-Draconic Deus-

Kuroka and Bikou were talking with each other. Kuroka has already flared her Ki, which she believed would catch her sisters' attention, but that did not happen as she didn't know that Koneko was not in the DxDverse. Instead, she was relaxing in Orario with a book in hand.

"Kuroka? I thought you said that luring your sister would be easy?" Bikou said.

"It should have been. I don't know why Shirone isn't responding to my Ki," Kuroka said.

"Hah? Maybe something happened to her, or the devils did something," Bikou said.

"If they did something to my Shirone, and I find them, I'll kill them just like I did with Naberius," Kuroka said menacingly.

"Why don't we spy on the party? May be will find your sister there," Bikou said.

Kuroka and Bikou then headed to the Peace Treaty Party, and they were just in time to see the arrival of Loki. Kuroka was laughing at Loki's theatrics. She just found it funny.

A Norse Magic circle appeared in mid-air. It was Loki's transportation circle. He then appeared from it, and he was looking down on everyone, literally as he was floating in mid-air. He then started talking by introducing himself.

"I am the Norse God, Loki!" Loki said.

"Well, this is a rare guest," Azazel said.

While the two were looking at each other, Jaune took out popcorn from his storage ring that contains emergency food. He was watching everything happening as if it was a tv drama.

"Loki-dono, although you are a Norse God, you have no right to create havoc here," Michael said.

"Seeing our Great Father mingling with other mythologies brings me intolerable pain," Loki said.

"Loki, if you return to Valhalla now, I will forgive you," Odin said with a serious tone. There were devil guards that surrounded Loki from the ground.

Earlier, Jaune just had popcorn in his hand, and now he was on a Barcalounger with Serafall. They were both enjoying the show, and they were both eating popcorn and drinking soft drinks. Rias and Sona, along with their respective Peerage, were gobsmacked at Jaune and Serafall's attitude to the situation. They were in a serious predicament as it could result in a war.

"Want more popcorn, Sera?" Jaune asked.

"Yes, please," Serafall said while passing the empty bucket of popcorn to Jaune for a refill.

"What do you think will happen?" Jaune asked.

"Knowing you? I bet you'll intervene before something bad happens," Serafall said.

While the two were talking, Bikou and Kuroka saw the action of Jaune and Serafall, they couldn't believe that the two were relaxed when there could be a big issue, plus Bikou was jealous that Jaune and Serafall have popcorn to watch the show while he didn't.

"Forgive me? Don't make me laugh, you old fart," Loki said.

"Ooooooh! Dishing out the insult, I would have called him Old Goat rather than Old Fart, but I guess that works too," Jaune said, gaining the attention of everyone.

Loki seemed to have ignored Jaune since he didn't feel threatened by him. Instead, he continued talking with Odin and the leaders.

"If you ally us with other mythologies, we will never be able to achieve Ragnarök!" Loki said.

"Hey, Sera? I thought that Ragnarök was supposed to be something bad? Why does this idiot want to achieve Ragnarök?" Jaune asked Serafall.

"I don't have a single clue…Maybe Loki's psychotic or something?" Serafall replied.

Loki heard their conversation and got a bit ticked off after Serafall called psychotic…which he is, but he didn't like being called as such.

"Heh… I've heard similar arguments before. They were from the Khaos Brigade. That would mean you've decided to join them," Azazel said.

"I admit, I've partnered with them," Loki said.

"Booooo! Boooooo! That's stupid! Now you're just a hypocrite. You said earlier that Odin shouldn't join other mythologies. But then here you are joining other mythologies by joining the Khaos Brigade, which I believe have more mythologies on it than this current Peace Treaty Party," Jaune said.

Loki was now fuming at Jaune's words, and he was getting angrier and angrier the more Jaune talked:

He mocked him by seeing his display as entertainment, and he let that go.

He was called psychotic by the girl beside him, which seems to be the man's companion. Again, he let it go.

He was humiliated by being Booed.

There was no way Loki was taking such insults, especially not from a mortal.

"Issei? Is your friend crazy? Why is he openly mocking a God?" Xenovia said. She hadn't met Jaune before, even during the time that he came looking for Serafall.

"Don't worry too much about him; he can take care of himself. After all, he was the one that trained us to the level we currently are," Issei said.

"Wait? What? Seriously! But I can't feel a single ounce of magic from him. When looking at him, he is the very definition of a normal mortal," Xenovia said.

"Yeah. And judging Jaune by that would be your downfall because Jaune is anything but normal. I still remember that day," Issei said. He was talking about when Jaune fought Ddraig, he and the others in the Peerage were inside the Gate of Babylon as they were curious about what Jaune wanted the Boosted Gear for and what they witnessed that day they would never forget. Issei was going to say something to Xenovia but got cut off but the booming voice of Loki.

"I am Loki, the God of Tricksters! You dare insult me, Mortal!" Loki shouted.

"Bahahaha!" Jaune laughed hard. From his perspective, Loki was nothing more than a clown, and he was going to prove it.

"Pfft! I know that you're trying to be intimidating, but…Pfft! You keep making yourself look like a clown since there is nothing about you that's intimidating, not the way you sound, not the way you look, and not your fashion sense," Jaune said while trying to contain his laughter.

Outside, Kuroka enjoyed how Jaune was making fun of Loki, but she believes that Jaune was going to die soon. Nonetheless, she was enjoying the mockery he was making of Loki. But not long after, she was pissed as their target the whole time would be decimated.

"You will pay for insulting me, Mortal! Come forth! My beloved son! Fenrir!" Loki shouted.

A magic circle then appeared, and out came a dark bluish and grey wolf. It roared, then a blue light hit it on its head. Not a second later, Fenrir blew up into hundreds of small chunks of flesh. If you haven't figured it by now, that was Jaune's doing. He took out Dominator, a gun from Psycho-Pass, but unlike the Dominator from Psycho-Pass, Jaune can adjust the output and make it stronger. That's why it quickly killed Fenrir.

Loki was shocked by what happened, but it wasn't only him. Everyone in the room was, except for Serafall. They then looked at Jaune, who was holding a black weapon-like gun with blue lights all over it, then they saw it move and form a more recognizable design.

"Impossible! How did you kill my son, Fenrir, with such ease?! What is that weapon?!" Loki said with anger in his voice.

Jaune didn't answer, but Loki felt some energy enter his body. His vision then blurred for less than a microsecond. He looked at Jaune and saw him pointing the black gun at him.

"Do you think such a toy will be able to harm a God li…" Loki couldn't finish his sentence as he saw a blue light hit him on his heart. Not long after that, the entire left side of his body blew up into small chunks of flesh.

"Oof! Sorry about that whole, shooting you thing. But I know if you look deep into your heart…well you don't have one now...you know, after going btoom, but if you can forgive me with that hollow space where your heart used to be, I'll be grateful," Jaune said mockingly with a smile on his face.

Loki then shouted in extreme anger, it sounded like a pissed-off dragon, but that was only inside the Genjutsu the Jaune cast on Loki, which was the mysterious energy Loki felt. In reality, the only one that got killed was Fenrir, while Jaune did nothing to Loki. But the funny thing is, while Loki was roaring like a mad dragon inside the Genjutsu, outside of it was different.

"Kyaaaaah! Kyaaaaah!" Loki was shouting like a little girl. Everyone tense due to the situation earlier were now laughing at what they were seeing. Moments later, Loki falls unconscious on the ground, which Jaune then picked him up and tossed him in Odin's direction.

'God of Tricksters, my ȧss! Couldn't even figure out that he was inside an illusion,' Jaune thought. To be fair, Jaune used Chakra to create the Genjutsu, which Loki doesn't have and is incapable of dispelling as it requires Chakra to dispel.

"Baha-ha-ha-ha! Now that's funny! Who's this guy? He feels like a normal Human, but I doubt that he is after what he did to Fenrir and Loki," Azazel said with a hearty laugh. He wasn't the only one that was laughing. Every single one of the Satan and devils was laughing, even Odin himself. Jaune, on the other hand, was recording the whole thing. He plans to give it to Serafall to upload on the supernatural website.

Outside, the fuming Kuroka was looking at Jaune with anger evident in her eyes. They were hoping to bring Fenrir to their fold, but now, the wolf was nothing but chunks of flesh.

"Bikou, do you know who this man is?" Kuroka asked.

"No clue. I've never seen that man before or even heard of him...Wait! Issei, the former Red Dragon Emperor, said to Vali that a blond foreigner trained him. Maybe he is that person?" Bikou said.

"Maybe, but if it was him, then he must be crazy strong. After all, the person that trained the former Red Dragon Emperor can't be weaker than his student, right?" Kuroka said.

"That should be the case, especially after we saw him kill Fenrir and humiliate Loki," Bikou said.

"What I still don't understand is why Shirone isn't here at the party? She should have been here since she is a part of the Gremory girl's Peerage," Kuroka said.

While Kuroka and Bikou were watching Jaune and the Party, they didn't know that a small bird was watching them, then a second later, the bird disappeared. This bird was Jaune's wood clone transformed into a bird.. He was watching Kuroka and Bikou the entire time.

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