A week later, Jaune returned to the area that he met with Gros, Lyd and Ray. Lyd and Ray were able to get two groups of Xenos to reside in the Garden City of Hanging Babylon, but that's not what's important.

Ouranos, leader of the Gods that descended Heaven, the God who keeps the monster from entering the City of Orario, has felt the disappearance of the Xenos within the Dungeon.

Ouranos sent Fels to examine the Dungeon for any anomaly, while Ouranos asked Ganesha to investigate if there have been any rumours about the Xenos.

This development is unknown to Jaune, for he was busy helping Yang and the others with training and watching over them when they fight monsters, especially since they have finally reached the lower floors. Funnily enough, they were the first-ever Level 1 to achieve such a deep floor, but then again, they're used to fighting mindless monsters and with their teamwork, they can overcome just about any obstacle.

While watching over his group of people, Jaune heard two distinct cheers, and they were Penny and Nora, the two just achieved SSS on VIT and MAG, respectively.

Nora and Penny were at first thinking that they might have gotten SSS on the same stat, but when they revealed each other's stats, they saw that they got SSS on different stats, hence the cheering.

"Hmm…From the looks of it, you both gained an SSS on a stat?" Jaune said.

"Yup! Penny got it on her VIT while I got it on MAG," Nora said.

"So, you both get a chance to receive a special reward. What would you like?" Jaune asked.

"I want some super awesome ability!" Nora shouted.

"Hmm…How good is your control over lightning?" Jaune asked.

"I can produce and control it for an hour, but after that, I lose control due to the strain on my stamina," Nora said.

"That's quite good. If that's the case, I have a good technique I can teach you to help control your lightning further and help you be more efficient at using your stamina. The technique is called Iron Sand," Jaune said.

Jaune then proceeds to show Nora the ability. She saw Jaune produce lightning through magic. She then saw him use the magnetic field of the lightning to attract iron sands from the ground and create a sword whip out of it. Nora was excited to learn such ability, but she knew it wouldn't be easy to achieve no matter how Jaune makes it seem so.

"What do you think?" Jaune asked.

"That's pretty awesome! When can I learn it?" Nora asked.

"No rush, I'll teach it to you once we head back to the surface," Jaune said.

Nora was satisfied with his answer as she knew that the others are nearing SSS on their stats, and once they all have SSS on all stats, they are heading back to the surface. Nonetheless, Nora was excited to learn an extraordinary new ability that she can incorporate with Magnhild, such as forming a pointy end using Iron Sand on the flat end of her hammer to pierce things easier.

"What about you, Penny? Since you also reached SSS on a stat that no one else has reached, you are eligible for a special reward. What would you like?" Jaune said.

"Uhm…Is it okay if I save it for later?" Penny asked innocently.

"That's not a problem, Penny," Jaune answered. Penny smiled and skipped away, but for some reason, Jaune's back shivered.

An hour later, Jaune heard Ruby cheer. This cheering was another indicator that she had gained an SSS on a stat. Jaune headed in her direction, and he saw her jumping up and down repeatedly while looking at her bracelet.

"Oh yeah! I got SSS on agility, and I'm still the queen of speed!" Ruby shouted.

"Impressive. Since you're the first to gain an SSS on AGI, you get a special reward," Jaune said.

"Pfft! That's easy. I want a super special Snickerdoodle and cookies!" Ruby said without hesitation.

"Wait! You can't be serious! You know that you can ask for something like a magical ability or maybe a new fighting technique?" Jaune said.

"Nah! I'm learning to use magic just like the others, I can come up with my own in the future, but I can't make super special Snickerdoodles and cookies. That's something you can make for me," Ruby said.

"Well…Alright, if that's what you want," Jaune said. He knew there was no convincing Ruby to change her mind.

For the rest of the day, Jaune thought that there might be someone that can break through to SSS in DEX, but there wasn't. Jaune then thought about who might be able to break to SSS on DEX, and he can only think of Pyrrha since her fighting style requires her to be quite dextrous.

The next day, the rest of the group started getting SSS on their stats, but none of them could get it on DEX. That seems to be the hardest stat to get an SSS on, but Jaune knew that sooner or later, someone would achieve it, and sure enough, someone did.

Glynda, of all people that would get SSS on DEX, Glynda wasn't the person Jaune thought would get DEX first. Jaune thought that Glynda would be the one to get MAG to SSS first since she is a heavy user of her telekinesis, which uses mental strength, which can equate to MAG in the Danmachi world.

"Congratulations, Glynda," Jaune said with a smile.

"Thank you, Jaune," Glynda said in turn.

"Well, since you got an SSS on something no one else has, you have a special reward. Do you have something in mind?" Jaune asked.

"I do, but I'll tell you later when we get back on the surface," Glynda said.

"Alright," Jaune said.

In the next week, everyone finally achieved SSS on all their stats. Their time in the Dungeon was quite a journey. Everyone was able to fight monsters that have abilities they've never seen before. Still, even though they struggled in some fights, they overcame their enemy through working together and working hard.

The next day. Jaune and everyone were back on the surface. Jaune couldn't wait to introduce everyone to the Xenos, and he believes that they won't be close-minded like most people in Orario.

Jaune knew that they would want to get to know the Xenos before making any judgement, but the problem is Ais, she has immense hatred for monsters, he doesn't know if he should allow her to meet the Xenos with the rest of the group or leave her out.

Except, Jaune believes that this is a good way for Ais to see that not all monsters are evil and that some Humans can be more of a monster than the monsters themselves.

Within Ouranos prayer room. Fels and Ganesha were talking with Ouranos about their findings, which disappointed Ouranos, as Ganesha and Fels weren't able to find anything regarding the disappearance of the Xenos.

"How is it possible that not a single clue was left behind when over a hundred Xenos went missing? That cannot be possible," Ouranos said.

"Do you think that maybe the shaking of the dungeon a month ago could be the reason for the disappearance of the Xenos?" Ganesha said.

"That could be possible, but Royman wasn't able to figure out what happened. He couldn't even pinpoint the floor which the shaking originated from," Ouranos said.

Ouranos, Fels and Ganesha were thinking of anything that they could think of that may help solve the disappearance of the Xenos or at least figure out the cause of the shaking of the Dungeon. Still, no matter what they come up with, they have no evidence at all for such possibility.

Meanwhile, it was night in Orario, and Glynda told Jaune that she would say to him what she wanted for her special reward, but she would say at night, which is what it was now.. Hence, Jaune was heading into her room, but when he got there, he saw Glynda in sėxy lingerie, and she pulled him into the room for some hot steamy activity.

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