In Jaune's office, NPR, RWBY, CFVY and PNK (Penny, Neo and Koneko) were in a seat waiting for Jaune to begin talking since he called them all here to talk to them about something, which they don't have any clue of.

The meeting's tension was high, they thought that they may have been in trouble, especially Nora since the other day she flew in the sky and started bombarding the Emerald Forest with Magnhild and Artemis. That's right, Nora found the Anti-Gravity Jet Pack of the Nanite Suit. Nora was about to confess to her fault, but Jaune then spoke.

"Right. I called you all here since I believe it is time," Jaune said.

Jaune's words caught everyone's attention. Time? Time for what exactly? They were racking their brains thinking what it could be, then it suddenly hit them. Was it time for them to explore a new world?! Everyone was excited.

"It's time for all of you to break your mortal shackles, except for Neo," Jaune said.

This confused everyone. Break our mortal shackles? What does that even mean?! When they were about to ask, Jaune again continued speaking.

"To break one's mortal shackles, it means to break the limitation of Human and Faunus limit, to break past the limits of our bodies potential," Jaune said.

"I…I don't get it," Nora said confuse at what Jaune meant.

"It means that you can get as strong as me and be able to do what I did during the Vytal Festival," Jaune said.

"Ooooooh!" Nora finally understood.

"Since you were able to do those amazing feats during the Vytal Festival, does that mean that you've already broken your mortal shackles?" Weiss asked.

"That's right. It's not easy to break the mortal shackles. It's very hard, but with my help, you'll be able to achieve it…Here, take this," Jaune said while making some sort of headband appear before all of them besides Neo and Koneko.

"This is the Loop of Binding, it is capable of suppressing all of your strength, the tighter the binding on your head, the weaker you become. At a 100% restraint, you will be just as strong as a regular person, but it is due to this restriction that you'll be able to break your limit but like I said you'll become just like a regular person again. It is your choice if you are willing to drop back to zero," Jaune said.

"One Question. What will we do if we are in trouble and need our strength back?" Ruby asked.

"You'll be able to release the restrain whenever you are in danger," Jaune replied.

This answer was enough for everyone in the room that was given a Loop of Binding to wear them, except for Glynda.

"Hah? As much as I would like to break my mortal shackles, I have a duty to teach the next generation. I can't show any weakness, if I was to go back to zero, that would be a problem," Glynda said.

"You don't have to worry about that. The winter holiday is starting tomorrow. I was thinking of bringing all of you to train with me in another world…and that includes you, Neo," Jaune said.

This caught Neo off guard. She thought she didn't have any purpose of being in the meeting that they were all called in. That's why when Jaune said that she would be coming with them to another world, she was overjoyed since she didn't believe that Jaune trusts her, after all, she was a criminal not too long ago.

"I see. If that's the case…" Glynda said before she puts on her Loop of Binding and she felt weaker.

"Uhm…Jaune? What about Neo and Koneko?" Blake asked.

"Oh. Koneko has already been wearing hers for a while, if she wasn't, then none of you would even last a second against her during a spar. As for Neo, she isn't strong enough yet to need the Loop of Binding, after all, she hasn't even taken the three pills," Jaune said. Everyone understood what Jaune was talking about, they knew that Neo isn't even close to their strength.

"So, are you going to be giving her the three pills?" Ruby asked.

"I am…Here, Neo these are for you. The three pills are used to make you stronger and would be able to allow you the ability to speak…Next, this one is the Nanite Suit just like everyone else, but I'll be holding on to it for now since you'll be training alongside everyone to break through your mortal shackles…Lastly, this one is a weapon I prepared for you, it's called the Thousand Change Umbrella, it has multiple forms, it is up to you to figure out all the forms," Jaune said while giving her the items that he made for her.

"Will the pills really make me able to speak?" Neo signed.

"That's right. But I suggest you take it before going to bed and to take all of them at the same time since the effect would be more potent when all three are taken at the same time," Jaune said.

"Why before going to bed?" Neo signed curiously.

"That's because pills will cause you to faint to prevent you from feeling the pain of getting your body to be cleansed of impurities," Jaune said and Neo understood.

"Now, I need all of you to hand over your Nanite Suit," Jaune said while opening a box that contains the Nanite Suit that Jaune was supposed to give to Neo.

"Eh?" Everyone was confused.

"Let me explain. You need to have a certain amount of danger for you to break your mortal shackle, therefore I need to take away the armour that protects all the time," Jaune said.

"Ooooooh!" Everyone said including Glynda. They then took all of their emblem which is the housing for the Nanite Suit and gave it to Jaune and he closed and locked the box and stored it inside of GoB.

"Which world are we heading to for training?" Yang asked.

"We are heading to a place called Orario within the world of Danmachi," Jaune said. "It is a world of magic and gods," Jaune added.

"Wait…What?!" Pyrrha and the others said.

"Gods…as in beings like the God of Bible in Koneko's world and the Twin Gods in our world?" Ren asked.

"That's right, but the Gods of that world are not allowed to wield their Godly powers when they descend to the Mortal World, if they do, they'll be barred from entering the Mortal World for a certain amount of time," Jaune said. This made everyone sigh in relief since they don't want to accidentally anger a God.

"When are we going there?" Pyrrha asked.

"After Winter and Ironwood arrest Jacques and his ȧssociates," Jaune said.

"And when is that?" Yang asked.

"Today. They've been planning this for a month now," Jaune said.

"Finally! Mom's suffering will finally end," Weiss said.

"Oh…by the way, Weiss. I made something for the SDC after Jacques arrest," Jaune said.

"Hmm? What is it? It isn't something overboard, is it? I've heard Ruby talk about the Dominator Gun that you tried to give Prime Jaune," Weiss said.

"Here, look at this…" Jaune said while handing Weiss a blueprint. When Weiss saw it, she was ecstatic.

"This…Are you sure you're giving me this?" Weiss asked while holding onto the blueprint.

"Yes, I did promise you that I'll help you return the SDC to its former glory when it was being managed by your grandfather Nicholas. I'll also be producing at least ten thousand units for the SDC, but I want you to promise me that Faunus will finally get the treatment they deserve while working for the SDC," Jaune said.

"I Promise!" Weiss said and she means it at the bottom of her heart.

"That's all I ask for," Jaune said with a smile.

"Weiss? What is it?" Blake asked.

"Here…Look," Weiss said putting the blueprint on the table.

"This…" Blake said. This will truly help the SDC, it would lessen the death toll of the miners, whether they be Human or Faunus.

R.I.G, that's what was written on the blueprint. It was a suit that miners can wear to help them during their mining operation. It is also equipped with equipment such as a barrier that'll protect them during an accident, an oxygen tank, etc…

(R.I.G Blueprint)

"Wow…" Blake had no other words.

"Now. Why don't we head to Atlas and watch the downfall of Jacques?" Jaune said.

"Hell Yeah!" Everyone shouted.

When they arrived in Atlas, Jaune brought them to a location that is out of the way but close enough for them to watch the entertainment.

The arrest was glorious, all of Jacques ȧssociates were all in the same room since they had a meeting, the arrest didn't even take long, but while Ironwood was not looking, Winter took out the Penance Stare that he gave her and made Jacques scream as if he saw a ghost.

Everyone just stared at Jacques as he squirmed on the ground.. The Atlesian soldiers and Ironwood thought that he was just acting, so they handled him harshly.

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