Arcane Lord

Vol 14 Chapter 2353: 3 months later

Chapter 2353 Three months later

Three months later, by the Nevin River in the Northland.

The simple houses are neatly arranged on both sides of the river like fish scales, and a stone bridge with the same shape and simple but metallic color connects the settlements on both sides.

On the outskirts of the settlement, there are a large number of plantations that have been opened up. Although it is not the best time to grow crops, under the influence of spells, they look good.

And at this moment, Xia Duo quietly chose to stop at a high altitude, looking down at the new home of the demon descendant, and unexpectedly felt a sense of accomplishment. Although he did not agree with the identity of the demon descendant in his heart, but In any case, this is also the result of his personal participation in the construction.

It's a pity that these results can only stop here in a short time. In the morning, he received a summons from Elder Solmant, saying that Evereska had begun to investigate the matter of the demons' suppression of the remnants of the wilderness war.

In order to avoid being irritated there, Solmante asked Xia Duo to temporarily stop gathering the survivors, and Xia Duo could only agree to this.

"It's a pity, if we can keep restraint until we are young, we can say there will be a population of 200,000!" Xia Duo couldn't help but sigh.

Now the settlement opened by the demons has less than 10,000 residents as when they set off, but there are more pure-blood elves. Even after deducting the golden elves that have been handed over to Yin Erfalang, there are still nearly 100,000 people.

The proportion of demons is too low, and Xia Duo is a little worried, otherwise he would have "fast forwarded" to the future to reap the fruits of victory.

After falling back to the ground, two demon elves rushed out from the corner with fanatical eyes, and saluted Xia Duo, "Boss!"

"Don't be nervous, I'll take a look at the progress of the research institute, you continue to be vigilant." Xia Duo waved his hand casually, and then walked towards an independent courtyard with a wall.

The scene in front of him has long been familiar to him these days. Just as he guessed, when he fiddled with the magic power, all the demons, including several elders, were convinced.

The blood riot problem that has plagued the demons for thousands of years and killed countless clansmen has been completely solved. Xia Duo should enjoy such treatment, but he will not be the leader for too long. When this place stabilizes, he will go to the future.

Passing through an isolation barrier and entering the courtyard, the first thing Xia Duo felt was the demonic aura emanating from the barrier. Since the "invention" of magic energy, the high-level mages among the elders and Inster Doug were all under him. Under the guidance of , the design of focused magic power was completed.

It stands to reason that there shouldn't be a flood of demons here, but the research institute is different from other places. It is a place dedicated to various researches. Although the place is small and the conditions are simple, each project has been established in an orderly manner.

One of them is the bloodline sequencing plan, the purpose is to completely solve the bloodline problem of the demons from the source. The implementation of this plan requires a lot of bloodline experiments, which is the reason for the emergence of a large number of demonic powers.

Just seeing this scene made Xia Duo feel very dissatisfied. He had said many times before that everything involving the power of demons must be done in an isolated environment and should be cleaned up properly afterwards.

Because the main body of the research institute is still doing research on color-resistant magic, it is easy to be disturbed by the devil's breath, let alone a large amount of devil's breath enriched, it is difficult to guarantee that it will not cause the abyss to descend.

When he arrived at the door of the laboratory, Xia Duo saw a warning sign of "Experiment in progress" hanging on the door, and there was also a magic warning. He could only suppress his dissatisfaction and waited patiently.

But he didn't do nothing and waited, but he cleaned up the devil's breath overflowing from the laboratory by himself.

Only by personally incarnating as a demon to sort out and control the blood, will you feel the horror of the devil's breath or the power of the abyss.

It's not that you can sit back and relax as long as you create mana. Mana can also carry demonic aura, and these demonic auras can also infect others and even the external environment. It is not 100% safe for yourself, and there is a certain risk of mutation.

Therefore, even if the magic energy has been created and the bloodline is controlled, it needs to be sorted out from time to time, otherwise, once the bloodline erupts, it may not be mere magic energy that can save his life.

In other words, mana energy does not really solve the safety problem of the demons. If you want to solve it completely, you have to start from the blood.

Now most of the demons in this new home are born as demons, and they are used to coexisting with the devil's breath. Once they have a way to control the devil's breath, they will inevitably not feel proud.

And pride, to a large extent, will encourage the risk of mutation of the devil's breath. "The abyss leads people to fall" is not just a rumor, but a real existence.

Soon, there was an abnormal vibration of the magic net in the laboratory, and then Insterdoug and a high-level mage elder named "Os" opened the door of the laboratory with a tired look on their faces.

"Leader, I kept you waiting for a long time." While speaking, Inster Doug took out his notes and began to record all the details of the experiment just now.

Elder Oss, after Chao Xiaduo nodded, began to introduce the recent progress of the experiment, "The blood of the devil is unpredictable, and we haven't started to sequence the blood recently, just want to make a rough idea of ​​the attributes of the blood. Judgment, I didn’t expect to be unable to do this, it seems that it can only be summed up from the appearance of the blood for the time being.”

"What happened to the experiment just now, UU reading such a big movement?" Xia Duo asked curiously.

"What I just did was an experiment on the infection of a specific attribute of demon power. The samples were all hares, but the result of the infection of the same attribute of demon power was completely unexpected."

"Are you using the wild rabbits caught by the patrol, or the cloned rabbits?" Xia Duo asked again.

"Of course it's a cloned rabbit. If it's a wild rabbit that's caught, it's hard to make it exactly the same. Only cloning can do it, and the infection process is exactly the same, but the result is like this! Sigh—"

Although he has experienced the difficulty and weirdness of the devil's bloodline for a long time, but now after eliminating all interference, he has not been able to get a glimpse of the essence of the devil's bloodline. Elder Oss is inevitably a little frustrated.

"Sure enough, disorder has reached the extreme!"

Xia Duo doesn't know much about the blood of demons, and basically all he knows has been taught to the demons. At this time, he dare not make any conclusions at will. If the direction of future research is taken astray, it will be troublesome.

He is now a leader full of divinity, and his words and deeds have great influence, but he can't help but have a speculation in his heart, maybe it is impossible to completely control the blood of the devil.

Only by clearing out the blood of the demons is the ultimate way of redemption for the demons.

But this is not absolute, as long as the devil's research on the essence of the devil's blood is always more than the application, then this annoying devil's blood will not become a hindrance, but will become a strong driving force leading the continuous development of the devil's magic.

There are two paths, one is conservative, safe, and easier to achieve, while the other is relatively radical, or full of aggressiveness, but a little carelessness in the future will lead to catastrophe. Previous Chapter Contents Bookmarks Next Chapter

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