Arc of Gunfire

Chapter 61 Brigadier General Rokossov is cheating and kidnapping everywhere

That night, Vasily and Filipov cleaned the toilet by candlelight.

Vasily: "I think the brigadier general is very optimistic about me!"

Filipov was shocked and looked up at his classmate who was much taller than him: "Why? Just because he asked you to clean the toilet?"

Vasily: "This is a feeling. Think about it, why doesn't he let me, the tallest one, carry the flag?"

"Because you pissed him off." Filipov replied instantly.

"No! It's because carrying the flag is dangerous!" Vasily vowed, "He wanted me alive. Later, he even found the most powerful 'old sergeant' to train me!"

Old sergeant is a common name, which refers to an experienced and respected old non-commissioned officer.

Filipov: "He just doesn't want to get into trouble! Let me tell you, Natasha is right, you are always daydreaming!"

Vasily's face darkened when he mentioned Natasha. She was once his girlfriend, but they broke up with her because "you were always daydreaming."

Filipov seemed to have noticed his friend's depression and hurriedly made up for it: "She also said that you are full of idealism and romanticism. Just look at it."

Vasily said stubbornly: "I don't think I'm just daydreaming this time. The Brigadier just thinks that I am quite to his liking."

"Come on, you are the most hated person by our principal! How can any general think that you are interested in him!"

"You don't know, right? I heard that when the brigadier general was in military school, he was also the person his principal hated the most! So he saw his own shadow in me!"

"You..." Filipov was speechless.

At this moment, Sergeant Major Gregory opened the door and came in: "What took you so long?"

Before he finished speaking, his brows twisted into knots, and he snatched the tool from Vasily's hand: "That's not how this is used! Haven't you ever dug out the cesspit in the village?"

"No." The two men replied in unison.

Vasily: "We are all from the city."

Filipov: "His father is a music professor!"

"Don't mention this!" Vasily frowned, his expression even worse than when he just heard Natasha's name.

Grigory stopped and looked at Vasily: "Professor of music, no wonder you sang well in the morning. It's a pity that the enemy's bullets on the battlefield will not go around you just because you sing well. I'll teach you how to scoop out excrement first. ”

Vasily: "Sergeant Major, have you ever done this?"

"Of course, everyone in the village except the children of the nobles has paid for it. Don't look at these things as dirty, they are a guarantee of next year's harvest. Without this, the money for fertilizers would be unbearable!" Gregory said, skillfully Operating.


At the same time, Wang Zhong, who was "the most hated by the principal when he was studying", was having a meeting with his command team at the brigade headquarters.

They put a pillowcase over the lamp, closed the curtains, and sat around the map table.

At present, Prosen's planes will not bomb at night, so there is no order to control the lights, but several people still consciously take measures to control the lights.

On the table, on top of the map, there was a list book. Yegorov tapped the list book with his index finger and said: "It seems that a lot of equipment has been added, but the anti-tank weapons only have anti-tank guns, which is not enough!"

Bishop Popov asked: "Why, anti-tank guns are not effective?"

"It depends on your luck when shooting from the side. You can only open the observation window from the front. Sometimes you are lucky and can jam the turret seat." Yegorov shook his head, "Basically all the anti-tank guns of our regiment were abandoned in Roniezh. Anti-tank gunners were either killed or captured."

Popov frowned: "You destroyed so many tanks in Upper Penier without anti-tank guns..."

"That relies on incendiary bottles. You need to use firepower to block the enemy's infantry first, so that the tank is in a state without infantry cover, and then get closer and throw incendiary bottles." Yegorov explained concisely and concisely.

“But the problem is that most of the weapons we supplement are Tokarev semi-automatic, which are suitable for shooting against enemies on the plains. The suitable engagement distance is one hundred to two hundred meters.

"Molotov cocktails can only be used in close combat, no more than fifty meters away. In this case, a submachine gun is much more useful than a semi-automatic."

After a slight pause, Yegorov raised his voice: "We need anti-tank guns, even small 45mm guns, but preferably 76mm heavy anti-tank guns!"

Popov sighed: "Theoretically, there should be no shortage of 45mm guns. The reason why they are not assigned now is probably because the logistics system has not yet been reorganized.

"And bombing by enemy planes."

Yegorov: "What about 76mm?"

"This kind of product is in short supply, so it's not easy to deal with." Popov replied, "And I'm here to be a bishop, so don't think of me as the captain of the logistics team who needs supplies, okay? Shouldn't logistics be managed by the staff? ?”

Pavlov, who suddenly received a pass, immediately replied: "That's true, but do you think there is anyone here? If you don't believe me, just look at the map on the table!"

Pavlov pushed aside the supply list to reveal the map.

"I made this map by myself by going to the local military depot headquarters every day and copying it based on their maps."

Generally, the staff officer is responsible for updating the situation of the enemy and ourselves on the map based on the battle situation report passed in. However, Pavlov did not have a staff officer, so he had to update it himself.

Pavlov continued to complain: "Because there is no logistics staff, there is naturally no one to arrange supplies. Even the laundry team and cooking team in the current camp are all brought by me personally.

"Before, there were only 200 people eating, and the food consumption was not big. Now there are more than 1,000 people. Tomorrow I should go to the military station headquarters to ask for things.

"In addition to logistics and maps, we also need communications staff. We don't even have a communications company, and we don't have any messengers on horseback. After all, we are lacking a lot!"

Popov: "Shouldn't the local military depot supply you with radio supplies?"

"We have supplies, but there are no telegraph operators and decoders. Do we have to learn to use the radio and read the code book to decode?" Pavlov sighed, "I know this is because it has only been less than two weeks since the war started. We I have just recovered from the collapse, but the situation is still beyond my expectations.”

At this time Wang Zhong spoke: "I will go to the hospital tomorrow to see if there may be telegraph operators and decoders who are relatively lightly injured. After all, they don't have to work on the front line."

Others shook their heads.

Pavlov said: "All the people who come here are seriously wounded. Where are the lightly wounded?"

Wang Zhong: "It's always good to go and take a look. What if I miss something?"

Pavlov shrugged: "Okay."

Yegorov: "It has been three days since we reorganized the defeated troops, and we are the only ones here. Where are the defeated troops?"

Everyone was silent.

In fact, it is not that there were no defeated troops, but that there were no routed troops from Roniezh.

Wang Zhong slapped the table: "Now we have people. Tomorrow we will set up Kara people at a few intersections outside the city. If the defeated soldiers want to run east, they must pass by us. I don't believe there is no one!"

Popov reminded: "The order only tells us to reorganize the troops that retreated from Ronezh."

Wang Zhong slapped the table again: "Never mind it! Among the people fleeing from here, if there are people who know how to handle paperwork, understand logistics, and know how to send telegrams, we will also advise them and tell them that they don't need to go to the front line to persuade them. They join."

Popov: "Isn't the requisition over?"

Yegorov: "If you don't go to the front line, you will die. Our headquarters is just a brigade headquarters, and it can't be too far from the front line. We will definitely be bombed all day long."

Wang Zhong: "That's why we have to tell them the truth and then persuade them."

Bishop Popov stared at Wang Zhong for a few seconds and said, "Is it really you who made this speech? Alexei Konstantinovich?"

It seems that the original owner would not be so considerate of the people.

Wang Zhong said firmly: "It's really me. Along the way, I have received a lot of help from the people, which has changed my attitude towards them!"

Popov had an expression on his face that said, "You're such a liar."

Wang Zhong ignored Popov: "That's it. We can't take it for granted that Bogdanovka can last for half a month. We have to take action. If the superiors don't provide us with supplements, we will find them ourselves. Just like us That’s what I planned before coming here!”

Yegorov slammed the table hard: "That's it! I've been sick these days!"


Early the next morning, the streamlined team of the Rokossov battle group immediately took action.

Popov took people to the train station to prepare the supplies for the battle group.

Yegorov took people to set up roadblocks on the west side of the city.

Pavlov went to the military depot headquarters to cry out.

Ye Tsemenko and Su Fang went to the local church to cry out about their poverty.

Wang Zhong went to the hospital to see if the leak could be picked up.

Everyone takes action.

Wang Zhong took Grigory and Vasily, who was assigned to him, into the jeep, with Grigory driving.

Just as he was about to set off, Lyudmila suddenly rushed out of the dormitory and grabbed the rear door: "Wait a minute, take me there too, Alyosha!"

"What are you going to do?" Wang Zhong asked doubtfully, "You...can treat the injured?"

After all, they are prayer hands. Since they can guide rockets to hit targets like missiles, they can probably also use things like holy light - right?

Lyudmila; "What are you talking about in your sleep? Doesn't the sacred power of healing only exist in legends? Just like Valhalla in Plosin."

Wang Zhong: "Then what's the point of going? We have to go to the hospital, which is dirty and..."

Suddenly, Wang Zhong saw Pavlov riding a bicycle in the distance and appeared staggeringly!

With Pavlov's size, he would have to ride at least a 26-inch bike, so that 28 inches would feel "appropriate".

But when he rode a 24-inch bike, he looked like a bear curled up on a fire hydrant.

Wang Zhong felt uncomfortable just looking at his riding posture.

Pavlov ran all the way to Wang Zhong and staggered when he got out of the car. Fortunately, Vasily quickly jumped out of the jeep and helped him.

Wang Zhong asked in confusion: "What happened? The enemy broke through the defense line? Where is your jeep?"

Pavlov: "I asked...the driver to guard there!"

"Where are you guarding?"

Gregory opened the safety of the submachine gun and checked the chamber with a click.

Pavlov waved his hands desperately: "No! No! I... I'm stupid, let me take a breath."

After saying that, he threw away the bicycle, supported Wang Zhong, and gasped for air.

After half a minute, Pavlov recovered and said to Wang Zhong: "This morning, I went to the military station headquarters..."

"I know this part, please keep it short." Wang Zhong interrupted him.

Pavlov: "Oh. You know there is a repair shop in the city, right?"

Wang Zhong nodded: "I know, what happened to the car repairman?"

Pavlov: "They not only had cars there, but also the things towed by the cars that were shot at. Those that were not broken were towed away by the depot headquarters, and the broken ones were thrown there.

"Then the master worker saw that there were so many broken cannons, so he took apart the parts and saved three cannons. Two 45mm guns and one 76mm gun!"

Wang Zhong's mouth opened into an O shape.

"No one wants that cannon?" he asked.

Pavlov: "I just saved it yesterday and reported it today. When I saw the report, I rushed to the repair shop and asked the driver to guard it with a pistol with the safety on. No one was allowed to drag it away. Now we are going to rob it. It's ours!

"I can't drive, so I borrowed a bicycle from the worker..."

Wang Zhong: "Then why don't you stay there yourself and let the driver drive the jeep back to report the news?"

Pavlov was stunned: "Huh? Oh, that's right. No, the cannon! Go grab the cannon! No one may want the 45, but the 76 cannon is a treasure!"

Wang Zhong patted his thigh: "Okay! Vasily, run and order the first company to stop training, gather together and run over here!"

Vasily did not move.

Wang Zhong: "What's wrong with you?"

Vasily: "We should let the Third Company go. They are originally from the artillery school."

Wang Zhong and Pavlov looked at each other, and then cursed: "You prickly head, have you never been able to execute orders properly?"

"Then I'll call Yilian?"

"No, go call the Third Company." Wang Zhong glared at Vasily with murderous eyes, "Run! Run faster! Don't let me kick your ass!"

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