
Three months have passed since the people of Remnant arrived in Orario, but it was time for them to return. Ruby and the others have finally reached Level 5, enough for them to break their Mortal Shackles once they combined it with their sealed strength. But, Jaune didn't want them to do it in Orario as he doesn't know what would happen. Hence, he was planning to head back to Remnant. Plus, there are plans that Jaune wants to accomplish in Remnant.

Hephaestus. Jaune wanted her to think and understand her feelings before he does anything with her, relationship-wise, as she could be confusing her feelings. He didn't want to take advantage of her innocence since she's never had feelings for anyone before. He wanted her to make sure of her feelings, same for Ais. Although Jaune and the others were leaving, this wasn't a goodbye. Just a see you later since Jaune plans to return in the future.

As a farewell gift for the friends that Jaune made in Orario, he made them different things. For Bell and Hestia, he used his Wood Style: Four Pillar House to build them a proper abode, and they were happy. For Hephaestus, Jaune gave her some Uru and Adamantium to experiment with, and this made her happy as it was metals she's never seen before, just like Vibranium. For Ais, Jaune decided not to give her anything as she already has Tempest. (Danmachi doesn't have Adamantium. They have a metal with a similar name called Adamantine or Adamantite, but it's different from Adamantium)

Jaune looked at his group of friends and girlfriends. They were all ready to leave as they have nothing to pack.

"Alright, you guys ready to return to Remnant?" Jaune asked.

"Yup!/Yes!" Everyone said. They couldn't wait to see what it would feel like when they break their Mortal Shackles.

Jaune then opened a portal to Remnant, he told everyone to head in, and he had to stay for a bit as he needed to take the shack with him.


When they got back to Remnant, they had two weeks remaining of their winter holiday. Jaune told them that it was best if they all spent it with their family.

Ruby and Yang went to Patch to visit their Parents, Summer and Tai. Penny and Weiss headed to Atlas to see their respective family members. Blake went to Menagerie to meet Ghira and Kali. Nora and Ren went with Pyrrha to Argus. According to Pyrrha, her mother would love to meet them, plus, the more, the merrier since it would only be Pyrrha and her mother in the house. As for Jaune, he planned to spend some time with Saphron, Terra and Adrian with their family in the Arc household in Domrémy.


It's been a day since Jaune returned to Remnant. He wanted to spend time with Saphron, Terra and Adrian. That's why he is currently in their house, playing with his while Saphron and Terra are packing clothes for a trip.

"How have you ladies been? All good, I hope? And if you need anything, you can ask me anytime," Jaune said

"Yes, Jaune. We're doing well. You don't have to worry about us that much," Saphron said.

"That's right, Jaune. We both know that you've got a lot of things going on. But if you want, how about we go on a family trip? Just you, me, Saph and Adrian," Terra said.

"That's not a problem at all, but we can go on a trip after we visit everyone in Domreny. Would that be alright with both of you?" Jaune said.

"That's wonderful, Jaune," Terra replied.

After packing for their family visit to Domrémy, Jaune put Adrian on a baby carrier, a backpack-like tool to carry your baby. He then took out Yamato to open a portal to Domrémy.


When Jaune, Saphron, Terra and Adrian arrived in Domrémy, they headed straight for their family's house. They haven't seen them for a while, that's why they were excited to meet them.

As soon as Jaune, Terra Saphron and Adrian arrived in the Arc Manor, Jaune got tackled by Beryle, who then proceeded to pull him into the kitchen and ask for his ȧssistance and opinion on her cooking.

Meanwhile, Saphron took Adrian from Jaune and went to the living room where their parents and other siblings are. Saphron and Terra got comfortable and set Adrian down in a safe place.

"Saph, honey. How have you been?" Amarilla asked while hugging Saphron.

"We're doing great! Adrian isn't that hard to take care of, as long as he doesn't start climbing things," Saphron said.

"Climbing, things?" Amarilla asked.

"Yeah, he tends to climb drawers, tables, and other things," Terra said.

"Ooooh! Adrian is taking after his father," Amarilla asked.

"What?" Terra was confused.

"I forgot about that. When Jaune was younger, he tends to climb anything he saw that was taller than him. After climbing up, he would say, 'Hah! I'm now higher than you!' Then he would climb down, but if he failed to get down, he would cry to get our attention," Saphron said. Amarilla and Terra chuckled at what Saphron said.

"Jaune, the man that was capable of many incredible things? Pfft. I can't believe something like that happened," Terra said while trying to hold her laughter.

"It's true. When he was younger, Jaune was just like any other kid, albeit a bit energetic at times," Amarilla said.

"Really? Can you tell me more stories of when he was younger? I think Adrian wants to hear more about his daddy as well," Terra said. Saphron and Amarilla looked at Adrian, and they saw his attention was on them the moment they started talking about Jaune.

"Where do I begin? What about the time when he was four? During that time, I was pregnant with our youngest, Olive," Amarilla started telling stories of Jaune's younger years.


When Weiss arrived in Atlas, her family greeted her with a warm welcome. Willow, her mother, hugged her. Winter and Whitely did the same.

"Weiss, we have a question," Willow asked.

"What is it?" Weiss asked.

"Did you order something?" Winter asked.

"Not that I remember. Why?" Weiss asked.

"Well, a delivery arrived for you the other day. It is an enormous package," Winter said.

"I don't remember ever ordering something big. Besides, I would have gotten it sent to Beacon, not Atlas," Weiss said.

"I see. Well, why don't you take a look at it when we get home? You might remember something about it," Willow said.

The Schnee family then headed to the Schnee Manor, but when they got there, Weiss was surprised. The place looks better. No longer does it look like a place devoid of people. In fact, it now looks like a home.

"I see you've been redecorating. I like it. The place looks more alive than when Jacques was here," Weiss said.

"This was what it use to look like when my father used to be in charge, and he believed that the Schnee needed a home, not just a house," Willow said.

In the middle of the entrance, Weiss saw a box, and it was indeed enormous. The package was brown. Inspecting the package, Weiss realised where it came from. How? Simple. On the centre of it was the acronym 'R.I.G.'. Weiss got excited seeing that acronym.

"So you do know what it is," Winter said.

"I do! This is exciting!" Weiss said.

"Why? What is it?" Whitely asked.

"It's something to protect the S.D.C. miners. A gift from Jaune," Weiss said. She then removed the box covering. The suit was then revealed.

"Whoa! It looks so cool!" Whitely shouted. Weiss was shocked at how her brother was acting as it was nothing like before, but she let it be as she believes that this was the real him and smiled.

"It is, isn't it?" Weiss said.

"What does it do?" Whitely asked.

"Many things, brother. But mainly, it is supposed to protect the wearer. It has integrated oxygen tanks, a stasis module, a barrier system and a holographic display to view all resources on the suit," Weiss said.

"H-How much would something like this cost?" Willow asked as she wanted to buy purchase one for her company miners.

"Probably a lot," Weiss said.

"Wait. You said Jaune built this? Isn't that your boyfriend?" Whitely asked.

"That's right," Weiss said.

"Then, can you ask him how much it would cost to purchase a bulk of this suit?" Willow said.

"Oh. You don't have to worry about that. Jaune told me that he was creating a few thousand of these suits for the S.D.C.," Weiss said.

"You can't be joking. Something like this doesn't come cheap. To give away a few thousand is unbelievable," Whitely said.

"That's Jaune for you. He never conforms to societal norms, and he would do things his way, as long as it doesn't affect the innocent people," Weiss said with a chuckle. She was once at the receiving end of Jaune's way of thinking and doing things.

Weiss and her family dropped the subject about the R.I.G.. Instead, they opted to bond with each other, for it has been a long time since they've been a proper family.

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