Hey guys!

Sorry the Chapter is late and short. I had to head to the hospital to check the cast on my leg, which I'm happy is finally off, unfortunately, the Doctor said that my right arm still needs a bit more time to heal before the cast comes off.

One more thing. Regarding the interaction of different characters, from the comments that I've read, you guys love it. So from here on out, I will make a few chapters showing what different characters are doing when Jaune isn't around.

Thanks and enjoy the Chapter.


-Draconic Deus-

Jaune and Serafall were currently inside the Mirror Dimension with Yasaka, Kunou and Rossweisse.

Serafall was already wearing the Magical Girl outfit that she set up with Star. It was similar to her Magical Girl Levia-tan outfit, the only difference was that rather than crosses, it was changed to stars.

"Ready?" Jaune asked Serafall.

"Un! I want to see what Star is capable of," Serafall said while nodding.

"Alright then. Begin whenever you want," Jaune said. He then made a barrier around him, Yasaka, Kunou and Rossweisse.

"Ready Set!" Star said.

"Wait! It can talk?!" Serafall said.

"Duh! It was one of the reasons it was called an Intelligent Device," Jaune said.

"This is amazing! Alright, let's do this…Star! Thalg Al-Salos!" Serafall said while bringing the wand above her head.

"Thalg Al-Salos…Set!" Star said.

A massive magic circle formed above Serafall, it was her usual Magic Circle, but it looks more refined and the lines on it are more streamlined. Seeing this, Serafall knew that it was far better than when she does the magic circle herself. An ice spear of 50 metres then forms above the magic circle, Serafall then controlled it to break apart into multiple smaller spears and sent it to her target. Each target hit became frozen.

"This is great! I bȧrėly felt my mana being depleted!" Serafall said.

"Okay. Now try it once more with the Boost and Penetrate function," Jaune instructed Serafall while making a barrier that's as powerful as the body of Crom Cruach.

"Okay here we go! Star! Thalg Al-Salos! Plus! Boost and Penetrate!" Serafall shouted.

"Ready…Set…Thalg Al-Salos…Boost and Penetrate…" Star informed.

The magic was similar to earlier, but instead of a 50-metre long ice spear, it was over 100-metres. Just like earlier, Serafall made the gigantic ice spears split into smaller ones and made them hit the barrier made by Jaune. Serafall could feel the power of the barrier, she knew that breaking through it would require immense magical power, but to her surprise, the ice spears penetrated without any issue.

"That's…" Serafall had no words. The barrier that she knew was immensely powerful was useless against the Boost and Penetrate ability without using much mana.

"Pretty cool, right. I was able to study the Boosted Gears ability and incorporated it into Star, plus with Star's ability to efficiently use mana, you will be even more of a powerhouse than you already are. What do you think of my Gift?" Jaune said with a smile.

"That's…Uhm…I got nothing," Serafall said. She didn't have words to describe how insane the Ability of Star is or How insane Jaune is to be able to copy a Sacred Gear's power that was made by the God of Bible. But she was happy to receive a gift from Jaune, even if Star wasn't useful, she would still love it since it came from Jaune, someone she bonded with through their interest in Magical Girls.

"Well, that's fine…Next, you can test out the Transfer ability…This is helpful if you want to transfer some of your mana to someone else, it should work even if they were 100 metres away from you, plus with Boost, you don't even have to use a lot of mana, because you can just Boost a small amount before transferring it," Jaune said. He then saw Serafall look at the Star.

"Now this is a Magical Girl Wand," Serafall said with a chuckle.

Serafall and Jaune continued to test out the other abilities and installed magic on Star. Meanwhile, Rossweisse and Yasaka were staring with their mouth wide open. Serafall was already strong to begin with, that's why she was given a Satan title, but from their observation, Serafall performed powerful magic but with little use of mana, that's a scary notion.

Unfortunately, Jaune's been in Draconic Deus for a while now, it was time for him to head back to Orario. When Jaune returned from his trip to Asgard, he contacted the One True God and asked him why the time flow of the world change. According to the OTG, the moment he made a true connection to the world that he travelled to, it would synchronise with Remnant, but he has to be careful, just because the people of the world he goes to can't enter other worlds, it doesn't mean that those worlds wouldn't affect Remnant.

The OTG gave Jaune an example. If Jaune was to make a true connection with the Marvel World, then Thanos may not be capable of travel to Remnant, but if he has all six Infinity Stones and snapped his finger, then Remnant would be affected as well. This made Jaune cautious on what worlds to enter, he would have to gain more strength before venturing into such dangerous territories.


Hephaestus was in her personal quarter, she was waiting for her Familia Captain, Tsubaki Collbrande, someone she trusts and can be freely open to.

"Hephaestus-sama," Tsubaki said.

"Ah, Tsubaki, I've been waiting for you," Hephaestus said. She then told Tsubaki about Jaune, how he helped her get rid of the curse on her right eye. She also told Tsubaki about how Jaune makes her feel safe and warm, and how he didn't care about her eye. Hephaestus sounded like a schoolgirl with a crush. But this side of her has never been seen by anyone besides Tsubaki and Hestia.

"Hephaestus-sama. Have you never felt this way towards someone before?" Tsubaki said.

"Feel what?" Hephaestus asked.

"You know…infatuated, maybe towards a man or maybe a female," Tsubaki said.

"Pfft! I'm not infatuated with Jaune. Besides, I've only known him for a few days," Hephaestus said.

"Aha…But you do know being infatuated can happen at any moment, regardless of time," Tsubaki explained.

Tsubaki had to explain to Hephaestus about what she was feeling, back in Heaven, due to her eye, Hephaestus never courted, I mean they run, hide and scream at the sight of her eye. It took Tsubaki over an hour to explain everything to Hephaestus, as she kept denying what she was feeling, hence, Tsubaki suggested Hephaestus meet with Jaune while she observes her and gives her opinion on the matter later.

When Tsubaki and Hephaestus arrived in Jaune's base, Loki and her executive members were there as well, how they knew where Jaune lives is unknown…there is probably a Jaune stalker in there Familia…who knows.. While Hephaestus and Loki arrived in Jaune's Base, Jaune, Koneko and Rossweisse arrived inside the base as well.

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