Arcane Lord

Vol 14 Chapter 2394: Tuto's research direction

——Diarrhea, it will take about half an hour to take effect~~豮——Almost three days later, Xia Duo’s fourth class was still looking for information in the library in the dark, but there was a good news from Tuto’s tutor—the 1493 class A class in the Fansuo Design major agreed to let Xia Duo and the others observe the training process on the spot. Chixin University's class is calculated according to the time of entering the professional stage. The 1493 class refers to the entry into the professional stage in 1493 of the Chixin calendar, that is, the eleventh grade of the university. And Xia Duo's fourth class is 1503 class, exactly ten years behind, but the gap between the two sides can be called a big difference, one side has just started to learn Misuo systematically, and the other side has completed professional courses . In ancient times, one side was just getting started, and the other side was already a teacher. After receiving this news, Xia Duo and the other 24 students in the class immediately put down the books in their hands and went to a classroom that was not in the same teaching building as them, or a really perfect senior practice base. As soon as Xi entered the door of the classroom, Xia Duo was shocked by the scene in front of him. The magic net environment in the entire space was almost completely reconstructed. Even if he was pregnant, he could still feel the obvious suppression. This is completely different from the mainstream Misuo style of the outside world. The mainstream Misuo style of the outside world is mainly "natural". But here is just the opposite, directly transforming the natural magic net environment beyond recognition. In the past, Xia Duo always believed that "natural" could have a better technical level. Although this point of view still remains unchanged, there has been a slight change in his attitude. In the past, he was too obsessed with technology itself. If he insisted on imitating nature, he would inevitably be suspected of showing off his skills. He knew that when any technology develops to a certain level, the ultimate result is to transform and utilize nature so as to adapt to the main body of civilization. Building a mytho does not change the essence of the magic net, it only changes the form of the magic net, but this form is most likely to be more suitable for reformers. Practical first. Now suddenly seeing this highly ordered and unnatural new style of mythos, Xia Duo suddenly had a premonition that this kind of mythos might become the mainstream in the future. However, one thing to note is that if the power is not strong enough to transform the magic net environment of the entire plane at one time, the maintenance cost of this kind of mythos is actually higher than that of "natural" mythos. However, with the current magic development level of the Red Heart Alliance, the maintenance cost is actually not a decisive factor. On the contrary, "highly suitable for oneself" is more important. …Just as Xia Duo was thinking, the students in Class 4 were already looking around and exclaiming, while Tuto and another tutor looked at this group of energetic young students with smiles. As for the seniors of class 1493, they were not affected by the arrival of this group of juniors, and they were still training **** the side of the practice base. It didn't stop temporarily until the instructor called to stop, and this call also woke up the fourth class of students who were obsessed with the observation. At this time, Instructor Tuto also began to call the students, "Come here, Instructor Antico will point out some important matters and techniques that you should pay attention to when observing." After a while, he could see that the mysteries here had been specially weaved and had the characteristics of a high degree of order, but also because of this, it was difficult for him to see through the details. Of course, if someone is willing to explain, it is actually easier to understand this kind of mysia than the "natural mysia". After all, the "natural mysia" is equivalent to an extra layer of camouflage, making it consistent with the natural magic net. And this layer of camouflage can be a shortcut to attack for attackers who are proficient in natural mythical design, and it can also be said to be a sharp weapon for defense for defenders. Most mythal attacks and defenses take place at the level of "natural mythal camouflage". Then, how does the offense and defense happen, compared to the "native mythos" of the "natural mythos"? All of a sudden, Xia Duo's thoughts seemed to go astray. He seemed to want to understand why the class led by the tutor of Antico was willing to let them observe. Because of the in-depth research on the undisguised native fanlock, Ke's class has developed extremely strong self-confidence! Xi's self-confidence will not be affected by the observation of the students brought by tutor Tuto. He is confident that no matter whether the news is spread or not, he is also confident that he will qualify for the finals, and even be the first place. And at this moment, Instructor Antico began to introduce the main points of the observation. The first thing he introduced was the open interface of the native fanlock, which has link rules that are quite different from the natural fanlock. Generally speaking, because of the systematic nature of Misuo, it only needs to use a limited interface to obtain most of the permissions through Misuo itself. As for the original fan lock, different permissions correspond to different interfaces, UU Reading www. uukanshu. It's not that com cannot obtain all permissions on the same interface. Xia Duo speculates that this may be for safety, or it may be the characteristic of the original fanlock. At present, Xia Duo doesn't have much research on the original mythos, but based on his understanding of the natural mythos, the systemization of the natural mythos is largely due to the natural camouflage. Therefore, different permissions correspond to different interfaces, which may be the characteristic of the original Misuo. And this also means that this kind of fan lock has the possibility of being highly customized, but because it is too customized, it has the possibility of being discrete and split. Of course, if we study further, we may discover a new system. At that time, the original mythos will no longer be a new type of mythos distinguished by style and natural mythos, but will be similar to modern mythos and traditional mythos. A new type with a major essential difference. But no matter what, from the current point of view, the security of the native fanlock seems to be higher than that of the natural fanlock. For individuals, it seems more appropriate to establish such a mystic in a private domain, but for a unified collective, before a unified system is formed, it is more appropriate to use a natural mystic. ...The original fan lock linking technique taught by Instructor Antico is very useful. Perhaps the relationship between the other party and Instructor Tuto is really good, and it provides almost universal perception authority. Xia Duo said that it was very useful, and he tried to learn more about the original mythos here almost immediately. Instructor Antico did not stop him from this, and even vaguely welcomed the visit. At first, Xia Duo was a little puzzled, but then he realized that this is not the main plane, but the Chixin Alliance of all people. Between different classes, there may be a sense of victory or defeat, but sectarianism probably does not exist. The original mythos are still a minority at present. If more researchers can be attracted, it will be very important for the researchers in this field. is extremely beneficial.

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