that gun. That thing is insane, I'll just stick with the Doom Pistol that you gave me," Jaune (P) said without hesitation. The first time Jaune showed him the Dominator, he nearly pissed his pants when he saw what it could do to Grimm, Humans and Faunus.

"Okay. You don't have to shout," Jaune said.

After a few more minutes of talking, Jaune and the others bade farewell to the Prime team. They then entered the portal back to their world.

The people of Remnant Prime were happy to have met Jaune and the others, especially Jaune (P). If not for Jaune, he never would have gotten together with Pyrrha and Ruby (P). Though he nearly got his ȧss kicked when Yang found out that he was dating Ruby (P) and Pyrrha, she even called her father and informed him. If it wasn't for Summer stopping Tai, Jaune might have been pancake on the floor of Beacon, but then again, he was stronger than Tai, just that he could not attack since Ruby would have been sad.


Jaune and the others returned to Remnant and they looked at the time and only nine hours have passed. 1 hour in Remnant is equivalent to 240 hours in Remnant Prime just like when he went to Nasuverse.

"Well, we're back. How did you guys enjoy your first Parallel world travel?" Jaune asked.

"It was interesting. The world looks just like ours but it has its differences, such as the history of their Great War, it was different from ours, theirs seemed to be bloodier than ours," Ruby said.

"Yes. I've read about that as well," Glynda said.

"How about you, Koneko? How was your first Multiverse travel?" Jaune asked.

"It was different. There are some similarities with my world, but it was largely different," Koneko said.

"So…Are you ready to meet my other girlfriend and introduce yourself as one of them?" Jaune said. Koneko was a bit nervous about meeting Jaune's other girlfriends since she didn't know if she was going to be liked by them, but she knew she had to face them.

"Un!" Koneko said while nodding her head.

"Come on and let's meet them, I bet they're probably cooking dinner by now," Jaune said.

Everyone headed to the base that Jaune has at Beacon. And just like Jaune said, Summer was indeed cooking dinner for everyone, she was even using all the notes that she made whenever watched Jaune cook.

"We're back! And we brought a new friend!" Jaune shouted to gain the attention of everyone.

"Jaune!" Everybody in the room shouted.

"Hey! We're with him as well!" Ruby shouted since they only greeted Jaune.

Everyone gathered around Jaune, Ruby, Glynda and Koneko except for Summer since she was cooking dinner for everyone. The very first question that everyone asked was who Koneko was. Koneko, blushed since she wasn't ready to suddenly meet everyone at once, so, she hid behind Jaune.

Jaune and Ruby then proceeded to tell them stories of their time on Remnant Prime. As payback for the time that Jaune didn't tell Ruby about what he planned for Mt Glenn in Remnant Prime, she informed every one of the times she heard Jaune and Glynda going at it. You see, the backup base that Jaune has, they aren't all made the same, hence why Ruby was able to hear Jaune and Glynda's bedroom activity since it didn't have any soundproofing.

Due to this information, Weiss, Blake, Yang, Pyrrha and Penny pulled Glynda to another room to ask her for details about Jaune so that they can prepare when they're finally ready to take the next step of their relationship, Ruby followed them and pulled Koneko along with her.

When Jaune saw this, he knew that he needed to plan for each of the girls first date with him, and he plans to make it magical and unique for each of them. He was thinking of bringing them to different worlds that they would enjoy for their first date. Although Jaune knew he would be busy for the next few days planning the dates of the girls, he was happy. He wanted to give them the wonderful time that they deserve.. So, he headed to his office to think.

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