Arcane Lord

Vol 14 Chapter 2312: Territory Development Planning

As for the long-term plan, it is mainly divided into two parts. One part is aimed at population development. Internally, it is to encourage births, and externally, it is to introduce new citizens. While doing these, it is also necessary to do a good job in related supporting work.

Such as the formulation and improvement of relevant policies, the construction and improvement of infrastructure, the implementation and inspection of related government affairs, and so on.

The other part of the long-term plan is the civilization of magic, which is also a very grand topic. The process of the civilianization of magic in the Great Xia Territory started with the Magic Affairs Officer established by Xia Duo, but this is by no means the end.

It is a huge plan covering education, manufacturing, infrastructure and other fields, which requires all citizens to participate, build together, and ultimately share together.

The specific manifestation of this plan in the short to medium term is to continuously promote the popularization of education and the downward transfer of money. Of course, in the process, manufacturing, infrastructure, and consumption on top of this will also develop simultaneously.

Otherwise, it is obviously not a good thing to just emerge a large number of spellcasters or send money directly, which will instead cause social chaos and loss of wealth.

It needs to be combined with manufacturing and construction to achieve a positive cycle of education investment, money flow, and talent employment.

These are the general directions that Xia Duo has set for the Daxia Territory. As for the specific policies and implementation methods in the territory, they will be handed over to the consul Laidun and the heads of various ministries for consultation and decision.

The current Daxia leader is no longer a grass-roots team with only a few dozen people, and everything needs to be decided and handled by him personally. The current Daxia leader has long been a full-fledged organization that is full of vitality and can operate by itself.

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In fact, at the moment when the Great Xia Law Code was promulgated, Xia Duo had already set the tone for the development of the Great Xia Territory, and what he is doing now is only to deepen this point, and it is more in line with the magical characteristics of this world.

As long as the ruling team of the territory with Lydon as the core follows the legislative spirit of the Great Xia Code, the magic civilization can be fully developed.

The so-called "government by vertical arch" is nothing more than that.

The floating city stopped at the edge of the plane, but it didn't seem to have much impact on the people in it. Occasionally, the citizens of the territory even came to play when they were on vacation.

The entertainment facilities are only a prototype of a weightless playground near Hengchun Square, which has not yet been opened to the public, but the plane barrier itself is enough to open the eyes of all ordinary citizens who come here.

The study on the top floor of the Tower of Time.

Xia Duo and Niya sat facing each other, with a tea table in the middle, and a cup of steaming Bonu tea on the edge of each of them.

At this moment, Niya is looking at the scene on the edge of the plane displayed on the projection window, including the metal sticks that are still erected there to mark the location, and the territorial residents who are still curiously trying near the plane barrier.

On the other hand, Xia Duo closed his eyes slightly, and while experiencing the brand-new taste brought by the new tea, he communicated with Savile and Eberke on the Lingsi Network about issues related to the Creation Mystery.

At this time, more than half a month has passed since the floating city listened to the edge of the plane. Regarding the myth of creation, Xia Duo and Savile have done more than one experiment, but these two forces that have similar or even the same essence have never been able to harmony.

After discussing recently, the two agreed that the reason might be the mythos. Although the mythos are actually built on the macroscopic structure of the magic net, they also have a strong influence on the microcosmic strings of the magic net.

Otherwise, it would not be possible to interfere with spellcasting, or to shape specific spells.

But the power of creation seems to be quite free, and this freedom also brings a result, that is, as long as there is a slight disturbance at the microcosmic level, the nature of the power of creation will change.

There is no problem with this ability, because the power of creation is essentially a change of the macro magic net, but the problem is that if you want to control the power of creation precisely, you cannot change its nature at will.

Xia Duo is really curious about how Yinmaska ​​controls the power of creation, because if the macroscopic structure of the magic net wants to be manipulated by foreign objects, it will eventually be implemented at the microscopic level.

At present, the research on the creation fanlock has entered the bottleneck stage. If there are no new ideas in the future, it may be temporarily shelved.


Bo Nu's new tea is undoubtedly excellent, but the research was not going well, and Xia Duo couldn't help but sigh, and this sigh also attracted Niya's attention.

"What's wrong? Do you want to go back?"

"Yeah, I want to go back!"

Xia Duo also began to look out the window in a daze, "Time flies so fast, I feel like it will be May soon, and the invitation from the Seven Towers has already been sent."

"Seven towers? Snowmelt competition?" Niya's eyes showed interest at first, but then quickly disappeared.

"Yes, it is said that this year there will be Elfran and Evereska's elves participating. The excitement must be more lively than before, but that's it, and—"

Xia Duo didn't say anything about the latter part. This snowmelt competition is very likely to be a muscle show carefully planned by the Seven Towers. As for the performance, it is of course Mythra.

This made Xia Duo not want to go there even more.

As long as he passes by, others will inevitably compare him with the Seven Towers. Maybe the Seven Towers also have the intention of competing. It's not that Xia Duo is afraid of comparisons and contests, but that it is unnecessary.

He pays more attention to actual interests than to fame.

But thinking about it, it is unlikely that the Seven Towers will come up with a plane crystal to attract him to Severton. As for other things, Xia Duo is not very interested now.

In addition, Xia Duo has made high-profile several times before, and it is inevitable that there will be some suspicions of stealing the show in Netheril, and it is the turn of the Seven Towers to show the limelight.

At the current stage, as long as the Seven Towers do not show obvious signs of reaction (to establish an order of ascending to the gods), Xia Duo is not prepared to have any apparent conflicts with them.

The most important thing now is to accumulate strength, and everything else can be temporarily put on hold.

"You don't want to go to the snowmelt competition?" Niya asked in surprise.

"Well, the ones I don't want to see this year are the ones I don't want to watch, and they're always those few projects. They don't have much new ideas. Let's talk about them in two years."

In fact, the arcane competition on the elves side is more exciting, but the Seven Towers are definitely not willing to introduce it directly, otherwise the elves will have the upper hand in the scene, and that would be too embarrassing.

However, as more and more northern countries participate in the snowmelt competition, and the proportion of elves increases, some elves will definitely propose to add new items. At that time, if the Seven Towers do not want the snowmelt competition to become a third-rate competition, UU Reading www. would definitely agree.

After all, this reflected Netheril's influence in the Northland Alliance to a certain extent, and the Seven Towers would rather lose the game and maintain it.

In fact, Xia Duo also wants to hold an arcane competition, named after the Tower of Time or Great Xia, the purpose is of course to expand the influence and communicate with all parties, but now "the dragon is in the abyss", I can only think about it first up.

"Go, go and check the location of the sign outside, we'll go back after checking!" Xia Duo greeted Niya, and left the study first.

It has been more than half a month. Although the edge of the plane does not seem to have any expansion, the distance that cannot be seen by the naked eye may not be undetectable by magic.

After waiting for so many days, there must be a result.

And not only this time, Xia Duo didn't intend to take back those small sticks, but came to check them regularly and make long-term records, so as to better reflect the true state of the expansion of the plane.

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