
Early in the morning, Jaune woke up in the bed of the 'camp' that he set up last night. He freshened up and wore his clothes. Last night was an exhausting night. Not because of all the walking and carrying Adrian, but because of his night activity with Saphron and Terra. Well, officially, Jaune is now together with his sister.

After getting ready, he went to the kitchen to prepare food for Terra, Saphron, Adrian and Eevee. When he finished cooking, the two ladies still haven't woken up. Therefore, he decided to head into their room and wake them, but when he arrived, it seems that they were already getting dressed.

After eating breakfast, Jaune told Saphron and Terra that they are staying in the 'camp' for the whole day. This confused the girls, but Jaune explained that he needed to see the capabilities of Eevee and plan training for her. This got the understanding of the girls. They knew that training Eevee is different from training someone like Pyrrha.

"Good luck with training her. Show this world the strongest Pokémon!" Terra said, with Adrian cheering at her words.

With that, Jaune left the camp. He had Eevee follow him; they were going to fight against wild Pokémon in Route 1. The first Pokémon they encountered were Rattata and Pidgey. The Rattata were easy as it was a grounded Pokémon, by Pidgey was a bit more of a challenge as it was a Pokémon that was flying.

"Eevee! Run up the trees to reach Pidgey and use bite on it!" Jaune instructed. Eevee complied with Jaune's instruction, and she was successful in biting Pidgey. After feeling excruciating pain from Eevee's bite, the Pidgey decided to run away.

"Great going, Eevee!" Jaune shouted.

"Eevee! Eevee!" Eevee said.

"Calm down, Eevee. That's the first of many victories that you'll have. Plus, this Pidgey's and Rattata's are quite low weak, but it is still a victory for you nonetheless. Therefore, you are getting special food this evening," Jaune said.

"Eevee? Eevee!" Eevee said.

"Okay-okay! I'll make you something sweet, just like the last time," Jaune said, making Eevee jump in glee.

"I already have a training for you in mind. You want to be the strongest Pokémon, right? Then you'll have to endure the hardship of my training," Jaune said.

"Eevee!" Eevee said.

"That's what I like to hear! Clear determination!" Jaune said.

Jaune and Eevee then headed back inside the camp after a few hours of fighting against wild Pokémon. Jaune explained to Eevee that most wild Pokémon are weaker than Pokémon that travels with trainers as wild Pokémon don't have training. Eevee accepts this answer as she realised that she was doing things that Jaune instructed her to do that she wouldn't have thought herself.

When the Pokémon and trainer arrived in their abode, they saw Adrian playing with Saphron and Terra. They were having a great time, and it became even better when Jaune and Eevee joined them. That evening. Jaune started Eevee on her training regime. True to Jaune's words, the training of Eevee was hard, but at the end of it, she would be treated like a princess by Jaune.

The following day, Jaune and the girls were making their way towards Viridian City. Jaune and Eevee would fight any wild Pokémon they encounter. Slowly but surely, Eevee was getting better at analysing the situation herself and reacting quickly. Jaune's instructions are getting faster and faster. Hence, she must do her best to keep up. But she knows that Jaune is only going as fast as she could go.

After a few hours of walking and fighting, Jaune and the others have finally arrived at Viridian City. It wasn't a huge city. It has a Pokémon centre, a Pokémart, a Pokémon Gym, and many beautiful blooming flowers. After all, Viridian City is a nature-loving city and is in green all year round.

"Wow! This place is beautiful," Saphron said.

"It is, isn't it. It may be a small city, but it is amazing," Terra said.

"So, Jaune. What do you plan to do here?" Saphron asked.

"Well, I thought that you girls would like to stay in a relaxing place for a while, as the city is a few days by foot if we are going at the same pace as today. And I wanted to stop here and stay here for a week. I plan to teach Eevee how to top into nature energy," Jaune said.

"Eevee?" Eevee asked as she didn't know what nature energy was and that she isn't a grass type.

"You don't have to be a grass type to use nature energy as long as I'm here. I'll teach you how to tap into it. It should help you get stronger, and who knows, maybe you may even gain a different eeveelution," Jaune said.

"Eevee!" Eevee shouted. She can't wait to be different from the others of her kind.

"Whoa! Calm down; we don't know for sure if you will evolve into a new type. That's the first time you or any Pokémon will probably be using nature energy and not just any nature energy either. You will be harnessing the nature energy of Avalon," Jaune said.

For the coming week, Jaune drilled Eevee on using Avalon's nature energy. At first, she struggled even to sense it, but with Jaune's instruction, she absorbed nature energy.

Eevee's move set was far more potent when it is infused with nature energy. When she used the move Swift, it could cause a small burst of energy once it hits its target, but infused with nature energy, it became a powerful bomb, and that's not even adding that much nature energy on it.

But that's not all. Due to Eevee taking in Avalon's nature energy, her body started to change, indicating that she was about to evolve. This excited Eevee a lot as it hasn't even been that long, and she was ready to evolve.

With Jaune, there was a feeling telling him to let Eevee evolve in the Manifestation of the World of Faeries. He didn't understand why, but he went with it, as he has never doubted such feelings before, and it paid off.

When Eevee evolved, Jaune was excited to see if there would be a new eeveelution, but it didn't happen. Eevee evolved into a Sylveon, but Jaune noted that it seems different from the usual Sylveon.

Eevee wasn't shiny. It was a regular brown Eevee, but her evolution was different. It wasn't the typical white, pink and light blue Sylveon. Instead, it was white, gold and blue. The usual pink ears of Sylveon were nowhere to be found. Instead, it was Avalon blue. The body of Sylveon was also different. Although it stayed white, it was glistening like a pearl. The ribbon-like thing on her ears and neck was white and blue, but its tip was blue with gold lines, mimicking the lines in Avalon.

"Hah? Would you look at that? You're no longer just a fairy type Pokémon. You are a Fairy," Jaune said.

"Sylveon?" Sylveon asked.

"The difference between a fairy and a fairy type? Well, a fairy type Pokémon can use fairy moves or something. Not sure, but being a fairy is a whole lot different. Hmm? Wait! Since you're a fairy now, does that mean you can use magic?!" Jaune said.

"Because if you can, then you'll have a massive advantage against other Pokémon as you aren't limited to certain move set, plus I can teach you the magic that I know," Jaune said.

"Sylveon! Sylveon!" Sylveon said.

"Okay-okay! Don't get too excited. We don't know yet if you can use magic or which type of magic you can use," Jaune said.

With that, Jaune and Sylveon decided to experiment if Sylveon can use magic, but that was interrupted as Terra and Saphron, along with Adrian, wanted to play with the newly evolved Sylveon.

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