Arcane Lord

Vol 14 Chapter 2378: Dean Reese, professional inspection

I don't know how long it has passed, Xia Duo felt like he had a dream, a super long and boring dream.

There were no events in the dream, and there were only large words or pictures that hovered continuously until they were all implanted in his memory.

After passing the inheritance, Xia Duo couldn't help feeling a little regretful, because Grinch applied for him a full set of university general education courses, which also included a lot of courses in literature, history, philosophy, art, sports and music, which was actually unnecessary for him of.

What he really wants to learn and needs to learn is actually only magic, and the teaching materials of the general magic courses in universities here are actually the same in all universities.

In the four major fields of principle, law theorem, equation and application, the content of law theorem and equation is absolutely dominant, and the equation is a continuation of the part about equations in high school textbooks, and goes deeper.

After receiving this set of general education courses, Xia Duo felt that his whole mind had changed, as if the door to a new world had been opened, and magic had become more systematic and objective since then.

"Maruent, how do you feel?"

"It feels great! College magic is an eye-opener!"

"I'm not asking this, I'm asking if you are more sure about the interview tonight?"

"There are too many, don't worry, even if you really encounter a question that you can't answer, I will try my best to answer it with a level and style, and I won't let you lose face in front of your instructor."

After finishing speaking, Xia Duo looked Grinch up and down again, and continued, "It's you, are you ready? If your mentor asks you some questions and you don't answer them, then—"

"No, I now feel that I am completely at my peak state. Even if I am asked to take the Negative Energy Research Institute again, I can still hand in an extraordinary answer sheet!"

At this moment, the confidence on Grinch's face was fully revealed, and he also mentioned one point, "The review just now has given me a lot, even for the current research, it can also be a lot of inspiration. If I had known this benefit earlier , I have used the inheritance instrument like this for a long time."

"Looking back? Are you looking back on past experiences?"

"That's right, the inheritance instrument has many different uses. In addition to directly instilling pure knowledge, it can also stimulate memory to look back at the past, and even substitute the perspective of others for inspirational collisions."

The inheritance instrument of the Red Heart Alliance is generally only available in universities. Grinch thought that Xia Duo didn't understand, so he said a few more words. In the end, he couldn't help feeling annoyed:

"I knew that the school built the inheritance room definitely not to save students the time to read books. Whether it's looking back on the past or the collision of inspiration, it must have a very important role to set up in this way. It was really neglected before."

Xia Duo took this very seriously. When I was in school in my hometown, there were many facilities and equipment in the school. The average students didn’t care about it, but the top students used it all the time. The most typical one was the library and the various supporting facilities in it.

As for the inheritance room of Chixin University, it has a similar principle to the inheritance ceremony he brought back to the main plane from the projected plane Evereska Independence, but the details are much better than what he has.

As Grinch said just now, the inheritance instruments here have multiple usage modes and different scenarios, while the inheritance rituals owned by Xia Duo are relatively simple, even primitive.

Information can only be transmitted passively from the wisdom gem, and the inheritor is easily influenced by the information provider, that is, Xia Duo can interpret the subconscious mind, and can purify it in advance when entering relevant information, otherwise it is a potential hidden danger.

Of course, this so-called hidden danger is more for those with outstanding talents. For those with average or even poor talents, it is not a hidden danger. Without the inheritance ceremony, they may not be able to touch the arcanist in their entire life. side.

After leaving the inheritance room, Grinch gave Xia Duo the space to absorb and transform the inheritance on the pretext of reading a book, but Xia Duo was alone in the reading room, but he did not think as hard as Grinch thought about the content of university magic.

Instead, he reorganized his existing magic system by combining the high school courses that he had spent a lot of time on before, and the university content that he had initially understood but was deeply remembered.

Or to put it more generally, Xia Duo is going to be "rebuilt".

Compared with the rudimentary form of the magic system developed by Nether Mage for hundreds of years, he is more attracted to the mature system that has been developed for 1,500 years on the basis of the existing system.

And all these developments are in the same line, not beyond the scope of the arcane magic system, and the scope can even be narrowed down. After several years of development, the Nether magic system is very likely to appear in a mature system like the Scarlet Heart Alliance.

In this way, Xia Duo "rebuilt" without any psychological barriers at all. In fact, even if the Chixin system is not the arcane magic system, but another completely unfamiliar system, after proving its advanced nature, Xia Duo is also willing to accept it .

It is a historical necessity for the advanced to replace the backward. For individuals, the advanced will also have a strong attraction to the backward.

The process of reorganizing magic is like going back to the past to relearn magic, but with the guidance of a more advanced system, Xia Duo didn't feel confused at all, and every step he took was extremely steadfast.

Until the time when the Grinch came and said that it was time to start, UU Reading Xia Duo was still immersed in the system of the grand order of the Red Heart Magic.

"It's so late at night?"

"Not yet, but the tutor is only free for a while before the meal, we must hurry up, it's best to go there a little earlier, we can't let the tutor wait for us!"


Although he was a little annoyed by the interruption of his thinking, Xia Duo still knew the importance. Sorting out the magic system could be done after entering university. There was plenty of time at that time, and now the most important thing is to get rid of Grinch's university tutor.

On the way, Grinch finally introduced the detailed information of his university tutor to Xia Duo. Before that, Xia Duo only heard him mention the name of the tutor and the important decision-making power in the admission committee, and knew nothing else up.

"Mr. Lisi is currently the dean of the Misuo Academy of Chixin University. He has countless major projects under his control and cooperates with major research institutions inside and outside the school. If you are interested in Misuo, you must choose the Misuo Academy's major. , if you are lucky enough to be assigned to the tutor, it will take off directly, maybe we can continue to be colleagues in the future!"

Dean? Do you have countless big projects under your control?

Xia Duo became energetic when he heard it. Before that, he really didn't know that Grinch's mentor was the dean of Misuo Academy, and he did have plans to choose Misuo Academy. He wanted to major in Misuo Design.

What I save is the idea that if I can't get back the original high-level privileges of the alliance fan lock, it's not a loss to learn something here.

Knowing that Grinch’s university advisor is actually the dean of Misuo Academy, it’s like a pie in the sky. Although it depends on his ability to eat or not, but at least seeing it first, it’s very pleasant up.

"By the way, what you studied is a fan lock? Why did you go to the Institute of Negative Energy?"

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