Arcane Lord

Vol 14 Chapter 2360: Myslock built

Xia Duo didn't want to cause any accidents during the first construction, so he knocked down the sublimated soul, and the light of the body began to shrink and shrink little by little until it completely disappeared in the body.

But in this process, he has always maintained the state of casting spells. Without the blessing of the saint form, he needs the participation of will if he wants to continue to build mythos. The essence is similar to the process of casting spells in the Nether magic system. a lot less.

In other words, high-level mages who are not in the form of saints will also be tired. As long as they can restrict mobility, as long as they do not have protective spells that separate space, as long as they can be touched, they can be piled to death with crowd tactics.

It's just that under normal circumstances, no mage will really put himself in a desperate situation.

After almost two hours, Xia Duo felt that the powerful demon body was too much to bear, but the core functions under the main framework of the adaptive fanlock had not yet been completed.

Although it's just a simplified fanlock, the actual engineering quantity is almost the same as the official version, it's just that the subsequent updates will be easier.

"Let's get here first today, and continue tomorrow."

Xia Duo temporarily attached the unfinished core functions to the main frame, and ended today's construction. "The elders came to take care of it, and we will continue tomorrow."

Of course it will continue the next day. The unfinished function anchoring is completely temporary, and it will disintegrate naturally after a long time. At that time, there will be only one framework left, and it may be affected by the disintegration of the core function.

It's just that, on the second day, among the elders, only Maosh came, and Inster Doug disappeared, but Xia Duo knew that the elders who didn't come must still be staring at him. , just waiting for Maosh to signal them.

It's just that Xia Duo didn't think about "suicide" at all in the first stage. Today's construction is the same as yesterday, first completing the big head in the form of a saint, and then using a normal body to achieve a dependable state.

This was repeated continuously until five days later, Xia Duo completed all the planned construction. On this day, several elders gathered together again and witnessed a specious and inexplicable force in the space generated out of thin air.

"It turned out to be a nodeless fanlock?!"

Although the elders didn't know much about Mysuo, they still knew what it meant to have a Mysuo without a node. When they noticed that there was no node after the Mysuo was finally completed, they were stunned.

"Considering the expansion of the future territory, no node may be more suitable, so I did so."

Xia Duo's tone was flat, but he revealed strong confidence. In fact, the adaptive fan lock was originally designed to be nodeless, but in the projected plane Evereska Independence, decentralization is required to create corresponding permissions. of nodes.

The floating city fan lock node is for the convenience of movement, and at the same time, the distributed nodes are more secure, and at the same time it is convenient to access Mythra.

But in the new homeland of the demons, decentralization is actually possible, but Xia Duo deliberately made a no-node fanlock in order not to lose the authority when projecting in the future, just to facilitate him to hide the high-level authority.

After all, after a thousand years, it is difficult for him to predict how the demons will develop, but it is certain that their strength will increase greatly, and he cannot guarantee that his next projection avatar will be in a high position, so he can only prepare in advance. Lock permissions.

This is also one of the few things he can do to ensure future gains.

For this reason, he deliberately found a reason to facilitate the expansion of the territory, and this reason is not wrong. Right now, he really can't complete the myth that covers too much area at once without sacrificing his life.

Of course, when he works for the last time, the scope will definitely be expanded. After all, if you want to "die", you must die well!

In addition to expanding the scope, he is also planning to do some "deadly" experiments. He will not receive the results this time, but when he re-projects and goes to the future, he will be able to get the results through the fan lock authority.

"No node is good, no node is good!"

Several elders were not well-versed in the field of fan locks, Xia Duo was right, they believed it easily, and never thought that one of the essence of nodes is actually the manifestation of authority.

Seeing the joyous expressions of the elders, Xia Duo couldn't help sighing, maybe only at the beginning of a power's establishment would there be such a situation where it doesn't care about the distribution of power at all.

However, this is convenient for him.

Now that the Misuo has been built, the public will soon receive the news, and they can try to link to the Misuo. This is one of the most authentic ways to verify the authenticity of the Misuo.

Of course, the premise is to verify it with knowledge. Although ordinary people have produced many spellcasters recently, they can verify what they can prove through a magic system.

Of course, how Xia Duo showed it and how they believed it.

In fact, there is only one core function of Misuo now, and that is to maintain the magic net rules within the coverage area of ​​Mysuo consistent with the main plane.

Specifically, if Yinmaska ​​changed the rules of the magic net in this area, the rules of the magic net would still remain consistent with the main plane in the area covered by the mythical lock.

The casters of one's own side within the coverage area of ​​the mystic do not need to perform any spell adaptation. It can be said that this area is their home field.

Of course, for other spellcasters on the main plane, it is also their home field.

The demon-born territory is not movable like the floating city. In fact, there is no need to build an adaptive mythalk, but in order to facilitate access to Mythra and other corresponding magical facilities and equipment in the future, Xia Duo did not hesitate to choose his own magic lock. Adapt to so that when he projects to the future again, the value of Mysuo's authority can be fully reflected.

Otherwise, just a fan lock authority from the old era, how can he get future authority? It must be to link all the achievements of the development with the adaptive fan lock. If he re-projects it, there is a high probability that he will become a non-citizen. Without the relevant authority, it is estimated that it will be difficult to move forward. You can’t say that you were the leader of your country in your previous life, can you?

Even if the current elders can prove his identity by living in the past, at least a thousand years have passed, and people's hearts have changed. Xia Duo dare not pin all his hopes on the elders to maintain their original aspirations.

What's more, even if the original intentions of the elders remain unchanged, according to the order established by Xia Duo, the authority of these elders will be very limited at that time, and the reason for this limitation is largely due to the unchanged original intentions.

In this case, the best course of action is to leave civilization with a central mystic that can accommodate everything. When the time comes to the future, he can directly use the reserved central mystical authority to obtain everything he wants.

To be honest, the appearance of the projection plane was a bit sudden this time, without a good plan in advance, there were only some general goals, but with the experience of this projection plane, Xia Duo will be more calm next time.

Although it is a magic lock that is almost blank for the moment, it has a certain degree of protection, but it is external. In the case of no restriction function, it is actually equivalent to nothing. After all, there is no Yinmaska ​​coming to change the magic net at this moment. The rules, but the public has verified and confirmed that the new homeland has actually been built as a mytho.

Although there is no orderly circulation to directly reflect the hearts of the people, from the results of Xia Duo's own observations, the vast majority of pure-blooded elves have already recognized this land as if they were at home!

"It's time for you to have a baby!"

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