Arcane Lord

Chapter 3357: Transfer of War Criminals Operation Tanzania

In addition to the need to launch a counterattack, there is also the timeliness of Carano's memory. Now that he has just been captured, the Illuminati may not have time to react while the Illuminati is causing trouble throughout the North. It is not certain if it is later.

Based on this point, we must act as soon as possible.

After sorting out many secrets of the Moon Shadow Family and the Illuminati, Shado made several additional copies of consciousness, and then handed Carano over to the Alliance.

For Shado's actions, the expression of Osmantus, the representative of Yeerlan, was extremely wonderful. He understood what Shado had done in Tevimansa before, and he actually went to capture Carano!

But at this moment, Osmantus no longer cared to investigate Shado's unauthorized action in Tevimansa. He thought of a more critical issue, so he hurriedly sent a private message to ask:

"Advisor Shado, I wonder where you caught Carano?"

A high-level wizard who had long been wanted by Yeerlan had actually been hiding in the core capital of Yeerlan. Osmantus could already foresee the shock caused by the high-level after this matter was made public.

In response to Osmantus's inquiry, Shado was not prepared to beat around the bush. He actually did not want the situation in Yeerlan, which was already in a state of unrest, to become more chaotic.

So he did not disclose the details behind the arrest of Karano immediately, but privately disclosed them to Osmantus so that Yeerlan, especially the Helian Crown King, could have a certain advance notice.

"It is related to Daphne, the chief prophecy consultant of the Helian Crown King, but I believe that the Helian Crown King should not know about it, but was just blinded by the other party's identity as a prophet."

After catching Karano and having examined the key information from the other party's memory, Shado did not care about pointing out Daphne's Illuminati identity, because this was pointing out.

If it was before, without evidence, it would only be suspicion, and suspicion would inevitably be backfired.

And now, after hearing the news, Osmantus only had a huge expression and did not doubt Shado's motives, because Karano, the person who had been wanted for a long time, was here, and this was the most conclusive evidence.

But Daphne's identity is indeed sensitive enough. As the chief prophecy consultant of King Helian, she has advised on many major decisions in the past. Thinking about it now, Osmantus really feels a tingling sensation on his scalp.

"Advisor Shado, thank you for the information you provided. I thank you for your trust on behalf of the king."

This matter was exposed by Shado, and even involved illegal entry and illegal actions in the process, but Osmantus still had to thank Shado. Even if Helian can get out of this matter smoothly in the future, he should also thank Shado, just because of this little advance.

"Next, I need the cooperation of the Alliance mage to capture other members of the Moon Shadow Family who escaped. I hope Ambassador Osmantus can give support."

Because the Illuminati has now made real or fake time-related signals in various parts of the North, which has greatly constrained the Alliance's available mobile forces, Shado cannot draw more people to capture without mentioning details such as the Moon Shadow Family.

In this case, only the full support of the Alliance representatives can work. Shado is sure to convince Tirion, and Evereska's vote is not a problem. Danzo is tacit in most cases, which is not a problem.

Only Komanso and Ilfarang were still unsure, but if there was full support from the Yerlan representative, the situation would be completely different. This was almost a clear indication -

Shado's actions were related to Yerlan, and even to Karano, which had just been handed over to the Alliance.

In this case, Komanso and Ilfarang were unlikely to forcibly oppose regardless of the overall situation. If they did not get the support or even opposition from the Yerlan representative, it would be impossible to call on the Alliance mages to capture the Moon Shadow Family.

But Osmantus also showed enough overall perspective at this time. Although letting the Alliance mages capture the Moon Shadow Family might expose the unbearableness and even many secrets within Yerlan, that was all for the future. At present, Daphne's identity was the biggest trouble.

So, after a little consideration, Osmantus agreed to Shado's request, and then he immediately summoned Tevimansa to report the changes at the Alliance headquarters.

And Shado immediately proposed an action, requiring the transfer of an elite mage team, and also designated a senior mage to participate in the action.

Then, representatives of various countries asked questions privately or publicly, and Shado always gave answers. As he expected, with the full support of Tirion and Osmantus, plus the two votes of Evereska and Danzo, which were almost guaranteed.

Representatives of Cormanso and Ilfarran agreed as expected.

"Then act immediately! Director Doom, please help me gather the action personnel. I will contact Candela personally."

Candela was the senior mage that Shado designated to participate in the action. The reason why Candela was designated was not because the other party was particularly outstanding, but because of Larian's request.

Candela's real identity is the youngest son of Evereska's supreme elder Devin. He responded to the call and temporarily joined the Alliance's field department. This is different from the previous rapid response list.

The rapid response list is dynamic and can be entered and exited at any time, but joining means that you can respond to the call at any time, while those who are urgently called to join the field department need to wait until after the war to withdraw, and they must obey the orders of the Alliance during this period.

In addition to this difference, there is also a big difference in the quality of personnel. To join the rapid response list, you must be at least an elite wizard, including high-level wizards. The specific number is guaranteed by each country and the Alliance cannot intervene.

As for the field department, anyone who is willing to join the war against the Illuminati can join. The number is determined by the Alliance itself until it is full.

With Candela's identity, it is reasonable to only need to join the rapid response list for a period of time to gain experience, but it is obvious that his father, Elder Devin, has higher expectations for him and let him join the Alliance field department.

This is not just as simple as gaining experience. Now it is still a temporary joining in an emergency state. If you don't quit after the war, you can at least get a position. The most important thing is to take root in the Alliance system.

This also shows how much Elder Devin values ​​the Alliance.


Everything has buts. Elder Devin, who is as wise as he is, probably didn't expect the final war to be so intense. Operation Tear Lake is just a microcosm. Although it has certain special features, the death of senior wizards is by no means an isolated case.

In this situation, Shado didn't know what Elder Devin was thinking and whether he regretted it, but Larian obviously thought more about it and privately asked Shado to take care of Candela.

Larian's own son also responded to the Alliance's call, but he was only on the rapid response list. However, if he was still there, he would definitely be preparing for the final decisive battle, which was no less dangerous than the current action to eliminate the source of the signal involved.

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