Arcane Lord

Vol 2 Chapter 1654: The source of hatred, deep cultivation

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"Don't pay attention to those customs, I have lived for hundreds of years, what have I not seen? The appearance is born to be seen by people, I am not those noble people who are still unwilling to put down their airs, I am just a very ordinary human being ."

Speaking of this, Master Yerevan smiled slyly, "Of course, it is not said that humans can't use elf blood! Hahaha!"

Afterwards, the master greeted Shado and Jenna to sit down.

Just meeting him for the first time, Master Yerevan left a deep impression on Xia Duo. Apart from his appearance that was almost indistinguishable from an elf, Xia Duo was also very impressed by the fact that the master always regarded himself as a human being.

The so-called "noble ones" are the self-proclaimed names of elves, or more precisely, the self-proclaimed self-proclaimed only for human beings, but the kingdom of elves even has Druids who are almost contract workers, how could it be possible to use such a name to refer to itself internally .

There are golden elves and moon elves in the druids, but most of them are wood elves. If the elves are all "noble ones", why are most wood elves only able to engage in "low occupation" like Druids?

In the era of Master Yerevan, elves were absolutely noble and beautiful in Netheril, and Shado had seen the history of that time.

Elves have long lifespans, and their union with humans may be out of true love, but the short lifespans of humans doom this marriage will not end happily.

In fact, many elves left their children and ran back to the elf kingdom almost immediately after their human partner died. Of course, the elf kingdom here can basically be written as "Yerlan".

Only Yeerlan, who had a close relationship with Netheril in the early days, had most cases of elves and human beings combined, and there were only a few cases in other countries.

Of course, if the child has fewer human characteristics, then the elf of the parents may also take the child with him when he returns to Yeerlan.

Historically, there have been cases where children with more human characteristics were taken away, but without exception, almost all of those children were expelled back to Netheril.

Only a very few are lucky enough that the elf of the parents is also considered a high-ranking family in Yeerlan, so it is possible to keep it secretly, and it cannot be made public.

Gustav Town, one of the Seven Towns of Severnton, used to be the main resettlement place for the expelled half-elves. Today, the Gustav Tower has many members of elf blood.

This is the source of the dissatisfaction and even hatred of the elves up and down the Gustav Tower!

At the same time, this has also become a political correctness within the Gustav Tower, and even the Great Arcanist of Badigar cannot reverse it.

Of course, maybe he didn't want to turn around either.

Judging from the appearance of Master Yerevan almost identical to the elf, there is a high probability that he will be brought back to Yeerlan by his elven father or mother.

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Perhaps it has been brought back, but Master Yerevan finally chose to return to Netheril.

This may be another legendary experience!

And the master is still unknown in the outside world. Could it also be related to his elf face?

Looking at the open-minded and generous Master Yerevan, for some reason, Xia Duo suddenly thought of a sentence from his hometown - "A basket of food, a spoonful of drink, in a mean alley, people are unbearable, and he will not change his joy when he returns."

Maybe Master Yerevan is still enjoying it!

Thinking of this, Xia Duo raised a trace of respect for the master again in his heart, and his tone could not help but become soft and respectful, and asked:

"I don't know if the master called Xia Duo to come here, what advice do you have?"

"Not instructing, not instructing!"

Master Yerevan waved his hands again and again, pointed to the "Book of Agriculture" on the tea table in front of him, and explained, "I read your book, and I couldn't understand some questions. I'm really embarrassed to ask her to call you here so late to disturb you!"

"Master is very polite, it is Xia Duo's honor to be able to solve the confusion for Master! Feel free to ask Master if you have any questions, I know everything."


Master Yerevan smiled immediately, reached out and grabbed the "Book of Agriculture" on the tea table, flipped through it, and turned to a crease. :

"It says that the crops on the land need to be deeply plowed after harvesting. Of course, although this new type of deep plough has not been verified yet, it should be useful based on my experience. My question is why deep ploughing?"


At first, Xia Duo thought that Yerevan was going to ask about the content of the cooperative, but unexpectedly he came up and asked a detailed question about the actual farming.

This is a little difficult to answer, because he himself does not know very well. Most of the content in his "Agriculture Book" is in the way of organization, and some experience after territorial verification.

A few are the way of planting in his hometown that Xia Duo found by rummaging through his memories.

Of course, if he really wants to say something, he can still say one or two things. After all, our old family is best at farming. Even if we don't practice much, we can know a lot after hearing it.

After thinking for a while, Xia Duo said:

"Master, I heard President Jenna mentioned that you were a Druid before. As far as I know, there is a divine art called [Fertile Soil Art] in the Druid divine art. Even if there is no additional birth, it will greatly shorten the Crop maturity cycle?"

"Yes, there is indeed such a magical technique, but my holy power has already been withdrawn by that person. There are similar spells in elf magic, but the process of converting color-resistant magic is not smooth."

Speaking of this, Master Yerevan's face darkened for a while, "I have been researching this for a lifetime, but I have only determined one fertile soil spell that is most suitable for winter wheat, alas—

"By the way, does this have anything to do with the deep cultivation you said?"

"Master, most of the people of Naise know that continuous planting of the same piece of land will reduce the yield, so there are three fields of fallow farming, but my territory is a pioneering land, and there is little land for planting, so I let The people find a way.”

"Let the people find a way?" The master widened his eyes, "Can they come up with a solution?"

"Of course!" Xia Duo said with great certainty.

Perhaps Master Yerevan has a noble personality, but the limitations of the times still make him look down on ordinary people. In fact, although not all of what Xia Duo said was done by the territorial residents, they are also ordinary people in their hometown!

"Let's talk about it, what did your people think of?"

"They speculate that there is a substance in the soil that allows crops to thrive, and the rotation is to restore this substance, but what if the ploughing is deeper? Turning up the soil where no crops have been planted will soon avoid the rotation?"

"But this time we've plowed deeply, what should we do next time? Do we need to plough deeper?"

"The master is joking. After a year or two, the deep ploughing has been turned over and it will recover soon! It is equivalent to turning the original three-dimensional rotation of three fields into a three-dimensional rotation of three fields."

Saying that, Xia Duo added another patch to his own words, "Of course, this kind of deep farming method can't completely abandon the fertile soil spell. Otherwise, the soil strength will inevitably decline after long-term cultivation, and we need to find a way to supplement it."

"Well, indeed!"

Master Yerevan nodded earnestly, "Even Druid's fertile soil magic is not omnipotent. I have seen the barren land in Yeerlan because of fertile soil failure. It's too miserable!"

I don't know if I thought of something bad, Yerevan frowned subconsciously, but then released it again, watching Xia Duo calmly:

"Now let's talk about co-op!"

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