Sunday. Ruby and Jaune's date.

Jaune has been racking his head on what world he should bring Ruby to, but he could not figure out which would be the best for their first date. Then it hit him, Ruby isn't like other girls that are into traditional girly dates like going on to a movie and shopping, no, Ruby was unique, she was a weapon geek, what best then to have a picnic inside his Gate of Babylon.

And he was right. The moment he entered GoB with Ruby she was ecstatic at what she saw. Ruby and Jaune enjoyed a day inside GoB, after all, inside it, Ruby can test out all the weapons to her heart's dėsɨrė.

Ruby had the time of her life, she would pick up a weapon and ask Jaune what it can do and he would explain, she would then be given a chance to try it out. This made Ruby very happy. To her this was the best date Jaune could ever give her rather than normal dates that are for normal people, she was Ruby Rose and she loved a Ruby Rose date.

"Jaune. What about this one?" Ruby asked as she was holding a spear with a golden spearhead.

"That is Durindana. Currently, it's in spear form, but you can collapse the handle to make it into a sword, when the handle is collapsed the sword is known as Durandal," Jaune said.

"What does it do?" Ruby asked.

"For one, the sword never loses its sharpness. Second, it is indestructible, but that's only if you don't have enough power to destroy it. With enough magical energy, one can overload it and let it break from the inside," Jaune said.

"J-just how much power do you need to break this sword/spear?" Ruby asked afraid to hear the answer.

"Hmm…To destroy Durandal/Durindana, you will need to have the power to at least destroy half of Remnant," Jaune said. 'At least my version would need that much power, but I don't know about the Durandal/Durindana in Nasuverse,' Jaune thought.

"Whaaaaaaaaat?!" Ruby said shocked at what she heard. 'P-Power to destroy half of Remnant? That's insane,' Ruby thought.

"M-Moving on! What about this?" Ruby asked while pointing at a sword stuck on a stone. 'Such a beautiful sword,' Ruby thought.

"That is the Sword of Selection: Caliburn. It is a sword that not just anyone can use. Go ahead and try to pull it out of the stone," Jaune said.

Ruby did as Jaune asked. She tried to pull the sword out with all her might, and that is something that isn't to be underestimated just because of her slender physique, but no matter how much strength she uses, it wouldn't budge.

"Come on! Come out from the stone!" Ruby said while struggling to pull the sword out. 'Why won't this sword come out! Just a little more and maybe it will finally come out!' Ruby thought, she then finally gave up when she realised that it didn't move a single millimetre.

"Wow! I didn't think it would take you thirty minutes to finally give up," Jaune said with an amused tone.

"Thirty minutes! I've been trying to pull this thing for thirty minutes!" Ruby said. 'Whaaaat?! But it didn't even feel like thirty minutes though,' Ruby thought.

"He-he-he…Whenever it comes to weapons, you always lose track of time. Do you remember how you got to Beacon two years early?" Jaune said. 'He-he. Classic Ruby, whenever weapons are involved, she would always lose track of everything. Thank Oum that it doesn't happen during a serious situation. Though, she looks gorgeous whenever her attention is on weapons, the sparkle in her eyes is just mesmerizing,' Jaune thought.

While Ruby was enjoying looking at all the weapons on GoB, her stomach sudden grumbled, she then held her stomach and looked embarrassed since it was quite loud.

"Sounds like your hungry. Come, let's sit over there in an open area. I brought some sandwiches for you to enjoy along with some chocolate chip cookies and some strawberry snickerdoodles," Jaune said. This just made Ruby's stomach grumble even harder.

Jaune and Ruby enjoyed a good meal and some snacks. They talked about many things that interest them. Jaune loved seeing Ruby talk about weapons, she truly was mesmerizing whenever she was talking about something she was very passionate about. Jaune just can't get enough of it.

After eating, they went back to having a look at the weapons in the GoB, it was then that Ruby realised that she was enjoy being in the GoB and asking Jaune a lot of questions about the weapons that she didn't know if he was enjoying himself just like her since she was asking a lot of question.

"Uhm? Jaune? I'm sorry. I know that we are on a date but I just realised that I was the only one having fun," Ruby apologised.

"There is nothing for you to apologise, Ruby. It may not look it, but I am enjoying this date just as much as you are," Jaune said with a smile on his face.

"But I haven't done anything but ask a bunch of questions about the weapons here," Ruby said.

"And I'm happy to answer any question you have. You don't have to worry about me, Ruby. Just seeing you look passionate about weapons gives you this sparkle in you, I love seeing that Ruby and I enjoy being in her presence," Jaune said.

After hearing this, Ruby couldn't hold her feelings for Jaune, and she kissed him on the lips. Jaune then reciprocated this kiss. Jaune knew that Ruby wasn't ready for anything more than this, for now. He didn't want to pressure her to do more, as he isn't the type of guy who is only looking for a sėxuȧŀly relationship. Jaune knew just how important and special a girls first time is.

For the rest of the date, they just sat down and talked about weapon design that Ruby wanted to make, and Jaune was amazed at the ideas that Ruby had, he couldn't wait to see them in the future.

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