Arcane Lord

Vol 14 Chapter 2367: Tiancheng Misuo

After explaining the predatory nature of traditional elven society, Xia Duo's life became easier. He didn't need to actively urge many things, and the elders showed a completely impatient look.

Even if he hadn't suppressed the fire a little bit, those elders who saw hope might have done something radical!

Demographics are in good shape, with the first birth followed by a steady stream of newborns and newly pregnant women.

The only regret is that the only ones who are pregnant now are pure blood elves, and none of the demon elves dare to take the initiative to conceive before solving the problem of natural reproduction caused by blood.

And when Xia Duo suggested to Elder Maosh that the population would grow at the current rate, the demons would soon become a minority. If it was before, Maosh might have expressed the same concern.

But now, Maosh has got rid of the original concept of narrow sea race, and puts his perspective more on the class level, not to mention that the demons are still elves in essence, even if they are not, they are oppressed and plundered just like elves Bottom civilians.

Xia Duo was amazed by Maosh's quick transformation, and was even more delighted by the old man's wisdom and determination.

Soon, another year passed, and too many things happened in this year. On the eve of the last construction of the magic lock, which is the eve of taking the opportunity to travel to the future, Xia Duo actually had a strong feeling for this era of unity. feeling of reluctance.

But he knew that his roots were in the main plane, and the projection plane would not last long. He repeatedly reminded himself that he entered the projection plane only to explore and harvest, and he did not need to consider other things.

At night, Xia Duo was lying on the roof, the sky was full of stars and moons, and his heart was as difficult to calm down as the stars and moons. When combing the memory in the depths of his consciousness, he clearly realized that the world had affected him.

And he also developed feelings for this world and this group of elves that are different from "npc". Two or three years is not a long time for Xia Duo's past. Maybe he will be able to deal with it calmly after experiencing more in the future Of.

But now, he didn't want to look at all this from the perspective of a bystander. After he made this decision, his self-personality, which was always backed up, also included the thinking at this moment into his own category.

Of course, this doesn't mean that he recognizes the identity of "Maruen", it's just that since he entered the projection plane, he has nostalgic for the new home of the demons that has been transformed by himself.

Just like the Great Xia leader on the main plane, but the Great Xia lasts forever, the Chixin tribe only exists during his time. At this moment, Xia Duo realized for the first time how sad the intelligent creatures in the projection plane are.

Although the internal experience is real, compared to the reality of the outside world, it is out-and-out virtual.

For a while, Xia Duo couldn't help but feel confused, and even wondered whether there was such a more real existence outside the main plane than the main plane.

If possible, Xia Duo really wanted to stay in this projection plane and watch the Chixin tribe grow step by step with his own eyes, but it is a pity that everything has a choice.

He finally chose the main plane.

However, now he will not regard this exploration as a pure exploration, but like a long-lived father, watching his children grow up, grow old, and then die silently.

Many emotions were pent up in his heart, and in the end it only turned into a long sigh.

The next day, Xia Duo adjusted his mood and checked the final construction blueprint of the Mystery. After confirming that it was correct, he sent a message to Oss and Inster Doug.

Thanks to the disguise in the past one or two years, none of the elders thought that their leader would commit suicide willingly, so even if it was the last construction, few people came to watch.

After all, every elder has a lot of work that can't be finished. Even if his own work is finished, he can help others to deal with it, especially the research institute, which is really a bottomless pit.

In terms of operation, Xia Duo still followed the previous plan to perfect the adaptive fan lock as much as possible, but when the saint form approached the limit, he did not stop, but continued to sublimate, and completely integrated himself into the fan lock, or Talk about the macro structure of the magic net.

This is the first time Xia Duo has performed such an operation. He didn't even know whether such an operation would hinder the body, but he made such a choice based on his deep intuition.

This is probably the most willful thing Xia Duo has done since time travel.

After completely merging into the mythos and the magic net, Xia Duo felt that his thinking and will had been improved unprecedentedly. This improvement was not a qualitative change like depth and breadth, but a quantitative change closer to intensity.

At this moment, he felt that he was the magic net, the magic itself. As his thoughts unfolded, a lot of inspiration was directly shaped into reality by the jumping magic net without transformation.

Specifically, Xia Duo also has a series of follow-up upgrade ideas for self-adaptive mythos on top of a relatively complete fanxo plan that refers to the floating city on the main plane.

And at this moment, as long as he thinks about it, those upgrade ideas quickly become reality, and are directly reflected in the details of the current fan lock.

But doing so is not without cost, as Xia Duo's thoughts turned into the reality of the projection plane, his consciousness is also fading rapidly.

During this process, he also realized the danger. Even though the ability to change reality is unparalleled, UU Reading UU Reading Book He still retains a trace of consciousness to constantly recall the memory to ensure that the memory is not damaged.

"It's a pity, I still have a lot of ideas to be expressed!"

At the last moment, the soul of "Maruen" has almost completely disappeared, and only the point projected by Xia Duo from the main plane truly maintains the final soul frame.

But at this time, Xia Duo also had to withdraw, so he withdrew—

All without warning, just like when he came.

Of course, it is impossible to have no warning at all. Within a few seconds after Xia Duo left, Adaptive Mystery sent the leader’s last words or revelations to all advanced authority holders—

"Five thousand years later, when there is a crisis of the disintegration of the dragon madness lock, you need to look for the dragon madness secret volume and prophecy inheritance in the east, so that future generations can save the world."

Five thousand years is an approximate number, but it is actually close to six thousand years, which corresponds to the time node of the main plane Xia Duo. At that time, a large-scale climate anomaly had already appeared in the West Continent.

And it has been confirmed that it has something to do with the collapse of Dragon Mad Mysuo, maybe it will not lead to a catastrophe, but it is obviously even more irresponsible to let it go. It is better to worry about this kind of thing.

And if he had learned about this matter five thousand years in advance, Xia Duo was very much looking forward to what kind of answer the Chixin tribe would give him.

Main plane, Chang'an, Tower of Time, in the projection hall.

Xia Duo woke up leisurely, but at this moment, he couldn't care about the rapid passage of time in his body and the huge contradiction between the two-year memory of the projection plane and the instant of the main plane.

Gathering up a little bit of energy, he immediately called the tower spirit to project again. When he saw the familiar "jumping" scene again, Xia Duo couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"It seems that Devine's speculation is correct, that projected plane is indeed a long-lasting projected plane!"

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