
As much as Bete protested, Loki decided to look for Jaune. Her curiosity got the better of her. Loki is mischievous in nature, therefore when she finds something interesting, she won't let go, from everything that Riveria and the others told her, she wants to see it for herself.

"Loki-sama! Please! Let's just leave it be!" Bete shouted.

"Are you disobeying your Goddess, Bete?" Loki said.

"No! But…" Bete was about to explain but Loki interrupted him.

"No buts. I need to meet this Jaune fellow. The feats that you told me he did, are around Level 9, the feats you told me he accomplished can only be matched by The Empress of the Hera Familia and she was the only known Level 9, and below her was Maxim the Level 8 Captain of the Zeus Familia," Loki explained.

"L-Loki-sama! You don't understand, the feats we told you he performed isn't everything he is capable of, I told you earlier that I felt that he wasn't even trying that hard to beat the Irregular. I also can't explain it and I don't have proof, but my instinct is telling me that he can kill us all like a damn ant if he wanted!" Bete begged Loki not to approach Jaune.

"What are you even worried about? I doubt he would attack a Goddess, that's just suicide. I may not be able to use my Godly powers in normal circumstances, but I can use it…when necessary," Loki said.

'That's just the thing Loki-sama! I don't think he would give a damn if you were a God and my guts are telling me that this could all go horribly wrong!' Bete thought but didn't tell Loki since he knew that persuading her further was pointless as Loki was determined to meet Jaune.

-Draconic Deus-

As much as Jaune didn't want to head to Kyoto, he had to since Serafall was the only one that knows the location of Asgard.

Jaune tried asking Rias if she knew where Asgard was, but he was disappointed since she didn't and when she tried to ask her brother, he wouldn't answer the call as there was an emergency…for the past month…regarding a lost Sacred Gear.

The moment that Jaune set foot in Kyoto…He felt a huge number of eyes on him. 'Damn it!' that's the only thing on Jaune's mind when he arrived. There was nothing Jaune can do.

Ever since Jaune's Avalon's reacted to Saber's Avalon, he hasn't been able to take it out of him as it is now a part of him, but he can call forth a spectre of Avalon to the world when he wants to use it as a shield, he can call out Avalon and shield any attacks coming his way.

You may be thinking, 'Why don't Jaune just use Yamato to separate it from him?'. That's a brilliant question. The answer is…it won't work, Avalon has integrated onto Jaune's soul due to the Embodiment of the World of Faeries. Therefore, if Jaune tries to separate it from him using Yamato, it's him separating his soul from his body.

Now you may be thinking, 'Why don't Jaune use his Arc of Embodiment to mask the nature energy his body is emitting?'. That would be another brilliant question. It doesn't work.

Nature is ever-present as long as it exists, there is no masking it, there is no hiding it. Nature is the phenomena of the physical world collectively, therefore as long as Jaune exist Nature energy of the Faeries World will exist in the main world where he stands as he Embodies it. (This is a load of BS out of my ȧss!)

Jaune decided to ignore all the Youkai that is staring at him, as long as they don't go over the line, then he would just let it be, they can stare all they want, but Jaune's everything only belongs to the people he loves as a girlfriend and future bride…And almost all of him for his friends and family, except his body…except for Saphron, she is a lover and family.

(If you find this confusing then…too bad.)

According to Rias, Sona informed her that Serafall was staying in the Main Manor of the Youkai leader, Yasaka. Jaune didn't know where that was, but he can just look for the biggest building with the most mana gathered.

Not even a minute later, three Tengu approached Jaune's location, they didn't look happy. At least they didn't straight up attack Jaune…well you know what would have happened.

"Who are you?! And why have you intruded in Youkai territory?!" one of the Tengu asked.

"Name's Jaune Arc. I'm here looking for Serafall Leviathan. According to her sister she should be here, I need to speak with her," Jaune said.

"What faction do you belong to? I sense that you're a Human without any magic but are emitting nature energy," another of the Tengu asked.

"Oh. I don't belong to any faction…But I am friends with some devils such as Serafall and her sister, plus Rias Gremory and her Peerage are my friends," Jaune said.

"And what proof do you have that you're acquainted with Leviathan-sama?" One of the Tengu said while emphasising the change of the word friend to an acquaintance. None of the Tengu believes that Jaune was friends with such a powerful devil when he was just a regular Human.

"You want proof? Here…" Jaune said while tossing his scroll to the Tengu with the Gallery App opened showing him and Serafall enjoying a good day out geeking on Magical Girl.

All The Tengu with Jaune were shocked that Jaune was indeed friends with Leviathan-sama. The picture was proof of that, they were even in close proximity of each other.

"I-I s-see. Please wait here while we inform Leviathan-sama and Yasaka-sama of your arrival," One of the Tengu said before bolting. They knew that they fuċkėd up when they purposely looked down on Jaune. If it was any other person they may be offended, but Jaune just didn't care for such childish BS.

A few minutes later, a black and pink blur tackled Jaune, but it wasn't enough to bring him to the ground. Yasaka who was accompanying Serafall saw the tackle, she was shocked since she knew that the amount of strength Serafall used was not something to scoff at and the Human just received it without any issue.

"Hey, Sera. It's good to see you too," Jaune said.

"Jaune! It's been a month since you left! I thought you said that you wouldn't take long to come back?" Serafall said.

"Sorry about that. There was an unforeseen issue," Jaune said.

"I see. As long as you didn't do it on purpose," Serafall said cheerily.

"Sera…I'm here to ask for your help," Jaune said.

"Hmm? Sure, no problem! What do you need?" Serafall said.

"I know that you're in charge of foreign affairs for the devil, I just want to know the location of Asgard, I need something from them…well, I need someone from Asgard," Jaune said.

"Eh? That's all you need? That's no problem since I plan to head there today for some business, then I plan to get comeback here…So, you can tag along if you want, but…" Serafall said while whispering something in Jaune's ears.

"Thanks, Sera. And that's no problem at all," Jaune said with a smile. It would be better to head there with Serafall since he wasn't familiar with the place.

The entire time that Jaune was speaking with Serafall, Yasaka was uneasy, she was weirdly attracted to Jaune, she knew that it wasn't a normal attraction, but she was fighting the attraction with everything she's got.

What Yasaka doesn't know is that due to Jaune, her body was unconsciously absorbing the nature energy of Jaune. Unlike other Youkai, Yasaka was special as she was a nine-tailed fox, they are naturally more in tune with nature as they are a spirit that symbolizes Peace and Prosperity.

The only reason that Yasaka was not a user of Senjutsu, is since nature energy in the DxDverse was tainted, unlike Jaune's nature energy that promotes tranquillity, and being a symbol of Peace and Prosperity, tranquillity is half of it as Peace is a state of Tranquillity. Thereby, corruption from the nature energy of the DxDverse is quite a revolting for Yasaka. (Probably another BS from me.)


While Jaune was on Draconic Deus, the time flow of Remnant has returned to normal. Three days, that's how long Jaune was in DxD trying to find a way not to go to Kyoto and three days have passed on Remnant as well.

Before Jaune and the others left for Orario, Jaune informed, Qrow, Ozpin, Amber and Winter that they won't be gone for long. Winter took this chance to head back to the Schnee Manor without any disdain as her father has been finally been put away and the evidence speaks for itself…plus the man became crazy.

Winter was enjoying her time with Willow and Whitely. They were having a wonderful time, but they hoped that Weiss could have joined them. Nonetheless, Willow and Winter were gossiping about Jaune along with Whitely, as Jaune was Weiss' boyfriend, even if it was still unofficial since they haven't gone on a date. Winter never mentioned that to her mom or Whitely.

"So, Winter. Do you mind telling me what you know about this boyfriend of Weiss?" Willow asked.

"That's right, Winter. Ever since you got back, you've been saying Jaune this and Jaune that, but you haven't told us much about him," Whitely said.

"We all know that Jaune is the youngest Huntsman of Vale and we also watched the Vytal Festival Broadcasting, and how he defeated the three strongest team of Beacon, but we haven't heard much about how he is, such as personality and quirks," Willow said.

'Well, alright. I'll say as much as I know for the time I've known him. Jaune's…unique. He isn't like any person you'll meet, to me, he is one of a kind. For most people, being the youngest Huntsman would have made their ego grow high into the sky, but when you meet Jaune, you can tell just how much such title mean so little to him," Winter stated.

"Hmm? What do you mean?" Willow asked.

"It's just that…to Jaune, titles are just air. Them don't mean much at all. To him, helping as many people as he can is more important…even if the life he can save is but one. No matter how much of a lost cause something is, he would somehow, do the impossible," Winter said.

"Such as?" Whitely asked.

"Helping the people of Menagerie. Did you know that the Four Kingdoms already gave up sending Huntsman or Huntress to Menagerie since the amount of Grimm is huge and they don't have much money to offer for more Huntsman and Huntresses? So, they gave up. But according to rumours, Jaune single-handedly created a city for them, a place safe from Grimm and Wildlife," Winter said.

"But those are just rumours, don't tell me you believe that," Whitely said.

"At first, I didn't believe it just like you, but there was a video that surfaced for a few days before it disappeared…Here take a look," Winter said.

The video showed a person about the same height as Jaune and the same golden locks. In front of him was a vast empty land…however it wasn't empty for long as buildings after buildings were being erected. The video was too dark to see what the man in the Video was doing.

But it wasn't long before an entire city was built, the man in the video nodded before getting to work once more. The man then built a massive wall around the entire city, it was made from stone…at least that is what they perceive, Willow and Winter can tell that the rocks were not normal, it had a silverish blue ŀustre to it, if one does not have a keen eye, they would have missed it.

After the first video, Winter played a second video. In this video, we can clearly see Jaune fighting a horde of Grimm with ease. Jaune even stopped a Goliath with his bȧrė hands. The Grimm they can see in the video were no mere cannon fodder Grimm, these Grimm were Goliath, Manticore, Sphinx and other stronger Grimm.

"Okay…Wow! He is so cool looking! I mean he looked like those heroes in comic books!" Whitely shouted. He may be a Schnee, but he is a boy as well, what boy doesn't like hero stories, he may have hidden his interest in it before due to his father, but now, he was free to express himself.

"I didn't know that you were interested in does," Willow said.

"I can't help it, the stories are intriguing and the fighting looks even better than watching real Huntsman fight…And the reason you didn't know is that father would disapprove of such interest…He would have probably taught me a lesson about gain interest in useless things," Whitely said feeling detected and emphasizing the word lesson, but after a few seconds, he cheered up since that father is no longer around.

"Whitely…I don't mind you gaining such interest, but please do not let it get in the way of your studies," Willow said.

"I understand," Whitely said.

Winter told them more about Jaune. One thing they didn't like was that Jaune was dating multiple women, some his age, another a lot older, and lastly, he is dating his sister and sister-in-law and even have a kid together.. But Winter reassured Willow that Jaune wasn't doing it on Weiss back, in fact, Weiss was the one that gave her this info.

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