Arcane Lord

Chapter 3350 Battlefields in various places

Teardrop Lake.

The Alliance mage's ignoring risk destruction has indeed achieved considerable results. Although this is not in the interests of the Alliance, it is not a good thing for the Illuminati.

In this case, the high-level mage from the Illuminati had to devote more energy to maintaining the ritual, thereby weakening the offensive against the Alliance mage.

After all, for a single caster, it is not absolutely impossible to maintain dual-threaded or even multi-threaded casting, but it is difficult to maintain. Individual consciousness is the natural focus of will.

Multi-threaded casting means that the caster has multiple consciousnesses at the same time. If it exists permanently, it means that the caster has a split personality. Even if it exists temporarily, it requires extra concentration.

Or it can also be explained by multitasking, unless the multiple applications here are complementary to each other. If they are independent of each other, the difficulty will increase exponentially.

People's concentration is limited, and different things consume different concentrations. For example, eating requires very little concentration, and even if you are in a daze, you will not send food to your nose.

But spellcasting is something that requires a high degree of concentration. The more threads you divide, the more concentration you need. Generally speaking, it is not easy for an individual spellcaster to maintain dual-threaded spellcasting at the same time after training.

For an individual spellcaster, three-threaded spellcasting is almost impossible, not to mention that it is even more difficult when the spellcasting scene is during a spell duel.

Xia Duo can perform dual-threaded spellcasting, but he is not proficient in it. It is okay to use the main body and the incarnation to cooperate in the same experiment. If the spell duel is carried out separately, it will be somewhat difficult to take care of one thing and lose the other.

This ability can be trained, but no matter how you train, the body always has a limit. It is true that spellcasting depends on will, but will cannot exist independently from the body.

This is also the fundamental reason why excessive spellcasting will weaken the body.

The same is true for the high-level wizard of the Illuminati. Although Xia Duo has overestimated him, the spellcasting limit shown by the other party has not even reached dual threads.

Of course, even if it is achieved, it is useless, because the mage team on the front line can at least maintain three threads of casting. If there are not too many threads, the strength of single-threaded casting will drop rapidly. At least as many threads as there are casters under the limit state can be maintained.

This is the power of the team.

This is also the only way to defeat the strong with the weak relying on one's own casting ability, at least the only way that Xia Duo can think of. In reality, it is also necessary to consider that the strong have stronger external objects.

Sometimes most of the power of a strong person may be reflected in external objects. In this case, only wealth can determine the outcome.

Right now, over at the Teardrop Lake, if it is just a spell duel of communication nature, then Xia Duo is almost 90% sure to beat the high-level mage, after all, the advantage of one more thread is too great.

But this is a war, and war is unstoppable. The individual combat power of a high-level mage may not be as good as the sixteen alliance mages blessed by Xia Duo's "software", but in terms of wealth, the sixteen alliance mages may be far inferior to the other side.

In addition, both sides have their own goals to achieve, so Xia Duo set the possibility of achieving the goal of this action at 30%. If it is an investment, with only a 30% chance of profit, he may not even consider it.

But now it is not for profit, but for the chance of survival in more local battlefields. Even if there is only a 1% chance, he will make 100% effort.


The Alliance mage has the upper hand again, so Xia Duo changed his spellcasting strategy again, adjusting the reckless destruction to the same delicate probing as at the beginning, and even tried to seize the dominant position of the ceremony.

However, in this way, the initiative once again returned to the hands of the Illuminati mage. This guy is not without advantages. He is a high-level mage himself, and he has the home advantage of the secret ritual altar.

In this way, the two sides started to pull again. Because it was a delicate probing, each step almost did not exceed the response limit of the Illuminati mage. To some extent, it can even be said that Xia Duo took the initiative to jump into the opponent's trap.

Just like in the classic novel "Investiture of the Gods" in my hometown, to break the Ten Absolute Formations, one must first be sent in to fill the formation. Xia Duo did not let the Alliance fall into a desperate situation at this time, but he also took the initiative to give up the initiative.

So, after adapting to the rhythm of the Alliance mage's probing, the Illuminati mage quickly freed up his hands to target the Alliance mage by the lake again, and even sent a message to provoke again:

"Is this all you can do? Get ready to welcome the arrival of the new world!"

"Ignore the other party, he is already furious!"

Xia Duo kept doing psychological work on the front-line mage in the mind link, always maintaining the three-thread casting without chaos, just to test the Illuminati ritual more carefully, and it is inevitable that there are some deficiencies in other aspects.

The three-thread is not invincible. It is just a casting team composed of a senior mage and fifteen elite mages, not three high-level mages.

In terms of hardware, this Alliance mage team is not as good as that Illuminati high-level mage.

In terms of software, Xia Duo thought he was much stronger than the other party, but he couldn't use all his limited spellcasting resources to fight the other party, because he knew very well that even if he used all his strength, the other party would be able to escape if he wanted to.

Defeating only one member of the Illuminati would not win the final battle for the alliance, even if that member of the Illuminati was a wise man!

As long as the opponent cannot be caught, the priority of obtaining the details of the ceremony is above the battle. Xia Duo did not regard catching the opponent as the first goal, not even the main goal, but just a side job.

If the opportunity is right and convenient, then catch him. If there is no opportunity, then you must not force it.

Now that the opponent has the upper hand again, Xia Duo did not hesitate to use the previous strategy again-destroying the ceremony regardless of the consequences, and the opponent, as he expected, once again put his main energy on maintaining the ceremony.

For a while, the situation was deadlocked, which was undoubtedly good for Xia Duo, because he had made the worst plan. The Tear Lake was only a local battlefield, but the information it provided could affect the overall situation.

However, this almost open-card play was soon noticed by the Illuminati mage, although his first goal was to complete the ceremony, and in the current situation, he had a greater probability of successfully completing the ceremony and then leaving safely.


Maldiveka was not one of those peripheral members of the Illuminati who were driven by the handle. He had an extremely fanatical belief in the Illuminati's new world concept, and he was willing to give everything for the arrival of the new world.

For him, as long as the Illuminati can complete the ritual, then no matter whether he is dead or alive in the process, he will eventually be reborn in the new world.

This is the promise of the wise man and his own belief.

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