Arcane Lord

Vol 14 Chapter 2318: Mystic Progress

【Lord of Arcane Arts】【】

Chapter 2318 Mystic Progress

Thus, the second round of explanations began.

This time, in addition to explaining the principles of the steam engine and the design ideas of the steam car, Hero also highlighted the possible application of the steam engine in other fields, such as the steam hammer for blacksmithing, the steam mill for mills, and so on.

Perhaps because they heard something new, fewer people left this time than last time.

But what about the third round?

Hiro felt that he couldn't say anything new, so he could only repeat the content of the second round, which made almost most of the mages above the middle level leave the field.

Only most of the apprentices didn't move much. After all, this is a rare opportunity. The more formal mages ignore it, the more they will pay attention to it.

In today's Tower of Time, there is not much information between official mages and apprentices, and even many teachers will use the experience of the mage stage to motivate apprentices.

Most apprentices know that becoming an official mage in the Tower of Time is just the beginning. If you want to improve, you need to continue to participate in study classes. If you want to make money, you need to join various laboratories or become a magic mechanic.

They know very well what personal laboratories, resource quotas, inheritance ceremonies, and Lingsi network permissions mean. This is the biggest boost to their continuous progress after becoming official mages.

Even formal mages are extremely excited, let alone apprentices like them!

Hero's three rounds of explanations were completed, and Xia Duo also completed the manufacture of a large number of steam vehicles. For intermediate mages and above, he directly distributed one to each person, and there were not many people anyway.

The rest are an average of ten people. The capacity of the steam car is not large, but it is still possible to hold five or six people. If there are ten people in a car, each person can play at least a few games before the official start of the game.

After the competition officially starts, each team will be allocated one car according to the team formation situation.

In fact, in the three days before the start of the competition, it is not only the time for the contestants to learn about steam engines and steam cars, but also the time for them to form teams.

After the competition started, there were only ten days for them to design and manufacture. On the last day, it was the demonstration, and of course the real decisive moment.

Three days passed quickly, and all the contestants had formed teams, almost none of them participated alone, from two to ten teams, almost all of them.

Although all members of the winning team of the competition are rewarded, no one will bring a person who cannot help to participate in the competition for no reason.

So as far as the whole competition is concerned, although the ten-member team is the least, the expectation of winning is indeed the highest. The simplest point is that the more people there are, the faster the new car design modification and testing will be. At the same time, the more people will have more ideas.

Correspondingly, a team of two is pure self-confidence, and the number of such teams is extremely small.

Boli, Peter, and Hiro had a little first-mover advantage, but in the past three days, they have deeply realized the meager advantage of their own, so they naturally formed a ten-man team.

The study on the top floor of the Tower of Time, in front of the projection window.

Xia Duo, Niya, Savile, and Eberke sat around the tea table to discuss topics related to fanlock design, and the projection window showed the real-time scenes of each block in the temporarily opened residential area of ​​the floating city—

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【Lord of Arcane Arts】【】

Some were assembling steam locomotives, some were already driving on the streets, and more were scratching their heads at the prototype cars released at the start of the competition.

In addition to the teams participating in the locomotive design competition, there are also Mulan people standing outside the streets and squares and watching from a distance.

At present, Xia Duo has no plans to put the Mulan people in the ground territory. The reason is that no Mulan people can pass the naturalization assessment, language, laws, living habits, etc. for the time being.

But even if he passed the assessment, he would still consider it carefully, so as not to bring the troubles of God's Landing to the territory, so let's observe for a while now.

However, regarding the existence of this group of Mulan people, both the members of the Tower of Time and the people of the territory are aware of it. Now the language teacher and the speaker of the code of the Mulan people are selected from the territory and sent to them by Laidun.

"Niya, where is the progress of the communication fan lock?"

"The third test has been completed, and there are no problems in the design principle. Now it is necessary to fill in the details, continue to improve, and test various problems that may be encountered in the actual use stage."

"So, we will soon be able to use a brand new communication instrument?"

"It should be. How can I be absolutely sure about this kind of thing! I can only say that if everything goes well, it should be available next year."

"next year?"

Hearing this time, Xia Duo lamented how time flies and how difficult it is to study Misuo. Although Niya is the only one who studies the communication Misuo project for a long time, he also participates in it from time to time. He consciously plays a role no better than ten There are few arcanists.

But even so, it still took several years, and the full dawn has not yet been seen!

What Niya said is that if everything goes well, it will be possible to complete it next year. If it doesn't go well, wouldn't it be possible to use it in the next year?

Fortunately, there is no need to use the communication fan lock for the time being. You can take it step by step, but no matter what, this kind of research that has an important strategic position in the future still needs more attention.

The same is true for Creation Mystic. Although it is a new project that just started not long ago, its application prospect and strategic role are no less than Communication Mystic, even greater!

"Eberke, work harder recently, and finish those tests as soon as possible."

It’s just a few, but in fact it’s a steady Xia Duo and Saville mainly carry out theoretical design, and for every new idea, they will subdivide it into test experiments that can be executed.

Sometimes they will test themselves, but more will be distributed to Eberke, and then continue to experiment and design with Eberke's test results.

Basically, it is a continuous cycle process. For now, the bottleneck of this project's advancement speed lies in Eberke, and he is simply too busy as an arcanist.

As for other high-level mages, it's not that they can't be used, but it's still not interesting. Xia Duo doesn't trust the test results of those people. If there is a wrong data, a lot of previous work may have to be reinvented.

"By the way, when is De Parker ready to advance?"

"It should be in these two days. I feel that he has adjusted well."

"That's good, let me know when the time comes."

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【Lord of Arcane Arts】【】

In fact, no matter whether De Parker can advance successfully this time, Xia Duo is quite happy. Needless to say, he can just grab the strong men.

And even if it fails, De Parker is still an old mage with relatively rich experience and knowledge, so he can join the project. After all, after the failure of the advanced stage, he needs to cultivate before he can make the next attempt. This period belongs to Xia Duo's time.

In fact, what De Parker needs most now is not some advanced experience or unlearned advanced knowledge, but a stable mentality. Xia Duo has already asked Eberke to reassure him.

He believes that De Parker will be able to succeed in this advancement in all likelihood, and this is what he hopes to see the most.

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