Arcane Lord

Vol 13 Chapter 2081: super wheat

When the time acceleration stopped, the original time acceleration area suddenly became brighter, and the wheat planting that originally looked orange became brighter, almost orange.

And the plump wheat ears that hang down heavily seem to be trying their best to show their most attractive qualities to all the onlookers.

At this time, Yerevan walked to the edge of the field, took a handful of wheat ears, rubbed them in the palm of his hand a few times, and then threw them to the square. Under the action of an invisible force, the many ears of wheat broke away from the plants and flew towards the crowd.

Soon, the first person caught the grain of wheat. It seemed that he was an ordinary craftsman. After he caught the grain of wheat, he didn't do anything extra and just stuffed it into his mouth.

Then, looking at the pair of expectant eyes next to him, he said loudly, "It's fuller than ordinary wheat, and it has a hint of sweetness! What Master Benumexis said is true!"

This craftsman is just one of the countless people in the square who have obtained the grains and ears of wheat. Some of the people who have obtained the ears of wheat will distribute the surplus grains to the surrounding companions while verifying for themselves.

For a time, there were countless exclamations in the square, as well as the excited and eager shouts of those who did not get the grain.

In addition to giving them to ordinary people, Yerevan also sent samples of wheat ears to several audiences, and Xia Duo got one by himself. In fact, he didn't need to look carefully to understand that this thing was better than the wheat currently grown in his territory. Yield is higher.

The quality may also be higher!

Crucially, the maturity period is shorter than normal winter wheat, only a mere six months, which actually covers the entire time from planting to maturity.

Among them, the germination process accounts for nearly half, and some are three months. If it can be shortened, the time can be advanced.

With the extremely cold environment created by Ambassador Comanso just now, Xia Duo really couldn't think of the possibility of the other party being waterproof. It is impossible for the normal climate to reach that extreme state.

That is to say, in reality, it probably does not take three months to germinate. If it can germinate in four or five days like ordinary wheat, then the cold-resistant wheat produced by Master Yerevan can be called "Super Wheat".

As for the output, Xia Duo estimated that as long as it was intensively cultivated, the output would be at least three times that of the current wheat in the territory, but if it were replaced by other territories of Netheril, it might be more than three times.

In other words, that alone would allow Netheril to feed three times as many people as it used to be in normal climates, and when combined with the short maturity period, then—

There is no doubt that even if the climate and environment deteriorate in the future, Netheril is likely to usher in a wave of population growth.

The lords of Netheril may be reluctant to give the high-cost crops grown in arcane gardens to their subjects, but if the subjects can grow high-yielding crops themselves, they will never mind higher taxes.

Even if the proportion left to the colonists is lower than in the past, in the face of high yields, it is still possible to obtain enough food to feed the whole family and even increase the population.

At this moment, Xia Duo really couldn't figure out the possibility of Master Yerevan's failure, and this made him even more vigilant.

In the audience, everyone congratulated Master Yerevan after checking the real situation of the wheat ears one by one.

And the messengers of the Northland countries, even Ambassador Comanso, who was still standing in the middle, expressed their congratulations to Master Yerevan with a blank expression.

Although elves are arrogant and like to play tricks very much, it is almost impossible for them to lie down in front of countless people, especially in front of countless people, especially the envoys of the elves.

Afterwards, Ambassador Comanso returned to the auditorium, and Shado was going to go back with him, but Master Yerevan stopped him: "Lord Shado, I need your help next."

"The spell that blesses common seeds?"


Master Yerevan nodded, turned around again, and said to the crowd in the square: "The time acceleration spell was just used to demonstrate the growth of a new type of wheat, but it still takes time.

"There is so much land in Netheril, and so many seeds can't be produced in an instant, so it is necessary to use blessing spells to make the current ordinary seeds have the ability to withstand harsh weather. Next, I will demonstrate this spell."

After speaking, Master Yerevan took out a dimensional bag and was about to take something out of it, but he seemed to think of something, put the small bag away again, and then shouted to the crowd:

"Can anyone on site support me with some unmilled common wheat?"

Asking the person who came to the conference for wheat grains, if there were any, would also be regarded as colluding and prepared in advance, but Yerevan still asked the same question.

Xia Duo also looked curiously at the crowd in the south, wondering if he would really pick out a person who was carrying grains of wheat with him, but now that there was a lot of noise in the square, he didn't bother to tell the difference.

Just pay attention to the changes in the surrounding clouds and the state of the order and circulation.

But Yerevan, as the protagonist of this conference, is naturally not like Shado. He quickly picked a target, and then an anxious, excited voice that seemed to be mixed with some kind of accent spread throughout the square—

"I have a bakery in the port area, there's wheat, and it's not too far from here, wow, how did my voice get so loud?!"

The man seemed to be frightened by this vision, but immediately realized that he had become the lucky one chosen by Master Benumexis, so he shouted excitedly again:

"Master chose me? Master chose me! Master chose me!"

"My friend, please go home and get some wheat now."

Yerevan stretched out his finger to one of the people in the southwest of the square, and then a man who was constantly struggling with his hands and feet rose from the crowd into the air with a high-pitched scream—

"Ah—I can fly, I can fly!"

After a few thumps, the man seemed to be swimming, thrashing, tumbling, and writhing further west, which also caused a commotion below.

All kinds of whistling, hat-throwing, UU reading even jumped up and tried to catch each other and fly with them.

However, under Yerevan's comfort, the crowd quickly returned to normal. After a while, the man who went to get the grains flew back with a small cloth bag and just a crooked one.

He flew all the way to the ceremony venue and handed the cloth bag to Yerevan. Yerevan opened the cloth bag, opened the bag, and showed about a pound of wheat grains inside to the audience and the crowd in the square.

At this moment, Xia Duo vaguely heard a very sharp female voice appearing from the southwest of the square, as if she was yelling something, and it was accompanied by the booing of the people next to her. After listening carefully, it turned out to be—

"Baker! You bastard, you are so stingy, why don't you bring more!"

Baker at the ceremony venue couldn't hear these words, but the spellcasters in the audience might not be able to hear the woman's scolding through some perception spells.

So almost invariably, many mages showed disgust and contempt in their eyes, but many of them smiled knowingly and had no obvious bias.

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