-Draconic Deus-

Rossweisse was with her grandmother, Göndul. She was enjoying a day off from teaching magic as she taught non-stop for three months. She couldn't even believe that other worlds exist. She knew that other realms exist, such as Asgard, Heaven, and the Underworld, but not an entire universe.

Göndul was listening to everything that her granddaughter was telling her. Now, she was once a great magician and Valkyrie, but the things that Rossweisse was telling her was almost unbelievable, almost that is. As someone with experience with the supernatural world, she believes in the impossible. As magician's are always performing the impossible.

"Hah…To be young and experience such wonders," Göndul said.

"Is there something wrong, granny?" Rossweisse said.

"No. I just miss being young from time to time. To be able to experience thrills and excitements once more, but I know that the now is the time for the young to grow," Göndul said.

"You always say that, granny, but I know that you enjoy your peaceful days here in the countryside," Rossweisse said with a chuckle as she knew her grandmother would say the same thing.

"Yes, but this time I mean it. To see another world, different from ours…and to meet that young man you keep talking about. Jaune this, Jaune that. Look what Jaune did. I've never seen you act this way before," Göndul said.

"What are you insinuating?" Rossweisse said.

"Oh, nothing. Except that I think you should bring this Jaune fellow back as a boyfriend," Göndul said.

"What?! But Jaune is just my employer! I-I don't see him that w-way!" Rossweisse said.

"Oh, please. Even since you came back, you haven't talked about anything but him. Plus, you haven't even known him personally from all the stories you've told me about him. After all, everything you told me about him was about you teaching him magic, but I can sense your interesting him through your words," Göndul said.

"Okay! Maybe I do have an interest in him. But he is surrounded by other women, and I'm pretty sure he is dating one of them…After I heard him make Glynda scream in ecstasy," Rossweisse said while mumbling the end.

"What was that, Rose?" Göndul asked as she did not hear the last part of what Rossweisse said.

"Nothing!" Rossweisse said.

-Kuoh Academy-

Koneko wanted to spend some time with Rias and the others before starting classes back in Remnant. She was walking around Kuoh Academy, and her destination was the ORC. She was expecting a calm day, but that was not what she got. Instead, when one of the students saw her, she got crowded by the students. Koneko didn't like this, so she bolted towards the ORC. Thankfully, Rias and Akeno were there, which surprise them with her presence.

"Koneko-chan?" Rias said.

"Buchou…" Koneko said.

"What are you doing here? You know we just got back for our summer break," Rias asked.

"Well. Back in Remnant, we still have two weeks of Winter Break. I thought I'd spend time here with you," Koneko said.

Outside of Kuoh Academy was a Black Cat. It was franticly search for its sister, but to no avail, until now. She felt the magical energy of Koneko, it was different from the last time she felt it, but it was Shirone's. The Black Cat raced towards the signature, and she was expecting to see a petite girl with short white hair and gold eyes. Instead, she saw a tall girl with long white flowing hair and glittering gold eyes that you can just get lost staring at, and the nature energy coming from her was immense, more than the Black Cat could manage.

"Shirone!" Kuroka shouted.

"Nee-sama," Koneko said.

"Kuroka, SS-class stray devil. What are you doing here?" Rias said. She already knew of the happens with Kuroka. Jaune told her all about it. But it still didn't change that Rias hasn't forgiven her for just abandoning her sister. Did she understand why Kuroka did it? Yes. But it doesn't mean that all the hardship she caused Koneko is forgiven.

"Well, if it isn't the heiress of House Gremory. I'm not here for trouble. I'm just here to see my sister," Kuroka said.

"You've already seen her, now you can leave, or I can bring you in for your crimes," Rias said.

Kuroka, who saw Rias was serious, was about to scuff at her threat, but when she felt the amount of power coming from Rias, she decided that it wasn't such a good idea to piss her off. Nonetheless, she wasn't about to back out that easily, especially after finally meeting her Shirone.


Neo was walking in the building of the Arc Industries. Her destination was Torchwick's office. She hasn't seen her uncle in a while, and she was hoping to surprise him. When she arrived in Torchwick's office, she saw that her uncle was working seriously, but she could see that he was a bit baffled at whatever he was looking at. Not long later, Torchwick saw her. He smiled and greeted her.

"Neo! How've you been? How is Beacon treating? Is Jaune treating you well?" Torchwick asked.

"It's been great!" Neo said.

This caught Torchwick by surprise. He was expecting her to take out a scroll and show him what she typed. If you let him guess a thousand times how Neo would reply to him, he would get all thousand answers wrong.

"Y-You can talk?!" Torchwick said in surprise.

"That's right! After all this year, I can finally talk again," Neo said.

A long time ago, Torchwick was an aspiring Huntsman, but the money he was earning wasn't enough for the amount he needs to get Neo's surgery to fix her voice box. Hence, he went to thievery, but he suċkėd. He was caught on his first time, and his huntsman licence was revoked, making him dig a deeper hole into the criminal world. In the end, it was all useless. The damage was no longer reversible when he gathered enough money for the surgery, or at least he was told it wasn't.

"H-How?! I've spoken to multiple specialists about your condition. All of them said it was impossible to repair the damage," Torchwick said.

"Jaune happened. He gave me something that helped repair the damage," Neo said.

"Ha…Ha-ha…Ha-ha-ha-ha! First, he helps us get away from the fire bitch! Then he helped me from going to jail and giving me a job. Now, he helped you with the problem that is supposed to be irreversible. We might just be the luckiest people alive to meet such a person," Torchwick said. He meant it was well. The moment Jaune entered their lives, it changed for the better.

"I think so too," Neo said.

"This is a cause for celebration! Let me just put away all these files, and we can go out and have a nice dinner, just you and I. I want to hear all the things that you've been through at Beacon," Torchwick said.

"Are you sure you should just leave your work? I saw the look on your face earlier, and it looked like you were confused at something," Neo said.

"Oh! That wasn't anything. I was baffled at how quickly this company is gaining money while not using much money for inventory. It's like the company doesn't require any materials for its product's manufacturing," Torchwick said.

"From the things I saw Jaune can do, that's a possibility," Neo said. Now Torchwick was interested in what Neo has to say.. Fortunately, Neo didn't tell Torchwick anything about going to another world or learning to use magic.

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