Arcane Lord

Vol 14 Chapter 2398: Excellent performance

——Just a little bit, and about five minutes~~——Half a month later, all universities in the Red Heart Alliance and the majors related to fanxes held an inter-university fanzha offensive and defensive match at the same time. As the primary competition for the league finals, the competitions held in each university were only offensive, not defensive, and the offensive target fanlocks used for the primary selection were also notified to each school at the same time. On Chixin University's side, the school placed the competition venue in an open-air square on campus. On the day of the competition, crystal cubes appeared in the middle of the venue. Xia Duo was notified that each participating team—that is, the class unit—has been allocated a demiplane space, inside which is the target fanlock used in the competition, and their task is to try to seize its authority, or unlock it in a safe way. drop it. Before entering the arena, Instructor Tutuo asked with concern: "Marunte, are you confident?" "Yes! At least it won't just be a formality!" Xia Duo said in a deep voice. In the past month, he and 24 other students have been preparing for the competition almost day and night. Compared with the efforts and gains in this process, the experience of observing the confrontation training of senior students is nothing at all. Not only Xia Duo, but even other students feel very good about their current state, even beyond normal. … After entering the crystal cube on the square with his classmates, the first thing Xia Duo saw was a pure white space, and then a gentle and majestic voice told him that he had one day to try it. "Everyone, report the status of the Lingsi network link." Xia Duo issued instructions in the mind link, and at the same time sent some judgment information for subconscious interaction. What worries him the most is that the school is trying to prevent cheating, or more precisely, preventing him from taking advantage of asymmetrical advantages that other teams don't have, such as the inspiration ring, to achieve high grades. But soon, Ottom and other students gave feedback in the mind link one by one, and everything in the Lingsi network was normal without any interference. If you think about it, it's actually normal. Both the upper and lower grades are brought into the same arena. As long as the operation in the game is done by yourself, there is no such thing as saying that you can't use an asymmetric advantage. "Very good, first check the fanlock status and search for available interfaces." Different from the group confrontation training in the previous preparation stage, everyone is in the same team at this time. Just the increase in the number of people on the surface directly doubles the strength of the team . There are more hidden improvements. The most important point is that the inspiration collision of the Lingsi network, the efficiency of consciousness interaction, and the results do not increase linearly with the increase in the number of participants, but are closer to exponential growth. Although the number of participants doubled, Xia Duo felt that the subconscious's ability to coordinate and deal with various problems had at least tripled or quadrupled! Almost at the same time as his order was issued, all members of the team began to check the status of the mythos using their own means according to the previous training process. And soon all these data were gathered to Xia Duo's side. While Xia Duo had normal discussions and analysis with them on the Lingsi Network, he also presided over similar discussions and analyzes at the subconscious level. The subconscious's collaborative processing ability is more efficient, and the processing process and results can be fed back to the conscious mind in a flash of inspiration. The actual performance is that the team of the fourth class can analyze most of the information of the target fanzhao in front of them with just three eyes and a few words, and in the process of analysis, you talk to each other very tacitly, just like continuous judgments made by the same person . Right now, this mythos is still in the category of traditional mythos, but it does not belong to any traditional mythos they have seen before. Xia Duo saw some characteristics of Dragon Madness in it, which verified the accuracy of his previous guess. The Red Heart Alliance really intends to absorb the wisdom of the public to try to crack the Dragon Maniac Misuo. The two tasks of the competition - to seize the authority or safely release it, are also what the Red Heart Alliance is going to do with the Dragon Maniac Misuo. Now that it is judged that it may belong to the dragon mad fan lock, Xia Duo has actually started cheating. Although he has not obtained all the dragon mad secret scrolls, he has obtained nearly 200 copies! Among other things, at least he knows how to link Dragon Crazy Misuo. This at least saves a time of searching for the fanlock interface compared to other teams, and in the Lingsi network, he can make this kind of cheating extraordinarily concealed. In the case of knowing the answer in advance, as long as you keep leaning up according to the detected fan lock status, of course, you also need to verify the status of several magical strings that are suspected to be available interfaces by analyzing the status of the fan lock. After all, the fan lock in front of me is not the real dragon mad fan lock, but the Red Heart Alliance used it as the target of the game. It is normal to have more other interfaces. Even the real answer may lie in these interfaces that are not Dracula's interface. Xia Duo will not completely give up other possibilities just because he knows the suspected answer, UU reading www. is just compared to other teams, his team will never miss the one that seems to be the real answer. After finding several interfaces that may be the target Misuo, Xia Duo issued another command—"Try to connect and confirm the authority." This is a standard step in the attack and defense of Misuo. It can be cracked from the loopholes in the magic design of the magic lock itself, which requires not only a lot of knowledge about the magic lock, but also a wealth of cracking experience. Both of these are not what Xia Duo's team can possess at the moment. Xia Duo thinks that it is unlikely for the alliance to make it so difficult in the preliminary round. Of course, if there is a team that does this, it must be very eye-catching. Right now, all the operations they make in the demiplane are seen by the outside judges. It would be better if they could crack it from multiple dimensions. If not, forcing the operation would show their shallowness. The Xiaduo team has already discussed the coping strategy during the game-show their abilities as much as possible, but don't take risks. This is also the conclusion he drew from the Chixin Alliance's attitude towards Dragon Madness. Dragon Maniac covers the entire main plane, not just in a corner of the Northland. If you want to safely release or seize authority, you must be sure that nothing goes wrong. Otherwise, there is a risk of subverting the entire plane. If this is placed on the main plane, it may be possible to migrate to other habitable planes. Of course, there is no need to consider absolute safety when making a decision. But in the projection plane, the exploration of other planes has no results, and only the current plane is available. Of course, one must be cautious when making a decision, and it is absolutely impossible to die together. Therefore, in this and future Misuo offensive and defensive matches, prudence is definitely a bonus item, but Xia Duo learned about it in advance, and others may have to go through one or two games before they can analyze it, or the league officials actively hinted .

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